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Show anwn mm mammm She jim Pttblihd trerj tli WEDNESDAY Octs ly gimfttm, SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S nd SATURDAY IMPROVED l'l.lll.I.IILa Cjmpakt. Death of King Kitmcliiune-ha- . CABINET ORGANS The "Victor" Sewing Machine! IS AND FADING THE MARKET. X01V The Hawaiian Gazette of the 10th Inst, makes the following annonne-mo- nt The health of his Majesty has been failing for some time, and during the last night he experienced a very se- w Mmmmmmii : EH M la Kceaiisc IJceausc Ueoausc ven attack, from which, however, he rallied sufficiently to encourage the hopes of his attendants. But at 10 o'clock an unfavorable change took place, arid at twenty minutes after 10 o'clock lie breathed his last, "without puffering. There having been a failure to appoint a successor to the throne during the lifetime of his lata Majesty, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the present Constitution, it became necessary to convene t.he Legislative Assembly, upon whi h body devolves the duty of letting by ballot ;some n; tivc Alii ft' the kingdom as succcsair to the throne." Aceording'y, the folio ing official proclamation appeared in the government Gazette of Wed iesday : "Immediately upon receiving the intelligence of the demise of the late most lamented Majesty Kametarncha V, the Cabinet Council was assembled at Iolani Pali!ce,on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1872, at 11 o'clock a. in., at which all the members were present, and after considering the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom in such case made and provided, it was ordered that a meeting of the Legislative Assembly be caused to be holden at the Court House in llono-lulon Wednesday, which will bo the 8th of January, A. i. 1873, at 12 o'clock noon ; and of this order all members of the Legislative Assembly will take notice and govern themselves accordingly." .'Hl!'.! :!i:.;.i-I:..m- M U a 6' i IIi O Minister of the Interior. Stephen II. Phillips, Attorney-Genera- 111 it ,i.';::.RJ Koblrt Stirling, th tliread. Ileeause inul cnt;iin. ISefail! it- - i; policemen, riuding V-- first-r'as- ru-t- Agent, Halt A,itkc Grand Combination ily. s8a-iv- k Organs, TERHUNS'S FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED SCIUIJXER'S PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, PATENT An intention himng a moat important bearing on the future reputation of Reed ruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone ia very largely creased, and quality of tone rendered In-- t in- PENTAGONVL SHOW CASE! EUUAIi TO THAT OF THE BEST PiriB OKUAXS OF THE SAME CAPACITY. Tatented August 8,1871. Metal Corners. Our celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Tatent," "Vox Humana." "Wilcox Patent," "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and ' U:- - 'Tin "" " " " I T mrMii '.v1 .vlJ All the Late Improvements Cm be Obtained Only in these Organs. Thirty-fir- e Different Style, For the Parlor and the. Church, The Beat Material and Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRICES, 50to r()() Dollars. FACTORY AND WAREROOMS, COR 6th & CONGRESS 8TS., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. Established ix ISoO. THE MOST ELEGANT AND DURABLE s93-l- y SHOW CASE . M. TElinUXE, Sole Manufacturer, THE .NEW HOUSE G. F. CULMER & CO., or COBMISSIOM SALT LAKE CITY, SP33CIALTY OIP and JAPAN TEAS Imported Direct. OF THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, tele- -- CHICAGO, ILL DEPARTMIT, IN CHARGE OP IVEjISIHJ JS. CHINA 40, 0. M 2j. SECOND SOUTH STREET, CROESBECK'S BLOCK, no one .who an back to his office, where, to his astonishment, flat the bookkceper,subliuiely nuconseious of all the row, but g what the mischief had become of hia employer. s tlie "TICTOIL-- " .see CITAS. W. STAYXER, . d3G the description, they graphed the fact to Meriden, and the manufacturer went slowly and sadly Hwered nocegs nor springs. dees the most elegnnt work. evry wliere. 40, Stale Street, formerly A Meridian (Conn.) manufacturer pent his bookkeeper to the bank for $G00 to pay his help with on Monday, and on hi way back the bookkeeper f topped into a barber's shop to get shaved. He had to wait some time, and his employer, becoming anxious, imagined that the fellow had absconded with the money and taken the afternoon express for New Haven. So he telegraphed to the latter city a full description of the man, and when the train reached the City of elms it was duly searched by half a dozen! !IS rutulf. nr'chimr. ISeeaiIKe it s no more ii:in nny oilior French Attaciiun'Ot, the Trimmer, RusHer, uses Kinbroidery Magic mid nil other uitnchMeuls. a-- Minister of Finance. To Anxlons by Half. running siach'iD e.isies! SSeernise its motions are positive ittalkcs the prixe 'be it is IJet'iSUse makes no noist. all Audrf.ss, Simmons k Clougii Organ Co., Detroit, Michigan. l. t noil thySliuttle needs no lacing. I5eeaiwv Ladies, Don't Buy till you z . it does not Straight Nep(l?e. g UCCaUSC It a Se!f-Scltin- I a, Fred W. Hutchinson, ' bus a H. W. NAiSBBCT. "Will purchase any kind of Mcrcliandise not usually kept in stock, including Engines, Saw Mills, Circular Saws, oo- liolUu;; THE LARCEST ASSORTMENT OF 1 lotli, IjcIIcI Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or wou-derin- Hairy TIi resiling Machines, IN THE TERRITORY; cp&. Machine Ilxtras, Stained Glass, Green, Ilnby, Blue, Yellow, Purple ami Force or other JPnmps, Orange. ISelting, -- 00- At GaincB, Mich., recently, a young Orders from the Country promjtly filled, and Glass Cut to any Size and Mill. man went to bed and dreamed that a Shape, without extra charge. sDiMy tree was falling toward him. In his Sre., frantic- ,4?ftbrts to escape he jumped Or any artich from any State, that may be needed in an Agricultural or into the middle of the floor, and Mechanical population. thence through a window over two Send in your orders and wc will do the best to fDl them at Manufacturtree tops, landing in the snow nine ers prices with freight Jiddcd, or on a slight percentage. feet from the building and thirty o 1 "We arc fjet from his'bed. The window w: s immediate an a aad expecting shipment of the d badly smashed, but he wasn't hnrt at all. Sorghum fivaporatsrs, - Conference Motice dc, wcll-know- justly-celebrate- A wag, inppecting a farmer's last instalment of pork at the Detroit market recently, picked up a stone aud deposited it in one f the porkers, and then loudly berated the farmer for trying to cheat in weight. The farmer looked at the stone, at the crowd, felt the thrust, j.nd growled to himself: 4,IIang me. but thought I put it ia the small Z. LAKE teu-pou- - 31. CIXY "SCHUTTLER WAGOIT," I. The Factory haring just got fairly running since the DEPARTMENTS GB.EAT CHICAGO LARGEST STOCK of GENERAL MERCHANDISE Fiiriiitiire. IN THE WEST. ON All Lately Selected iii the Best Markets jp c&JlI. the rciFL jk.J3m. jp-Xj- Ij 1IAXP, AND TO AURITE IN A FSW f Complete Stock TU1J XEW1'.?T STYLi:S AND r?VKE9 THAT IEFV CO.MVE'nriO. to ps Dealer In the Settlement rr Amine uur Stock, lfffirc puroharfii-- g rlewhcv?. imitl Yftiic? o OnfertHf Iottitiitlmt. dUTT-t- f will b TtfUi in looticj lfcronjh aftd making their pnrahnrw at thin JOKN BOYI.E , U, JB. UJlJELHII JLB. CLAWSOX9Superint(ndciit. WILL BE FILLED WITH THE hog!" Pr. Parr, when a boy at Harrow had so very old a face for his ago, that one dy his contemporary, Sir Vm. Jones, said, looking at hinij ''Parr, if you should have the good luck to live forty years, you may stand a chance of- overtaking yeur C. CLA1VSOX, Supt. 97f i CO.," St",- ' Ofutn: SAWED AND SHINGLES. 0 lowust prictw, tit CTCT t tho THCBEST FREEMAN'S SAW MILL, OGDENJALLEY. Ordor filled nt ih Mill or t G. WLiite)iid'!(, M;ia Strert, Ogileu. Teams anil Hauler Wanted on liberal wacvn |