Show UTAH STATE NEWS grasshoppers are doing much dam age at erda and lakeview Lake view salt lake city s tax levy has been fixed at 13 mills an increase of one mill over 1906 business Busi nets men of salt lake are in augu rating a campaign against east ern mall mail order houses salt lake is to have a magazine published in the interest of the jews of this western country pioneer day was not celebrated in sanpete county with the exception of oie one or two of the smaller towns mrs anna johnson who was burned by an explosion of gasoline at ogden about a month ago has succumbed to her injuries salt lake city is growing at the rate of more than 1000 1 per month mouth ac cording to the figures of the publish ers of the city directory farmers of santaquin San are harvest ing bumper crops wheat running as high as sixty bushels to the acre while some of the barley will mill go bushels atie encampment of the indian war veterans at ephraim was well attend cd ed an exciting indian skirmish and sham shan battle were witnessed by about 4 people leo peterson was blown up at top lit by the premature discharge of a charge of giant powder fits nis face mas a filled with gravel and powder but he will recover james howarth who bad had been a resident of cache valley for forty five years was killed hilled at franklin on the being thrown from his horse tailing falling on his head lester mckittrick aged 6 was drowned in the jordan jorda a river at salt lake while fishing the bank caved in with the little fellow precipitating him into the stream in about a month the western pa will begin the operation of trains from salt lake city to step toe the station at which connection Is made with the nevada northern while three boys who live in manti were returning from a fishing trip lightning struck and 1 billed the horse which was pulling their buggy but the boys escaped with a slight shock from all appearances the strike of the telephone linemen of salt lake will continue for some time the men I 1 abing aying rejected the proposition toi for settlement setti Ement made by their employers W J kaskell alias W J allson bho mho threatened to kill J H mcchri tal and J Q packard was committed to the state mental hospital at pro vo after an all day hearing before judge ritchie of salt lake the utah sheep commissioners have completed arrangements for the tail fall dipping of sheep and in keeping with their plans all sheep within the boun darles of the state must be dipped between september 15 and november I 1 william Illiam NN ashton chief engineer of the oregon short line had his skull fractured in a runaway accident in idaho the catastrophe occurred at the end of the yellowstone branch of the short line which is now under construction W J boulton one of the oldest resi rest dents of bountiful waa was struck by a train on the lagoon road last week and seriously injured mr boulton who is very deaf was walking down the trad and did not hear the approaching pro aching train lawrence white aged 14 while working in a brici yard in salt lake was burled buried underneath a slide of dirt and smothered to death the boy had been warned to keep away fram rem the bani of dirt but disregard ed the warning mra avis avis boyce whose mission in life Is to form anti kissing hissing clubs is in denser demer and is said to be headed toward salt I 1 ake her chief object Is to form anti I 1 ising societies among mothers and get them to agree not to kiss their babies william adams one of the oldean conductors on the salt lake route in point of sei vice was nn rin oer oner by an all engine at milfoil and received inbur ies from which he died adams stepped in front of the engine aitho it being aware of its i proximity roxi mity an exhibition of electrical devices and appliances is to be held in sa t lake city deafly in october the pro posed exhibit exhibition ioA will be on a larger and more elaborate scale than those given heretofore admission will be free and entertainments of various kinds will be prodded for the vis igors more than a dozen steel bridges bridge have shave been ordered by the salt lake road tor permanent improvement of meadow valley wash the section of right of way suffering badly by past winter storms there is forty miles of tei ter through the wash to be safe guarded john larsen of eurel a was V as the vie tim of a firecracker accident last week which resulted in the loss of his hand mr air larsen was holding a giant flie cracker in his hand when it exploded tearing his hand to pieces his ills arm was amputated a little below the elbow miss jessie aged IS 18 acci dently shot herself at vil e while playing with a 38 calibre ham merless revolver she died instantly the shooting occurred at the home ot of john lambson to whose son melvin lambson miss was engaged to be married thaita iwa |