Show spanish torpedo dont dent flotilla riot llla washington niton march 21 thoro is no doubt that tho the authorities here aro are keeping themselves f fully ally advised as to the movement of the spanish torpedo flotilla now en route from spain up to last night the officio official al advices advises were to tho the effect that the flotilla had not left the canaries where a stop was made to await the arrival of a spanish sh cruiser persons acquainted with mith the facts say that the stop at the canaries Is only temporary and that there is no purpose on the part of the spanish government to turn bade back the torpedo boats because of the removal of the texas and massachusetts from key west on the contrary the purpose as made known in washington is that the torpedo flotilla will continue its trip to cuba and porto rico it was stated by one high in naval authority that no steps had been taken toward intercepting this flotilla or warning it away there has been considerable conjecture in this line hue by naval officers but on the idea that if emergency was in fact near at hand it would b bo a inexpedient to allow a largo large torpedo flotilla to rendezvous on this side the fact that rear admiral sicard has remaining with him at key west a formidable squadron is due to the desire of the authorities to have a strong fleet there when the report of the court of inquiry is road read and the result of the policy to be inaugurated by the president has made mada itself apparent it has been determinedly determined determine dby by the officials to 10 continue the sharp watch which has been kept on the torpedo boat flotilla and should they attempt to move to porto rico to make a vigorous protest to spain looking toward orders for their immediate return to the canaries and if spain should refuse to comply with those manifestations the plan prepared by the officials contemplates not only the formation of a flying squadron but the dispatch of cruisers to intercept the torpedo flotilla and destroy it |