Show NORTHWEST 7 NT A now militia company bas beo I 1 at elko nev or A democratic weekly Is 1 to be at cheyenne with dr A A started acl BB as editor johnson F frank rank a rancher knapp kapp lk montana fOntana has been comais tie tol to the insane asylum committed a the Tho butte montana exhibit omaha exposition W too or the tons has beret been shipped to omaha maha if suitable arrange arrangements menta a made the nevada press will visit the omaha lot exposit exposition iol la in f fall all laramie wyoming is another siege of suffering with in dip therla A k la large number of cases there are re reported PO r ted arm the methodist ministers ot of BM propose to inaugurate a non campaign election for the comin coining 9 bartima dean mallet ot of st matthews copal church at laramie lara intel has accepted a call from st paull beloit wis in addition to its numerous mineral products humboldt county nev 7 contains a vast area of slate I 1 it adapted for roofing purposes boma ot if the report of the sheep men in in all r ferent erent portions of wyoming are most boat favorable nas been but snail small losses reported from any part ot of tin the irate tat at Marys villo mont one night week george schenck tensed teased A lo 10 boy until the latter drew a pocket kalf and stabbed his tormentor torl inducting indicting inflict indic ting lm serious wound the union pacific and other great trunk lines of the west have arranged to run big excursions to to the grand granden en camp ment mining district via raw ban tins lins during the summer at livingston recently some fiend attempted to burn the residence of 1 F locke while the family were wera sleep sices ing the door step was saturated saturate with coal oil but the fire died out A collection of the natural mineral soaps found near elko nevada is ii be ing ing made by the owners of a mine to be sent to the omaha amaba exposition alt alti the nevada exhibit the dead body of henry thies wy was found recently in his cabin at Pi nev there being a bullet hoi through his head lying near him was a revolver with which he benn doil edly took his life matt INI murphy urphy is negotiating for tin the purchase of ryan eyan bros big herd of 0 cattle ranging in eastern montini this herd comprises between and cattle of all ages and aid should the deal be consummated As now seems probable mr murphy will be the chief cattleman of the entire west six carloads of clothing and provisions passed through cheyenne ro bently en route from portland ore oreto to key west for the starving cabac large banners covered the sides side 0 of the cars bearing the words for forthe tin relief of starving starring cubans the ibe shipment represents the donations miia made by the people of oregon and washing ton extensive improvements will I 1 be made at rawlins by the railroads it at once A spur is to be built to the th rawlins stone quarries the owners of i which agree to supply 1000 cars can of 0 building stone a year for eastern CM the stone will be used by the company in building its new depot it at omaha the roundhouse round house will at be enlarged and a permanent ate system put in A caye occurred in the old of the young america under weed street tuscarora nevada directly in 1 front of the pioneer meat marked leaving a yawning chasm 12 feet ke across and about four feet in depth ailep the warm weather of the past has thawed the frozen ground so tins the timbers with which it was cormery and which were dou doubt less baal badly y decayed lost their bwl boa ings and allowed the mass to settle which it did without a particle of carnan warning th tho 0 carson and tahoe lumber Flum pluming irig company will 0 til from back of summer Buin mor getting timber building Ave averilla rills where camps are now and carson nev key will be p berie fItted business men are sitting tho the company leader basou hm or the cheyenne sunday exhibition at its a bi 0 she he wh which w as roped recently recen aly byl by I 1 bard 8 of bear creek this wolf has hag quite A record in the northern part of 0 oil ir 0 a hip country for dodging poison for bards bogk ill ing colts colt an and ol 01 natrona county r ivy Wyoming oming has hM boa i apportioned brook trout to be planted in the creeks of tho the bounth clerk is i ra r and already the county for ill tha a finor 6 ceiling bout la in 5 tribe they will trill be ba here bere three months two in nea on there aro are still ninety lara at work in the railroad shops d mie mic 1 10 men in ati aba thi iron rr f toma oun dry t ahert authority t th tha a it Is a r said a d on an 0 bedfor 1 I will be 0 nien men at work thorn thor lindol to t lei fall it is con contemplated tem plated old rails raila into new ones |