Show NEWS N aj AV S 8 U g ill A 1 I y captain geo curry the netly nealy ap pointed governor of new mexico will be inaugurated august I 1 catheirne moore died at rahway radway N J on the aged her bacul ties except for a slight deafness were well preserved all the american employed emp loyes on the parral durango railroad in chuhua hua owned by pittsburg pa capital ests are on a strike for or higher wage A heavy windstorm struck a crowd ed chautauqua tent at ashland neb creating a I 1 anic and resulting in the more or less serous ser ous injure of fifteen persons richard 11 halsey president pies ples ident of the ahlo Oh oshkosh lo normal school and well known in educational circles was ac ci dentally shot and I 1 billed at bedge me bic lake wis A st petersburg paper ays the min hiter of marine has ordered the baltic ards to prepare tor for the prompt construction of set sei eral 22 ton battleships lightning struel the steeple of st mary s church at 11 waterford wis killing one of the mor sev eral others knicl kneeled ed down and severely stunned dowling green a negro was hanged at pittsburg for the murder 0 of bis his wife green marched cheerfully to the scaffold singing in the cro cross S s I 1 know I 1 m anchored the president has signed a procia procla mation notifying the public of the conclusion of the dominican treaty similar action was talen tal en in santo domingo by president caceres ignacio campisciano his wife col lagaro dagaro gendusa and tony costa found guilty of murdering the la mana child at hahnville Hahn ville la have been sentenced to life imprisonment A revolutionary mo movement lement has brok en out in one of the argentine brov inces bordering on brazil the brazil lan jan government has sent troops to the frontier in order to prevent a violation of neutrality neuta lity miss esther norl nor ng aged 23 wis shot and killed in new lork city hei her slayer it is alleged being charles warner her feinier employer emp loer whose attentions she had repulsed warner was captured the grand duke of baden is strong i 13 opposed ta the death penalty and it Is believed he will commute the death sentence imposed upon karl hau han tor for the murder of his mother in law to life imprisonment A terrific wind nind hall and rain storm destroyed fifteen dwellings injured tient five people two of them ably fatally and did much other damage to property in williston N D and the s mounding country the thirty nine anarchists compos ing the entire national convention of the german anarchist societies who were placed on trial at monheim on the charge ot of holding an illegal open air meeting have been acquitted the supreme court of guatemala has confirmed the death penalty on all those sentenced in connection with the recent attempt to assassinate president cabrera and who had ap pealed their cases to the highest court governor kolic of missouri has granted a respite ot thirty days to I 1 lord ord frederick seymour barring toll ton under sentence to be hanged at clayton mo on july 25 tor for the mur der of james P mccann two tuo lears ears ago along A long drawn dispute between the coal operators and miners over the use of the pate steam dump a labor saving device which threatened to close the minea of the pittsburg dis brict with a general strike has been settled favorably to the miners the chief sanitary officer of the isthmian canal construction reports that out of 4 white american em there were only four deaths during the month and that out of about ca whites other than amer loans leans there were bit b it fifteen deaths major E igene coffin paymaster of the united states at manila Is dead to fa ov cw s g e amp affen of c an 1 left arm he contracted blood poison from handl ng money in paying of off troops and amputation of ith arm was resorted to in hope of saving his life lite following a quarrel mrs airs alice br ce aged 18 years a bride of se sev v eral weeks meeks was shot and instantly I 1 billed at her home at camden N J by her husband frederick bruce who then fatall fatally shot himself bruce quarreled with his wife because she remained away hom home until late at night without his consent germany will oppose the ordering of the british proposition regarding the elimination of armaments she contends it is impossible to acl bowl edge odge the urgency of disarmament when no practical scheme has been devised tor for the reduction of military burdens grief sariel en by the receipt of a notification that her services eer vices would not be longer required mrs nielsen a i housekeeper for a land owner of jutland sweden hanged three of her employer employers s children as well as three of her own and then killed her self by hanging mrs airs emanuel of chicago was mys tediously stabbed and I 1 billed in her apartment at an early hour halt half an hour later her husband was found un conscious on the ground in the rear of the flat building evidently having jumped from their flat which is on the third floor mrs jennie Lauber bauer 47 bears ears old was shot and instantly killed by her husband joseph 51 1 years of age at their home in chicago lauber bauer who was arrested told the po lice that he mistook his wife tor for a burglar the police are inci ned to believe bellene his story |