Show FLEET OFF KEY WEST addition being made to Sl Si carda cards able ablo squadron key west march 20 the two unidentified denti fied bodies from the maine brought here last night were buried today in the city demetry with simple services A divisions of blue jackets eta followed the hearse tomorrow the indiana is expected from the dry tortugas Tor and that station will then be left with the texas and the massachusetts which did not sail yesterday as was expected these battleships will take off more ammunition and unless their orders are unexpectedly changed will leave in a day or two for hampton ampton II roads the detroit and montgomery arrived from the tortugas Tor today the former put more ammunition on board the new york and iowa and then anchored in the borbor the torpedo load boad porter left for the tortugas Tor and the torpedo boat dupont returned here the fleet off key west now consists of the iowa new york nashville montgomery detroit and the torpedo boats dupont winslow foote and gushing cushing the indiana will be added tomorrow I 1 |