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Show jnr Sim i.il to TELEGRAPH. tlmO-.nr- v .1 r xctmx 1y tli Atlantic Tejad.i will occur. The previous reports given itt this correpondence of uprisings in the State of Coahuila and were decidedly uuticipatory of the above fact, that the people of Mexico ae to a treat decree turbulent, ii ..m disguised or denied. A l.ogansport Two dispatch says: trains on the Logausport & Wabash Val ley rouu collided killing Mr. Wolf, a tr;ikem:in, and injuring several o'hers. The cars were Llly nabcd, inn) the locomotive ran through three Cbi-luiahu- Clearing Away tho Centre Street ItuiiLi! j The Sultan of Turkey on a. to-da- y. Slavery! More Trouble in Spain! gram cars. dress to the Irish people, calling for the general attention of all Irish societies, and advocating that in future, all fighting lor the reedom of Ireland shall be done in Ireland. An appeal is made for money and urins 10 send homo to aid in the movement next spring, which, it is hoped, will be successful in freeing Ireland. Booth played Richard the Third for the first time, last night, to an immense audience at his theatre. In a suit brought by the Atlantic and Pacific telegraph Co. against th Western Union, Judge Curtis decided tha where tue companies had no competing dues the latitr company was obliged to send telegrams ottered by A. and l. company at th.. usual rates. The suit arose out of a refusal of the Western I'nion to send a cable dispatch lor A. and 1'. Company. Loudon, 31. A Despatch from Cairo siatis that his royal highness the Viceroy of Egypt lias ordered a sm.ill reinforcement ol treops to proceed to the assistance of linker's expedition which has been checked in its progress ind repulsed by hostile native t: ibes near Gondahoro. The rrinfurcenienis will be commanded by. Col. Puidy an American ollicer, and Mayor Mason. FOREIGN. St. Petersburg, 30. The Czarowitch slept six hours last night. The fever is diminished Madrid, 30. A rising of Alphonsisis is expeeied. The government i prepared to suppress it The citizens of Madrid are opposed to Amadous, who is greatly exciied I y Fulton, 30. of II. S. Coude COHN, IE. IP. BBOWU, Co., !. j' St .Snu Fraur 315 ftiMi 317 COMMISSION MERCHANTS General Produce GOMSISSIOX MARTra & BUTTER, ECCS, AND OTIIEK 1IERCHAM TROHICE. Potatoes, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Hides and Wool Fifth Street, South Side Depot, V. C. It. R. SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO. Ajfonts for Meyers' 'nliforntn I.lm-burThe kuitling factory & ( hfi'se and MnrtiuoyuV Son, was burned his afternoon. Los. Indianapolis, 28. Vie rvfer y permission to D. 11. Pekrv, OkiIci. lioiac Dav'iR k Oo's lur and hat htore of building, stock and machinery esli ed at $72,000. mat live of to four last ubboii about i Insurance, night, whs Pay particular Attention to Omica Qn:litlf uf Huttnr mil Choene. tlm saiiil dollar worth of fine furs. Cash Advanrtu) ' 011 ConaiiMimi'iiln. few miles St. Loi.is.SO. Theodore Jones, living Prompt ltetnrim ghen. Or.ti'K solicited. Satisfaction cuuruutevd. h3 :'.fii Edward II. Oris, agent of the Uiover from this city, killed is wife by a blow & Biker was arrestSewing with Inn list Inst night, lie Company, m Wanted and for Sole, St. Joseph, was arrested here on the ed this morning. Eggs Tiio'Jire lirown, a firmer, living in charge of embezzlement. Boston, 20. HemlvictiH County, killed his wife on lSutlcr, The extreme cold weather still preTfuirsduv hint by Ktiiking her on the STOCK OF (,'bickons, vails throughout ulljof the New Kiigland licaii wtili a elemer while under tho Flour, IN UTAH. She wtit his third States. ol liijuur. Grain, ."0. Hartford, wife. The Ileets, of the .Etna Fire Cincinnati, "J8. Insurance Company unanimously voted At the iron worka at I rout 0:1, yester-I'.lliTurnips;, .Moure. .liiint'H Vetiteis nlt'l Robert to reduce the capital stock from five milOnions, Idles eiiierel three bolleid which had lion dollars to two million dollars, and Tomatoes, niiecti-i(roin tlie rent of the afterward voted an increase to the origieeii Potatoes, nal and amount assess the bnitui y. lor ho pur ose of cleaning 2nd SOUTH STREET. u'' cent. Apples, mud vnlve the and per tlii-! ey ojieiicd Cone rd, 30 Plums, allowed U' wau-- to escape md neglectWtf SALT LAKE CH V. This afternoon the train from MonThe euginecr, w. o did ful to cloce it Peaches, not know of the connection between. ihi.s treal run into the up train in the yard. Cabbage, talve, turned an Hi" Menu from the lat- Thef. upright rod on the switch being lull of broke the wuen o.t engine struck Rome, 30. ter, instantly tilling the empty boiler ALL IN THEIR SEASON. the rail, and threw the train on the track Venters inconnection The the German d'Atlaires pipe. Charge ttiroug!i .... .... ... ...1. x It a ue wuere had-was craw I'lh-omeririiin 10 formed Cardinal Antonelli last week that mnl uiit, sianuiiig. managed he had been instructed to take unlimita (0 cause the death of both baggage car struck the engine and shed i',. The baggage, uiid the two ed leave of abenee. Me lias since closed Moore heard the ."team 111 ;i few noui. ctirs k1 to the end further lolloping, were somewhat hurt. The the legation Tor Berlin. tuning and ret rent from a geueral smash-u- p Orders Solicited and Promptly Filled was unliiirt. and iioiier if the cwaj.t.-Berlin, 30. wonderful. On tlio Line of the C. P. atid l. P. It. K. iSmu Francisco, 28. The journals of Konigsberg and Posen ' .Mine-bel80. 1111 of have been threatened with immediate rderer Washington, Win. Donovan, the, The Commissioner of Internal Revenue confiscation if they w.is taken 10 ilu State iri ori yespublish the insulta ihange in the whisky ing references to (if rinan , in the recent of the tor his term remain to contemplates terday 13 TIIK LATEST IMPROVED, IJMT rpiIIS regulations 011 t he 1st of January, under Papal allocution. The Charged Alia res ii natural life. inuile ami lilitfst running Shuttle 1 which alteration an allowance of one of the German legation at the Vatican in une. M itutiioras. 23. Ermy variety of Ilmnming, Kollittii. OirdiiiR. llrititlliiK, Tuckiuf, Quilting, RailliiiR, at fermenting period, but in no case of will prohably be instructed not to attend The election for municipal etc., ennily perlui aioU. t more than hours, will be the reception of the diplomatic body by 'FiMiipico is reported very disorderly. made upon the opening of additional the Pope, on the 1st of Jauuary, on acDuring tkecountiuir of votes a di.tiir- OX KOTII STITCH Vhiich uceui r. il and eight persons were tubs, before those additional tub are count of the allocution. in included the at arriving producing killed aiidwoiiuded. Great excitement By the Ton or Car Load, lor Sale. Bot li parties claim to have capacity. Henceforth additional tubs prevailed. been have from the included moment election. Messrs. Deserve won the CampPatronage. they were opened. The new ruling will bell & Patterson, the news Nw York, 30. at agents be prospective from the 1st of January, A large crowd gathered at the Centre ore Salt met Lake, , enterprising young street ruins to day, where force of one but in 110 case will they be retro active, hundred men was at work removing the or, in other words, they will relate en- and they are doing an excellent busiThe inteutiou of employing tirely and only to the products of Januruins. ness. All the latest periodicals can be Orders and letters of inquiry will reho se prisoners was abandoned ary and future periods. work ceive prompt attention. Tlie President will give the first etate found in their elegant store, and they For Circular unit Sample of Sewing, addrfn and poor aboritig men engaged. The belief seems to prevail that the remain- dinner on the St h of January, the guests have hi addition a good stock of stationIRA PFOLTZ, 28-t- f O. Jlox 24 67tf AKfiit, SaULaktC't; ing bodies are buried beneath the ruins being the members of the Cabinet and ery and fancy articles for New Year's Mrs. their wives, conit the stairway. A.derman Gil.-e- y We courtheir acknowledge presents. tributed $.")0U owards the expenses of Colfax, General and Mrs. Sherman, and in placing on our table earn, les of tesy dinAdmiral and Mrs. Porter. State removing the rums. Judge Dowling and Morgan Jones promised to increase ners will be given at the White House the latest monthlies. t heir donations, and coroner Ileirman every alternate Thursday during the littered $')00. No other remains have season. -- on The truth of the statement, telegraphed yet been d'seovered. but pieces of !ia'.vls, slock tigs, etc., ha e been found. hence that Boutwcii has written a letter Dee. In this city, of Diptheiia, 30th, Jniiiptr dler Green iias wrkten coroner of resignation as Secretary of the Trea- 18"2, Gkouiu: Fr D. son Alfred of ascis, Heremaii that he cannot put the ex- sury, to take effect the luih of Febru'.I months Cares and and Anna well, aged pense ot the won-I- in the tax levy as ary, is denied at the Treasury Departthat is already in tde up, but he will see ment. No one at the Executive Mansion 14 days. Mill. Star, please copy. heard anything of the kind. that is paid. LATE C ALDER k .SEARS. entered The President visited the Treasury Burglars Tr.nity Church last nig it and rubbed li" contribution boxes. Department, yesterday morning, and was They were evidently in search of the lor two hours in conference with ;nnmiiiioii service which was locked up Richardson. The Presi A TIIOMsONIAN hOCTOIt OR itt he safe. dent is reported to have the fullest con- IF YOU WANT Tliotnttuiiion Medicine, Bei g'i's offi 'ers ESPtt.TJ'TI.LY INVITE ATTENTION TO TIIF.IB LA HUE AND SPLRNMO stopped all the fidence in Richardson as a man of sound ON DR. MURPHY, STOCK OF lage hound down town with less thuu judgment and great financial tact, and CALL OfUce OI'POSITE fOST OKKICJE, MAIN ST., d. hoi ses a'luciit four his friends have often conjectured since WHEN. J. C. Adams, e.illector of the port of the election that he would attest his Cossultatiox Jl.00. Flk, I'onsaco'a, has disappeared from Tay- friendship and respect by inviting the lor's ho el, Jersee city.. As he had a Assistant-Secretarto take charge of large amount of money with him foul the Department after the 4th of March W. Pkauce. It. J. Fowler. play feared. next, in case Boutwell resigns. On the Brooklyn fire marshal Keady, Iihi ex- other hand, it is stated that Richardson amined the hotel of that city and re- recently said he did not desire the place, & ports three lean in ir hotels insecure in but should retire with his chief and en(lie matter ot fire escapes. gage in banking business in Europe In advices from Washington ro-- such an event many believe the Presid dent's choice will fall upon one of the port that Secretary Boiitw 11 has his resignation to take e fleet. FebMACHINE SHOP prominent bankers of the country with k, AND 31iiMi' ISooIcn, ruary loth The names of Henry Clews whom he ih 011 intimate and personal and .Morgan are most pro- terms. as his successor. In the Strikes rase mentioned minently Deconly, The IJ. S. steamer arrived parlor-uian- , His was lllat'k- m the UMi at Zanzibar. in v its branches. Capt. Wilson, testimony was unsatisfactory. He cowith IT. S Consul John F. Webb, visited ntradicted the evidence he gave on the Over TWO THOUSAND PIT'US of SI1KKT MUSIC to select from, cm- the Sullati on the 11th, and were re former trial. Blocks South of the bracing the mont lVpular Stings and Piano Pieces. Office and Forge oeive i by troops. They were ntet by Utah Hotel. Washington, 31. is the Sultan from his palace. Capt. Wilthe prominent candidate Maynard A Splendid Cfmnce to Make up Volume for Christmas son represented to the Su tan the senti- for Speaker of the next House. He will Work done ments of the American people in legard be supported by all the Southern ReprethcroiiKlily. ALSO ABOUT to slavery, and requested the abrogation sentatives and a number of Republicans Animals Sick of the elue of the treaty with England. who are disgusted with Mr. Blaine in The Sultan's reply was received on the his conduct as oue of the shareholders 91 ft 17th. He savf. Thirt veirs airo of the Credit Mobilier. was l'oniddert by my father Laid Said Vocal aul InftriniicHtal, Sacred and Secular, ly Standard Avihor-i- . It is reported that Mi?a Ida Greeley is to export eltves to Muscal. The slaves! insane. She has been placed under the 00now carried there are stolen by Arabs care of friend? who will not allow her ! THE CELEBRATED and a tribe from the Persian Gulf. I to be taken to an asylum. .toseph mi;s;kavk, w iu.iam lkrot, will make strong efforts in future to pre- Mr. Uoutwell, it is reported, has given riio JiHIN CAHSIDY KIJHAJtD MATKKR ami Vim vent tin? kidnapping of these slaves. I in his resignation. take untilSecretary Delano K1CHAI!I I fur ymi, arnriiiiin to will make the effort " will take li s place if the efforts of liis ttiitt lalmr nulia.Htlw UnioiilUmoMar Minn, l oiioiiwimiiI At a late hour this afternoon the ' friends are .xuccessful. Gen. Butler has K.mv'in.t, ExicNior M rounty, Litiiti workni'n found nmon the ruins of the announced hi intention of being .1 Territory; mid yu nrt; dirohy imtiliril to fiiiy Uiivn t'roin date of tine street building ,i human skull didate for the Senate, since BoutwcU's v..iir sliui" wuliiii iiiurty TIMOTHY TO $110 EACH. FROM O'NK.L. with hair several inches long, u pair of, resignation has been announced. It. is u,,t!c. Nov. e'JVnu 2U, lh7J. l intali, Webor to., woman's tilioe, and fragments of female now certain that Mr. Boutwell will John Jus. Margrave, $12; Win. Lcroy. REWARD SIXDAY SCHOOL CARDS, tire in February. The President BOOKS, PRIZES, ETC, $12; Kit. Mateer.fij; Itieliitrd A leu, $ JO. the a mission Delano 30. or to give poses A Washington dispatch contains the Gevernorship of Utah Territory, Ou following information of a diploma'ic! The Tammany Hall organization held X.C Flygarc, AV.Ii. Child. t haracler just received here from Mexi- - its primaries last night, lor the purpose of ALL K 1 N II OK co. It is construed by members of th electing deleptterf to u (Jeneral Convention Wvod Jip'oniaiic corps to be indicative of a lbrlSTo. There was a general distur- Carpenters, liuildertt, BOOKS, :ill rival the niectinrs between u t in and nt li. public, bance Turners, general revolution PAPER, I'JJXS, IXK, l'LWCILS, ETC. tho impressed ig that on or about Feb- candidate, and great eieitement among l'laninj-of ruary 1st a rcYolutinn against the new the leader. F.xtcutive Coinuiittee SaK, aiie, Mmilrtiiif"t c, Comir4tfflti; 8 nl VU itrt;,, tf mount of President Lerodo Je Iri. h C j:;fc I. ration to day Utaed an td- AMERICAN". Ma-jhiu- stock-holde- rs n dc l stock-holder- s r : . l . g- UTAH. Litx-m- l mini--- THE BEST FUimTlillE At JOELSON'S, Grocsbcck's NEW BUILDING, WEED 1 y de-m- ol "FAMILY FAVOltlTL" SEWING MACHINE. l, Shipping Specialty Mki-lnii- oHic-er- forty-eigh- ALIKE UINTAH COAL sii)i:s. STRAIGHT NEEDLE XO COG WHEELS. 11 r. Vice-preside- a-.- Christmas Presents imi;i. REMOVED. Assistant-Se- 37 MAIN STREET, cretary S. L. CITY, 1 to-da- y y PEARCE Woi-1,- FOWLER, Pianofortes, Cabinet Organs, Violins, Guitars, Accorrleons, Violin Strings; IIorsc& Cattle Doctors, ConcpriiiuiH, 1 Flutes, Clarion' pro-pare- to-da- SIIOEIIVCi lTOItCiK, y Iloilcr Halting :inl -- Prtwnt. cheaply and skilfully treaJed. -- 150 DIFFERENT KINDS i 1 OF MUSIC D00KS, j Notice ' j j -- j j W At.l-KN- bi-- irj.-u- j can-en:- L S 0 X SHU T T L E SE WIMC3- MACHIME? n re i J l: o, I IN ENDLESS VARIETY. -- FLYGARE & CO., Stoam tir dr. r , HgiK-:!- . Mill. STATIONERY, BLANK ENVELOPES, |