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Show Tabl. llu.r.l rr Ten ul aj3 ,.k. During tlie past eight years I have made to many eiptrlmunta iu lo Hie eutt nl which choice rurotaii lie furnished lolwo or more tiersoua ir week that with tut ke question Is nj longer an open one. hllo la cbnrKe o( the school of doincillo ecnnoniyof tlio lema Agrlciilturilcollego I irliil the eiptrlmeiit sever,,! Units at tllrteient setiuns Vhll InWtrgo of a similar school ut l'nnloe university, ludl ana, I ill I the ssme tklng, and I reuttet my exporlroenta In the school of cookery at thnulituqaa. I haro also iicrlmente.l In the tame dl-rcclloo dl-rcclloo III Iloston, In Kansas City nnd In other ibices, and In all my ciiwrlimnu II "reaulls bate shown that two pers ns can live on tlm best the markets nirord at ill from 3 to Mod a week Hut to do It every article muni bnof tho liest quality, and mutt bo prepared in tho best in mm" ponslble It requires it very limited ammint of food to sallfy one's sppellto K Ihu fund inaterlals lie judiciously selects I and skill fully pret unsl. Au I It half the time spent In concocting inctasu wero 1 1 mulct to tho proiier prtpuratlou of the staple articles of tllrl, ihs lur.sr lltm ofexieiisa would bt avoided At the average taMo the fj!l that U wasted on account of being badly cooked Costa more llinu the food that Is C dcu, ami my experiments bate not been mule Ui riciTUlu iho smallest possible tain upon which two persons cm eke out esUleuoe, but to establish Ikefsct that the rlmo factor In out lining eheip food la 0 tliowl tslgo of the culinary art. 1 he aeeret of cheap IMug consists In selecting se-lecting Iho best died materials and prtiur-iug prtiur-iug III. in prep rlj I canielnet 11 hill of fire for any given mouth Unit win satisfy tho inokt fitidlout nt a coil ot not mi re Mi ill five dollars a week for twu in,Qus and nt which ordinary mortals will not grumble f r thn tl 1 lirs 11 we k for two I , a , 1 "" D Kwlng in IlouslUan srs' Vt ceklv, ' |