Show HRU A A 0 A aa gluf we were to proclaim the reliability of our merchandise with a megaphone we could not emphasize any line too strongly quality first is the watch word with the big store make us prove it cfall goods coming in rapidly 64 you are satisfied or we are not A AMP AAA 1 0 AV ill 0 tore 4 did you know aou a could b ly a belt or collar at hall half the legi lar 1 price at the I 1 laiti alre in tile co sale MEN don t it is esq tl if e birg tins offered at the tintic gintic c intile 10 lo 10 50 su ta ts for 10 00 W 18 00 suits fr 1350 13 50 05 00 61 its toi for W 18 S 5 both agreeable and effective cl an beria berla n s co gh gli remedy I 1 a i 10 0 super or for co gl gi s colds a aid id crop p a d tl e fact tl at t s pleada plea a t to tal e a d co ta s i oti oil g in any way ij ii ir 0 s I 1 as n ade it a favorite w tl moti ers mr W S pell am a i eral a t of K rl ville lo 10 va says for more tl a i twe ty years cl a i I 1 cria erla i is s co go g gi ly I 1 as been i iv lea 1 ng aci edy to ill tl roat tro ble blez it s espee ally s 11 i 1 cases of cr I 1 cl aldre idre i I 1 I 1 e t a I 1 my c s to ers vl 0 I 1 ave a c e I 1 it v 11 not take a ly oti oil er for sale by al 1 I i iio ito alett remarkable RESCUE that truth is stranger bt ranger than 17 act ct on I 1 as or ce cc more bee i 1 demonstrated 1 0 the I 1 atle town of fedora tenn tl ce cc of C V pepper he wr te tea I 1 was nas in bed entrels ent rely d cabled wt w tl hemorrhages of tl it e I 1 ng and tl it roat doctors fa ie I 1 to help me ind all I 1 op I 1 ad fled when I 1 bega i 1 g D 1 K ig s new D scon cry the i i bistan rel ef came tl TI e co gl ing 00 oo 0 ceased tl if e bleed g d n n sl e I 1 rai ral adly at d i 1 tl it ree weeks I 1 was al at ie lc tu go to work G ara teed for co 1 a d colds i a id at all W dr g ats tr al at bottle free between Fure found kani kaVi I 1 mammoth Marn moth fore aim arm f shot gun ow owner rier i i in get same by call nga ng i rt d paying for this 11 i I 1 call ui ut on dr J NT foster dent et st for all binds hinds of dental work crown and bridge work a specialty PRE INVENTORY SALE IN MENS furnishings M mens ens mohair shirts regular price 2 50 sale price 1 pyramid shirts regular price 1 35 and sale price 9 5 mens white pleated soft busom shirts regular price and 1 35 sale price 95 DC C outing shirts white and tan regular price and 1 75 sale price 1 1 00 mens working shirts regular price 60 A CZ cents sale price mens burro jap 5 00 shoes for f souvern quality 5 00 shoes for 9 al A 0 r ab a IM EUREKA AND MAMMOTH 1 AAA t I 1 lr p X during the I 1 IL I 1 8 I 1 hot weather I 1 you will enjoy a bottle of blue ribbon 0 g red white and blue or Budweiser Bad weiser tf beer they are all good and will help to g t make your dinner enjoyable we carry v it nothing but the best X i X X IL OXFORD RESORT k i JAMES CROOKS proprietor I 1 T H w 4 i the leading hotel in the city li i it t i THE J JS leurena HOTEL t 1 I le J JC C HONE PROP 11 t i jl nice clean rooms splendid table 51 SERVICE AT MODERATE RATES A A r WIVI WM KEELER JOE E OBRIEN KEELER OBRIEN 6 eneil ai carpenter work I 1 estimates given on all kinds of carpenter work shaft and mine timbers a specialty shop shea op B B store fiveas give os a call prick of beeland FLOUR 0 U WHEAT BRAN AND SHORTS 1 jmwa fen nelis market f pure food law should be observed 1 it I advertise what I 1 sell and sell what I 1 advertise pure whiskey brandy gin wines ale porter and beers cigars from 10 to each buy right and sell right open day and night THE UNCLE UNC LE SAM a S J pr clr professional DR j A HENSEL EUREKA UTAH office building treet dr L E PIERCE it dentist office upstairs up bairs in stott building t eureka I 1 notary public L huish notary i iglic rel orter office for sale ks t st f f good domestic beking machine price Pirlee tIO apply mrs thomaa stew ardson deed mining quit claim and war also 1 location notices NL ai at d r ther her n aping iping blank te reporter office the hatfield house lending hotel tn in city al ply robart ll Il atrick cureka utah for rent nicely Fur furnished nishel rooms at A ply mrs thos thus stewardson kuppr main street lost f I 1 I 1 W W I 1 I 1 I 1 a I 1 es G I 1 11 I 1 T feket R ith clinin at tn ta he acl I 1 with fill little gli gilla Is I 1 I 1 I 1 oto an I 1 lock of hair it claf 1 13 J M initial initials engraved on one she site under will ce kindle lea meae e at bet re orter odice office an I 1 receive 1 e reu ar I 1 NN as 1 st pun sun lay after noon juia jul out of I 1 as coach window between eureka and junction |