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Show (51) 1 Makes Ufk Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetlc breath, or ncrld skin gives evldenef of sour stomach try Phillips Milk oi Magnesia I Got acquainted with this perfect an tl-neld that helps the system keep sound and sweet. That every stomach needs nt times. Take It whenever a hearty meal brings nuy discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medical endorsement. And convinced millions of men nud women they didn't have 'indigestion." Don't diet, and don't suitor; Just remember Phillips. Pleasant to take, and always effective. The name Phillips Is Important ; It Identifies the genuine product "Milk of Magnesia" has been the U. S. regis tered trade mark of the Charles II. Phillips Chemical Co. and Its predecessor pre-decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1ST5. Phillips V 1 Milk of Magnesia .r" ! ' , . jj- - , . , - -- - t j o " ; s . . --r' " K - " - - ' ' : - ' r - - ? ! fLydia E. PinkHam's Vegetable Vege-table Compound is a wonder- j ful medicine at the Change of Life. I would get blue spells and - just wall: the floor. I was nervous, nerv-ous, could not sleep at night, and was not able to do my work. I know if it had not been for your medicine I would have j been in bed most of this time and had a big doctor's bilL If women would only take your medicine they would be better." bet-ter." Mrs. Anna Yeaver, R. F. D. No. z, Rose Hill, Iowa. mmmm DR. CALDWELL'S THREE RULES V t Dr. Caldwell watched the results of constipation for 47 years, and believed 4g th2,t no matter how careful people an w of their health, dieb and exercise, con etipation will occur from time to time. Of next importance, then, is how to treat it when it comes. Dr. Caldwell always was in favor of getting as close to nature ta possible, hence his remedy for const, pation is a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the most delicate system and is not habit forming. The Doctor never did approve of drastic dras-tic physics and purges. He did not believe they were good for human beings to put into their system. Use Syrup Pepsin for yourself and members of the family in corstipation, biliousness, sour and crampy stomach, bad breath, no appetite, head-A head-A aches, and to break up fevers and colds. Get a bottle today, at any drugstore and observe these three rules of health: Keep the head cool, the feet warm, the bowels open. For a free trial bottle, just write "Syrup Pepsin,' Dept. BB, MonticeLlo Illinois. The Reflections of aYounr Married Woman jri aro not pleaHant If W?'-'1 the In dollcato, run- kitM' down, or over- AZ'jiili worked. Khe- feelu -.vSii.' 7 "played out" Her tji .' ,' Bmllog und ;ood yiqy-'i'r npirita have taken ik"riil flight. It worries her fiiyi h unhand aa woll as tj V herself. One vun. ay: "Tlirw yrarl tiv.o. llxiut, ! win ftullrf juk wail fcrr,iirifi aiiinria n.ii wa alv,!U Ul UVr. T)r. f-irrr.r's fraVOriN: I'm-fcni'lifa. I'm-fcni'lifa. I u.d ho. ami JuM a ftw bouks K.ive lie prrcl flirt aufi ,n'e Ihen I h;.v ii-il sucrd, with my li,::,d ai.l.ijiu &i all. ffuf. I lx,k O.e i'irriijai(J,i' I uflci-d n ttwtul lot v.-iUi ll. Nral.T do I feci any i,t ll.e olhirr inii,'iiiJs c! tliia common ailment. I am mjre U.e 'Favorite f n :ici,tion' will io all ll.ey n;,"-it , I. f. O i.'eil, Kooin U, LiW 'Icmole, fueljio, Colo. Write Dr. Pierce, BufTalo, N. Y., If you desire free medical advice. Send lue If you wish a trial packaga of Prescription Tablets. It May Be !' ' h i w -' ) ' , Vfhen your""' Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby la fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring conteHtment No harm done, for Castoria is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors' word for that! It i3 a vegetable pro-duet pro-duet and you could use it every day. Put it's in an emergency that Castoria means most. Some night when constipation consti-pation must be relieved or colic pains or other suffering. Never be without it ; some mothers keep an extra bottie, nnopened, to maks sure there will always al-ways be Castoria it the house. It 19 effective for older children, too ; read the book that comes -with it For Colds r'-- t - Q ) v xt V A 2 1 . v r jr h f 1 f ' - ' How many people you know end their colds with Bayer Aspirin 1 And how oiten you've heard of its prompt reliet ot sore throat or tonsilitis. No wonder millions take it for colds, neuralgia, rheumatism ; and the aches and pains that go with them. The wonder won-der is that anyone still worries through a winter without these tablets ! They relieve quickly, yet have no effect whatever on the heart. Friends have told you Bayer Aspirin is marvelous ; doctors have declared it harmless. Every druggist has it, with proven direc-ions. direc-ions. Why not put it to the test? --"V- Aspirin Is the traile mart of Baj-c-r Manufacture The Perfumed Touch that f- makes yotir toilet complete Talcaai Powder S The finishing touch to the daintiest J I J I )v toilet. Cooling, refreshing, and de- (V lightfuliy perfumed and medicated, it f imparts to the person a delicate and J S distinctive fragrance and leaves the J f-1 '''' skin sweet and wholesome. . -f- '''',VJj5yJ Soli everyrhere. Talcum 25c Soap 25c. ' 1 'VV Oinuncnt 25c. Sample each free. Address: I ;( N;- S "Cuucura," Depc. B6, Maiden, Mass. I ( KKV |