Show poultry reports we would be glad to hear bear from our readers often on what they are doing in the poultry line it Is not necessary tor for the writer to be an expert poultry fancier to give a report that will prove ot of interest to all the man with a dozen hens may have had experiences of value ile he may have been an observer of the small things that are ot of so BO much value in poultry keeping let us Is hear from all the agricultural paper la Is not for the purpose of providing a medium for the advice of the editor to the rest of the world hut but it Is tor for the purpose of taking the experiences of 0 the many and making them serviceable to all too often the man with a small flock says bays oh I 1 am not a big poultry keeper and have nothing worth writing about the same game idea runs in the mind of the man mail with a hundred hens the man with a thousand hens says that he has so many owls fowls to look after that he ha cannot take the time to observe closely any of them and that therefore his experiences are of little value but all of these are mistaken the experiences of all would make a most valuable compendium it they could ho be collected lecter the greatest ot of all these mistakes it IA for the small poultry keeper to think that his experiences are of no value the very tact fact that he has bt but a dozen fowls makes his experiences of the greatest value for the reason that his conditions are more like those ot the greatest number ot of readers for the small flock Is the rule and ny no the exception cep tion tho the small poultry man has the advantage of knowing till til of hla his fowls as caesar knew hla his suld soldiers lers lie ile can therefore tell what each one is in character and product the farmers review urges the readers of it its a poultry columns to give their experiences tor for the good of all knowing that in that way the best beet service can bo be rendered to the many that are interested in the success of poultry keeping |