Show MINES AND MINING TIMING the caiper output of utah in june was 9 pounds interest in the new oil strike tn in vir gin valley utah which has been made in the last fortnight has stirred oil men in the west to much enghu the damage to the hannipal Hanni pah mines near tonopah nevada hy by the recent fire was much less than at first report ed the damage will not exceed aimo 1000 the little florence of goldfield one day da last week transferred to a local mill 15 pounds of ore that is valued at 10 per pound the lease Is producing 25 a day the rumor of a rich strike of ore in the new shaft of the I 1 C mining company near bellevue idaho has been fully conformed A mill Is to 0 be erected at the property at once the cleole mine close to the old lincoln in beaver county and which which has been shut down for neaily twenty years has taken on new life and a carload of rich ore is being taken out per week one hundred and fifty american employees of the arizona copper corn pany s smelter at clifton ariz ara are on strike for an increase of 50 cents a day in wages they have been get ting 3 a day the val ies from the nevada fair view rich streak ran in gold and sil sit ver as follows gold 88 ounces sil sit ver ounces the second as sayed ounces gold and 4 ounces silver to the ton A boston dispatch says buyers con minue to fight present copper prices and demand another concession before they will enter the market gener ally it would not be surprising if some of the independent producers not affiliated with united metals made further concessions in the hope of get ting business the daly west at park city has hag found a new body of ore on the 1 foot 11 while in no 9 just above the foot level a seven foot feln eta has been discovered men alen have been put to work on the latter vein after having been taken away from there two years ago owing to alpar ent nonpaying non paying ground A contract for a soo foot tunnel has just been let by the nevada hy company at tuscarora nev this will do away avay with a long and expensive flume expensive to build and expensive to keep in repair mod era ern hydraulic machinery has been purchased and the plant Is being rap idly put in shape for work amalgamated copper has on its books the names of more individual shareholders than probably any other mining company in the world 48 with average holdings of sixty five shares each cing Is next with 90 averaging shares each utah consolidated Is third with ith 2 averaging share shares each one of the biggest mining deals in the history of colorado which has been pending tor for a year or more la Is the sale of the leading mines on quartz hill to the newhouse tunnel people upward of 5 Is in voled these properties comprise the main portion of quartz hill and have a combined record of more than salt lake men who recently in specter the coal deports dep in the teton valley idaho are enthusiastic about what they saw they claim that there is more coal in the teton valley than the harriman Harrl man lines could burn in fifty years and it if the oregon short line does not build a railroad into the district the line will be built by private parties the higginson lease has struck cop per values on the toot foot level a is being suni sual on the vein and the values are increasing rapidly says the goldfield news A selected sam pie taken from a nineteen inch streak at the bottom of the as assayed ayed 52 silver and 8 geld 0 inces and v per cent copper the entire face carr carries ies 4 per cent copper the king edward mining company of which balled newhouse is prest dent operating in the cobalt camp has I 1 worth of ore ready for the market arket this consists of 3 sacks of which to BOO contain first cla class s ore running from 1000 to 2 ounces to the ton and to 1000 sacks of second class ore aver aging about ounces to the ton calumet and heels issues its an nual report for the year showing net et earnings of 11 and a surplus of over 7 the statement tol fol lows assets cash and copper 6 notes bills receivable 2 development fund etc 45 insurance fund total 8 liabilities drafts and bills payable 1728 1 total 1728 1 surplus 7 J A czizek ex state mine inspector of idaho says it is almost impossible to secure miners enough to work the mines as desired nearly all the corn com bantes being short of help mr czizek states that the forces at the various mines are only about half large enough the berlin bokal An has received a report from german south west africa of the discovery near the coast of luderitz bay of rich deposits of copper ore an expedition will soon leave luderitz to continue prospect ing the newly found ore lies la in a waterless region A settlement has been reached of the q kestion that was raised some weeks ago at silver city and ad dela delamar mar relative to wages of miners the men made a request that an increase of 25 cents all around be made but have finally decided to continue work at the old scale as well as pieces of 0 the projectile it self tn in every direction causing great destruction in that part of the ship it would also smash from the side of the ship the entire piece of armor plate which it and it if the point was near the water it would make an open ing very dangerous indeed |