Show n t miners celebrate when the new news s of the acquittal of william D haywood was flashed over the wires last sunday morning biere was nas great rejoicing in every mining camp in n utah and in fact every city of any importance in the 7 country As soon as president ilear henri matsch of the cureka miners Ali tiers union received rece iNed a message which told him that hay wood had been declared not guilt by the tw elv ein e me i ni ho had for weeks it listened lis stene I 1 to all the evidence thit could it brought brou M lit against him bv by the atea gleat pinkerton Detec detects tiN e agency the mine aline owners association and the highest officers of the states ot of C lorado and idaho he issued a call tor for a i uh uba c meeting bills w ANere ere bent out asking all members of tf e miners janion and in fact all union men to meet at the hall ball at 6 p in that en en ell ng si 81 artly after this hour nearly 80 union men formed in tit line and headed I 1 the union band para led tl a e principal streets of the caal cam the news of of haywood s acau atal had spread rapid iland main street was inas lined with people when tl ti e big parade moved forward it was a magnificent sigl t to see the tile hundreds of miners in ili line aa of them rejoicing because of the victory which their organization had the pavilion w m I 1 ere the public meet ing was held was much too small to accommodate those who desired to hear the speakers president matsch asked the large I 1 audience to rise to its feet and sing the star spangled banner at torney B N C stott D J russel and robert Ad adamson arnson were the arinel pal speakers mr stott stotts address covered the case pretty thoroughly from the beginning to the day that haywood was allowed to go forward a free man in clos clog ng he lie sai I 1 now the present lesson to be drawn is that your men have been believed to bo be free from any criminal conspiracy that they have advocated strikes free from violence and that their acts have been within the laws of the land and that they have at all times advocated living justly and uprightly thus in the future strife between labor and capi tal the advice of haywood and the advocacy of his attorney a at the trial should ever be 5 3 our guide for your future conduct under similar trials and temptations this points to ou the road for future progress pi ogress and final victory the next time that the capitalistic press starts an agitation of prejudice against ou the burden and suspicion will be against them chis ia Is a notice that all labor lations will be treated fairly by the outside world and future juries will not deal with you more harshly under similar circumstances than they have on this occasion today men of thew then estern feder aaion of miners the world looks upon you as being in an industrial warfare and that you conduct the same ac cording to the laws of the land the world today believes that your lea leaders rs are law abiding citizens and that t they advocate the law courts for the 0 settlement of dis disputes p utes the w world rid today believes that you and your leaders have been maligned and the world today trusts you and honors your position T e w orld is in sym pathy w ith you and your efforts tor for advancement the world prays pram a today that iia ila wood may be to this cause causa for years to come and that in the future om f federation ede ration in may a y I 1 a 0 led by me in e of character ai at d standing wl 0 a I 1 avocato peaceful settlements of strikes and arbitration of lalor lator troubles troubles men alen who stand for I 1 principles stand for right and stand fc r law and the integrity of the courts lind closing I 1 will say may 3 on ou ever eer be worthy followers of voin honored leaders and may prosperity folk folla w your efforts mr nir russell in his address stated that the stain upon the flag which had been caused by the illegal man tier in which the officials of the f eder atlon had been removed from their homes in colorado had been ben wiped out by the verdict of the jurors in the case cage against william D hay wood robert adamson also 1 male a brief bricf ad iress and I 1 res reg dent henr matsch who has made an amiable record as a conservative level headed beaded leader of organized labor said that he felt thaul thankful ful to tl e jury in the IlayA II aywood case for the verdict returned and w mas as confident that honest labor would al ways be protected and given 1 estice under the star and stripes |