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Show This Little Girl Got Well Quick "Just after her third birthday, my little daughter, Connie, bad a serious attack of Intestinal In-testinal flu," says Mrs. IL W. Turnage, 217 Cadwalder St, San Antonio, Texas. "It left her very weak and pale. Her bowels wouldn't act right, she had no appetite and nothing agreed with her. "Our physician told us to give her Eome California Fig Syrup. It made her pick up right away, and now she Is as robust and happy as any child in our neighborhood. I give California Tig Syrup full credit for her wonderful wonder-ful condition. It is n great thing for children." Children like the rich, fruity taste of California Fig Syrup, and you can give it to them as often as they need It, because it is purely vegetable. For over 50 years leading physicians have recommended it, and its overwhelming sales record of over four million bottles bot-tles a year shows it gives satisfaction. Nothing compares with it as a gentle tnt certain laxative, and it goes further fur-ther than this. It regulates the stomach stom-ach and bowels and gives tone and strength to these organs so they continue con-tinue to act normally, of their own accord. There are many imitations of California Cali-fornia Fig Syrup, so look for the name "California" on the carton to be sure you get the genuine. iiicms ? Take N? Nature's Remedy to-nig-ht. You'll be "fit and fine" by morninir tongue clear, headache gtme, appetite back, bo web acting pleasantly, bilious attack at-tack forgotten. For constipation, too. Bet- ter than any mere laxatrve. ' -J Safe, mild, purely vcgetabU- ilfeSrSJi Write for It Today" BURTON SEED COMPANY 1500 SInrket St Denver. Cole. VBBBanmBaoBBaflBmaHav wm Booklet free.Hlchestreference. Li I L M I V Best results. Promp'-ness ela-r ela-r fl I I N I O surcd. ITITSOJ . I IT I Ul 1 I W Lwj,r, 72i Ki St, KitUrf V Catck Relief! A pleasant, eifectivo yrup 35c and 60c ?-rc- And ex- , temally, ate PISO'S Throat and y Chet Salve, 35c J Health GSving yra All Winter Long Marvelooe Climate Good Hotels Tonrat Camps Splendid Roade Gorgeous Mountain Views. The uxmderu I deter t resort of the West F Write crem m Charter Cl also f9ir22gs ISIf! I COYOTE, FOX and SKUNK l- ffflil sa EXTEHMINATOB CAPSCXE9. Got fe il lis m Scoyolesonenipht-Brongb-.tl51.jc. tf w bbs 1 Free Circular. Free Fonxas aid Instructions. GI0RCE EDWARDS, tivingston, Mortana - Choose a Profitable Vocation Learn the Beamy Coltore Cocrse piren by a man Uiat has taught SSS stodenta bow to earn BiG MONEY. Catalog sent on reqaesb. i TTAH HIGH SCHOOL T OF BEACTI CCLTCEEt J 331 Clift Hid ;. - Salt Late City J UrZ-a PARKER'S f' i'3 HAIR BALSAM I f- RaOTf I'tanfrTllTtr.rMh-mrFAlllBO " j YcVT "Jl Restores Color aod W U ',v- "-5 Scanty to Gray and Faded Hair L j j'.t , A H't r-. -,. w?. rx:.-hr.e.y. T. FLORESTON SHAMPOO Ideal for use tn connecuon with Varkfr'a Hair Ba earn. Mates the hair soft and flnffr. 60 cents by mail or at dm cisLs. iiiscoi Chemical Worka, Pa.ich.ogae, H. T. For Old Sores Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Honey back for first bottle If not suited. All rteaWa. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 10-1929. 'W.- "V.'-.'t-i.-:--lf-' ' Il A.. .-I,,: 1 t ' l i I S nisVl wl.i i - sins fr Jp' Neither pretty pictures nor colorful adjectives will dye N ,1 Zl a dress or coat. It takes real tlycs to do the work; dyes f ' - sS ' A 1 made, from true anilines. f aJW" I , . fk'rf, , I Next time you have dveintr to do, try Diamond Dyes. 'AiJ;,'l if f Sec bow easy it is to use thenv. That comfjrt the results. VA.,; 1 I I Your dealer will refund your money if you don't agree pv''l . n tllc)' arc uctlcr d'cs- p'-'l' j ' ' 'ou Kct nonc f t'1-lt re-dycj look from Diamond Dyes: k". Si -J'"-jI' no stroking or snc.'ting. Just fresh, crisp, bright "new j , i color. And watch the way they keep their brilliance , w ' il V through wear and washing. They arc better dyes because hCV I ''lry contain plenty of real anilities from three to tire tf 3 1 1 i times more than otlicr dyes. Lf' 3 ' '(' I V T'u" "''"' "'''.'" of Diamond Dyes Is the original j J "all-purpose' dye for any and every kind of material It i II M l w'" l'e OT s'"c wx'' rotton. linen, rayon or any J L (( mixture of materials. The blue (u-t,i;;e is A special dve. I UP for silk or wool only. With it you on dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with results co.ii.il to the lim-st J professional work. When you buv rrtncuuVr this. The r'ue y.i. Lire dvrs silk or wool only. The irhite M, t,i.:r J 1 will tlve rverv kind of goods, including siik aud wool, f Your dealer lias both packages. 13 1 mn cm ii Dates la$y io use Perfect results fo AT AMi UMU(1 tJTOUI-.H ti' |