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Show Par Xoblle Fratrum. A statement fully "verified by fee-md- s whose character is uniin pea chalk has been presented to the public regarding the operations of proiuiueut officials among the tpeculators of the Tredit Mobilier. Developments wade before a Committee of Inquiry, appointed by the House of Representatives, implicate the Secretary of the Treasury, the Speaker of the House and a number of the members of the lower branch of Congress. Mr. Al- revclations made in relation to the Credit Mobilier before a Congression al committee are glossed over to con form to the ambitious designs of in triguers. Mormon "Why is Institution. ence'noarly extinguished. Whatever difficulties my beset us on our further voyage, there is Hope to illuminate our pathway, and in the changes or the years to come it is certain that a wise and paternal Hand will guide all things to tho ultimate good of hu- setts, testified that a portion of the stock in the gambling institution known as the Credit Mobilier, was allotted to Secretary Boutwell. The shares arc subscribed in his name, and he is credited with all the accrued dividends, although ho has expressed any intention of cither accepting or declining any inHe is terest in the establishment. determined to bo General Rutlcr is another Repredo with " sentative from the Old Common- ment, have nothing to more than any other rewealth, and a member of the committee appointed to investigate the ligion. They do not mention it or fcrious charges preferred against allude to it, and they have all been members who arc supposed to be submitted to Congress and have received the sanction of the criminated in the nefarious transacEven polygamy, the tions of the sharpers controlling the Government. Credit Mobilier. "Birds of a feather great imaginary bugbear, agaiust flock together," and the immacula'tc which tho waste virtue of a nation member from the greatest manufac- overcharged with righteousness is district in the comes squirted, receives no recognition in never al Union, turing to the rescue of the Secretary. The hero of Dutch Gap avers that he has locn. a certified stock list of the and that there is no tvidence that Mr. Boutwell holds sny interest in the company. He is enraged at the publication of a ftatemeut that is alleged by him to be unfounded in fact. A serious intimation is made by the redoubta- Me soldier of many a bloodies field, (hat the persons implicated in this r.fiairs, M'hocvcr they may be, desiring to involve others who arc alleged to be innocent, will be visited by the terrible vengeance of the law. Union, and' the intimation that they arc opposed to Federal law or the Government, only exposes the ignorance of the accuser, whether it be the President of the United States or any of the press. puppy-do- g yelpers of the g en- wide-sprea- d Life-givin- g Ah, Time will tell ! Ah, Time will tell ! The revelry riiMs liifli; The shivering beggar at the gate Keieati it with a sigh Another year ! Ah, Time xvill tell We own his infant sway; But throw the maxim to tho wind And plunge into life's fray. J. McF. ae-tlo- ! No For Doors, Sa5i and Liuu- BKK of all to B. HITE'S Lumber kind, go Yard, fourth Street, Ogdeu. - W . S3-- tf - j v Viee-lVoident 1 . f j i-- ed. Sfoves! Stoves! .Tnt received, two ear load of new coal stoves at j Z.C. M.L, Ogden Branch. "Mi-si- c Calder Cuaums,";Etc & Careless, of Salt Lake City, arc leadRev. Mr. Van . ing out in the line of music aud musical 72-t- r HATii - j Tn.E J Thuke Cards. -- Benson, a minister of tho Baptist Church at Whitely, Canada, is the person who some days ngo were victimized by the cardmonte chnahm to the tunc of $1,- - j as published in these columns. At the time wc did not mention that when he complained to the conductor of the train, that the ofTicer repremanded him! for his disregard of clerical dignity, when he answered that "the devil tempt- ed him." Hereby hangs a Ptory. The same reverend gentleman, on Saturday last enter, d tho ears nnd accidentally met one of the ehevatim dindustris who j had beaten him at that attractive game which lie had engaged. He clul-- J the card monte man to a gam ' and won three, hundred dollars in gold, j instruments. They have now on hand s a number of organs of mng nificent tone and,extiaordinry compass . s cabinet instruments: lins, flutes, accordeons, concertinas, etc.. and a largo stock of fancy goods for New Year's gifts, all of which they offer at very low prices. They have also a large quantity of new sheet music, a few samples of which now lie on our table: "Close Shutters. 'Willie's dead;" "Asking n Viewing fromMother," You'll always find me true:" "Think of mc, darling:" "Hear me say my little prayer;" -- Manic May;" all beau-i- n ti u'. with chorus; and the beam" march. schotiiseSi, mazurka, polka nnd wnltr.. When. v,u e, to Salt are illustrated by Lako be sure and call at. the elegant esUb!iWmetu s Cltler & Carrier." j first-clas- j j fr first-clas- vio-000- j j j ; ! , J j son-in-la- j t"-i- j j "Suu-lenge- j brighter WalUtreet operators '&r.vis dying and' the lamp of its oxist- - this incident.' . - the native roots and herbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They at the Great Blood Purifier and a Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Invigor-ato- r ol theSjstcm, carrjiugoir all poisonou matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it. refreshing and Invigorating both mind and body. They ai easy f administration, prompt in their certain in their rosuiis, eafo and reliable in all forms of disease. - national difficulties have been settled, and no danger threatens us abroad. But pestilence has eprcad its upas tailing heavy losses upon many who eked out a precarious cxistcucc, from the work of the faithful animals that have become victims to a epidemic. A city, graud and majes tic in its appearance, teeming with by their partisans fur the senatorial wealth aud thrift, has been almost chair which will soou be vacated bv destroyed by the visitation of fire the new elect. How Many hearts are bowed down with is it that within a few short weeks grief, aud oyes are yet bedewed with th?ir differences have roen recoa- - tears over the uraves that contain auu unit uic ruais lor me nou- - the mortal remains of fathers, moth ii or of a seat in the Senate have so ors and husbands, sons and daugh- and gii.tly gild d into the tor. But the vicissitudes and acci embraces of unalloyed friendship ? dents of life, arc a part of the eternal Poos it mean that Grant has whi.s- - law which gowrus the Universe, and into the But-of ears pored ! the sorrow that has touched Benjamin many a ler that he will be, called to the j household in our laud may yet be ho if hi Treasury portfolio resigns swept away by the dawn of an Aurora to Senate in the furor of, which will bring the sunshine of pretensions Mr. Boutwell ? Or, is it determined gladness to desolate hemes, upon to keep the Secretary in hisj Europe now sleeps over a volcano present position at the head of our whivh, at any nv.nncnt may break finances, while Butler will be clova-- j forth, devastating many homes radi-tc- d to the Upper House, by the k.do ant with sanies and happiness. The his delectable the ear- - demon of war threatens a dissolution Senator from Mississippi J of Empires and Kingdoms in :hc old pet-b.iEvents that are transpiring will d world, and apprehensions of future ' cido as to the person who will as-- j peace are entertained.'"" Mime .the' Senatorialtga, and the Look up! Excelsior! Turn to the control of the Treasury; but public side', "of ."life. The vr-a- a Walking Match. On Xmas daj there was a singular walking match at TUESDAY, 31. Coalville. Conrad Staley was matched walk against Isaac Seeley's horse Woodmau-see'to Tows. s The The parly at Hall last night surpassed ezpecta thebest walking horse in town toEcho. tion. A large gathering of people of a distance of live miles for a purse ot every sex, ago and deuotninution honor $50. Staley beat the horse by seven cd the occasion with their presence. minutes, taking the lead in the stait The music was excellent, and the dan- and maintaining it to the end of the cers enjoyed themselves in the whirl of race time 6G minutes. The road w,- s the waltz, polka and echottisch. Dr. in a miserable condition, snow nnd Stevens and other proniinen' citizens slush two inches deep to say nothing ol mil puddles. were present. Everything passed off l ull Assortment pleasantly and harmony ruled among Of GeneralA Merrhandibeat Woodmunoe', rerehed all who took part in the festival. direct from tirnt band". 31tf . . At S o'clo k last evening a team standSkii.fil Oi'KitATiw.N. Vesierday afing in front of Driver & Ncllis' store be- ternoon in Salt Lake City, we saw a came frightened by the noise of some a which had tumor, just been taken men who were passing by, nnd started from Ntphi Clayton's face. He is the down Main Street, when (hey were Mop- son of W. Clayton, Esq.. is 17 years of ped near the Tabernacle. Damages age, and for 7 years had been troubled abou,t twenty dollars. with t hi3 tumor which grew on the left A snow storm commenced early this side of Ins jaw to the size of a goose morning, and at this hour continues. egg. Drs. J. M. and F. D. Benedict, asSeveral gentlemen have taken Time by sisted by Dr. Nichols nnd Bush per the forelock and invited laJies to n formed tho operation. Ether was adsleigh.ridc. Roys, don't count on your ministered to the patient, an incision chickens before they are hatched. The was made extending from the front of snow that carpeted our streets a few the ear three inches downward. In V.) days since passed away beforo the jingle minutes they had the tumor, the patiei t I. . titoe nearu. .Many undergoing the oif ime pieign-Deu- s Lt1 couiu with operation great fair .lamteln were disappointed, and so fortitude. The Benedicts are skilftl were many gallant cavaliers. a blessing to the t fllict- j surgeons and Another year was ushered in at the beginning of this day, and is chronicled as on that will ever be remembered for the events that have left an indelible impression upon the history of the present generation. We have not been afflicted by the scourge of war, and our relations with the world, arc peaceful. Inter- blight among the brute creation, "Tonics," "Appetizers,"' Restorers." Ac. ami that lead the tippler on to drunkenno-srnln, but arc a trno Medicine, made from inie-xpc- Thos Andrews, Kansas City; W H Davis and wife, Miss Nettia Davis, Master Geo Davis and Chas II Davis, Michigan; J Rehra, Col. The Dying Year. Mr. Alley is a gentleman .whose integrity and personal character are unsullied. His record as a member ( f Congress is above reproach, and in l is private and political career has ever been suspected of a single act inconsistent with tho dignity of a states-tia- u and a gentleman. What would I e the verdict of the country if called tpou to decide between the merits of ro honorable and distinguished a gentleman and the marplot who is the pliable tool of the spinners of ' Lowell t Hut a few days ago Bi.t'.cr and Boutwell were at daggers' points, and an aerimouious conflict was carried on Ylnar .... arc as liberal aud republican in sentiment as those of any State in the . Hitters arc not a vile Fancr Drink, made of Poor Rum. Whisky. J'roc.r doctored, Bplced, Spirits and Refuse Liqnors, tho taste, called and sweetened to please 0, what totheo, the fading mark! Another dueling year That has beheld from uga to age; Man rite and disappear; Ilia weak reviews of life; His future hopes and feam; All covered by thy pitying hand In tho Micceeding years. i the statutes of the Territory, but is received and practiced solely on religious grounds. The laws of Utah hare-holder- s, new-bor- track-layin- vir-tual- ly glUXM Thou wo before chaotic ge run Crentivn work began; n Beheld and uniiled, while spheres Their early corei ran, And marked the mighty throes of worlds Heave in creation's race; And saw the wavni of otlior break Upon the ilioro of epaco. New Raii.uoad. Wc learn from Mr. Woods' goneup, "Strick" gonedowi. W. L. I'nyue, who is foreman for the g on the Which is the next Mormon rater Holt ISro's., that Wasatch and Jordan Valley Railwho will pass into oblivion ? road will commence on Thursday next This line commences at Sandy Station, on the Utah Southern, will run tu GranHotel Arrivals. ite, Alia aud the Flagstaff mine. The Holt Bru's. Lave 50 men at work four UTAH HOTEL. miles from Sandy, where they have two Eudlet & Williams, - - Proprietor. Dec. CO. heavy fills; one is 47 feet and the other N Kinsby Duck Creek, Nev; E J will take 70,000 varus of dirt. Mr. W. av.. ,i tt iiiii x i j i lunula- - n 1 ntivivu, lsber, of hichmotid, is ahead plow- worth, Wallace Sweet, U P U R; F Asbury Riggin, L J Lefever, Evanston; ing and scrapiug wit h a large number el C l' Walton, Elko; J B Tooker. New men and teams, and everything is favorJersey; J M Gudgel, John II Carope, able for the speedy completion of the bait Lake. road. Messrs. Jennings. Hooper nnd OGDEN HOUSE. Eldridge are particularly interested 'ii J. J. Mauom, Proprietor. this road and und it is raid that some Dec. SO. F P Pasco, Thos Hall. JasG Patterson English capitalils have joined with them in a project to continue the line to and Jjhn Seagers, Salt Lake; John WilPioche. Go uhead. We want more railliams, San Francisco; Mrs 11 Slocum and roads. "Mor-monism- morality is at a rit, it that the press of the manity. wnc-workin- Thoughts. Tim! whether divided by Godi On tint eternal plan, Or reckoned in tli mortal grft'P Or puny, finite mini, Thy pyramid, nubliiiieaud Wlmtrtotil can comprrhvnd? Thou art the first, and mint bf lr.t, Though circling worlds Huould end. O country remains in such ignorance ItCKiglHMl. on Utah and "Mormon" affairs? We If tho telegraph doesn't lie and hear all the time of what President Grant is going to do with "Mormon-ism- , whenever was it known to tell any- and how he is going to put down ing but facts? Judge Strickland "Mormon institutions." "Mormon-ism- " has gracefully retired from the judi is a religion just as much as cial bench of Utah. What's the Methodism, Catholicism, or auy matter ? Report had it that "Strick" other "ism." Whether it is true or was lor the omcial false has nothing to do with the shoes of Woods, who, report also question. Neither the President or says, is a doomed Gov. Pcrhaj )S Congress has any constitutional pow- "Strick" is doomed also, and resigns er over "Monnonism." It lives in to save himself from decapitation. the faith of its votaries and neither Guess "Strick" is not quite so much bills or bayonets can put it down. on the shoot, now. If he has resignwhich The laws of Utah, ed, we are resigned, also. What n are so frequently represented as an- funny world this is, fall of ups and tagonistic to the General Govern- downs, particular! v the downs. loy, a Representative from Massachu y IVew Year'M r j ! ! ' lcrMn tun take tliose nit-t- cr according to directions, und remain long unw.ell, provided their Ixmes are noi destroyed by mineral poison or other nieaHs, and the vital organs wasted beyond U.e point of repair. rfcad-ach- e, or lndi?;ct$on, lyajepia. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs. Tight- ness of the Chest, Dizziness, Hour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in th Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of th Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs. Tain In the rcjtion of the Kidneys, and i Hundred other painful jsvmptoms, arc tho otrspiinjt of Dyspepsia, hi these complaints it ha no equal, and one bottlo will prove a bettor guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Complaint, in young or old, married or sincle, at the dawn uf womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soou perceptible. For InHiiiiiinalory and Chronic RhetiiuatiKiii aud Clout, DyspepsiaInter-tr lnitiKCstloti, Bilious, Remittent ami mittent. Fevers, Diseases of the Blood. Uver. Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters haw been most successful. Much Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is general'. y prodnccd by derangement of the Digestiv Organs. For Skin Diwcaso, Eruptions, Ti ter, Salt Klieuni, Bloleht x. Spots, Pimple. Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, King-worScald-Head- , Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itck. Scurf, Discoloration of tho Skin, Humor and Disease of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cawc will convince the most incredulous of tlie.r curative effects. t- Clcuiitc tlio Vitiated Vlood when- ever you tl ud its impurities bursting llinmnh the skin lu Pimples. Eruptions, or Sore: cleanse it when you Und it obstructed aud Klnggish Ih the veins ; cleanse it when it id foul ; your feelings will tell you when;. Keep the blood pure, and the health of ti. system will follow. Pin, Tape nnd other Worms lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed anil lemoveu. Says a distinguished physiologist: Therein scarcely an individual bn the lace of t e earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not upon the health y cletneuts of .the body that worms exist, but upon the d iseascd h u mors and slimy deposit that breed these living monstersofdisca.se. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, m anthclminlties, will free the system Iron worms like these Bitters. Median iru I Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints nud Minerals, such a s and Plumbers, Typesetters, Miners, as they advance in life, tiro wibjcel to paralysis of the Bowels. To pnard ag.iim.t this, take a dose of W'ALkcn's Yi.nkuak twice a week. Cold-beater- Bm-tei- is ItilioiiK Ueiiiittcnt r.ud Inters which are so prevalcr.l niitteut Fever, iu the of our rivers valleys great throughout the I'nited States, especially thoseor lie Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, TcnneK-bcCumberland. Arkansas, Red, Colorado. Brazos, Riotirande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Roanoke, James, and uiany others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summrr and Autumn, aud remarkably so during of unusual heat and dryness, nru accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach nnd liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful Influence upon theso various organs. i essenThere is no cathartic for tially necessary. the purpose equal to Dk. J.W'Ai.KKK'd Vinegar BiTTEHR, ns they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter wiih which the bowels arc loaded, at tho samo time stimulating the Becretions of tho livei, aut generally restoring the healthy liinutioui ,r the digestive organs. Scrofula, or King Kvll, While Swellings, fleers, Erysipelas. Swelled neck. Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, ludolem Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc lu these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Wai.kku's Vinegar Brr-tehave Khown their great curat ivo powers in the moat obstinate and iutracuble cases. c, scu-Ko- -- Dr. Walker's California Hitters act similar manner. Vine-C- ar ou all these cases In a By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, nnd bv resolving away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the nflected parts receive health, and a permanent cure U effected. The Aperient and mild Laxative rrcperties of Dr. Walk Kit's Vineoak Bitters arc the best in cases of eruptions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, nnd soothing properties protect tas humors of the fauces. Their Sedative s allay pain in tho nervous system. Ftomacli and bowels, either from Inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Directions. Take or tho Bitters on going to bed at night, from a half to one and ene-lial. Eat good nourishing food, such aa bee veoi-pomutton roast beef, and vegetables, chop, aud take out-doexercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. safe-guar- d prop-crtle- wine-glassfu- ll U. . TCcDOXALD fc CO., Prngglsts A fien. Agts., San Francisco, Cal., jfceor. Washington and Charlton sts., S.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRCCCISTS DEALEIS. t)0-.jl- ll d Knt wnntvl( All $! J fLU cpilf V'Tilt7' cl ol workup fwjoplc. ot uth.T kcx. vnnr or old, make ior mnnr at work h.r i iu their tmr moment, or nil tin tiiim, thiin at r vt.hing fme. G. Stiusoi. Co., rbrtlantJ, Mnins.- tl.ty !. Prti'nlri Al-lfi- w |