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Show j; News Notes i It' a Privilege to Lieu in 2 i! Utah I CEDAR CITY More than $300,000 will be expended in improvements In locige and transportation facilities by the Zion and Bryce National Parks company this year. DELTA Within six weeks the city of Delta will have a fire department. Equipment was recently ordered. It consists of a carbon tetrachloride outfit out-fit mounted on a truck chassis, and cost J2S0O. Local business men, farmers far-mers and the American Legion are donating the funds. EPHRAIM Ranger L. Ollerton of the Manti National forest reports that the snow at the Mammoth ranger station, sta-tion, January 31, was 54 laches deep, with a water content of 12 inches. The Increase in depth of snow for January was 29 inches, with an increase In water content of 7 inches. GUNNISON The annual report of the Smith-Hughes vocational project work in the valley, under the supervision supervi-sion of I. L. Henrie, has just been completed and shows an increase in returns of 57 per cent over last year's work. Each boy has averaged $71.78 profit, $25.94 more than last year. VERNAL Farmers of the Uintah County Farm bureau will pool this spring upwards of 20,000 fleeces of wool, according to its president, Ellis Merkley. The Uintah County Farm bureau, Mr. Merkley says, is the third largest farm bureau organization in the state, Lapoint alone having 45 members. UTAH Snow again covers most of Utah as the result of another inroad of winter. At Salt Lake the fall totals 3.5 inches. For a time a high wind which caused some drifting and temporarily closed several highways. The Salina canyon highway is still closed but other highways of the state are reported open. SALT LAKE The balance on hand In the state road commission funds at the close of 192S was $721,463.62, according to the annual report by the accounting department made public recently. Total receipts for the year totaled S3.SS7.547.S1. There was $91,-770.17 $91,-770.17 carried over from 1D27. The total expenditures for the year were $3,234,075. 10. Loans to counties during dur-ing the year totaled $770,675.30. SALINA All highways In the state are open except Salina canyon following fol-lowing the blizzard recently which added three Inches of snow to the winter's win-ter's fall in Salt Lake. Despite the additional fall on the watersheds, which brought the total to 70 Inches, the depth Is still three Inches below the total of last year. Continued fair weather la predicted by the United States weather bureau. GUNNISON A free night school on poultry will be conducted by L L. Henrie, vocational director of the Smlti-Hughes project work In the valley, val-ley, commencing Wednesday at 7:39 p m. at the Gunnison Valley high school. It will continue every Monday and Wednesday thereafter until a course of ten lessens has been given. Mr. Henrie will be assisted by K. Jenson of Manti. LOGAN The annual dairy school opened at the Utah Agricultural college col-lege recently. It Is being attended by numerous farmers from many sections of northern Utah and southern Idaho. The lectures and discussions will begin be-gin dally at 10 a. m. and continue to noon, resuming In the afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and continuing until 4 p. m. They will be In charge of various var-ious members of the fncully at the college. col-lege. RICHFIELD Breaking tho barrier of ice and snow which had elTeclually barred transportation for three days between this city and Loa and Blck-nell, Blck-nell, In Wayne county, tho Richfield high Bchool basketball team arrived homo recently, weary from fighting Its way through snowdrifts often four aud live feet de-p. Tho storm that sot in Saturday and lasted over Sunday Sun-day was accompatied by n terrfic wind Which blocked the Loa highway. DUCHESNE A mass meeting of the citizens of Duchcsno and near-by communities was held hero for tho purpose of effecting an organization for tho protection and propagation of fl"h and game. Tho nllicors ekctcd were Shirley P. Daniels, president; William H. Case, vice president, and L. S. 1'opn, secretary-treasurer. The name of tan organization will bo tho Duchcsno Fish & Game association. About 200 have Joined tlin association. MANTI Plans for establishing dairy held Improvement associations In San-poto San-poto and Sevier counties aro being woitcd out by C. O. Stott and S. It, Boswell, county agents, respectively. A series of meetings was held last week. Mr. Stott thus reports: "Tho Idea has taken very well and at this tlmo It appears from thu keen Interest Inter-est hIiowii that nil ovcry-olher month nss'oclatlon will bo organized J ilntly in the two counties within thirty days." LOGAN Tho campaign for nrreann In peas In Cachn county for l'J2S will bo started by representatives of the Cacli'j County Pea Crowni association nnd cillicertt of the Ulnh PacMiii: corporal cor-poral ion on Monday, March 4. Tho as ".-icIMIrui In Cache has ncrced to fili ip .il 21(111 nor- s of lain pi as and at bsr t, 200 acres of early peas In the conlincl, with tho pea cunning company. Tho C"itii:'iiy also Inlcnii-i lo start a new parking crop In tho county this peason inid will conlra-t about IfiO linn of I.I ma bci,nn f ir cannlnii. |