Show HEINE ON mm TRUST government files petitions against corporations manu fracturing fac turing explosives unlawful combination to restrict trade is charged and court Is asked to determine if re calvers shall take pos session session of property washington the government on tuesday filed in the united states cir cult court at wilmington Wll del a petition against E I 1 dupont de ne incurs mours co the E 13 1 I dupont de nemours powder company of 0 new jer gey pey and twenty four other corporations and seventeen individuals connected with the twenty six corporations m which are made defendants in the petition the petition relates that all of the dl defendants are engaged in interstate intel state trade and commerce in gun powder and other high explosives and are violat ing the act of july 2 1890 known as the sherman anti trust act it seeks to prevent and restrain the he unlawful existing agreements contracts bombin allons and conspiracies in restraint of 0 such trade and commerce com merre to prevent and restrain the attempts upon the part of the defendants to monopolize such trade and commerce and to dis solve the existing monopolies therein the court Is asked to determine whether public interest m ill III be better sub served by the appointment of re celvery to take possession pos of the property of the alleged trusts with a view to bringing about conditions in trade and commerce that will be harmonious with the law the prayer in this respect Is identical with that in the so called tobacco trust petition |