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Show jiEVTIl OK A KUTHFLI. VKTK Th late, Daniel Allen win llm son .1 fi'nkl aud Nm-y Stewart Allen lie "a born In Wlillm rnwn.OiKl.li. i!,iv r,,ir York Slate, Itoemtierll, fij I hi. IrmU moTnl tntjhalau :.,,.Miiiitrlnlliyeir 1SU7, nod lleiil ?r?Ztfoitll.e..rl.l.l.ngldlD iiI2. We father erTl hlncounlff tti.Ver of 1812 a. a ..I Her. Ho l",twllhU..iitmy lo Iluir.lo at in. iim. it in fire. After lh w" lila !arrnta m il Into th Stale nf l'.nn. JJimbI !" """"& ",,,rB ""' ,,,J.1 for Ion jmj The, then wont ttLaruaa county, Btatoof Olilo,wher. jlJvSw.lt unlllll.flrde.tli In ISM liwihi r l)jnM Allen was mirrl.d In nil fltil wife, Mary Aim Morrli, on h. "ill ol Oclob. r, 1SJ8, In Hi. Stat., of OoM, C'ajrun rouiit). wliere bolh rm-traceJ rm-traceJ III Uo.ri.lt li.lo ln l"l iiitdlnlolbe C'tiurcli of Ji.ue UhrUt JiUterMliyhmnUIn Juu ISill by lidrr Joel II Jolin.iii. Hoon atr lirotbrr Allen Jolnetl lh. I'liuieti li i, J tils froi f.i HunUlHirif for $100 iid b.udJ over tint .mount to llm l'rwh.t JosepliSmlth, l lielp reiliem 7ioi nd urcliaao InnJi In Jackson rtonty, arcordliiis to revelation, lu iktit ba moved to hlrtlanu, iViitbt lo clly lot", Ulllt himself a frame ilwelllnt: houeo anJ n tioit til alio, tlore, ml riinloJ llooOlnrropiily la Klnlinl. llowae , ,6ittliipi.'rr In the ICIrlltud Hank. Itevftjronipellid losarrlflroall this, ha.tTfr.ou account ol tlio liersetu. II pswniiu folliwtd, nd waa drlveu BVar 1 lb. mib without nny raetus (,iKirilencofor hlafanill, Jlnlhon remove I .bout fifty miles south ol Klrtlindt to Savanna, where li ob tslnnl wor't u a canal, rectlvlnR at ravment fllty cools rer ily. Out "I this .mil lm ha I tu iuprt hi tamlly, ml) el saved the moans mcveiary to purcnaAottiioldepinof mar., anil an lU wacoti. In this wny ho isovadliii family to Missouri, lieluit iliterniliwl M catber lli.r. Willi the Sslnla. K.iltrteJ with H II. StoJtar.l ant Dr. Mllcbell In llio i rlnj of lots, nn 1 Jntneil bin I rutin r Juselll at Lor; ( reek, fl. mile, south of I'nr West. II. went Willi hU brotlier Joseph an I Jlrotlitr Inaao Morluy to ntiolh.r lno- Hon. TheJ t oU up njnio Ull I three mil" nortU of tli. to n ot l'"r We. I. Tbediceaeid built lllm u loi; home. itid wan luttlnijou tlio roof on thu ilir of (lis i Kctlnn In Mitliton, Auuit t:ii,IS15. 1 run that MnioliB vent un. Orr arma until llio dtr tlioy rvlln-nul.lnj rvlln-nul.lnj tlicui In Vr Witt. II.. w villi I). V. I'alleu wbun Ibey took Ilia raonoii from tit. mob, also with Heyniour llrune.ui wliin tlioy w.ro lurrountled with IbtrnrtUi uii.ny un IK I'ntk, II m mile, eolith of 1'ar Weil. 11. lift l'r Wieton l-abmary Ctb, 1339, with tils wlfa and tliroo ell 1 1 oriDflu cuiipitiy with Ms brolhar Joeih, Isaac Jlorleyaud llrotlier It son, and latuped out twenty-oue LlKlits, when they rich--l (jlncy, Illtoole. I r uiilli.re ho went ti l.lnis. lllluols, awl Ued oiik jir, nn I ' moTc-l to .N'auTou Arll 1st, 184) litre ho llred until Arll 1st, HI I, I)urlll(llie tlui. 11. wan loiatod III .Nmvoo ho heltwd Inhulld tlio Tvaljili., and ald for n har. lu tbo rs.uvoo Houtv. From Nauvou llrotlier Alien iloti-i'di'd In Wlotcr )uartr, an I at be left nuvoo Ills wlf. was Uken rery tick. When ho arrive 1 at tlio head of Hap C'rcok, on th.aay to Winter Qcnrlirs lilt wlla d sd Irora tbo eUicu of llio r ersnou tloo. Vrooitb. tlinoHlster Allou was baptized Into tho Church alio remain. 1 a failbful minibir, and noTir iiiur-niuredorroiiiilBluod iiiur-niuredorroiiiilBluod lu all lh. trills ttirouirb wblih ah. bad (o pan', fur alio IsJ a tettliuoti) of tho truth of the (impel for lien.lf, awl ille.l i alio tia I lirrl, In full faith of a Klorlous rour. lertlon with tho Haluls. JlrMliur Daniel Allen was then loft with rtro cblldren, tliojuunitMt belujronly two WQiitls old. II. Ilvod at Winter (JUMters until IhuenrliiK of 1H H was msrrle.1 lo l.oulm Jan. Ileiry Jona l-.'nil, 1817. In the airline of mil h mosed lila family to Kunentllle wbero they ruldud till ll.o snrliiK of ll.slaitel with Ills family to Halt J.ske valley on May 131h, Is I), whero lie arrived He) (.moer II-n J of tun a mi. )ear. II. Head at HI Cottonwood, ri:t f,aka valla) , for iliitivii months, Ihuiiuov.J to riilt Ink. City uu J lived lu tli. Twelfth ward. Tlitro lis w.ut Into tli. tannery busluias wlih Hamuil Mullluur. llrotlier IJiul.l Allen tinned lh. first leather Id Utah. After followlmr this butliiKss for three years lu Hall l.ako City, he aol I out to rismuelMullle.r. llro. Allen married bis third wife, Hirah Whitney, In Halt lake City In 1S',I. Ho then looved to JUnll, Haniielo county, lullt another taunerj, ami filliwei lb. luftlocM tb.ro foronoyaar. 11a then sold out to Warrtu taiiow, and raovil to rieasnnt drovt.Uuh count), In tho fall of 18M, where he tulll lihu- slfanotliirhoiue. In the fall of 18.U bo moled to I'rovo Clt), whero h. resiled re-siled until tbo fall of ii2, when he was lulled to the Dial, mlulou. I) ir ICRtholliueho lived lul'roiuho en. Ubllsbed another tannery lu tho courtly ward, an I alno started a bout, alio, and liaroita shoji In coiinoetlou with llm tannery. Kadunalod 1IU rally toward the bull Unit of tho 1-rovu rauernachi and the I uuith ward nlisolhous.. Ha moved his wlf.Harah and family toHUaeorgelli the full of ISO.', aud tulltaboino thero. In 1601 he aolit ul lila properly In I'rovo and alsrtel with lh. other mimibers of his family to SI. (leoro. On teachlnic I'aroiran, Iron County he met rresldant Uejr-e A.Hinlth, who counsollgj lilmtoro. hisln there and bull 1 a tannery, fhlt he did Incompiny with l'rosldout W. II. lJaiou lu 181)1. lie followel the huilnees until !80. Jle then moved hla family tu l.scalauli-, OsrHeU bounty, where he real Jet untithn lime of his death, Jauusry IS, IS8J at toe ripe age of iUhtyaoven years, ono inoni, and sla days. Ills wife Htrah ulexi January 3, 10J ul llm BKll of tlfty. asveii yeura.eleven mouths and twenty eizhtuaya. lleatteuhd lierfuu.ial oolbetth, was ruent at fast day inriiliiKon the 711.. an I reached an excellent sermon. On lha monilui uf Hi.Sth, IwtwMiilS and I o'olook, ho was selw I with ii severe thill, which muflnid him to lila lw I until be paimd a). Ilia deathbed win surrounded byulauouumber of tho members of lua family. -si!? w1'. ,no hlhtt "' 'wenty all children (sixteen sons un I leu il.luh. ers). 1 ii now leaves a wife, aavan. teen clilldren, slaty iirandchlldren, liifk ut. .'?'" " nmndiblldren. I'i.ilf Al n reUluod his moutal fJiully lo lila ledalde, exhorted them I) remain faithful to ibe CI uroli iiid thosiVrVi1"'?! '?" ' "11 Mnt """ ' Dion, of hit children not iiriaant to y,V?f.'T.r. I0 cf""'-, UsatUeu asked lis family tu releare hhn for ),la mis. Hon was nlled. Luwku Wi!oScic! |