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Show r The Aew York Tribune. C'harle W. Penrose, Editor. and !iisinc. Mannger. The future success of tho New York Tribune is now secured. It is safe from the platitudes of "The Sinil-er,- " OGDlttT, UTAH. of a the partizan-blemishe- s Blaine, and the bias and blight of a Pultlld oVerr WEDNESDAY nd SATURDAY, by the 6des Plulishisq Company. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1873. Whitclaw corporation. Keid, the talented assistaut and confidant of Horace Greeley, has secured a majority of shares and assumed soul-les- s "With an Eye to Perspective the 3Ialu Chance. The New York capitalists arc ever ii':idy to take part iu any enterprise which may. add to their plethoric A number of Wall Street purses. brokers and land sharks arrived yesterday in Washington City, having in view the editorial management of the great the acquisition of the public j s9S-0i- Ginghams, Alpacas, Armures, GENTS' HatsjmdCap, Ladies' Trimmed STBAW JIOODS. 200 SUITS . JELaxcVy - Made iu Spring & Summer i Clothing. A Large Stock of S H O E S 7t-- tf Jeans, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, pur-hase- d At an Knglish funeral the other day one of the vix bearers slipped :od fell. The others dropped the i'u2iu and fell upon the prostrate man in such a manner as toinllict inthan juries of which he dbi iu 500 Pieces Hew Prints responsible government. paper, aud with a corps of able wriA large portion of the population ters thoroughly acquainted with the Personal. Rev. D. Thomas, of Cinof the Sandwich Islands is favorable cinnati, arrived here this morning from views and principles of its deceased to annexation to the Union. The the West, on his return to the city in founder, the Tribune will retain its merchants of their ouly largo city which he has made himself renowned proud position as the leading journal are principally Americans, and their as a most promising young minister of of the country. tlie Methodist Church. Merinos, d wealth and commerce are While the Tribune lives, animated Chinese of the a prince Scotch with the interests of the mornthis of its carae the cause Ogden through Empire, by preseut spirit, of their birth. He is a ing on his wav to Washington. "Liberalism" can never die. The cuuntry For many years cur Government bearer of 'ispatches. Many of the Chiprinciples enunciated at Cincinnati Wool Dc-Lain- cs. has bceu looking to the Sandwich nese section hands met him upon his will receive powerful support, clear Islands as an intermediate depot be- arrival at the depot. enunciation, skillful and energetic tween the Pacific shore and the At CSreat ISednclion in Price Centralization now f championship. Of all Summer Oooils at Z.C.M.I.Ocdeu Branch. lantic Ocean. Cushing?s enunciation struggling mightily for of the doctrine that the destiny of Phil as d a Fife. Phil. Maigetts, will be met, denounced and resisted who the nation required the extensiou of keeps a very respectable faloon in Straw, Hills to the utmost. Corruption iu high his a to Lake Salt City, reception gave contiour territory over the entire places will be exposed, and daylight friends yesterday evening. He welcomhas more significance than it let in upon the dark intrigues of ofli-- ! nent, ed his guests with genuine hospitality, had at the time that filibusterism was cial speculators and administration holding in his hands a rabbit pie as a mania, and had become a hobby in each one entered his door, as evidence jobbers. The wrongs of the South circles. San Domiugo has of his friendship. Several of our Ogden will be portrayed, and a voice that political and prob- cilizeus attended Mr. Margetts' party, COTTON will be heard throughout the met with an untimely fate, and have as themselves highexpressed of land bo lifted for their redress. ably tho agitation of the subject o with the entertainment given who ly pleased the population converting hybrid and bribery will be Nepotism by the generous host. An Ogden Fife island may be renewed was this inhabit exposed, and schemes to swindle present and played a good tune on The Pres- the cheer uf term this at Congress. provided. Said Fife returned the nation exhibited in all their nefarious ugliucss and shameless im- ident has lately indicated a desire to this morning iu musical order. press forward bis favorite measure, pudence. And the hopss of the c On Marriage. Happy relief lor youug men limn the effects of founded at Cincinnati, estab- which has until now been thwarted Krrurs and Abuses in early life. MauliiHxl marriage removed. New lished at Baltimore, and cast down by (by the persistent efforts of his oppo- method ofImpedimenta toNew aud remarkable remtreatment. the Hadical tide in November, will nents. The Sandwich Islands pre- edies, liooki aud circulars srnt free, iu ucak-envelopes. rise to renewed existence; and, with a sent a tempting opportunity for the AddceM, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No 2 South N n h St., I'hiladel phia, I 'a au Institution having firm front and undaunted courage President to exhibit his predilections uli.li reputation lor honorable couduct and OF GENTS' kill. work ou for the victory yet to come. in favor of the extension of our Death on Firk. The Irish prisoner We view the settlement of the national domain, and carrysng into who views of tho prevented an intoxicated man from propagandist Tribune difficulties with much plea, execution the city jail a few nights ago had sure and wish the new editorial staff the author of "Manifest Destiny." firing another adventure day before yesterday death, it is likely, all the success thoy can hope for an Kamehauieha's A crazy man wis put in the jail for sale tho successors of the grand old jour- will give rise to complications which keeping, and Pat, who has been working nalist who gave their paper its power- will end in the annexation of that on the roads, was returned to the lock0 country to the Uuitsd States. ful name audiuflueuce. up in consequence of bad weather. On he found the cell full of smoke; entering he dragged the crazy fellow out by the Hotel Arrivals. collar, and found that ho had set fire to The Sandwich Islands and UTAH HOTEL. Gents', Ladies' fu4 Children's a pile cf papers, which would have set Manifest Destiny. Euuet & Williams, - - Proprietors fire to the cell if Pat had not been iu the Dec. 27. AArthur Pickering. John Brunton and nick of time. Paddy is death on fire. Kamehameha, king of tho SandOf all kinds. wich Islands, died December ninth, Dr A Lepder, Salt Lake; J Werthruier, How is it that prisouers are permitted San Francisco; Geo II Fitchell and to retain matches in their possession 1872. He was the last of the race wife, Omaha, Neb; T C Smith, I'hiladel when incarcerated ! which, for centuries has ruled over phia. NEW BRANDS OF the Hawaiian Kingdom. His father While Jteans. OGDEN HOUSE, A large quantity wuutud at Z. 0. M. 1., 0.leu twelve years ago dissatisfied the peo- J. J. Maiion, - - Proprietor. Urauch. Tweeds, Dec. 27. ple who owed him allegiance, and Jas M Taylor and J W Fletcher, Salt How It Is. Ilaiu, rain, rain, . night Cottonades, surrendered his , crown to the oldest Luke; Johu E Curtis, David E Young and and in one almost continual day and William Sumgson, Salt Lake City; child, Kmma, who was well fitted to Mor C lierlin and son, New Zealand; F downfall has been our lot all the week, wear ou her brow, the diadem be- Terry, San Francisco. with a few hours fog for a respite, yes to her tcrdny. There is one consolation in the by royal ancestors. queathed SATURDAY, :8. miJst of the mad and splash, and that Queen Emma visited this country Denims. school-boys Thr Town. Some of the is, that irrigating material for next six years ago, and her versatility in are iu the habit of attacking with summer is being stored up in the mouncommunication, and imposing ap-- J the little girls ou their way to tains and farmers are not doleful now pearance, made a great impression school. Mud is plenty, and iu the ab- over prospect for water. Verily there JUST upon those who eutered her presence. sence of snow the boys resort to cluy and is good in all things. This mornIt was her intention to go to Europe, dirt instead of snow-ballDried Peaches. the who a was little but while sojourning on our shores, ing happy posgirl A large quantity of dried pcaehert, urnl or nn wanted iiyinediatoly, at f.. C. M. I she was injured by a fall on the steps sessor of a new dress and cloun white pared, ,0len branch. f had her clothes COOKING sloekings, STOVES spoiled ofoneofthe New York Hotels. The of the rudeness through unmunnerly Exinjuries inflicted threatened to be fa- boys. Put a stop to this unseemly way Testimony of an Inmmc AND pert. tal, and President Johnson instruct- oi' playing, young gentlemen. At a recent trial in Memphis wherein St. ed the Secretary of the Navy to have Several men were in the streets this an attempt to establish insanity was a vessel prepared fur her conveyance morning whose centre of gravity was made on the part of the defence, D. K. to her native island,, under' the care uncertain. Among them was one who Allen was called as an expert and testiLocks, claimed from a delinquent the sum of fied llius briefly aud rationally: I have of Commodore Rogers. Queen Embeen a practicing physician for nearly fifty cents, due for six mouths. The thirty years; I have had some exper -ma died soon after her arrival at debtor denied the justice of the debt ; a ence in cusesof insanity, having been Honolulu.- Her son Kamehameha blow was the for ten medical credifrom the Tools. years superintendent of response ascended the throne, and after a tor. Friends interfered, and an agree- the Kentucky Lunatic Asylum, and during that time had over 2,000 crazy peoreign of nearly six years, has follow- ment was rundo to go to Mr. Minter's ple under my charge; I have heard the A FULL STOCK OF ed his mothc-- to the tomb, his mem-or- y for a game of billiards and a Tom and hypothetical case read by Mr. Phehn; I am as here an anand before expert, howored and belaved by the sub- Jerry, to settle the matter. swering the question I would like to say that the more I study the question of jects whose affections were gained Etc., Etc. Small Pox. We loarn that there are insanity the less I understaud it; and, by his mild rule and gentle disposi- three new tflses Of small pox atjlooper, if you usk where it begins and where it V tion. , ends, neither I nor any physician in the All Orders addressed to D. II. PEERY, ; but the patients are located at the world could tell in fact on occaQ&dcu City, will hate prompt .The late King was too youthful to western portion of the settlement, sions like this, you; make fool of lawyers attention. themselves iu trying t make asses of marry, although it was currently re- close to the shore of the lake. the doctors. ported at tho time that the' visit of Tn Frankfort-on-tho-Mai- n no murIT. Queen Emma to the United States der has been committed for more Wo have still 2,000,000,000 acres was intended cs a moivui'jnt to form than one hundred years. . of public domain loft uusold. Supf)rintenilrHh llK! duty of beautifying the city. Twenty million dollars are offered by these speculators for the purpose of making - Hod-bon- a. Panama and These sharp gentlemen argue that Congress lias been tardy and reluctant to make the necessary appropriations for embellishing the city ..of magnificent distances. They say that tlu-could undertake the work of carrying 'out all the improvements vith greater facility than the public officers who have in their charge the urapli seizures, why shall not the patrimony of the people at large be icritieed fur tho benefit of the cormorants who are patronized bv the Government. Children CryVor McCain's Candied Castor Oil nnU Cnudiml Verwitiiste They arc delicious innlrdiien ami warranted lmriiileas. Price '25 ceuta. For xide by u Z. C. M. I. aud all dniKgiNts. 57-t- lars. I'iadv subservient to public interests, e in the ease of the proposed tele-- I WllOLillMMilj matter right. Clian-yue-e- . ihing," audnuce private property is OGDEN CITY. iuter-blende- the improvement of the grounds around the .capital, and the scheme nf buying up the vacant lands which I'irm a part of the suburbs of our political metropolis involves the plunder of national property. It is proposed by the capitalists to carry out at their own expense all the improvements contemplated, according to the plan of the Board f Public Works, the cost of which i estimated at fifteen million dollars-Here'- s the rub :" Congress is asked t" douato to them as a consideration Imds worth a hundred million dol- -i set up to save their backs. They now bava to pack sacks of wheat up two flights of stairs very frequently, and this is hard on temper as well as muscle. We are iure that Mr. Peery, on proper representation, will put this Lawn, Percales, Chambniys, Empress Cloth, ed in i- Farmers delivering Z M. C. I. granary think the at grain tackle that some hoisting ought to be Back-breakik- - limbs of the district of Columbia. Millions of dollars have been expend- Washington City's splendor commensurate with its importance as the seat of pur political fabric. This is a shrewd dodgo on the part of the in- t crested gentlemen, who foresee that additional improvements will cause a rise in thp value of the lands which it is asked fdiull be made a donation. They count as a mero bagatelle the loss of all this property to the city of Washington and the nation, which would tints spend millions as a presJ low ent to audacious schemers. many members of Congress may be interested in this stupendous job; hw many officers in high position m;iv have received subsidies, will be Of developed by future events. do not reflect upon the r.urse we character of the immaculate representatives of the nation. ' Tiiev are like Ctesar's wife, -- above suspicion." We do net say that they can be for the purpose- of advancing Such insinuations private interests. we apprehend would bo called libel-- ! lu.. The revelations made regarding the operations of Oakes Ames in his manipulation of the most distiu-- j uished members will not justify us in makiug allegations which may be falsely construed. A project iu which interests of magnitude are involved n the taju'x. Sharp eyes are looking wistfully at the spleuded oppor-tunity presented in making a good an alliance between her son and some fair American girl, thus cementing the bonds of union between the Great Republic and its feeble neighbor. His death leaves a vacancy iu the line of the Hawaiian family. There arc none of royal blood among the Pacific Isles to take his place on the throne of the Kamehamahas. Tho race is extinct, and at this time the Sandwich Islands are left without a iuud-bal- j ls RFXKIYi:i, A Car Xsoad of s. i ,72-t- FURNISHINGS. Louis Iron. Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, Carpenter's - r GROCERIES, ie ! B. CLA WSOX, |