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Show ' SALliIE. K ll ( ; Tom Clarkton wni not coniMcrcl a B j great Bctor by anyone. l!owArv M HaMomiin tJwnyigiro An Ititclliffont B I reading of an art ho nmlcrtook, liut H i never MtmM to crtAto la hl nudlenco K tlut Intc mity of attention, that "creepy B acnontion up the hack" which comos to H ouo when lUtcning to nn actor of grcul K $ Ulent or Kctdua. H r Tomiiladln(ininnt theoHHol- i Urn theuler In London aotnn llfteen H' jcnri n;o. That vrna Infum It WM j ii burned down and wlitn it wntdoroted B M to tho proilnction of wnuitlonal melo- H iS drnniM. I think It wn then under the B l) gjanaKtnnmt of Clart nco Holt, but am H I not uro of thU. V Tom played heroes He nu n find looking, haudnomo ftllow, and when ha ' cimctil tho imrt of a Jack Tar, and Jiut ' u tho Villain (with n capital V ideate) wosaliout to roih off with tho aweot M heroine, weighing a huudred nnd ilxty ound, after hATing Instructed hll M band to carry oft the. trrnanra nnd innr h J der the old "pArirnU," Tom alwayi ' i waa euro of a tretnendotui roar of ai- M L I lauea from the gallery by rmhlng down M B the itai from eomouDexcted locality, H f thoutlngi "Nercrl Uuhand the girl, ) 'j, rulllanl Kctir iholl It la aald that a UrltWi aallor dowrie.1 hUihlp or fallod i torecuoAprettyitlrllndltreMr Then fu ho would go for tho llllaiu and baLh!m , ! uidhu"datardlyirew',ollhoitAiw. h Tom Clarkaon wna a Married man M with one liltlo daughter, a iior, dellcato l littlo thing of idx yeari, wlio wonhlimd ! her fntber In a way elmply rlralod by hi own adoration. Thero could not la , many moro completely attAChed f amlltes ' tlian Tom Clarkn.it, bU wlfo nnd liltlo M Bailie. It wae poritirely Uaullful to eoo them eometimea when at rrheariul Tom M would bring littlo rlalllo"tu kea'p her B out of harm'a way, m Ijo said, "whilo BSM tho wife U doing the inarkellng, Hwnl BSK u a queetlon which loved Balllo more, the BBk ( , I falher or tho mother, and it wua pretty BBK tonotlco how tho child uidcarored to BBh m aharo bcrfaors equally 1m tween them. BBS Boswott, too, wtro HallIo'swa)a and BBh ' -to amlablo und loving wu ehe, and eo BBM l jtathmt when all know how eho mut BSv I I RUfferAtUtng unnblo to romp And phy BmV liko other rhlldron, for ber lnlnd was a K bright a aitar, that overy membi r cf H tho company down to tho menuoitt buix?r BBM . nud rmalleet eUije hand waa In lovo with BflM i 1 er And ready to ro to tho other end rf Bflji ' r London, or Lngland for that matter, for at the aiiVe of "Jlr. Clnrlon' Hulllo." Cf "Our llttly HalliD" lnoat of them tailed Bmv ber, for tho Bet mod to btlong to thi in. Two ears ago, when In Loudon, the etory wm tol 1 mo by a prominent uctor at tho Adelphl, who hud len u luemU r Bm , otthnllollnniAtthotliuoClarktonwa I "in tho lead." SM ' I j "Wo were going to proiluco a new BSJ 1 ' 3 play that night," ho ald, "and Tom waa BBH l i i in high fonlher, for he bad a part which BSj ' J II Bulled anil pliwued him and bo thought BS ' Ida chauco ha.1 como at lut. Homcthtug BSV i eluoextltedpleaiurable fueling within lib brouat. lie had obtained h couplo of Bmv I dr(wiclixlotickeu,nndhlawifoaudour littlo Balllo wero to bn in front to neo the K llrat irfonnanro. Bmj "Tom caino down to tho theater in (treat eplrtte. Wo nil knew In n ery B thort tlmo what waa tho matter, lie Mj had all aorta of funnyliko yania to til! j About tlilllo and her eiclteiuent and ck- light lit the Idea of coming to tco fatlur w.t. llotolduafellonaiu tho drivaiug room how alio lnd put her littlo armi nround IiIm neck and lud lusUteil upon B (riving him tho lut kii l-cforo etartlrg BBS , blm off to hli work, 'Thut'a for goo.1 Bw luck, father) don't )on wlpo that olT B liucomlurf to tee )ou tonight; mind, BB i joumaloaUghlt.1 And Tom laugher BBm with delight na he imitated tho baby BM olcouilngtho quaint theatrical alang BBB czjiniilonl. BBf "Tho play wai a highly acnitntlonal BB one, and Tom'a big volic and flue figure BBB bad plenty of opiwrtunlty tu make capb BBBX talfor themaelue. Thlawaa nlwayan BBft aourco of great fun In tho theater, for BBB. wo knew Tom to Ihi the moat geutle BBW ' hearted fellow that oer breathol. , BBBl tho ea; bin goei, ho wouldn't havoburt BBB i Ally. Why, he waa teuder and ldtnlai BBm a woman, nnd a kinder nurae never BBS lUod. I wai only pln)1ng 'walking on' Bfl liarta at tho time, but hohndalwayea BBS kind word, a gi ntlo auggetlon of u.lvico BJ for me, nnd I liad been to hu littlo homo BBfl iullollowayaoieraltlmoi. Uoviuliko BBB ll a big elder brother to mo. Little Balllo BBw used to call tuo her iwcrthcnrt. BBK "Tom vim drcaee.1 quickly that eun- BBB i lng nnd down on tho ataw looking BB through the peepholo to hv big darling BB arrive. It Li uot uha)a an ery msy to BBB, distinguish peoplo in tho front of tho i BV I boubo from tho atage, though, nnd w hen ' BB tho lint act waa called Tom hod not jot BB been able to find tlicm. Ho knew they BB v ero there, though, and full of the fet 1- m lng that ho w iu atting fur their dclLjht BB ho did hia A ery beet. BBB "I ne er fuw film act k well before, BB Tho maiugor wna binnl to remark that BBB he 'didn't U licvo it win in him.' Wo BBB I " fellow uctora knew all about it, though, BBB and wljeu tho npphiuao enmo at tho end BB of the uct, and Tom, nervou nnd ox- BBBJ I cited, atepped Ufort) tho cnrtaln. ho and Ml '' if -.Bbbx. e Ut iuru v.u tual 1 1nr nlnVft .11 tho oolio the clappinff of t tiny jalr tt hairlB in the diTM ctrc.t nJ a littlo taUr vcAco uftlwci 'to. muthcrl Ibere'if-thert Un'thilKMutlnll Oh lin Pohiri'yf I "Uy and by come cf the feat of th.' comtMHiy brffnn looViiitf thrutiRh the I'Ci't't.olo for Turn's ifo and chUl. but no ono couM ieo tlipin. "Then m tho j lay went on wo notloxl thdt Torn hlmlf vtrh (rettipg auxiottf Ho imil not bon able to Jind them tttlier and ho had boRnn to wonder w lo tlmy v.cto hot thtra nnd vhat hail bnomo tt thtin. fSt.ll hop. hvl not left lilm Hh fill ftur that Bomevrhro In Uio Mt (in dllorlum a pair of brlffht brown cy were following hi c cry movement nnd he did hU my twit, though nith a solium hat heaiy heart "Ho had a bhc clmngo Indrre Urnalit btforo tho fifth ct, and tu be bl Ixwn on tho stage up to tbt Iaxt moment of the fourth be bad very littlo time to make It In. Therefore ho did not ftft time to tflVo abut pern at tho auditorium, 1 think wmo kind of n prointiment must have flllvd hln mind, for bo Koetncd to bat-c grown careloea and did not act with the tamo point n bcrctoforo, UU thought Mcmcd anywbfro but on tte stage, und erery now and then wacoulJ bear film baro n K"t nobbing v-IIl. "The and loner, however, bad grown lenient. Tom had caught their yupA tides In tho earlier net, and i) thing bo did was good enonfih now. "The act waa nearly ocrj Tm v,ni In tha middle of his lost rpcech wbn wo noticcil t woman htandlnfr lntbo wing with a noto In ber band. ltnj Jlrn. Clarksun's wrrnnt girl. "iMinwt bnrryintc throtish bis word. for Tom bad raught Mftht of her, too, wornmotntho 'tag, tho Lut words oi tho play. They wire mmn spoken, nnd nmldnn onllmnt of aprd-ituo tho cut-tain cut-tain camo down. Bcarctly wuitinnfor tho roll r to thump ujmn tho ttnK0 Tom runlM nt tho girl and lore tho noto from ber ban.bi. "I rtw It afterward this Is bow It read! "'Tom, dear Tom, onr darling ha fallen nnd hurt herself) coiuo homo quickly. ' "Without waiting to cbango hisdrcM, without waiting to v m)i olT tho creaxn paint and macaro, In bis stage cofttmne, wl and all, Jiut na ho Mas, junt as bo hvl made the lint nnd hlgtront succem of bis life, be ruahed from tho ataxo. pushina alde cvtry one who stood won derinff in bis way j itheyisrUrlnsllke a madman's, all Iho terror nnd gritt that was eating at bU heart looking out from hia face, be ran headlong down tho ktalrraao and passage to tho stao door, rringt 'Octmoncabt For Ood'aaake. ucabt Oh I liiyOutll my darllnjl my darling! bo quick 1 bbo may bo dwidi" "Juat aa lio reached tho threshold something memM to gio way. ITe trippiHl nnd fell furwanl on his faro, and n great gnih of blood spurted from bis mouth and none. "They picked Urn up so tenderly. thoHosuptrs and stage hands standing round about, and carried blm luto the doorkwpt r's iwm and sent for n d.Klor Hut when the ductor tamo ;uor Tom Chukson was ib ad. "Well, no, that is not tbo wbolo of tho story, Tho v,holo company sub-seriled, sub-seriled, and tho manager gave u Iteneflt for Mrs. C'larksou, and a tilie lltllo sum was rained. Wo linvo novir let ber bo in waut, besides Tom had always lxcn a thrifty man. Hut tho mobt Interesting pattofthhi antlrlliiiaz to mol)etto come, halllodidnot dlo. WnhMgocxl d(ctors fur her, and she grew up strutM ond strong and tall, and if on will como to tho Adclpht this evening on v ill see my littlo wife make her debut on the stage. Wo have Ix-cn married eighteen month,HTracy U Hoblnson In Xew York Recorder. |