Show cost of raising grain my figures are based en cm 50 per acre land all that one man ca caa a do will be to raise say 25 acres if wheat 40 acres of 0 corn 25 acres N 0 oats and 10 acres ot of hay altogether acres in the first place I 1 will have to buy an outfit that will last tel tei years it will consist of 0 the following three good 4 year old horses SIO harness 40 wagon 55 stock ralo rag 10 harrow barrow 16 15 deep cultivator 18 oats oata seeder 10 corn planter 40 wheat drill 50 binder US moer 45 hay rake 20 hay frame IJ 1 small repairing tools 10 total 78 now as you know will be worn out in ten years and the money so BO spent will be a total loss so 10 wo we must count one tenth 0 fi the invested capital as being the lou loa on wear and tear for or each year thlen than there Is tho the interest the annual lo 10 for this will be about as follows one tenth of 0 interest on at 6 per cent 1668 rent of eulid tax on land 40 tax on horses and tools 20 horse teed feed wages at per day for SOO days a total of we may figure pretty accurately cura tely and you will find it will take about halt half of the counted time to work the forty acres of corn and the other half of the time wll wil suffice tor for the wheat oats and hay so we will count one halt half of the for or the raising of corn that will bo be to which we must add cost of 0 shelling of 0 a 40 bushel crop 16 and seed making a total of 0 this gives us 1600 bushels of 0 corn at a total cost 0 of or a cost coat 0 of 84 24 cents per bushel the average corn crop of 0 1897 was 23 bushels which would give a cost coat per bushel ot of 59 cents of 01 course the more bushels per ae acre re we raise the less will be the cost of each bushel As the same tools are used all over the farm we will throw about an equal charge of the wear to each crop hay working carefully it will take a man two days to cut his ten acres of meadow which will make the labor 3 a day to rake it up to tour ur days to shake up 8 0 two men tour four days to haul in 12 rent of land 30 tax of land 4 wear and tear and interest 1246 later on for hauling to market and other work to meadow 23 total the average bay crop tor for 1897 was about one and one halt half tons to acre which will make the cost coat adding 80 cents for horse teed feed brings it up to per ton of 0 hay wheat seed 35 bushels 35 binder twine 8 threshing SOO bushels at 4 cents 12 work ot of all kinds rent for land 75 wear tear tax honsa home feed 30 total cost coat of 25 aaros of wheat or per bushel |