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Show STUDENTS OFFER ONE -ACT PLAYS MINERSVILLE HIGH GIVES DRAMATICS The public speaking department of the Minersville high school will pie-sent pie-sent a series of one-act plays next Saturday evening, Marcli !l, at 8 i. m., in their high school auditorium. The class is looking forward to this presentation with especial pride, as the introduction will introduce a new typo of scenery, known as the cy-clorama, cy-clorama, the last word in modern stage setting. The student body raised the funds and the work on the scenery has been done in the domestic arts department, de-partment, supervised by Miss Deer-ing. Deer-ing. In addition to the cyclornma, the stage has been newly wired and now has the most completely equipped lighting system in Beaver county. Mjss Margret Cates is directing the plays and her dramatic coaching work is already well enough known to assure a successful performance deserving of generous patronage from the parents and friends of the high j school student body. |