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Show ' KKMSTX4bMM PUBLISHED (MinXXSDAY ,,ud SATURDAY.) 'in r.zr - . I. BY TELEGRAPH. (Inileri Whiles Oilicers lor f Spocial e L. Woods. George A. Black. MarshaiV. T. Tat rick. . S Att'trney George C. Bates. ,Vif. Indian Affairs G. W. Dodge. 0. C. Clements. Surveyor-Generlleceiocr of Public Monies J. B. OverGeo; ton. Registrar of Istud Maxwell? Snow Storm in New York York! Resignation of Commissioner of Indian AlFairs! John P. Taggnrt. U. S. Assessor U. S. Collector i). Chief Justice J. Associate Justices C. M. Hawley. J. Hoilister. Sufferings of a Ship's Crew in Georgia Bay! McRean. 0. F. Strickland and 15. Another Train Thrown O Ulcers: Territorial W. H. to Down and Embankment! Congress Hooper, Oeorge Q. Cannon. Delegate elect. Attorney-Genera- l Zerubbabel Snow. Marshal .1. 1). T. McAllister. Auditor William Clayton. Treasurer James .luck. Superintendent of Common Schools Ubert L. Campbell. Delegate Weber County OiRcers: Fand Probate, Judge County to-da- Another Fire in New George ft. Office night, aud the. entire train went down th embankment, 15 feet, and canght fire, but was extinguished with the loss of the baggage car. A number were injured seriously but none are reported killed. New York, 27. The streets are hanked with snow. No such guow storm has been witnessed in this seciion for upward ol twenty years. Last night the streets were deserted from an early hour in the evening, business being mostly suspended No persons ventured out except Irom absolute necessity. Thousands slept down town at hotels or in their offices, owing to their inability to reach their homes in the upner parts ot the Classes dependent upon their city. day's earnings for the following night's shelter, suffered immensely. Thousands of them wandered about the streets, not Some of the knowing where to go. of lines cars are runstreet principal with double teams, and are ning heavily overloaded. A few singes continue running, but only at rare intervals are cuits or other vehicles seen in the to tl Oodkn Jrverios by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Couipauy. al - More About the Great Snow Storm East! D. Lester J. Herrick, Henry Holmes, Richard Ballan tync. F. S. Richards. Clerk and Recorder Prosecuting Attorney Aurcliin Miner. William Critehlow, Xotaries Public F. S. Richards). Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bitig-LaSelectmen street Boston, 27. The ship "Penman," from Singapore for Boston struck the bar at Cape Cod, during the storm last night, and went to pieces. The crew were all drowned. The ship "Peruvian," lost off Cape Cod. with all hands, was owned by Wm. F. Weld & Co., of this city. The value of the merchandise burned with the freight Bhcds. on Long Wharf, is estimated at $100,000. lo Funster brought from Montreal for forgery, was comniiited for trial in default o $10,000 bail. Edward C. Bates, a well knoivn Boston merchant, died in the railway station, at Swampscott, last night, of heart disease. The bark "Kadoh," of Boston, from Manilla for this port, ran ashore Jast night at Tolnt Alderton, between the bars. The boats in getting ashore capsized, and the captain and six men were drowned. Eight of the crew were saved. Washington, 27. Walker has tenA. Francis Gentral dered the President his resignation as cuiiimissioner of Indian affairs, to take effect on the 1st of January next. It is understood his resignation has been accepted, but his successor will not be ap- pointed until after the return of Secre-- i tarv Delano from Cuba. The ice in the Potomac is six inches thick. Thomas Wright the colored desperado, lias been fully committed on the charge of murdering Samuel itogendii. Captain Orr and his chief engineer, with four of the crew of the steamer "Cumberland," which was Irozeu up in Bear Lake in November, arrived last night,' having walked down along the north shore to Georgia Bay. Capt. Orr reports having left the steamer in safe (juarters wiih the first mate in charge. Tiie party experienced terrible weather and endured great privations during the long tramp of twenty days. All were more or less frost bitien. Eighteen of the crew are still on the way down. Willmington, N. C, i!7. Two private resid nces, thtee stores, nnd other smaller buildings, were burned last night. The loss is estimated at $40,-00to-da- y, Treasurer Walter Thomson. ' Coroner Wm. N. Fife. Superinieiulcnl of Sckto Is Wtn.W . Bur- ton. City Government: Incorporated by Aetjf Jan. 18, 1SG1. Municipal election biennially on the keeond Monday of February. Meetings f the City Council alternate Monday evenings, at City H all. Lester J. Jf errick. Ji!r Aldermen 1st Ward; 2d Wm.W. Bnrton, 3d ., ,. Coxinselnrs Israel Canfield, David Moore. Charles W. Penrose, Winslow Farr, Horatio 15. Scovillc. Recorder Thos. G. Odell. MfirtfarlW1. N. Fife. Trc'snrcr Aaron Fa rr. Surveyor David . enkins. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Rmd Supervisor Chnrle Welch. Weter Master Thomas Doxey. Contain of Folic-- ; P. G. Taylor. Justice of the Peace C. F. Middletou. F. A. Brown, W. Thomson, Ogden Sost Oflice: AMI CLOSING AHUIVAL f ult Uke City, dnnl.le .(.tily Tliri.u:;h Mail daily . jwt, Ttiroa;;li Mail dily . Nt, ) MAILS. 7.30 a.m. . . . , .V"n p.m. . '6t.m. . , 4.0)p.m. 7.:la.m. S.ao p.m. CLOSINd. SMt City. !oul;U' Mail daily YjuH, Tlirmili Mail ilaily SKMI AND Wost, Tiiinnli . . . . 4.p.iu. fl.oOa.m. MAILS. (LOSlNU. Cftcbo County, Tncolay, Thursdays and Suii'Uiv . . Daily to Lo?an Rielt Ciituity, North Old i, 4 p.m. . 4 p.m. 2.30 p.ra and Thursdays Moudays and 'i'lmrxdayi T.Wt a.m Hutitvili" WcdiiMilayg and Saturday I.nti, I'lain City and Slatersvilie, . 3."0 p.m. . Mimdayii and Thursdays Rivcrdal 8.00 p.m. WedncsdayB atid Saturdays Hcx)e villo and Alma Wednesday tiud 11.30 a.m Saturdays OFFICE HOCKS. Giaieral Delivery, from 8 a.m. to 6.20 p.m. Sunday, 6 p.m. to p.m. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT Open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MONEY ORDER DEPARTMENT. Op-- n from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Outside i)oor opcu from C a.m. to R p.m. JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. s Trains Leate Ogden daily, until further notice, for Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.ra. and 5,50 p.m. For the East, at 8 a.m. For the West, at 5.55 p.m. arrive irom om L.aKe L'lty, 7 a.m. and iu.'Jo turn., nna 4.4o p.m. and S.lo p.m. From the East, 5.30 p.m. From the West, G.55 a.m. Salt Lake City Time. Iteligious Services every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, at 11 a.m., and in the 2nd Ward School-housand Child's Hall, at fi p.m. EpiscopalChurch at. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and p.m. e 4 0. Boston, 27. This afternoon there was a fire among the freight sheds adjoining the Philadelphia steamboat pier, with heavy losses of goods. Montgomery, Ala., 27. Mitohell, acting Financial Agent of the State, left this city a few days ago to negotiate bonds issued by the It is thought he Legislature. will not stop in New York City, but will go on to Europe. Memphis, 27. The total loss by the sinking of the will barges nnd steamers here exceed $liO0,0u0. Cincinnati. 27. The Board of Trade has resolved to employ an agent to remain at Louisville and look after the interests of its members in the speedy bhipmcnt of freight southward. Fort Wayno, 27. John Clark is arrested and started to to the Ilightstown, Jersey, o answer had Clark just rethe charge of felony. to his flightEngland. from turned Court-Roo- m to-da- y Philadelphia, 27 The Fairkill Rolling Mill was burned loss Lectures Spiritualist (Cardon's Hall), this morning; machinery runined; at 7.30 p.m. Offden City Att.eo. w. lurner'e. Library. Open every dav, Snday3 txcepted. $30,000. . incinnau, i. The southern bound train on the Louisville k Nashville railroad was thrown from the track ty a broken rail, last i y to-da- y, AMERICAN. Richard!. -- ' . . - r:zr2rz " - ty $1.00 im:u iit. Mt OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, JAN UARY 1, 1H7H. OGDEM DIRECTORY. Governor Secretion ' SEMI-WEEKL- Y, r::at ykar. Sfo. ' . noon officially requested Kelso to clear the ruins, Superintendent a large force, as well as every spare expressing the man ia Alta. are doing their best, to fin belief that the board of police commis- the remainder. The slide was 2'." sioners or the department of public yards in width, and came from the very works, have power to order the work tops of the mountains, milo--inearly tyo performed: and saying that no red tape length and bvvept everything before ought to be allowed to interfere with it. 1 n the humane duty. This appeal is expected to be successful. The formal igat ion into the causes of the fire will commence ufter search is made for the bodies. The weather is clearing. A few local trains from the immediate vicinity, in New Jersey, arrived since ten o'clock, but only by the aid of Peveral extra locomotives. There is considerable su fering among poor people, by reascn of the absence of the usual supplies of milk and bread, none being received ot the former by the trains, and locomotion by the bakers' teams on the streets is almost impossible. A large force of laborers is clearing Broadway of snow. in-ve- st to-da- y Poughkeepsie, 27. The Montreal express, which left New York at 4 p.m. yesterday, arrived here at 5:30 this morning with four locomotives. At 7:4o it proceeded north, and a locomotive went south to help the trains between here and New York out of New York. The special train which reached here yesterday evening with western passengers for New York, will leave for the south at 10 a.m. Over 700 between here passengers are and Peekskill. but it is thought all will get through to New York some time tonight. Augusta, Me., 27. The continues here with no signs of abating. snow-boun- to-da- y ic-io- mules have been found will bo resumed iu the morning. party of men who left there late thi evening found some hair of a man on some brush, but nothing more of the missing bodies. Looks like more storm. -- The cleaning bureau yesterday orderto work cleaning cross walks and approaches to ferries and in general shovelling snow. Special attention will be given to cleaning Broadway, on which the snow luys a loot deep on tho level. The entire cost cleaning this street for a distance of seventy blocks will cost $20,000. The thermomelec stauds about on an average with yesterday, ten de. The storm told grees above business, heavily upon especially by the No mails were sent yesdelayed mails Philadelphia, 27. The snow has blocked all the highterday except those sent early, and no mail has arrived here since yesterday ways. noon. Memphis, 27. In Brooklyn and suburbs nearly all The ice gorg broke loose this morntravel and business are suspended. ing, and came down with terrible force, During the height oMhe storm yester- crushiug th dry docks, wharf, boats, day atternoon a large meteor was seen and steamers lying at the levee, some at Hunter's Point, L. I. All railroatl seven or eight of which were totally Ten barges of coal were traveling on Long Island has ceased. wrecked. The steamships Ilolsatia and City of swept away and sunk. The loss in coal Limerick" lor Europe, and the "Colum- is $130,000. with only three days' s bia" for Havana, beside several coasting left in the hands of the dealers, the which leave were to steamships, yester- Memphis gasworks, which supply the day, are detained by the storm. No city, being without a day's supply. The arrivals from sea yesterday. coal dealers have advanced the price to A fire Wroke out this morning at 158 $2 per barrel, which will cause great Mercer street, a tenement house, nud suffering among the poor. It is imposrapidly spread to 1'iO and 202, one of sible now to give a reliable estimate of which was also a tenement house. All the losses, but they will be very heavy. three were burned, rendering a number Two or threo persons were injured in of families homeless. The tire spread escaping from the sinking craft. to Cly and C21, Broadway, occupied by New York, 28. Maillard's hotel, which was completely It is generally believed that the juiy gutted. The greatest consternation pre- iu the Stokes case will find a verdict ot vailed among the lodgers on the upper guilty. Threats are made to lynch him All soy that they floors, a .d a number were nearly suffo- if he is acquitted. cated when rescued. have confidence iu the jury, who are Three persons were badly frozen in considered reliable men. Brooklyn last night, two fatally. Stringency in the money market is Tho mails, almost without exception, greater than on any day yet known du are still behind time. The Boston ex- rine the last five years. The storm still continues, and busi press, due at 5.30 p.m. yesterday, arrived at 11 ness is in consequence suspended. There the prison- is much distress. Fifty thousand dolIn the Stokes case er told his story of the shooting, and lar have been subs:ribed for the relie admitted he did shoot Fisk, but did not of the poor. Tweed has made a present thousand dollars to difier-en- l intend tD kill him; aud averred that the of twenty-fiv- e havFisk in was asylums requiring aid. shooting He him. to shoot a drawn Washington, 28. pistol ing The female Buffrogists in Wyoming had been, he said, in constant fear of personal violence from the emissaries of Territory have become alarmed at the He conlraoicted the evidence proposition to annex that Territory to Fisk. yesterday, and denied that he had ever Colorado, and remonstrances are sent called Fisk a blackmailer or threatened against the movement. Senator Morton will as soon as Conto shoot him. The second annual reception given to gress re assembles make a speech in fa the ladies of the New England Socfeiy, vor of a direct vote by the people for this evening, was a brilliant affair. President. London, 28. Among the guests were Hon. E. B.Wash-burnThe statement that England had comGen. Hancock, W. M. Evarts, municated with the Russian Governnioni Chief Jus'ico Daly, ex Governor McCor-micof Arizona, and Gen. Burnsidc. respecting its policy in Central Asia The eastern rotds are now clear, but and that a promise was made not to interfere with its 'peralions in that rethe western mails are a day behind. Thirteen bids, amounting to three Tri- gion if Ruseia should agree not to the croach in the dominion of Affaghanistau llions, were offered for gold government selling one million at 12.50; is denied on authority. 12 21 dollars were bid. Snow Smpk. Following are further The total losses by the Mercer street fire, this morning, are said to bo not particulars per Descret Telegraph line, of the terrible accident in Cottonwood less than $250,000. The debris of the great Centre street Kanyon: Alta, Utah, 37. fire is t ill covered with snow and ioe; One man found dead was generally untouched by shovel or pick. The owner of the building, Robert Craigh, re- known ixi Dutch Pete from Camp Dougtt siding in Yonkers, has been telegraphed las. Roy Dibble, F. Brown, l'oin. Trip-plcand brother not sure about the several times, but has made no reply. The police Lave no authority to touch latter aud two of their teamsters, one the burnt premises without the sanction of SiifHe's teamsters, name not learned, of the owner, and besides are afraid to and two cf Bcnbam's teamsters are still employ laborers for the purpose, lest gone, it is said they had threo miners the comptroller refuse to pay the bill. aboard but it is not certain; if so, they Moantime the police headquaiters and must have met the same fata. The man tho sixth precinct station heme are found was bruised in a most frightful daily besieged by the relations of the manner. Upwards of 200 men are now unfortunate dead, demanding that search at the slide, shoveling and probing with be commenced, and eagerly offering as- iron bars, in honea of findinrr more. sistance. Coroner Herriman this after The superintendent of the Emma and ed a force of laborers Alta. 27. of t N O The search No other bodies except those snow-stor- d m ip-pl- to-da- y. to-da- y, self-defenc- e, c, k, u to-da- y, J FOREIGN. London, 27. Thirty persons were lost in the steamship 'Germany;" twelve wcie'passou- gers, aud but one was an Amcruan. Duriug a missionary meeting p.t last night, the floor of the building gave way, precipitating a hundred persons a considerable distance; many were injured, some fatally. A special from Berlin says the British Ambassudar at St. Petersburg has delivered a note to Prince Gortschakotf, informing him that England will abstain from interfering with the Russian progress in Central Asia, if it does not, threaten Afghanistan. Nino thousand Kbivese troops nre now besciging the Russian farts on the Euba river, and other 2,000 Khivesc are depredating on the Russian fisheries at the mouth of the Euba. Reinforcements have been sent to the Russian troops in that locality. Wm. Bently, a stock broker of this It is city, suspended payment reported that he is short 44,000 shares in Erie. The ministers of Austria, Germany nnd Russia, nt Athens, acting on instructions from their respective Governments, have jointly advised tho Greek Government to tn the difficulty about the Lauriam silver mines, by conceding the demauds of France and Italy. Sal-for- . to-da- - y CwrresiMmtleiiec. Utah Hotel, Onnss, Dec. 28, Editor of Ocden Junction: 1S72. Dear Sir: We regretted t read your comments on Dr. S. S- Woods' "Jotting by tho Way," published by the Chioagw Journal of Commerce, because it opened an avenue to attack a member of the press whose kind and genial nature siould have shielded him lion, reproach if there were omissious and unfriendly inaccuracies in the letter. I i regard to the charges of intoxication, officious interference with guest-- , aud reft; nl to pay his hotel bili is so utterly at variance wiih his deportment while a guest of the Utah Hotel, that io are impelled to believe tho imputations measurably spiing from disappointment his houv: of the proprietor not talented the pulled by correspondent. We do not offer these remarks nstnpolo gies, because we think none are called for, but a sense of justice to a stranger and a priviied chws of men impels us I place the luaiter in a more friendly - ha-in- light. Respectfully, Ecdky & Williams. Nino miles of tho Pioche nnd narrow jauc railroad been completed. -- luiu-jus- t Kipe oranges, produced in CHint-are celling in the Tu'-luin- , iS-no- ne ra (Cal.) market. One style of bonnet is called tho "Mansard," because it takes a good deal of "man's-hard- " earnings to jjay for one of them. The Canadian way of nieasurinp: r. tree, is said to be ascertain as it U grotesque. You walk from the tree, looking at it from time to time be tween your knees. When you are able to see the top in this way, your distance from the root of the tn--i equals its height. F. S. RICHARDS, NOTARY JMJItLIC AS ft CONVEYANCER. FrnukKn iisy-t- f Nt Omcr. w btween itti A &th Hi. |