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Show 1 Loss ate the Worlfl of Art. tics. Many a deed of charity to the tary solicitude, the improvements of destitute of his native our large cities will be warranted on land is recorded ; many a young man a safer basis. We earnestly desire in the world has received to see a thorough reform iu building struggling his bounty and encouragement, and as well as iu our political and social many a despairing heart has been life. lightened by the kind words he utHotel tered, bidding the unfortunate and UTAH HOTEL. lowly to look up and hope for the day when toil and virtue will reward the Eupf.y & Williams - - - Proprietors. Dec. 28th. despondent victim of sorrow. Ptobert V Weber, Martiti Barrsett, Salt Lake Macl'herson's name is eny Ciiy; E Shaughnesfy, Cheyenne; C L Dayton, Ohio; F M shrined in the hearts of the people, Hollingsworth, Foote, Evauston. among whom he was bora, and in the Sunday, Dec. 2'Jth. M 11 Snyder. Winwemucca; E J Bowen, city of the Stuaxts where Ilollyrood San Francisco; Mrs E S Crocker, Evan- yet calls to remembrance the dramas stort; A 11 Jones ami wife, Deuver, Col; W Deff .ubachcr, Laramie. which were enacted under its walls, J One of the most typical characters .of Scotland, and a fine specimen of it he "kindly Scot," has just died. Hubert MePhcrson, "by his recent death, kavt-- a vacancy in the society JJonic that cannot well be filled. ,! I e wi'.s tlfe i'.ither of the photographic uit in the Italian capital. One of the v.umt genial aaed gifted members of icwl circles Ln the holy eaty has disappeared i'ruw the walks of life where for his useful-- ! he was :vWi and his iwncvoleuce. Hubert MePherson was born ici 'din burgh, and was at the time of his decease .nearly sixty-eigh- t years if age. At an early age he studied medicine, and was the fricud and of Hir William Kduion-tona the medical uttendaufc of the rtto Prince consort, Sir George Bell, and was the patron of the Skldum: i'iiinilv, then residing in his native His ity, the capital of Scotland. studies were abandoned on account of his delicate health, and iuclLuations Arrival. to-da- I no name deserves more OG DEN HOUSE. the homatre - - J. J. Maiiox, Proprietor of Scotland than the Father of Pho-tigr- a 28 phy. e, 5Iun Traps in our Lursc Cities. Dec. and 29. Jon ISoutiller and wife, California; Thomas Parker, C II Robberson, Detroit, Mich; Mrs Whitman, Harrisburg; David Burton. Mrs McMimiville, Idaho Territory; George Bonnet, Montgomery; Thomas Daly, Chicago; E A Hawkins. DHget ton and wife, New York; J Pater-on- , Salt Lake City. The New York Insurance Companies, in view of the appalling catastrophe at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, MONDAY. 80. also the terrible revelations made SrxoAY Meeting. Elder David Cand-lan- d manifested to pursue the profeaviun after the Okie ago and Boston conflagdisdelivered a very lies l:ad been nonored by rations, have taken decisive measures course at the Tabernacle interestingmornX painter, yesterday :m appointment as army .surgeon in to ii.trodace a new system in build- ing. The hou.o was not very well filled. that the gorgecus Doubtless a great many persons were unIndia at a time when thut position ing. ivas considered as one appropriate lor palace which was situated in the cen- able to attend iu consequence of the of the weather. tudents who were attacked to the tre of the ?nost fashionable thoroughmedical professbn. lie renounced fares of New York,' was not built New Year's Dance. The Ogden his career in the army to assume that with sufficient precautions against Social Club will inaugurate the New of painter amid tiie Capitolinc hills of the contingency of fire. Broadway Year by a grand ball on Wednesday .the Internal City. For nearly forty and Fifth Avenue are, perhaps, unevening. The Club is always successful vears he has labored assiduously with rivalled in the world for architectu in its entertainments, and their dances puiiet and brush until he acquired ral splendor, and the imposing beau have become so popular that there is no . Mnineuce in the profession, particuty of the residences which for miles danger of their failing to secure a select Provision is made by the attendance. larly in portraiture. The wonderful adorn the well laid streets where our committee for carriages in case of bad .md fascinating art of photography iu merchant princes dwell. weather. Turn out, and celebrate the But the great defect in the con New Year's 1S52 had jiust been introduced. Night. overcame all struction of our public buildings and lie difficulties villi which in early rjral mausions is that there is too Is Error. In justice to one of our il iys photography was beset. Per- - much effort for display and not 'Ogden citizens," mentioned in our a its value in for or in a rich perma-- paper of Saturday evening, ns partaking enough regard safety viving placjo and edifices with of the good cheer provided by a well immense treasures Our art utilitarian asjnence. known resident of Salt Lake City, and Home, he applied his reams to the brown-stongranite aud iron fronts having returned to Ogden on Saturday reproduction of tke various objects are intended more for omameut than morning in "musical order," we have to by which he was renowned. Through for lengthened occupancy. When a say that as far as our citizen is con his camera and lenses he produced man builds in the United States h ) ccrned, be was at home with his family the most popular representations of 'has in view rather the 'ginger-breano at the time referred to, and had parthe ruins and relks of the famous appearance of bis home than its se- - ticipation in the hospitality of the cacity which Augusts said he f'ouiid curity. This Li, perhaps, in keeping terer of Salt Lake City. iu mortar aud left in marble, which with our progr ess. It is not long Tiie Olh Stoiiy. A serious accident Nero once destroyed and where he since that where the occurred at Lyiine last evening. Mrs. played the fiddle svhile the flames Hotel is now situated was considered John Calvert took the burner off a fluid were devouring the most mnjruifieciit as beyond the limits of the probable lamp while it was burning, for the pur.structures iu the known world. Ainid extensiou of the city during the prcs- pose of filling it up. In doing this, the the crumbling wrecks of the Coliseum cut generation. So rapid has been tlainc from the burner communicated with . .... 1 C'i i the growth of the city that the hote- the fluid in the lamp, which she placed on aim il. uio towering uoiacoi ci. H i eters, he gratified his taste for transferrins: ls in the very heart of the metropo the stove nnd attempted to extinguish; to plate the historical and hallowed lis, aud the buildings which tweuty failing to do this, she and her husband made for the door, taking their baby jiojncs among which he delighted to years ago were erected in the vicinity with them. In her haste to escape she revel iu the imagary of an art which were of a temporary character. It her dress on the lamp, upsetting 3Iac-J'kerso- single-ba-nde- The Fkkt. As the feet are kept more closely covered than any other A few days ago two boys were conof t ho body durrogthe day, they victed of larceny in abstracting from part should ho thoroughly washed and under the granary n keg of rubbed till dry, every night. Impowder. It was reported to the injury purities gather as the result of the of John Everett, who was the father of confined perspiration, and thest one of the young culprits, that he was should be removed before sleeping,. implicated in the robbery. The truth is, However inconvenient to do sp, we the gentleman alluded to was the inforrepeat it, wash tho feet every nighty mant against his son, and by means of Muffling Up. The more a man his conscientious duty was the cause of bundles up to keep from colds, the estitution being made. he more may. Some persons du Hours r. but watch' against exposure, nothing and keep themselves very busy. The Thk English Mission. From a letbest safe guards are daily exercise in ter written to President F. D. Richards the open air, aud the frea use of cold by Elder John I. Dart, of this oity, we water, taking care not to begin the learn that he arrived in England Nov. use of mufflers. 19ih. He is presiding over the NottingA little girl who had never before ham Conference, enjoys good health, and seew snow, exclaimed, "Oh ! mamma, is laboring assiduously in the ministry with gratify prospects. He desires to see, it is raining white 1" be kindly remembered to all his old friends iu this neighborhood. His adS dress is John I. Hart, 01, Great Free- EVERY IK man St., Nottingham, EnglandWANTS A EVKttV COMMUNICATED. "homeless and KEEPER - vyno llKtwl-Kcdp- lilor Tug Town. One f the most beautiful sights that can be seen on this slope is when, at an early hour in the morning, the sun rises and tinges the inountuins with its rays. After so many days of rain, the spectacle of the sunrise this morning was peculiarly grand. The passengers who arrived on this morning's train beheld the scene, and gave expression to their admiration as they watched the glorious orb rise above the summits. They were enthusiastic at the majesty of the scenery around Ogden. The city was more lively and active today. Our merchants were more serene in countenance, and New Year's preparations warn us of the approaching end of snow-capp- Died. short distance north of Brighatn City, on the 22nd inst., of consumption, Barbara Beckstcad, aged 42 years. Deceased was born at Delhusa, Cana- A d i e, Fifth-Avgn- 1 J. has perpetuated many eubliuie efforts of man's power. His imagination was enriched by the view of ancieut and historical ruins, and even his pen was called into requisition to contribute t artistic lore. To MacPherson is the world indebted for the discovery iu 18-1- of the famous picture by Michael and purchased by the British was supposed that posterity would witness the advance of the city so that Manhattan Island would be cov ered with buildings, and that where Central Park is now a model of beauty and grandeur, that reminds one of Hyde Park and the Elysian Fields, would be left as the heritage to the enterprising scions of the Knickerbockers. Wealth was not then acNational (jallcry, the only master- cumulated as easily as at present. piece of the inspired painter now in The wants of the merchants and that institutioa. He was also the manufacturers were more moderate collector and distributor of many cu- - than at this day. Iu view of the rious and valuable old paintings of modest requirements, less attention Keinbiaudt and Modici, whose merits was paid to the erection of substan- he was the first to perceive, 'lie com- tial buildings. bined within himself all the qualities The march of commerce, the vast of the artist, man of letters and critic. riches that are now poured into the Although to the vorld at large his laps of the nabobs of New York, name has not beeii paraded promi- and the indulgences of our merchants nently, his reputation is established in luxuries have infused new ideas by his many great achievements iu in the management of municipal and . the field of art, and by his contribu- commercial corporations. The absotions to the stores of intellectual lute necessity of more substantial Voalth. buildings and a more, attentive conBesides, his name will ever be re- sideration for fehc security of life and membered as a benefactor to the mul- property are sternly demanded. If titudes whom he is assisted in an is not started the project visionary, bcEtowal of his gratui- - and simply an exhibition of lnomcn- - caught it, and scattering the fire in every direction. Before the fire could be put out, Mrs. Calvert was badly burned on the face, shoulders, back, legs and right arm. The baby was burned on its hands, face and leg; John mi his nose ami arm. Dr. Anderson is attending the sufferers. The house is slightly damaged. 8 An-jrel- o, i J i u9 "h. fh. V .1 ASK YOUR TINKER FOR THEM If he does Mot luiv an avsortuieut, feud your ordr to Excelsior Manufacturing Co., C12 and OH MAIS 81KKKT, Ht. LOUI OR TO SIo. t est, December 11th, 1830, and emi- - J. M.ALLEN i CO., TAYLOR CUTLER, nny , ZION'S Z.C. M. 1. St..re. C. H. UASSKTt K. 11AUH1SOX, k SHARKEY 8 KPT AT K, grated to Utah in 1850, married Gordon S. Beckstcad 151. She was much es- teemed by all who knew her. t Salt Lake City, Utah. BEAMGH la C Cr AM 2i. C. EE. I., LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. uc I 1 Ui.!.;;';f da d' i THE CELEBRATED ed "''jJliU'iVM n, j IUWY FAMILY, V who alway want a Kill! who iiipuih bu i House, Kvery Store iiw, very Man. Woman or ClilM who Uiwiiv health hy good living, should buy one of CIty Dmu Stork. Driver and Nellis are enterprising merchants. They arc in not satisfied only keeping a firttrate ot stock of medicines and perfumeries, toilet articles, etc., but also cm assortment ol the finest brands of wines, liquors, gins and cigars. They are also courteous gentlemen, and a call on their establishment will repay a second viit. As Honest Father. On Saturday last two boys were detected in the act of stealing a keg of powder from Z.C. M. I. They were arrested and taken before Alderman Thomson, who fined them five dollars. It was proven that the father of one of the boys, having as- certained that his son had been guilty of the theft, went immediately to the store, and gave information of the act. Through his honorable course the purloined properly was returned and Rom- WHOLESA LE & RETAIL DEALERS IX DRY GOODS, CXOTIIIXG, HARDWARE, Crockery, Roots and Shoes, I als and C,'uiN. Stoves and Tinware, Amotions, Drills and tfedieine.s, Etc., Etc. The Rest Rrands of Imported W I XES and LI QUO II S . Carpets and Trimmings, Window Curtains and Blinds, LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW TOYS. A Chicago gchuttler Wagons SINGER'S SEmm MACHINES. , Es Wheat, liarloy, Oats, Pearl Barley, Flour, Bran, Shorts, ButU, H1IIPPKD TO ANY POINT ON SHOUT NOT1CK. ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY ORDER. Orders addressed te he refused to countenance will receive prompt attention. the act or to shield his son from the 79tf penalties inflicted by the law. an-like GROCERIES, PURCHASED TO M. THATCHER, H. 6. CLAWSON, iarfii.mit. |