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Show liY TELEGRAPH. Facial to th OnnKX .Tt.tiTinx by the Atlantic tud Pacific Telegraph Couipuuy. Prussia after More ritory. Ter- Ku-Klu- Trance Prepared to Pay the Indemnity. The Pope's Allocution Insulting Germany. Details of the Great Storm in England. Fatal Shooting Affray in Visalia. ICurderat an Election in Mexico. Expeditious Railway Building in Kansas. Ku Klux Prisoners at Albany. x ations. Frederick Campbell was found in his room dying frem a pistol shot wotmd accidentally received, lie was the son of J cob Campbell the President of the Pacific Hank, and held a responsible position in the banking house of Feruiiiye & Co. The Rev. Dr. Haight hns written a letter declining the position to which he has been elected that of Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of the State of Massa- chusetts. dispatch from Hong Kong says the ship "Benares," (.'apt. Anderson, which left that port Sept. 12th for San Francisco, vent. ashore on one of the Loo Choo Islands and became a wreck. All the crew but five were drowned. The English gunboat "Curlew" went to her aid. It is expected that 70,000 British coal miners will strike work on the 1st of A da-hr- January. The "Amyntas" was lost while on a voyage from Holyhead to Workington, and every person on board perished. Resignation of Judge ! Strickland Philadelphia, 2S. The coroner's jury reudered a verdict that John Twecdie died limn violence received from Police Sergeant ltodgers, while the former was a prisoner iu the cell at the station house ou the 11th inst. Tweedio had been arrested on the charge of drunkenness, but it is believed he was suHering from a fit. Visalia, 28. Another fatal shooting affray has just taken place in this city G. F. Rico, an old and prominent citizen, was shot by Krastus Wiesener, at three o'clock p.m. The hitter was also shot, but by whom is not yet ascertained. Kice was shot in the region of the stomach, and will probably not live many hours. Wiescner was shot iu the back, but is not likely to prove a dangerous wound. Another man named Higgles has just been arrested on the charge of shooting Weisener. Rice's dying testimony is being taken. The affray teems to have arisen out of family difficulties. Much excitement exists in town. The O. T. It. It. company, it is said, intend to compete for the San Joaquin river trade, by, if possible, reducing the tariffs below a living rate ard thereby freeze out competition. The steamer "Clara Crow" is advertised to leave here for the upper San Joaquin river on Tuesday. Washington, SO. U. S. Com t of of Strickland, Judge Utah, called at the White House yesterday to explain the reason" for his resignation, which he will tender in a few days. He says while Congress refuses or neglects to appropriate funds for the proper ruaint nance of the court, it is unable to administer justioe or enforce its decrees. St. Ket.cxshurg, DO. The health of the Czarowitch continues to improve. His doctors announce that he is progressing gradually. to-da- Abatement of the Cold Weather in the East! AMERICAN. Washington, 2S. The alleged case of pardon by the ijand Pul;o Hesse, on condition thai the crituin.il emigrate to America having been brought to tho attention of the Hessian authorities hy our diplomatic representative nt Berlin, assurances iivc Leeu given that pardons accompanied by such a condition will in no case 1c pranted by the Grand Duke. The Secrotury of theTreasury has au-- t' otized the Assistant Treasurer of New York to buy one million in coin, each week lands on the 8(h of December. In Loudon the trees were uprooted in the parks, conservatories and glass roofs were smashed in, and chimney stacks came to the ground by the dozen. Several houses were unroofed, a large factory was levelled to the groundand forty storm patients were received during the night at various hospitals. At Liverpool the "Great Britain" dragged her anchors in the Mersey and pitched against the pier head and stove her stern so that the sea made a clean sweep into ncr cabin. The "Melpomene" went ashore, a tug went under the bows of the "Great Western" to haul her to a place of safety and was never seen again, having been literally swall .wed up by the sea. At Clifton, near Bristol, the pinnacle of Christ Church fell and went right through the roof. Precisely the "Stme thing happened to churches at Yeovil, at Creukerne and at Taunton. Heavy pitees of architecture such as walls and lowers that had stood die storms of centuries were demolished. In Saerrake forest, Marlborough, ninety magnificent forest trees all close together were blown down; buildings arc unroofed in many towns and vessels hy the against the coat. A stone wall at Richmond a hundred feet long and nine high was prostrated Carriages in some places were blown entirely over, and several accidents hap ened to gasoituters leaving whole districts in utter darkness. At Stake on Trent an explosion occurred by which several persons lost their lives. The highest wind pressure ever previously known in F.ngUud was represented by 12. A force of 11 is recorded on this occasion at Plymouth, Scilly aud Ports-hea- whioh in its effects is as destructive as burning gas or flame. The attention of. the managers of the circus was twice called to its condition, but no attention was paid to the warning. The steamer "James Adger" arrived on Saturday with ten men for the Albany penitentiary, convicted of outrages. Among the prisoners is Rev. John Ezell, a Baptist clergyman of South Carolina, and three others who confess to being concerned in fourteen assassin- during January. The commission to enquire into the depredations of Mexicans on the Texas t rentiers expect to leave Washington on .) hi. 7th, to resume their labors. The Senate commences on privileges on .Inn. 10th, will resume the investiga-- I i of the charges against Senator Cablet 11 that he was elected by bribery. New Voak, 28. The of Louisianianu stcrday waited upon many prominent Merchants, with a view to eulisting their rtiipn!hies in matters in that Stale. Tke new charter for the city, prepared by l'vepublicans, is ready tor preseu-t.lioof the State. to the After an inspection of the theatres of fie city, the i'ire Marshal reports but it of them in anything like an unsafe condition, and in the cases of those lew r lers were given and will be cairied nut for requisite precautions xguinrt fire. The steamship Adriatic" saided toddy with onlv it whole one and of another blade of her propeller, not Waving replaced those lost on her late perilous trip from Liverpool tt Among the passengers U port. n Legi-latur- e two-td:r- ti y d d. Paris, 23. The Gazette says Prussia is treating with Portugal for the cession to the former power of Delagoa Bay, in an island of the Indiau ocean, iu southeastern Africa. A Paris tradesman has been sent to prison for two years for displaying in his shop placards containing remarks insulting to the National Assembly. One of the sub-ininittee of the Ascommittee of sembly thirty called upon Thiers Courteous and concilia tory conversation ensued on the various proposals for constitutional reform, but with no concessions on either side. The President urged the creation of a second legislative chamber, but made no distinct proposal. The same body yesterday considered the proposition of M. Barlhe, Republican deputy, for the for mation from the present Assembly of a separate legislative body lo be called Section of Control, and also other modes for lorming atvupper chamber. After a resultless discussion of three hours duration, the committee adjourned until Friday next. The mayors of the several communes of France have refused to placard the speech of Dufaure, Minister of Justice, delivered in the National Assembly during the debate two weeks ago, on the petitious for the dissolution of that body. Dufaure in his reniaiks spoke ironiGambetta, whose speeches he cally said were the cause of restless agitation throughout the country, and the Assembly by resolution directed the placarding ot the speech. It is probable the action of the mayors will lead to interpellation of the government, upon the meeting of the Assembly, after the holidays. France will pay Germany two hundred million francs of the war indemnity on the first of January, and will pay seven- .. i - . i: ulu 8UCCeuui"B ,J .V". c to-da- New York, W. i'rjude. Minister Washburn sailed lor France I'ank statements show a heavy loss of legal tenders, but larger gain in specie, yesterday. The weather has been considerably ?.t thai the bunks make a net gain of milder but there is still sufficient rrr a million. tlil w..rL of n.tio.i in,r tl,n to nri.vcnt was on .Mokes, Saturday, ut great length. At the former trial rubbish of recent fires. Travel is almost to-da- v. ' !V neX, President Thiers visited the English On lie was not nt all. The wholly resumed. The rivers are compar- Kmbassy day before yesterday. he the fell and suffered building and of leaving free boats are ice, contained ferry nothing atively prisoner's statement making regular trips, although not with- a slight contusion of the hip and elbow, specially taw. On two or three but was able to be present at the recep- counsel on either hide indulged in out some delay. lion last evening. Italians hundred four been have Stokes (ver again denied i!iitrp p.fsuges. M. Bourgeong, the French Minister linit lie ever made any thriats to shoot placed at work on Broadway, clearing cross-examine- U 11 fl-o- d j cross-examine- ; occa-Vi"t- ii l,'.n. Jos. II. Ramsey, pf Albany, l. l'res- -i ient of the .Susqnehannah concerning Fisk'd character. rot tsinouth, N. H., 28. A Urge steam tannery here was yesterday by tire. Loss $"U,0M. Ir.urei K , tcsii-:- ! for $1V,U0U. Charleston. P. C, 28. The British bark .1. 1J. Duffe, nt this p i t, for Jli eumn with 2,244 bales of up-- ! cotton on board, took tire on Satur-iU- y night in the cotton forward. She 1 iihed with water and sank at the wharf, lite damage to the cargo by salt water a ' e large. St. Louis, 23. Daniel & McCaw's sale stable, corner l I'ijfih and Carr greets, were burned morning. Lass $13,UU0; part-iinsured. Memphis. 2S. i pt. W. J. Ross is appointed superintendent uf thv Charleston Road and 0. S. Vi ilHams asfeistant. Topeka, 28. tchiioti, Topeka and Santa Fe 11. R. w.m C'it:ipleteit to West Line, Kansas, This company dy bef re yestctday. built 'M'i Miles since Maroh lust. In Auiiit ") miles were laid, the largest iv.njth'H work on any road ever done in tine etiuntty. The entire length of the t"id, including branches, ii 470 utiles all graded, ironed and equipped since v tVX- ! Ksre Martl.sl M. T. Sfpenccr savs in rd to the burning of J'artiutn's mi- lium )iiiL l.'H the lire originated hoU t' :.,-- , the ;vi Cor, immediately over the Una si.pc;-Lca- ; J s.eum, away mow; and several hundred more ' to the Papal Court, has resigned because are distributed in different parts of the some French naval officers in Home, at the beg lining of the holidays, cailed on city. Yesterday va a perfuct carnival for the King and the Pope on the same day skaters. The ponds in the Central Park land tendered the compliments of the were crowded. season. The Muuarchits seek to make by direction of Coroner Herpolitical capital out of the affair, and mann, a large force of laborers were set the i'liimi publishes an address praising to work to iuove the debris of the late the Minister's act as a striking disavow fire on Centre street. One man was found ai oi a poncy which wuum aoanuou tne burned. The .mutilated body of Dr.! Holy Father to spoliatiou an 1 insult. Schorr was recognized hy a ring on his Berlin. 28. finger. Vp to now six more bodies were The North German Gazette denies the discovered, The police have t'trmed lines statement that Germany has consented in front of the building, ami all traffic has with Austria and Russia, to been stopped in that direction, An in- - in an effort to effect a settlement of the mouse crowd of spectators gathered to- Lauriuui silver mines dispute. day to watch tke operations of ilic work- The Gazette aUo stigmatizes the allo- men. x eution of the Pope, delivered nt the FOKKI'JN. Consistory, held in Rome on the 2od inst, London. The Austrian, French and Prussian us iln unpardonable insult to the Lin-- i peror of Germany. The colossal impu- newspaper? are engaged in u lively con- dence of the Pope, says the Gazette, the disclosures over made troversy ty the tuke Cirammont in regard to the proves the inevitable necessity for the of a law defining the immediate origin of t';e late war. The Luke brings boundavios passage between the State und the evidenee sunnort to tin documentary truths of his assertion that Austria K"1" Catholic Church fter the first of January persons en promised to assist Irauce in case of war with Prussia. He publishes an tering Germany from France will not be Austrian dispatch to the French govern- required to provide themselves with ment in which a pledge was given in passports. ue following words: "your cause is .The Zeituuff strongly opposes the deours, we will contribute to the success cree of the Bruuswick Council cf Minisof the French arms." It is reported ters, issued on the Cth cf December, the Austrian government has deter providing that upon the demise of the mined ,to dispeuse altogether with the present sovereign, who is unmarried, of Duke William tho first, the services of Count Von le tst. London filet- give the details of a great II nover, or hU sou, shall succeed to storm which swejt uver the Btitisu ls- - the throne. To-da- y, j ' ; j ) ex-!Ci- - said Territories of the United States t with power to Granting lands to aid in the reclama- incorporate companies, or any of them, tion of Desert Lands in the Territories construct said canals, and to transfer to such companies th of the United States. Introduced in the House of Repre- lands and franchises hereinabove A Bill sentatives, Dec. 10, 1872, by Hon. W. H. Hooper, read twice, referred to the Hope Hk'm. Comb. Mr. Raymond, Committee on the Public Lands, and who is now performing at the Salt ordered to be printed. is an actor of sterling merit, Be it enacted by the Senate and House who can blend the leuderett pathos with of Representatives of tho United States genuine humor in that pleasing manner of America in Congress assembled, That that never fails to delight a discriminafor the purpose of aiding in reclaiming ting audience. Mr. Raymond has suiii the desert lands in the Territories of thoughts of paying Ogdeu a visit at th.) the United States, and of furnishing close of his engagement at Salt water necessary to irrigate said lands We hope he will conclude to do so. for agricultural aud other uses, the can promise him a good lioiic, and ii right of way through the public lands audience a treat 1 rarely enjoyed in be, and the same is hereby granted to the said Territories of the L'uitcd Slate- city. Fl its at C't'ST. Take a look t the for the construction of canals, with the C. M. I. window. They arc right to take tha necessary materials ol f.rsinZ. Take cost. inn; at for sale by the foreearth, stone and timber for the cont ruction thereof, and also the right to take lock and dont lose a good chance. and divert from any and all rivers or streams running through said public "Ike.'' said Mrs. tnn; ..Ilmr lands the water necessary to fill and do ::.stroinii)(''s nieasuic the distance feed said canals: Provided, That the ut' tho sun?" "Why," replied a quarter of right of way shall not exceed two hnn-dr"tlu'y ;u d feet on each side of the line of said the distance, nnd then multiplies hy Mrs.' T. fainted. nd lour." a within canals, that, ninety days after the completion of their survey,' copies of the survey shall be forwarded SALS'. to the proper local land office aud to the Luki-Theatr- Lr. 1 - I , youno-liopcful- - s vmi j General Land office. Sec. 2. That there be, and is hereby granted to said Territories of the United Slates, for the purpose aforesaid, every alternate section, designated by odd numbers, of the lands lying on each sid of said canals as far as the said canals shall have capacity to irrigate, but not to exceed ten miles from their lines: Provided, That the rights of the settlers now upon the lands hereby granted shall be in no wise affected by this act; but the proceeds of the sales hereafter made of any of said lands to which the right of has attached shall be paid over to the said Territories of the United States upon the oi der of the Secretary of the Interior. And provid d further, That the lands hereby granted, and the proceeds of the sale of such as shall be sold as aforesaid, shall be applied to the construction of said canals, and shall be disposed of only as the work progresses, and shall be applied to no other purpose whatever. And provided further, That any and all lands reserved to the United States by any act of Congress for any purpose whatever be, and the same are hereby reserved lion the operation of this act, except so far as it may be necessary to locate the routes of the said canals, or any of them, and to construct the same through such reserved lands. Sec. 3. That in the distribution of water for the purpose of irrigation there shall be no distiu tion made in regard to lands so situated as to be flooded by the waters drawn from said canals, or any of them but each and every owner thereof shall have the right during the irrigating season, to sufficient water at reasonable rates (to be fixed by the legislative assemblies of said Territories of the United States) to irrigate the lauds which he may have under cultivation: Provided, That the owner or owners of lands as aforesaid shall, at their own cost, construct and maintain the necessary side ditches to conduct the waUir from said canals over their lands, the right of way for which, of sufficient width, over the public lands within the limits of aforesaid, is hereby granted as a public casement; and all sales of said laud shall be subject 4 ISOl'T .tV l 2bi:as. lto OK I. AND, wvm linrnl, ACKKS ilit complete. VATTI:-- i unit wuNt enltivittinii. A jfooil Ordinal in j vniuiiUi!i; k'ctweeii three and Imir aem eminently mlu;itf4 for a vinryunl. AUj n iiuiil.i.-- i iM.nicj 1KU SiC, Gr.iii.iry, Miil.li' ami other impi ovcmeiil.-- . To bo sold oiitiro oriji part to suit , '! puichr. ' For particulars apply to dC4tf TI10M. IU'.AP, HoopurOj. REMOVAL. i C. j. CHAMBERS, lit.U.KR I.N Hooks, IVewj-ipapei-- pre-empti- and 3Ittsi, MAIN ST REFT, OGPKX, 1 ES1KKS TO lXKOIt.Vt JUS M.'MKimi J'ntnnin in this mid t!:u nertlii'iu cuuntio J tlmtlip ha KKMOVK1) his Suim..,s from J. U. corner I'uol' I to more coianiudiotis 3Xain Stvotft, preniiKcit .m tho Post O iliijoIt where he chii hrttur meet tho incrvaciuj dtmidnd in his line of Iiumuc.-.-v School Books and Stationery always on hand. Pictures, Drawing I'uper, 1'encil. etc., elc. J. U. C. wishes particularly Ut iuirutjM on the minds of the Musical Community that he intends making MUSIC , & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS a specialty in his business. Anything i;i this line supplied on tho shortest notice and at Salt Lake City prices. Now on liai).!: Thp New Cnrniina Smith, jUVJ; Hook, il.M: Merry Chim, V .: Vinlin liiMtnieturs, $l.li'; Miniain Warbler. . and iOc: 100 Siiii'n of Scotland, t0c, and a v.i r.trt v of Sheet Militir, etc. etc. Ketivnl (llee SI N DAY SCHOOL HOOKS. NnveK Child Cull and Kabiiue. KKWAKDS, rtCTClIli Itinh.ry ef Ainarica. Kte. elU-'-tt- M. D. HAMMOND, Main Street, Ogden, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND WACOM WAREHOUSE. THE SCHUTTLER WAGON Sulky Horse Hakes, Buckeye Reapers and Mowers, Molasses, Mills, Corn Shellers. Feed Cutters, l'anuing Mills, Emery Crindei. A large ipiantity of WAGON TIMBER and ol i'lfid. 47-t- I'ittiugs r every rec. 4. That the lands hereby granted AV shall be disposed of by the said Territo ries of the United Stales in manner folMain St., Ifoopcv City Plat. lowing, that is to say : When the Gove- ertiors of said Territories shall certify AND (! KNERAL MkUCIIANDISK. to the Secretary of the Interior that ten The very het brands of canthvious miles of said canals, or any of them, from the point of departure on Liquors, Tobacco, and said rivers or streams, the waters of ALSO which have been taken out, is cemple-tethen the alternate sections hereby where prime JoinU and Cuts tanalveajHbe ut'tu'.ncd. granted for such distances may be sold, and po, from time to time, until said, canals are completed; aud if said canals EVERYBODY ! HO, are not ccmpJeteJ in ten years, no far- STUAKT KKEM CONSTANTLY ON DM. a hit of Mm boot AN thcrsale shall be made, and the lands I'l with tiuitahlo evur aird unsold shall revert to. the United States, f'rMPS, sul in th country. Al I'aU'Dt l'oint lor tit"d up Pump. Kuril Sec. 5. That authority is hereby giv, KiiKonabU trim. VXwrkUs H Ifw fituiiii t en to Cue legislative uasembJics of the ume, Ojdv l S. ADS WORTH, Dry Goods, Groceries, Cigar. AButcher's Shop d, i PUiVSPS! PUKflPS! i iron-ipiH- j lnive-we- j ll ld |