Show N M ile iio igus iges the laketown Lake town miller is in town good SNOW GLASSES at mckinnon johnsons 15 cents per pair elder wiley will return irom from the southern states mission field the latter part of 0 next week NATIVE herbs 81 1 BOX AT lake town coop co op JOSEPH IRWIN arent agent for northern rich county TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money it if it falls fails to cure help homo home industry by purchasing your harness and from lem mckinnon prices cannot be beaten anywhere for the same class of work the litchfield estate was sold on monday to wm will C mclaren for there were four bidders ike smith fians neilson Nc ilson fred jenson jensen and W 0 mclaren Me Laren fred jensen started the bidding with an offer of 00 samuel bryson of woodruff paid this office a pleasant visit wednesday and left as a souvenir of his visit a dollar tor for renewed subscription ile he was on his way home from attending con conference ferenee at paris and visiting relatives at thomas fork some excellent articles on poultry keeping care of farms planting trees the dairy etc are to be found in the utah church and farm as well as discourses by the first presidency church reports and news it is only per year and should be in every home jas 11 brown of the firm of brown sons of logan lias has established a branch works at paris and is prepared to do all kinds of ornamental work in plaster of paris suitable for or house bouse decorations get his bis figures for marble monuments and grave stones prices very reasonable J II 11 brown paris idalio idaho the company putting the telephone liue line through from randolph to star valley are offering each for poles po les set in it the ground ready tor for the wires paying for same with stock in the company many of the farmers living along the line have taken contracts I 1 and as soon as the snow is off the line will be rushed to completion mont pelier examiner I 1 desire to attest to the merits of chamberlains cough remedy as one of the most valuable ana efficient preparations pa rations on the market it broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours and in ili gratitude therefore I 1 desire to inform you that I 1 nit will never be without it and you shou should id feel proud of the high esteem in ili which your remedies are held by bv people in ili general it is the one remedy among thousands success to it 0 R DOWNEY editor DEMOCRAT albion lod ind for sale by all medicine dealers |