Show wf 1 I IMF W il U R S U M M E R M mens en s in mens men s panama hats S A L fine shoes 84 4 50 4 00 values for T he middle of the season finds us with the usual amount of odds and ends and broken lines you know our rule never to carry over to the next season goods that belong to this you have been waiting for us to start this SALE we are not going to waste space in words you know our business policy and the class goods we carry the prices below tell the rest of the story one ok word however first choice means best choice come ea early aly ladies white wh ite waists dainty patterns and perfect in fit and finish you can always use one more especially when you can get them at the prices we offer 4 00 for 2 75 2 50 for 1 65 2 00 for 1 25 3 50 for 2 15 2 25 for 1 50 1 75 for 1 15 3 00 for 1 95 1 50 for 95 in silk waists 6 00 for 4 85 5 00 for 3 45 4 00 for 2 95 hosiery dainty Is something that ap peals to ever woman you yo can gratify your taste and save money here ONE FOURTH OFF regular prices h summer corsets and girdles ALL SIZES WORTH to for mens fancy vests ONE FOURTH OFF REGULAR PRICES skirts k eats at bal arain da gaan fv 0 40 prices AA we offer you one hundred skirts not out of date shopworn shop worn goods but clean up to the minute styles and of the choicest fabrics they are made by the buckingham co of chicago a guarantee of style and workmanship they were bargains at the regular prices but at the prices we are no now W making they are a snap 10 for 7 59 50 8 3 for 6 6 5 for 5 for 3 7 75 5 V 0 H 0 we all wear them its one of the most important items of our apparel A good shoe is one that wears well looks well and FEELS WELL ours are hiat kind we dont want to carry over a single pair of summer shoes the greater part of the season is before you at these prices you can afford an extra pair and 4 grades and 3 for 85 all oxfords in stock and 4 for 3 for 2 50 for one lot oxfords ses sizes 51 2 6 6 2 only and values for childrens lippers and for misses slippers for childrens tan shoes 25 for and 1 50 for 1 15 ri 1 e great sile at the tintic gintic jeican tile C is now tit full blast it belts be its ill I 1 us siles ties for b lit tit shirt W V i ats ind shots tuttle lodge 0 no o 9 I 1 A al meets nd ind ath I 1 rue n anth it 10 0 ii if hill tit N isian g br tl ti in ill 9 gt d stal lit ill invited to ittel I 1 I 1 J BARNAI 1 cit kill 1 S KM at u W M sf cret iby 4 a tl TI arty dys days treatment for adney k adne ladder bladder troubles and sm fc fo 1 00 your money refu aided if not nc it at saied P geules conta n i 0 alcoa 01 do 0 o ot derange tl it e easy aas take ke for sale by al D BANKERS N K E R S transact a general Dankin ir ff craw draw exchange a on an all of l MAIN ST EUREKA y i i Mt matt tt summer dress goods everything in this line goes at from one third to one half off the rego regu lar prices ladies neckwear and belts JUST ONE HALF OFF REGULAR PRICES for for etc mens boys and childrens straw hats at and the clintic int 0 meo ant A ilk 1102 ow W i c di L y die rhe U 4 00 bilk m ailts for 2 9 aj at the brintle mere co is one of the best s in ili the greit gre ore it 6 lie tie it I 1 nour batze is s lame it I 1 is I 1 probably the fault of the shoes mee mason olson dades little liver P ils keep the system clean tl e stomach 9 pron pt relief for headache and b I 1 ous ness cool coo I 1 tor for all tie fa tanily nily sold by M D howlett owlett II dr J al foster den let office opposite post postoffice iee office all work guaranteed to be first eliss IE it yiu yu miss getting get tina one of hoe skirts at the li if lie mere alere 0 o at tl e I t ri es they re loing at aull ou 11 be ti tie e to lose rs 40 M 93 er X 11 E ars the the 1118 K nd 1 I voa you have always B lalit gnat are TA of Pin eules are for or the kidneys ani bladder tl ey bring quick relief to backache cheun aels n lumbago tirel tire worn out feeling they produce natural action of the kidneys thirty days treat treatment men t i 1 0 00 0 money aloney refunded if I 1 ineuzea are n not 0 t satisfactory bold sold by NI D hewlett howlett do not crowd the season the first warm days of spring tn bri ig vi th them a des re to get out and en joy ta t e exi exl barat ig air an I 1 timie cl idren tl it at have been hot hogsed sed up tip all wi ter are bro gl gi t out a d you wonder wl 1 ere cre they all came from tl TI e I 1 eavy cavy w ter clochi g 9 is thrown aside a d i any sa s1 sled ed tl it air flan flaniel iel I 1 alei I 1 c i a cold wave comes aid ie le say it tl it gr p is ep dem dent c colds at tl it s seiso i arc are even more dangerous tl an 1 11 1 r d vi iter as there is much n ore da feer of i a take chamberla Cham beria n s cough remedy how ever and you will have nothing ti t fear ear it always cures and we have never kno a cold to result in mon a vl vi en it was used it is pleas ant and safe to take children like t for sale by M D hewlett howlett tetter salt rheum and eszma tl TI ese are d ceases for wh ch cham beria berla i s salve is especially valuable ft t qu akly allays the itching and smart ng and soon effects a cur cure e pr ce 25 4 cents for sale by al M D hewlett howlett cl C rv am X A bears the 7 the K nd you hava have alwa aiwas Is bought S grature Sg at of stock certificates stock certificates an I 1 all klaudi of if printed ma ter for new corpor corner I 1 aliens furnished I 1 ron aptly I 1 y the re ito 1 0 orter call an I 1 look oi oa tr r line me of 0 s a artil les THE TIIE MAGIC NO 3 number three is a wondern il it mascot for geo 11 parris of cedar grove me according to a letter wb ch reads after suffering much ath w th liver and kidney trouble and becom ng greatly discouraged by tie tt e fa lure to find re lief I 1 tried electric B aters and as a result I 1 am a well man today tl TI e first bottle rel eved and three bottle completed the cure guaranteed best remedy for stomach liver and kidney troubles by y all drugg ats tetter salt rheum and eczema s pine salve carbonized no oti oil ee ei salve so good for cuts burns boils and chapped skin ask about it price 25 cents sold by al D hewlett howlett R N Q C STOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW EUREKA uta 01 ROBINSON UTAH helel hot e no 2 for the tile care of 0 both me lical and urfe ical cases thoroughly equities equi tied I 1 ed and comfort ably fu 1 private rooms and war ar I 1 ambulance beavie lor for emergency rats on application DR V I 1 dr br beitl IU ISAI BAH IN I 1 JK I 1 li an I 1 burgeons ili GET ET IT I 1 the best in telephony N hi accept the t ru lei t don on t time Is money the 1 hone eliat lalko sas 8 both utah independent telephone co call 0 an I 1 learn all at out it IL LL L MEET YOU AT THE 1 I SAM LOCKE manager 7 0 abe only I 1 11 nce in eurel a where you can get a first clias I 1 abent leather Leat lier or fai H sea foam shine tt i remember the plate 6 8 main fit st ft tit eureka lureka 25 years experience t i A v 4 j 1 j l f it |