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Show LATEST TELEGRAMS. Asioriiric rirxoiui rraal.lenl llarrl..,, .uliinlla A.I lltlim. ltnrrraii.ileireliii.iiiri. Wasiii.miiov, Jan. ?). The following follow-ing Is Ihu rreeldtnl'a tucrrage, trana-muting trana-muting Ike add.tlon nf the Chilian vorresxitjdence to Congrisrt I tuninil! htrcwlth aldltloral cor. rropondinru tetaeou thla guvirn-tnenl guvirn-tnenl and the government of Chile conslrtlng of tli'inoteof, Monti, f'hllrau minister at this capital, to Il'alnr, dalol Jan. '-', the rtly uf lllainu thereto cf tho dite of Jan 17, aod a dispatch frum Kuan, our minister at Hantlnzo, transmitting the lesponaeof l'rrlirt, ( hllran minister of foreign a.Talra to-tlm nolo of Illalne, Jan. '.I, which was n ceive I by me un the S6tu Inst. The note of Moult to illalne, Ihouli date I Jan. i I, waa not ilellvir-l ilellvir-l at the Hlale department until .rter 12 o'clock, mtrildan of theUilh, an I not translated and llauceli t not i.otl fieil to me until late In thu afternoon of that day. In the rcejionra of Mr. Tcrlera to our itote of the list he withdraws with acciptableezprcasions of ngret tho of ft'iirlvu note of Malta oftlm lllhult., aud al,o the ruiutat for the rucall of J.(.ii. the treatment cf thu Incident of tho ausault uinthostllon of the "Haiti, more," la , conciliatory and friendly, that t am f the ojlnlon that Iherela good ) reaped that thu dllT. mice grow-Ingoutoftbat grow-Ingoutoftbat serious atTalr can now bonJJuiUtlupon terms satisfactory to this covernmeut, by tho urual mi thod. and without irclatinurs froniCmi-grerr. froniCmi-grerr. This turn lu the airalrs Is very gmlfylug to me, ai I am sure It will i uloU ingress and to our reolc. Tho general support of the i Moris of the rxriullveMtuforce the Just lights of this nation In this matter, has given an Instructive and iisiTul lllualrallou uf tho unity and latrlotlrm of our pco pie. Hhoiill It bu uettraary, I will again communicate with Congresa upon up-on the sutject- liLNJAUlN lUiniSON. WAHllnaiol, Jan. 1, Ib'J.'. Tlie orreapondrtier. tBIlM 1IUHTT TU LLAlNIi WAailUTOK. I.KOATIO.S Of Cltll E, Jan. Ct. airs I have had the honor to rviulvu your note of yoatirday as euch'SUtu to whlih cu jltaaed to tranrult to mu the Instruction sent tu Tgati on thu day previous lu conference con-ference with which you havu buun I tea-id to favor me. X huu bem Informid that lm. mediately after thetbccurrcncu of the events of UctoWr 10th at Valparalao, which ray government most sincerely deplores, tho Judicial authorities1 Investigation In-vestigation was ucci.sary to throw light upon the fids and to ditiit and runlsli thu guilty parties. From antecedent, which the govemoi-nt of Chile was ahlu to collect at the very outset, It appoaredtbat thudlsordsr of (ktjber loth bigan wltli a quarrel among drunken sailors, which auumed considerable con-siderable prutortlona, owing lo the condition of the locality In which It originated, anj tho iolico performed Ihelr duty by re-vaUbllihlng tmniull-lly tmniull-lly nud lacing iiersoua who seemed tj havoliecu concerned In tho disorder at thn dli(il fcf thu court. The government gov-ernment of Chile has lm dati author-lilug author-lilug It to think the uuirrol was duo to any dislike of Urn uniform of IheUultml Slater, or that the tnlli-e fulled to in r-form r-form tliclr duty. On the contrary, It Is n well demonstrated fact that eatlors gutlntoalcatiil when they go a.lioiu nflir having been on board their vessel for a longtime; this la alroquitenatural, Tho intoxication nf seamen and thu acts to which It gives rise, although they may assume aerlous roporltons an I ociarluti n very lamentable oUVnae, as unfortunately wis tbetiuo nt Valparalio on the JUr.lt of October, cannot conault to the nation In whose servlcia are the men who have lakuu imrt lu the disorder, althotisli tbiy cer-ulnlydonot cer-ulnlydonot Justify Iheollenses committed com-mitted during tho disorder. Tho government gov-ernment of Chile ciuld not, however, foroiH final opinion concerning thu naturo of thu occurrence In ques'lou or aa to whetlur the llcohad or had not Improinrly jArtlcli atid therein, or had failed le tforni Its duty, until the termination of tho Judicial luqulry. Initialed without dilay and which was purhed fornard as speedily as com-luttlbln com-luttlbln with the pruvlrloua of law. Willi the obligation of colluding all elemeula of proof that It was posalble to collect, In ordir to throw full ll.hl un the milter, and with the necessity of lunlahlugthu per ettators of the out-raguwhluh out-raguwhluh had buau committed, and which had Ueu lu patt autlarul by Iicrsona In thu aervlio of u friendly nation, It was the desire nnd duty of thu government of Chile to dlscovtr thu truth in oplir tomakells fuluru proooedlnga oonfnrni thereto, and In ordir that the United Htates govern, meut might t o autUIled that nothing waa neglected lu iirder to do full Justice. Jus-tice. You were (Ieascd,llhyour high sense of rcctltuiti , to rimar't to mu that Ihla proceeding of the govuruuient of Chile wai coirect, and although you desired that tho Judicial luvistigatlon might ho brought In a close with as llttlo delay na po.rllj.', you under. rtood It was nicrkilary that ordinary ordin-ary ligal procoidlng. (which aru not M rapid In Chllo aa In Iho Uultid Htated) should be held. 1 have token oocatlou at sundry tlmis toliif.irinyouof what the Chllinu authorities au-thorities nre doing tq bring tboluvcs-tlgitlon tboluvcs-tlgitlon to n cloe. In the criminal trial hel 1 at Vateiralru not only have the lau Isuieu U-en heard tut also the seamen nf the "lliltlniorc;" both have Win (onVonli'd with thu other. Tho reports cf physklans an 1 1 xprta havu le en raited tor, tlinoflnlon of tho surgeon sur-geon tithe crulier boa llliewlae U'cn Invoked, an 1, In ouo word, nothing has bieu neglirted lhat could feud to hrllitf the whnlotruth t light. 'I hat theaea-men theaea-men of the "lliltlraore" madu their statement with thu assistance ol an Interpreter designated by tutinselris, who was an ofllcirof the cruiser; that the oath tiketi!hy the Ulnars, their confrontallon with each olbir, thu re porta of the uxperu concerning the mure and nature of tho uninJs, nnl that a hearlni was granted lo loth Chilean! nil I Americana, so that all might present their coni lalnls nnu tharge and I h.ard In the r own Justification, give iuronlrstlblu au-tbiirllylu au-tbiirllylu thu trial held at Valnralao. In Ihecourreof our conference, we soraetlmra cons) lered Ihe esse, In which the government cf Ihe United Hutrs aud that of Chile should fall lo agtcowhen the Invistlgatlon should bu terminated and the twn gov,rn menla shoul I have formnl tlulrllml o lnlon,and we agrenl that arbllrutlou would be Iho U-t nnans of settling thninfllculty, and, advancing fattmr In thla couiillakiry spirit, wo eviu formally agree 1 that tho Ulfl.rmioes lhat might arise should bo rubnilllrd to arbllrnllou. This agreement lu aciept ntbllratl nhasliccn Ihe basis of sei. ml of our eonfersnece, especially lhat of Ihe Jalli (Instant, and no Incident or fact Interlurlog therewith Iiascomo to "my knowledge." On tho cnnltary I Ink tbuoccasloti to Inform you ou Iho first uf Januiry that my government govern-ment had authorised me to ooucludu on ngrriment looking lo arbitration and my government, miletua ntljr, nrprotrd thungrerment courliutiil by lue with you of which 1 alM, Informed you. Aa the criminal trial Initiated nt Valparaiso has hot came to nu end, my government has not Jit Ueu hie lo reply to the demanua of the United rllatca. Various documents and aulece lentsto which I havu called your alt, utlon In my foregolnz com muclcatloiia, were dcslgurd to Inform the United Btatrs govvrnrntnt of the I regress of tho Judicial Investigation an lof the facta thiril y illcltcil;they du riot, h iwcver, rnnstltutea nply which inn unly le pheli when the facts are known. Ihe testimony which Hie govern meld of tin United Htalia ha. csused to b. takcu In CllfuinU from the tnw cf thu"llalllmore" can nit lake tho pliicu of Ihu trial Udng held at Valaralse wheru the olTenro was committed. The tistlmony may bu useful for dliclpllnary ora Iminlitra-live Iminlitra-live ptirtrowa In tho United htat.a, hut It cannot servo as a basis of a Jmlclal scnlinco, either In Chile or the Uultid Blah.. T he copy which I have today had tho honor to send you of the statement made by one of thu Mumiu of thu "lltlllmore" at Valparalao show, thit Hie siauiau mado no charge cgalnsl Ihe lollce. rhu charges which he makei here, In the Absence, of Hie accuied pcrllrr, In contrailctlou nf Ills tlrst statement have no value either In law or lu y our enllv btcuwt o Inlcn. Itlslo I olmtricd, morcotsr, that a statement wu. made by tula ftos-mauat ftos-mauat Valparaiso and ntti sled by Ihe Jiiige, by theslrna'ureof llio seaman liluuelfundby that cf the Interpuler who waa au oillcer of Iho "lliltlmjre," who had lietn apjolntid for the ex irers iiirpme of inspiring tho deiion-euts deiion-euts with contldence. sou wero pleased lo statu In your Instructions In-structions to X'gan that under, slguid has not communicated to the United Btslts governmint the note addressed lu him by Malta on thellthof DecemWr Isal. The first time tbe honorable si crelary uf Blalu saw fit to call my uttiutlon to thu afrrmald nolo cf Metis, I told him that thu notu cnntnlned Instructions addressed to tue by Malta, fend tbat us I had l.olLieti dlncled to cominllt.1-cate cominllt.1-cate It crucially tu the department depart-ment of Utile, there was no nitron nit-ron why tho honorallu sicretary shuuld lake cognizance of It, I further rtmlndi-d yeu lhat It was tho doctrluu established by thu American government that dcctiments exchanged ex-changed letween thu I'rtsldent and Congress, or Litwton tbadtrtroeut ofHtat.and dllomatlo rrprtaeniatlvo of tbe United Btales In foreign countries coull not form the subjiet or discussion for forelgu govirmuents, I also look Ilia liberty to remind you of thu lllu.trlmn Webster Web-ster and tl.e retreatuUllve of1 Austria In lbSO. Tho Austrian govt rnment com-plalued com-plalued at tlmu lcause It considered the luslructlous sent to the representative representa-tive of Iho United Htates unjust or dlsrtrctful to Austria, said In-stiurllons In-stiurllons having been published In thomiNaguof thu l'rteldeut, who sent It to Iho Ht mite. "Ilils dcrtiuent," raldMr Welistor, "hason former occasions oc-casions Informed thu ministers of foreign for-eign lowers that any communication frum Ihu i'rusl leut to either Homo of Congrisi is regarded aj a doinertlo communication of which ordinarily no foreign Btalo has cognlzsuce, and tu more recent c r. thu great Impropriety Improprie-ty cf making such communication subject of currcspuDdf nee ami dlplom-alio dlplom-alio Ulstuslon hns been fully shown. The circumstances of publicity docs not change the character of ttto communication in thu opinion opin-ion of Webatir, because such l the common aud usual mode of pro. ceudlng tf communications of t'le l'resl leut nnd Keuate. It was therefore there-fore ou the nature of tin Jnote and ou no.cther riasou that I mrsed by abstention absten-tion front communicating to jou Iho Instructions which Mattu hal rent me on the Uth nf December, aud of which I had Iho honor to Inlorm you. I added, ImwiMr, that It waa far from being the i urposu uf my government govern-ment to act lua manner at all oileu-elva oileu-elva to thu 1'resldtnt of the United Htates or any member of his cabinet, nnd that Matta'a note, If rightly Inter- finlcd, admitted of no audi couttruc-lon. couttruc-lon. I aflerwardahadthohouortoln-form aflerwardahadthohouortoln-form you that 1 had recelvid Instruction, Instruc-tion, from my tovirnmout to luform that of Iho United BUtes that In con-alderallouof con-alderallouof the vie. exrrased bv llucbanan and Webster in 1SIJ and lbjil, mistat'i. sent by thu i'nrl. dent toCoiiKress wiru iiomestlo com-muulcAtlous com-muulcAtlous which cannot servu ns basis for Interpretations to foreign powers or representatives . My government govern-ment had no ullei tle-u lo sinking out of thu nolu of JHccmbor llth such words as might bu considered d Isa-trce-ablo by the United Htates government. Onlhu lblhlust,,nu ulllclal tiligniin waa ubllshnt which has bcem addrirs-cd addrirs-cd ly Iho lommnnder of tho "York-town" "York-town" to Iho secretary of thu navy, and couched In terms oHVusUuto the government ofChlli, und lu lew el what we had sild cnmernlng thu uotu of December llth. I diuined It my duty to mil )uur attention tu thai telegram. The laity spirit of Justice which characterizes char-acterizes )ou, did ntt lennlt you to hesitate to tell mo lhat the wording of sild (elegiam was lui roper and ohjictlouabli. This declaration on) our lull, which was us Impartial asjjit,lirinlnaliu thu Incldint. Hlucu thu earl) art of the month of October, when I bad the honor tu lm Invited to uucllli lalconfereiicis with the rrpre seiitalhea of the department uf suite (as the cndontlals which nicrcdlltd ms as jilnl.tur cf Chile had not yet arrived), It had Leon repeated to mo ou various ociaslons by tho United Btatcs government that If Ihe!..,.. sentallveoflhoUnlledHlalcswa, riV? irrsonagrali lo the government 5 Chile, It waa sulllclt nt for Ihe iro.i.i merit of thlli 1 3 statu and that in rerrrrntatlve Would bo UlccudeJi.. nnitber. Illslhorule tieseu ui" til nature cf Hind plomotlo relalbiur. anj designed o make them frank .ml ro, dial, that the rpfesenlative f " Hon mint li n luriana mata to ti. Kovernmenl tn v. blch ho l aicredluii lu thu conference with which m weio plearnl tn favnr m on tli ta iiil, Inst, I had tbe hunir to state ii,rS tho rc resentutlve of the Unheal bi, . ' atHontlago waa nut a fwratriaBrauio the governmentof Chile, which waiii InverygUdlorecelvo another reel, senlativefrom Iho Unlteil 8lstrs,!ii,j Jon were leasltoaoknnwledgotl,si the, government of Chile , right In ask that n than., should Iminadc. Aflerwards havlni ) our notice, 1 addressed to you In writ. IngthesamecommiinlcMlon which t had made to you verlally. 1 ,,, deemed It my duly toatato lu this ml. Iho foregoing facia which show th. friendly and cordial purpose of ,, lunferenculnwhlohyou tool, a ruoit Important pett. Willi Mtitlmenls, etc., Vt into Moktt. Hot. J A 13(1. IHaisc etc., etc |