Show howard the readers ot of this paper will bo be gleamed pleased to learn that there la Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able t to a cure in all kg its and that Is catarrh halls hall catarrh cure Is the only positive etive cure now known to the medical fraternity fraternity catarrh being a constitutional a I 1 disease requires a constitutional tr treatment estment halls catarrh cure Is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby h by destroying tho the foundation of the d disease a and giving the patient strength by y b building bif ding up the c constitution and iab 91 sting nature in doing its work the st are have so much faith in its ta curative powers that they offer one hundred area dollars for or any case that it falls to cure send for list ot of testimonials address F J CHENEY co toledo 0 sold b by druggists nall halls a family pills are tho the best |