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Show and Feloni- SSuvgluriousl.r and five pork pie hats, and half a dozen shawls on the bed; and oue lady had left her tvery-dacuria hanging over the looking-glass- . Upon my word, I really !idn't like to pertorm my toilet among al these femiuino gear; and there was no leek to the door, and my dress clothes were all smetuered up amongst these muffs and things. Hut I got through pr'.ty well, and had just got one of my legs into iny trousers, when such a rattle at the knocker, and 1 henrd my wife scuttling away into the hall. They were tnc Markbys, our trump cards, who kept their own carriage and everything grand. "So kind of you, dear !'' said my wife, kissing .Mrs. Markshe most atlVetiouite-l1 could ; hear the reports where I ously. y bad just locked up the safe, and 1 lis-the put the key iu in y pocket account mil ot' the Norm and South of Miifjlaiid bank nt its l dst'j braucii, W. I had got my hut on, and K. Vorks hud iiikcii up my uiiibrel'.a, when a man batik whIi a b.g ..- m o running into the ot money iu Ins hand. 'Am I in time?" he cried. I shook my head. Deui:" take it !" lie paid ; "and I'm t tl to Liverpool by the next train, and Ti'e - i it c it to A liiri'iat.'' ' I jMirry fur it, " take t lie money. said; "but we can't 'Well, then, what into be don,e? lit re's l went w thousand lounlsin liiis bap, aim thus.- drafts of mine come line iu a couple of days. Well, you'll liave t lake etn up," belaid; "1 can't !e.H you in! the money in knew that those dralts were cominc; due, and that our manager was a little 'anxious about tlieni, for they were mill it heavy, and the other names on tin. in were not very pool. Jilacli, too. (that was the mm with the ui'mey-bap- ) liiack was a capital cus'omer: and nut only a good customer himself, but lie In ought good nceo'iiiis with him, and we w ere a 3 ouag branch aud on our mel-- t v- y -i stood. "So delighted Really, how nicely arrange everything! I can't have things so nice, with all my servants and' "Run up stairs, dear, do!" said my wife, "you know the room my room, right hand at the top of the stairs." 1 dress-thing- Weil, here was the money to meet the drafts,, anyhow, and should have been a gieat ionl to send it away just because it was alter hours. Jo 1 collated it al! was about nineteen thousand there over; in ui1e4u.es and notes, aud three thousand in gold. Come and have a glas of beer with me," said liiack, "ou the way to the Mat ion." I put the big of money in my desk, and locked it up. 1 would come back presently, and have it placed iu the safe'. I w alked to the statiou with 15!ack ; wc had some beer together, and then he t cut off Americawards, audi on the ay to Memophiliar Villas. You bee, 1 was rather iu the habit f oalling for a ilass of beer as went home, and theu going on; and, consequently, from the Juice of babit, I'd almost got home 1 )cmembered the bug of money. It was vexing, loo, because wc hud a that night, the first since our marriage, and it began at six o'clock, ami I'd promised tut be home an hour earlier, to draw the corks and get things ready. And here it was six o'clock, j and had to go all the way back, to the bank. All the way back I went as hard as 1 could pelt. However, tiio money was nil right .n my desk, aud now I'd put it in the tale. "Tell Mr. Cousins" our L 1 re tea-par- ty 1 j ) ! manager, you know I said to the servant who'd let me in. that 1 want the key of the safe." Hut you had it in your pocket, bay you; which shows that ou are not acquainted with the rules aud regulations ot the North and South f England Lank, ihiuu say tliHt the accountant or cliief cashier shall be responsible for the due custody of the eush w.hilst it is iu his possession in the Jy-tiiand that at night all moneys uud securities shall be carefully secured within the office safe, which snail be secured by two keys, one of whicu shall be in the custody of the manager, and the second in that of the accountant or cashier. But, you say agaiu, as long us you -- n, had one key, i wo There, ? what did you waut with 1 own, the regulations arc obscure. They were drawn up by somebody without any literary skill; if they'd consulted me about 'em, 1 could have suggested a good many improvements. What they meant to say was, that the afe was to be secured by two locks, aud that a key of each, not interchangeable the one with the other, was to be in the custody, etc. Now you understand why I wanted Mr. Courtis' key. "Eh, me I" sa d the servant, opening her mouth wide, "and what might you want Mr. Cousins' key for?'' Just as stupid as you, you eee. I was mad with the girl. I own I always get out of temper with those Yorkshire people. If you ask 'em the simplest question, lirst they open Iheir mouths and gape at you. When you've repeated the iicHtinu twice, they shut their mouths and think for a bit. Then the idea seems to reach the tiling that, does duty with :em for brains, and excites a sort of reflex action, for, by jingo! instead of answering your question they go and ask you one. Aud that makes me so mad. Uh, they're a very dense race, those Yorkshire people. "Why to open the safe, you stupid," fu'ul I, "where is he?" "Don't ye know ?" says she. "Kuow !'' I cried in a rage. "What should I nskyou for, if I did know?" "Didn't tha' know he were at tha' house?" Ah he was. I'd nearly forgotten that he was one of the guests at my wife's party. Clearly, 1 couldn't get the safe open, and I didn't like to leave the money in my desk, so I put it pocket and took it home, thinking I'd g ve it to Cousins with my key to put In the safe when he returned. A nice mess I got into when I reached home, for you see it had been arranged that wm to go up Btairs aud dress anybody came, and that then the loom was to be mado ready for the ladies to take their bonnets off for they were not all carriage people. Well, you never saw such a thing! Whcu I got home and crept up stairs to dress the people bad al! come, so the servant said were six mufl'i, and four lonuets I bo in-.n- be-lo- re heard a ii utter of female wings on the What was 1 to do? If I could have managed .the other leg, 1 wotddn't have minded, but I couldn't. 1 hadn't s worn those for a good while, and 1 don't grow any thinner as I grow older. No, for the life of me, 1 couldn't dispose of that other leg at such short notice. What could I do? 1 could only rush to the door and get my back against it. Did I tell you this was our party? I think not. Did I tell you our landlord had altered the house for us, making our larger by adding a slip that had formed a separate room? 1 think not. And yet I ought to have told you all these circumstances, to enable you to understand the catastrophe that followed. In a word, the door opened outwards.I'd forgotten that peculiarity never having had a room so constituted before and never will again. The door went open with a crash, and 1 bounded backwards into Mrs. Markby's anus. und sal volatile, .Smelling-salt- s was there ever such an untoward affair! The music struck up for the dances as I hopped back into my room. I hid my head amongst the bolsters and muffs, and almost cried ; for I'm such a delicate-minde- d man. Yes, it hurt me a good deal more than it did Mrs. Marksby, for, would you believe it? she told the storv down below to the whole company, with pantomimic action, and when 1 showed myself at the door of I was received with the din wing-rooshouts of iucxtinguished laughter! I think I called the Yorkshire people deiiHo just now, didn 1 1? Well, I'll add another epithet, coarse, dense and coarse. I told cm so, but they only laughed the 1 stair. ie. be-lu- ! how beautifully you house-warmin- bed-roo- g m - more. The guests were gone, the lights were out, slumber had just visited my eyes, when right into my brain, starting me up a noise, a sort j as if I'd been shot, came of dull, bursting noie. I wasn't really certain at first whether I had heard a noiso or only dreamed of it. I sat up in Was it only bed and listened intently. my pulse thumping in my ears, or were those regular beats, the tramp of somebody's muffled feet ! Then I heard an uti- mnstakable sound creak, creak, creak a door being opened slowly and cautiously. All in a moment the idea flashed into my head Thousand Pounds. Twenty-tw- o You see, all this dancing and junketing, and laughing and chafing, had completely driven out of my mind all thought of the large sum I had in my possession. I had left it in my great coat pocket, which was hanging up in the hall, down stairs. Puff! a gust of wind came through the house, rattling the doors and windows; and then 1 heard a door slam, aud a footstep outside of some one etealing cautiously away. s I went like a madAway man, my one thought to put my hand on that greatcoat. It was a brown greatcoat with long tails, and two pockets behind, d and a little on the side in front, and this breast-pockin which I had put the bag of money. This d pocket wasn't as usual, on the side, but ou the right. There was no other coat hanging on those rails, only by 1 my wife's waterproof. What? whoop. made to get hold of that coat. Great heavens! it was gone! I had carefully barred and chained the front door before I went to bed now it I ran out into the street was unfastened. and looked up and down, hopeless and bewildered. It was a dark, damp night; the lamp nt the corner threw a long, sickly ray down the streaming pavement, but there wasn't a soul to be seen. Everything was still, and cold and dark. The money was clean gone yes, it was gone. I repeated these words mechanically to myself,' as I crawled up stairs. All the results of this loss pictured themselves clearly before me dismissal from the bank, ruin of all my prospects, utter ruin, iu fact! What could I do? to what turn? The blow that had fallen upon me was so heavy that it had benumbed my faculties. Then the thought came to me: Should I go to bed and say nothing at nil about it ? No one knew of my having received that money, not a eoul but Black, tho man who had deposited it. I had given no receipt Hlack had for it, no acknowledgement. a America hundred to things might gone happen he might never return, at all events, here was immediate relief. 1 could go to the bank next morning, hang up my hat as uunl, everything would go on ns before. If Hlack returned, my word was as good ai his. The notes and cheque j j down-stair- cash-pock- left-han- et et left-han- But I don't think retained , this thought long. Ho you ever consider 'huv much resolution and force of will it takes to initiates course of crime and deception! I'd neither the one nor the other; I should have broken down at once. I couldn't have met that fellow's eye and told him I had nevor had his money. I woke my wife she'd slept through ail the trouble. "Mary," I said, "we'er ruined there's been a robbery." "A robbery!" she cried, clasping her hands ; "and are the men gone?" "Yes," I said. "Oh, thank Heaven," she said, "then we'er safe! Never mind the rest, Jack, as long as our lives are safe. Hut there's Jack! oh, do run aud my see if they've taken that." Then I tohl her the story of t!ic twenty-tw- o thousand pounds. iShe wouldn't believe me at first, but when she heard the whole story she was frightened enough. Yet she had. wits about her more than 1 had. "You must go off to the town hall, Jack," she said, "and set the police to work. They must telegraph to all the stations, to Loudon, and everywhere! Oh ! do go at once, Jack, this very moment. Every second lost may be ruin to us." Away I went to the town hall. This was a big, classic place, w ith an immense portico niida huge flight of steps: but you didn t go into the portico to get to the police office, but to the side, which wasn't classical at all, but of the rudimentary style of architecture, and you went along a number of cehoiug stone passages you reached the Superintendent's o'hee. When I'd told the superintendent the story "Ah!"' he said, "I think 1 know who did that job." "Oh!" said I, "how thankful I am. Then you can put your hands ujm him and get back the mono-- . 1 want the never money back, Mr. Superintendent mind him. I wouldn't mind, indeed, rewarding him fur his trouble, if I could only get the money." "Sir!" said the superintendent, severely, "the police ain't sent iuto the world to get people's money back, nothing of the sort. Wc arn't going to encourage composition of felony; and as for putting our hands on Flashy Joe for he did the job, mark you well, what do you think the liberty of the subject is for? WLere's your evidence?" 1 was obliged to confess I hadn't any ; whereat the superintendent looked at me contemptuously. "Now, let's see into this matter," paid he, after he'd made some notes on a bit of paper. "How came they to know you'd . got the money in your coat?" I said 1 didn't know. "Ah, but 1 know," said the superintendent. "You went to get a glass of ale after you left the bank, young man?" 1 was obliged to confess 1 had done no. "That's how property gets stolen," skid he, looking at ine severely. "And what's more, you had a glass with a friend? Ah ! I knew you had. And perhaps you got talking with this friend of yours?" "Yes, indeed 1 had." "Very well ; and mentioned about the money you'd just took'.'" could never be traced home. 1 water-proo- f, le-fo- rc .'.Vi the first word, and tell them all about it Ttm R. Ri all the particulars, t It was only a little RADWAY'SREADY,, RELIEF t bit of carelessness after all, md perhaps ' ' they'll look over it."1 Iu from One to Twenty .Minute., "Yes, that's all very well," I said, NOT ONE HOUR "but how am I to get there? I've got no after reading tlitu adwtinifmr nrl any on SI l'sKK WITH l'ALN. money. This wretched party has cleared RADWAY'S ltiiADY RKUKIf 13 A. CUKE, FOK. us right out." KVKKY PAIN. - Tt wan t!i first nnrfU "Horrow some of Cousins." "He asked me to lend him a sovereign That ii!tiiiitty ntup the motit excrurmtiag paino, last night, and 1 couldn't." Coui'sHun-- . liiiluiuuiHliuiis and tuie Hlluy Now you'll say: "Here s a man without vhoThor of tlio IauiK, Stomach, RoweU, orothor in Horn one resource. Why did n't he pawn his watch?" Kluiulsor urKtuiH, y unu no mutter how violniit To tell you the truth, that's what 1 did tu twenty minute', the the ILhcmtmtic, the week before, and the money was all I uti 1111. Crii'Io,l, Ni'rwui, Neuralgic, or mtwtrtitl gone. "Then, underthese circumstances," with. uisrOM' nmv suiTcr RADWAY'S READY RELIEF you'll add, "It was humoral to give a ill utl.'iM inl;uit riktu. Lear the in Hut, mind, you'll party." Inflammation f tu- Ki.!::ys. Inflammation ft invitations had been out fur a fortnight, tlm lilaihW, lull tiumaiiiiii of the HowoU. of tho- laoinH. Soro Throat, Uillirult and theu we were in funds. llrt'iitliinir. Paliitutiiiiinfthft Heart. Ilyrftei said i, "Well, Jack," my wife, "you Croup, Diptheriii. t'atio rli, Intlu miji. HewlaHi,:, must get the man the P. H. to give Toothache. ColJ Ncurnlgia, Rheumatism. you some more mmcy on the watch. Sell TheChilli., Aue Chills. of tho READY RI2MKP to th it him right out. It must be worth at part application r parts vhor the pain or Uitlkulty ejciti least ten pounds, for it cost thirty, and will nlfoKl oiiso anil Twenty dropn iu IimII' a tunihlorof water will iu you've only had five upon it. Sell the rriie Only lJiin Kcmody upplit.-Aiiun- ;; a, - ii - a few iiiomeutM cure CrainpK, puxnm. Sour Stomach, Heartburn. Sick Hciulucbe, Diarrhea, DysenYes, but where Was the ticket? Why, tery, Colic, WiuJ in the lloweii, and all Intern..! in the little cash-pockof my brown 1'iiin. Travelers should ahvnvs carry a bottle of RADgreatcoat. Still, I had heard, that if you'd WAY'S KKADY RKLlKti' with them. A tew lost a ticket, you could make the man in water Mill prevent Hicknens or paim drop frt.cn chanj.'e of water. It in better than r'ruucU Urauut give you another; and Hrooks, the pawn- or Hitter a a Klimiibicit. broker, was a respectable fellow who, percured for fifty reni. AX1 ri:Vi:it haps, would help me out of my difficulty. Thero iii not a remedial n'iit iu this world licit I went to him anyhow, on my way to the will euro Fever und Ague, ttnditll other Malarious, lliliotl. Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow und other I'ever station. I felt like a tickct-of-leav- e man (aided by Railway's I'ilNj so quick in UADWAY J as I went into his shop, but I put a good KKADY RKUtV. illty ceiit per bottle. Sold ticket." et A;rE face upon it. "Hrooks " I said, "that watch you know the ticket it's stolen." Brooks gave a most portent ions wink. He was a man, with a red face, and a tremendous corporation. "Nay" he says, "my lad, thour't wrong there.'' " hat do you mean?'' I said, coloring up furiously. Every one suspected me, it seemed. "Whoi, it might ha' been rolen once, but it ai en t now; 'ave got it here. This is how it were. A cadgering Sort o chap comes in, and he says: 'Master what' you give me for this here ticket ?' Now, you know the hurt don't allow ns to give nought in that kind of wiy, but I says to the chap : "Let's have a look at it 5" and then 1 saw it was yours, and I said to the man: "My lad, you aren't come Lonest by this." "And you gave him into eimtody he's in prison ? Old Hrooks, what a capital fellow you are!" "Nay," he said; "1 knowed better nor that. Do you think I'd hexpose a customer? I know yon gents don't care about these little matters getting abroad, and so I slaps my fist on the counter, and 1 says ; 'Hook it!' just like that, aud away he wont like a bunplighur." I sank dov4 n on the counter, overpowered with eir otiou. "And wha. 's more," went on Hrooks, "he never took up the money I'd lent him for the coat." "What coat?'' I cried. "A very nice brown coat he put up with inc. About tit you, I should think. See, slow-speech- et the lees of the lobster of the chicken, the bones the salid, picked melted residum of the jellies; whilst about everything hung the faint smell of sour wine. I sat. down amid all this wretched mcis, and leaned my head on my arms in dull, miserable lethargy. Then I sprang up, aud as I did so I caught sight of myCiood heavens! self in the looking-glasfellow mywas this wretched, hang-do- g self? Did a few hours misery change a man like this? Why, I was a very felon in appearance, and so I should be thought to be. Who would believe thi story of a robbery? Why. the police didn't believe iu it, else they'd have taken a different tone. No, I should lie looked upon as a thief by all the world. Then my wife came down "fairs, and, with a few touches, restored a little order and sanity, both to outward matters and my mind. She brought me somo coffee and an egg and some bread and butter, and after 1 had eaten aud drank, I didn't feel quite so bad. "Jack," she said, "you murt go to Louden at onvc, aiil see the directors. Hare ; s. by Druggists. Health! Beauty! Strong and Pure Rich Hlnod Increare o FlrU uud Wuinht Clear Skiu uud llcuutilul Complexion nevUled to all. Dr. HAJDvr.AY'S Sursn pari iau esoi ven t 11 1 1 Has minis the mot aMoiiUhiug cures, o quick, rapi.l ire the changes thu body undergoes, under tliu uillueuce of this truly Woiuiei tiil MeJicine.thiil EVKKK DAY AN INCHKASK IN KI.KSH AND WKItiHT IS HKKX AND FKI.T. uiti'AT r.i.oon lMituirx. Tin Kvery drop of tho SAKS.U'AKlU.lAN liKst!!.-VKN- T comiiiiiiiitates thionnh thu lilotwl, Sweut, 11 t'rinu nud other Quids and juices of thn nyntuiu tho vipjr of lite, for it repairs the wastes of ttw body with new and sound mxtorial. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, lilandular disease, I'lceri iii the Throat, .Month, Tumors, Nude in the (iland und other puru til the system, Suns Kjos, Strumous Distlmrnes from the turn, uud the worst ibriu of Skin Diwastw, Eruptions,, fever Sores, Sculd Head, ltinj; Worm, Salt Itlieiiui, KrysipeUs, Aca, Hlack Spots, worms in tun Heh, Tumors, s in he Womb, and (ill weakamit; and painful disclmrues, Night fcweats, Loss of Sperm, and oil w'Hsts ol the lite principle, are within the mrutiv rane ol this wonder of Modem Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any rsoii usiuj; it lor pi ther of thou forms f disease its potent power to ' turn them. It the luitleut, daily WomillK reduced by tb wastes and decomposition that is continually sueetpd in arresting these wasiiw, uud repairs the oaine with uew material iiiikIb Irwia tin lli SARfiAl'Al'.ll.LlAN healthy blood-tii- id ' will and dots sucuits Not only does the Parsnparillian Resolvent excel all known rnme4iitl agents U the cure of Chic nir. Scrofulous, Constitutional and Skin disease, but it is the onlv Hilivt for K1DN KV and HLADDKR COMPLAIN 18, Urinary and Worn diseases, (travel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Sloppsg vl Water, Incontinent- of trine, Rrisht Dihwuh , Albuminuria, ami in all cases where llicrsuie britkdust or the walep Is thick, tlouJ. mixed itli suhsluucii like the white ol an or threads like white ilk, or there is a luorbul. durk, bilious appearance, and whit bane-duhere it is." and when there is a pricking, hm uing MaIt waa my identical Vrown greatcoat, sai ion when paskiiiK water, aud pain In the suiuil of tho back and along the loins. Price, Cl.oo wrapped up in a bundle, and tied round Woll.'iS. The known aud suia Ktmed I made a for Worms Pin, only with my own handkerchief. Tajte, etc. dart at it, opened it, plunged my hand into the breast-pockthere was the roll "Very likely." "Then this Joe, depend upon it, was in of money, there were the twenty-tw- o the crib at the time, and lie heard 3'ou; thousand pounds. and he followed you back to tho bank, How did I go to the bank that morning, and you haven't got blinds, but a wire on legs or wings? And how . did I get netting over the window, and anybody home, as soon as I had put the money safe outside can see you counting out the gold away? Mary knew by my face it was all and silver." right; and didn't we have a dance of joy "That's true," I said. all round the house? "Yes, I see it all," said the superinMy burglar had been only a sort of tendent; "just as Joe saw it. He follows sneak, after all, who got in at an open you up from here to yonder, and he sees window and bolted with the of the you put your money into your coat pock- hall; but if he had taken the spoils to look pains and et, and then he follows you home, into the ptc'tet of the coat, he'd been a when all's quiet he cracks the crib. Oh, rich perhaps a miserable and init's all in a nutshell, and that's how pro- secure thoughand I should havu been utman, perty goes. And then you come to the aud deservedly ruined. terly police." "But if you kuow it's Joe, why don't you send after him and catch him?" "Oh, we know our own business, sir; The Cottonwood Catastrophe. you leave it all to us; we shall have Joe not this for if job, anyhow tight enough, Mr. W. L. Sullivan, ore weigher at the for the next. We 11 give him a bit ol rope, Emma mine, reports as follow: like." 1 couldn't Four bodies hate been recovered from put any fire into the man, do what I could; he was civil, that is for a the scene of the late catastrophe; those Yorkshircman; impassive; he'd do what of Dutch Pete, Leroy Dinble, T. J. Trip was right. I'd given the information; lett and James Elloit. Mr. Triplett was brother-in-lato Mr. Geo. Chandler, very well, all the rest was his business. So I carno home miserable, despairing. and his body was brougkt to town on Mr. Elloit was a It was just daylight by thU time, and as 1 Sunday evening. Triplett'e opened the shutters,, the debris of our teamster for Mr. Beuham. fenst wag revealed , Cun-cer- - e. st Tumor r 12 Yearn' Cirowth Curv4 Retolvmt. 1S0V. Iy lludwMy'ft iiKVKRLT, Mass., July 1. Dr. R.nAT: I huve bar I Ovarian tumor iu th All nud bowels. the ilociors said ''tbeta ovaries as 110 help for It." 1 tried everything that was rmauiitiioiidttd; but nothing helped me. 1 saw jour Rosolt eut aud thought I would try It; but lutd uu faith in it, because I had suffered tor twelve years. 1 took six hollies ot the Hesnlveut, and on iux i.f bottles Of your Heady Railway's Pills, and t and there is not a ain of tumor to be seen and I leel better, smarter, and hsppier thau 1 have for twelve years. The worst tumor was iu the left side of the bowels, over the jioiu. 1 wrle of others. You can mTim this to yon for the HANNAH P. KNAi'V. llsh it if vou choose. , DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS Perlectly tusleles, rlcfiuilliy coated with ei KUin, piirpe, regulate, purity, clesnsoaiid strength-ii- . Itadway's Pills, tor the cure of all disorder of tbo Stomach, Liver, Dowels, Kidneys, Ithnldur. Nervous Disoosits, Henclarlie, CoDKtipal'ioii, CostlVc-liesIndigestion, Dyspepsia, biliousness, bilious Ke-Inflammation of the ltowels, Piles, and all DnriiUKt'taeitts of the Internal Viscera. Warranted, to ellm 1 a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or dolcterioin di uvs. Observe the following symptoms resultltji froin Disorders of the DiKestive Orttaus Cl'llstipu tion. Inward Pilos, Fullness of the lliood in tk lb ad, Aridity of th Stomach, Nuuseu, Ilenrtliurtt, Disgust of food. Fullness or Weight in the Stom-- . ach, Soar Kructations, 8inkiistr FlutteriiiK at the Pit of the i'toinorh, Swindling of the. Head, Hurried nud Piftirult breathing. Fluttering at lbs Heart, Choking or SnlTocuting Sensation vheu In a Lying Posture. Dimness of Visiou, Dots or We'si before the Sijrht, Fever and Dull Pnin in ti e lleu'l. Deficiency of Purspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Kyes, Pnin iu the Side, Chest, Liuil. and sudden Flushes of Ileal, hi the Flesb. A few doses of Railway's I'll Is will, free the sysPrU-d iliM,ro-isteam was found, as were also two of tem from all the ! aS eents per hnx, Suld bv Di ajtjrliu. Kelley'8. Some of Stiflies horses were U.VAD uud TriisV't?7 Pend one letfound without a particle of harness on ter stump to Itadway Maiden Lane. Co., No. them but it is not expected that all the New York. Information worth thonvauds will tie fft.Vly bodies of the men or carcasses of the sent you. s. er, above-uauie- Tolae animals will be recovered until the snow melts in the spring. Tho Emma and WHOLESALE NOTIONi Flagstaff mines each sent a force of men to aid in the search for the recovery of the bodies: and the citizens of Alt Aud Woolen. have turned out to make a new road on Largest Stock West of New York. a Monroe and Franklin Sis., CHICAGO the other side of the canyon, which cry sensible and spirited proceeding JNO.V.FARWELL&CO., ou their part. LOGAN DRUG STOttE Tho Telegraph wire is down for several miles. The roads are very mud y and heavy up to Tanner's: above that the snow is four feet deep. Sale Luke ' HAYINU Herald, 80th inst. DR. ORMSBY, JR. CACHE IN LOCATED cine, SiuKry ajitl Ss Diplomatic relations between tae Government and the Vatican are broken off. The papal legation at Lucerne will probably be abolished, the chargt I'affairs anl a.'ta5Uei hating been re called. LOGAN, to atteutl to the practice of lMtlric, CO., Mrdi-- . sV4-ii- u j s. u:vis, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, in Matches, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver aud, War, MAIN STKKtT, OUDKN. RopeJriar neatly dsn aud uH wetk warranted. Dealer Placed 1UJ |