Show celebrate Ce lebrat on at butte butte mont for several hours sun day evening the streets were wery crowded with a wildly cheering mob of men women omen m and children daring the at af hernoon there was a big parade the miners union turned out almost to a man and m wee e e headed by the B and al band the national nit lonal emblem ap feared quite frequently and inter throughout ane column of marching marchin men were banners bearing such eirls inscriptions as victory hur rah for haywood and we are th the e un deniable des desi lable able citizens the approach of 0 the first firt philippine general election on july 30 when a philippine congress will be chosen is marked by considerable apathy throughout the islands in spite of the strenuous efforts made by the party leaders to bring out the vote it Is estimated that the total registered vote is less than 60 OUO |