Show A DOCTORS C DIRECTION they save a daughter from blindu blindness when a father writes that yours 11 la Is the test best medi medicine citie la in the world you can allow for or sec seeming ining ext ravn a act in the statement if 1 you krilow that t wh the medicine so praised buted a loved daughter of disease and restored to her the eyesight nearly lost the best medicine eyesight nearly in t the e world lor or you la is the medicine that cures you there cant be anything bettar no medicine c cau an do more thau than cure that Is why bohus jolia goode come ol of orrick mo writes in these strong terms drayers dr ayers sarsaparilla is th lit bet medicine in the world my daughter hud had n relapse alter after the measles due to laline tal cold she was nearly blin dond was obliged oblige to remain in a dark room all the time the doctors doctora could give her no relief one of them directed me to give her ayers sarsaparilla two bottles cured her completely ely 11 the thousands of testimonials to the value of dr drayers ayers sarsaparilla Saraa parilla repeat over andover and over one form or another the expression the doctors pave gave her no relief one of them directed me ine to give five her dr ayer ayers s saras parilla two bottles completely cu cured r ed her it is a common experience to try dr elyera sarsaparilla as a last resort it is a n common experience per lence to have dr ayers sarsaparilla by a physician it is ii a coin common nion experience to see a complete cure 11 follow the use ue ol of a few bottles of this great B blood purifying medicine because it is a specific for all forms of blood disease if a disease lit case hos has its origin in bal bad or of impure blood dr ay acers ets sars sara aperila acting directly ou on the blood re movlud its impurities sod and iving to it vitalizing energy will promptly promptly eradicate the disease the thereat great feature of dr ayers Sat sopa rilla la is the radical cures that result front from it iti use many medicines medicine only suppress suppress disease they push the pimples down orvn under the skin they faint paint the c complexion 1 0 with subtle ar senica 1 coil P aund amt but t the h e disease dibease rages in the veins like a pent vor u up fire and some day breaks out in a volcanic eruption that eats cats up the bad body ayers sarsaparilla goes to the root it I 1 ina makes ker the fountain clean and the waters water are cleat clean it makes the root good and the fruit is good it gives nature the elements she needs to build up the broken down constitution not to brace it up with stimulants or patch it up tip on the surface send for dr ayers Cu rebook and learn more about the cures effected li by this thi remedy its sent free on request by y the h J C ayer co lowell mass |