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Show UTAH LhOISLATURE. ioi ni. vrDrciiAY ATEftoo,T., I'oltowiugaru tho tllli that aire J their oecondreallnc (. K. 13, changing tho name of the UnlTffill? tf Uoaoret and ameudlng thu law providing for Ha government. C. K.ni authorizing countl'i lo l-sue bond. C. I'. 1, making the flmt Monday In Be pt ember labor day a legal hollJny, (J. P. 3D, Allowing poor t-traona to commenroaiid pronecut lultn. C. F. Si, referrlrg to the time when tho laws of thla ftraIotj should take efTect. Uuleuiiidcd und the hill plire-J upon lu third reading and panted. U.K. SI, rehtlng to criminal ro tedure re wired I la aecond rending. O. F.L'Ufor tho survival uft.il actions ac-tions except 111 el and IanJtr. Hictlon 1 rLadathat all rauies of acLIona, ex. cejt for libel or alander, ahnll aurvlve and may I brought, notwithstanding the death of tho paeons entitled or Ilablo to the snmv. II F. 21, for tho deposition of i-er sons charged with crlmo who shall tcape Indictment or be acjulttedon thogroundof lmanlty. Thlablll pro vldva fur an examination Into the con d It Ion of audi jernon and tho sending send-ing uf such person to tho lim-xtie Asy him, and for the retovtry of xirnea of maintaining such iierain frum the estate of such eraon In certain rases. C. T. 1", tsUbll-hlug Arbor Day aa ft legal holiday, panned Its iti-ond reading. read-ing. ;,I lu.amendlng section 1723 Compiled Com-piled I.ats. t H.K 11, amending niodo of procedure proce-dure In Justice' courts and allowing change of venue, also pjused Ita Stcond rending. CC. It. No 0, for the emrlnytnent of clerks for the Judiciary conunliteu at $1 per day, tame In from thn Houao aui wa concurred In by thu Council. Tho fallowing bills received their third and latt reading nuJ tattidthe Council! il. r.fi.rr-Utlvotothe Uklngofde Ioslllona;uUlduof thu Territory, (ro ecriblug that such may bo taken any-wheroby any-wheroby agrutnnut or projr uotlce, and maklngJusUcesof tho aco com pitont persons beforo whom such de-jysltleiis de-jysltleiis may Ihj taken. 11. V IS amending tho chn ter entitled enti-tled "Kmlniut Domain," Compiled IawsoflbHS. A vigorous protest was mado against tho manner In which the hills were I r I tiled by the Jrriaalkn Aye com j tiny. Tu (hit tho committee n print-lug print-lug dliclalmol all reaiKinslUllty, aa the work waadono by the government under lh Urvlslou of the guvsrucr nud coiiPetpiently the Council had tiu control ovir the inalttr. Thn report of tho Territorial Hoard of ftpuallzatloa was prose n tod ty Iitind. Adjourned at A 1& p. m. TIIIiHSIUV At-TtUSOOM, Council met, purtuant to adjournment, adjourn-ment, at - o'clock thla afternoon. (Quorum present. Journal of tho seventeenth day's I roceodlngs read and approved. A communication was received from the Home, stating that II. I'. 3J, a till fir an act fixing the ago of bora em Cloyed aa conductors of i levators had euu lasted. A communication was received on manufacture nud tommorcc. Melville, lu behalf of the committee on claims rejorloJ that the claim of Hmylhi, llrettaln & 1'oole company, for blanks furnished tho territorial stall i tic! no, had len considered favor ally nud roootn mended that tho claim bu allowed. Adopt ml. Tho onnimltte on fubllo health re. rortrd that C. 1. IS. regulattiit thu jrnctlco ut dentistry Initio Territory, hal been duly conil lered and rscom ineu Jed Its estate. J Hot!. Melville Introduced a hill for au act for Iho edULatlou of tho blind. IW-f IW-f or red to tho committee on uulvernity, C. r. fi, which, ou motion of l.und, last Monday, was male thu speUal orderof today's procedlngs,audwhlch jrovldia for the organization, govtrn mentau I control of building and loin and sttvln. aisoolattous, both domentlo and foreign, doing buslntsa Id thu Territory Ter-ritory ol Utah, and rtptallug chapter 12 of thu law a of IbDO, was UU n up and read by sections, on Ita second rtad lug. This bill Is a vi ry long unu and when tho cleik anuounced Its Introduction, Councilor (Jlendlnnlng requested to U excusud during the remainder of tho day, as ho hal ftomo buslm-M of Judgu lUsklnM that ho wanted to attend to. This was it stunner lo tho latter gentleman, who v,as pre, id, and whose facu clearly In Heated that OUn. dinning was suffering from mental men-tal atarrallou s far as attempt lug to his (llaakln's) tuilne-a was co net rned. Ulrmleunlng retired, leaving tho Judgu to look after tho "liberal" Interests and wale through tho thlrty-flvu sutluns of thlaonoof thuloUKi-stbilU )ut considered tu tho Council. IIOINI. WKUNMUAV AlTntNOCIN. Tho following now hills were presented! pre-sented! II. 1 i by Bnow, providing for an appropriation fjr tho proper display of Utnlint the World's I'alr. II, F. 60, by Haow, providing for the protection uf local atockholdcra Jn forelgu building and loan associations, H. F,61,by Montgomery, to fix thu liability d corporations lu case of accident acci-dent to employes. Klmbutl ollered n concurrent TteoU-tlouirovlliiigfortheemployiuintora TteoU-tlouirovlliiigfortheemployiuintora steuograrhtr ty tho chairman of thu Judiciary oimmltUo of each haute, for tho use of all tho commit lew, at a compensation com-pensation not exceeding $4 per day, Adotid, Kimball moved rrcon si deration of tho action by which II, K, 4J, and the jetillou of r.tlus Morris, relativoto paying u bounty on sugar, wir riw (erred to thu committee ou ruauufac-tures ruauufac-tures and commerce, aud ttutthey be referred to tho committee ou arkul. ture, I.oit The third reading of bill wai next luorJer II. r.32,by MorlU.n bill for an act fixing thongeof porsons employed us conductor or operator of an eUyator, waa the first, rho only amendment, o Hired by Marshall, waa thu idrlklt.g out of socllou 4, which provided that tho act should luke ellcct from and after Its apj nival, Theblll, whith pissed, by a vote of 20 toi', lias follows: Hccliou 1. .No 1-etion shall emfloy.or keep In his emIo, any perron uudir the ago of elghUeu jears hh cuuduitor of an eluvator wllhlu the territory tf Utah, Heo. S. rho term i legator, as used In this ait, shall bo construed tolucluUe elevators for tho carrying of r as-esgeri and freight. ticc.n. Any iraon who employs, or keeps In lila erui .uy.atiy pernoii In violation vio-lation of this act, ihiIbo guilty of a misdemeanor. On thetfcund rev lint of tho bill, C. 1. 7, a bill for an a t to amend miU divisions!! and 7 of srcllon aiiof IU Com)IIeit lAWaof 1868, was roumdtrtd and tncii fl'od for third reft ling. Th bill relates to the cxt mi th nof debtors1 property lu caso of attachment and execution. The iwijgirnytlll,e: IM, look the stmo cour( lly an ocirndnicnt ofTuiod by Klmbifl, tint pari provld Jng Uiatlmprlsiiimeut shall Ui In tho 1-enltcntlary watrlcke out. On nwtlon of Hftrgmt, tho ltousn ad-lourmd. ad-lourmd. The roem1rs of tho Joiver l-odyof tholftwmaklngiower got ("getlieron tlmu thla aftornoou, thrro being but few vacant chairs when order waa called at HI p,m Trayer wiw (hen fdPered by thu chailaln, aHor which yesterday journal was read at length. After the Usual corrections. thoJIouso stttlcil down lo buetnesi and lgan by excuMng Morltz for the day. Marshall, who was not present, was also excused. A llttlo ftqtiabblo eusuod over Ihu mUnumUrtng of a bill, alter which I'erry cdTVred his In-tructlmi fortheinlnuto clerk, eml'oJylug tub aUinllatly whit wutuhllihed ou tho autJect jesterday. Mackny otTere-J n resolution to Iho alma eflucf, wherouioii Ferry with drew his Instruction', and the resolution resolu-tion waa adopted. A oimmunlcntion wa receive! from Iho Council nnnouiiclng that II had concurred In tho llou-o resululloii relating re-lating to tho cnijloymeiit of ate no-graphcrs. no-graphcrs. A mocaigo was rtAvlvei from the (ioverrior and real. It Informal the Hou-vthathn had approved U. 1'. 12, j roTldlng for paying tho Interest on scliool Iwndsluvltlttof the first nud sewnd claa. Aniessagowu rccolnd from lie. Council announcing that It passed C. F. 12, relating to mechanic Ileus, which nu motion of Kimball whs real thnflr.tllmnnndrn'erredta tho com. mltteonn Judiciary. A miMigu was received from the Council announcing that It bad paired 11. 1 8 (Mit stltute) and forwarded tha e4me for tho aotiou of tho House. Judiciary committee. A luvssitgo fiotn tho Council announced an-nounced that It had pl-BCl JI 1M-, ameiidlogHec. .I'M, contled Uwj, Hnrgenl preeentid nnd th. rlerk read a petition from cltuena of raugultch esklug an appropriation of Si.!') hi complete tlie rrnl from I)oM' rineb along tho north sldo of Tangultcb lakr. Cornmitleooit hhihw.iys. I he claim of James II. Luwls for wltneis' fees for services In the Tint .l)l.i.rlct Co u rt, $t00. came bick from thn appropriation committee with n recommendation that It bo allowed. Adopted. 1 heju dietary commit tco reported on H. F.J3, auieiudlng sectlina nl 11-18, reUUng tocertAlu civil actlors, recommending recom-mending Its rejection. Adojted. JI. IMtl, relating to attorneys' fees lusullafor poor l to j.l, wit returned from tho Judiciary committee. On motion of Arnutt, adopted. Tho JudlcUry committee reported lack II. F. US, amending tectlon SdSJ Complied laws, and rscommended Its passage. Adopted. 11. F. 41 re'celvod similar treatmcnL |