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Show inursaay, November zz, I Utah Hospital Executive Gives Views On Carter Bill Defeat - SALT LAKE CITY "I think Congress has sent a clear message .to the White House to quit trying to cram costly and discriminatory legislation down the throats of a responsible industry." This was the reaction by Richard B Kinnersley, Executive Vice President of the Utah Hospital Association to the rejection of President Carter's Hospital Cost Containment Bill. "Throughout this nine month debate the President and his spokesmen have been claiming hospital costs were the number one cause of inflation, and that without his legislation the war against inflation was doomed," said Kinnersley. "At the same time hospital costs dropped below the annual cost of living and have remained below the Con- u,ah efficient and economical Emergency Workshop Scheduled For 3 Sessions At XY' Life-Savi- ng Dr. Karren indicated there is a danger of applying too much pressure in an emergency. "The idea of making the chest complete mush before you are effective is untrue," he explained. "The effectiveness comes in applying the right amount of pressure and with the correct rhythm." Participants in the workshop will be trained in the latest emergency techniCPR ques including a new method which is smoother and easier than the old method, he said. The workshop will be from 4 to 7 p.m. on Nov. 28 and 29, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Dec. 1. Sessions will be held in 231 Richards Building on campus. Col lege credit is available. Information on the workshop can be obtained by contacting Conferences and Workshops, 242 HRCB, BYU, ext. Provo, Utah 84602; phone 374-121- 4784. D.C. WASHINGTON, The state of Utah has lost 12 and a half percent of its intercity bus ser- 8 WELL KNOWN stage and screen actress Rhonda Fleming, right, and her husband Ted Mann, were in Utah to open four aew theatres at Prove's Central Square. Instead of receiving the key to the city, she received a pen gift set from Provo Mayor Jim (R-Uta- 26-3- named Interior Committee by to Chairman Morris Udall serve with four other House members (one other Republican and four r Democrats) on the conference committee. "There are some basic differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill," said Marriott, "and the conference committee is designed to reconcile them. I'm grateful to be a member of the committee and give my input into the final version of the bill. Marriott said the measure provides additional authority and financing for Indian Relocation the Navajo-Hop- i Commission, established by the 1974 Land Settlement Act. The Navajo-Hop- i act was established to divide up 1.8 mil On Monday, Dr. Jim Antinori, from Holy Cross Hospital in Salt Lake, will speai on the examination of a rape victim and the procedures followed at the eleven-membe- hospital. Maxine Murdock, a psychologist at the BYU Psychology Counseling Center, will discuss on Tuesday the psychological aspects of rape. Representatives of the Rape Crisis Center of Salt Lake will show a film and lecture on Wednesday. The film is entitled, "A Preventative Inquiry" and the lecture will deal with how to prevent a rape and what services are available through the Rape Crisis Center. Thursday will feature the Orem City Police Department with a film and lecThe Fraternal Order of Eagles Pleature entitled "Lady Take Care '. This sant Grove Aerie No. 3372 will meet session will deal with the general rape for a Hawaiian Luau in the Aerie home be that taken. may precautions Saturday. Activities will begin at 5 p.m. Norma Vance, Hawaiian dance and culture student, and two deaf students, will provide the entertainment along with 24 Hawaiian Luau dancers from the aerie home. All proceeds will go to Christmas charities. Grove Eagles Set Luau PI. A family breakfast will begin at 9 a.m. on Sunday at the Aerie home and continue until noon. Jim Loock and Buzz Moss, past presidents, are chairmen of the event. Fergoson (hiring die ceremonies which she opening the mini-ma- ll proudly displays here. The actress, whose heritage originally gees back to Utah, was very impressed with die beauty of the Beehive State, particularly Utah Valley and its people. A planning meeting headed by Dee Fraughten and Minnie Robinson, aerie and auxiliary presidents will follow. All Eagles and families are invited to participate. percent in Colorado. Specifically, the in- dustry is asking Congress for assistance in two vice during the past fields: an additional tax decade. It's a situation incentive that would be that has affected almost applied to the purchase of all states to varying new buses to upgrade operating fleets, and a degrees. The American Bus As- modest subsidy to sociation, national trade preserve scheduled serorganization of the in- vice to rural areas now dustry; says the reasons threatened with further are many but add up to curtailments. The tax proposal, enope central problem: dorsed by the administra A steady decline in passenger loads in recent tion and now before the years, particularly in House Ways and Means rural areas, plus the con- Committee, would grant sistent rise in operating intercity bus operators an most additional 10 percent incosts, including the higher vestment tax credit recently based on the high degree price of fuel. of inFrom 120 Utah com- of munities served by inter- tercity buses. Such a provision was city buses 10 years ago, the number has dropped made last year for equipto 105. And it could drop ment that contributes further, warns Arthur D. substantially to energy Lewis, president of the conservation. The reAmerican Bus Associa- quest now that buses be tion, without prompt included is backed by government assistance. government studies On a comparative showing that the intercity basis, Utah's neighbors bus can move more peohave fared this way: ple using less fuel than During the same 10 any other form of public year period, 21 percent of transportation. ABA's Lewis noted that the regular route service had to be dropped in the temporary tax credit Wyoming; it was 15 and a would ultimately result in .half percent in New Mex- a substantial increase in ico ; 11 percent In taxes paid by the industry Nevada; 7 percent in both as bus operations became Arizona and Idaho; and 3 more profitable. energy-efficienc- mm y i i. ,7 Y0UK CHBBTEIA 6I?IIMII V dowhi e prizes BOAT-NEC- SWEATERS BY "MS. PIONEER" CHRISTMAS FUN!! FREE! -C- ASH -F- REE! V W I UbJjsA COMAL WEST VALUE , YJ&Zj tr:j'"J-'"'- 27' WIN DOUBLE!! ACRYLIC SWEATER WHIONG I SLEEVES 4-BI- PRIZES! G iohikoom PlUStlOO 00 INCHRISIMAS Gins -1- 100 15 00 IN CHRISTMAS CinS 7S 00 IN CASH PLUS 2NDPRiH- -J GIFTS $ SO 00 IN CASH PLUS! SO 00 IN CHRISTMAS 3RD PRIZE IN PLUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS CASH 25 S IN 00 25 00 4THPRIJL- -J 1ST PRIZt IM CASH t V Q SLEEVELESS 0 NAME W $Q99 ADDRESS i ACRYLIC VEST, J SLIP AT THE RUCKLES PHONE DRAWINGS ON SAT. OEC. 22nd 1979. S PM NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN PURCHASE NECESSARY NO DEPOSIT THIS REGISTRATION ZIP STATE CITY -- TOIJU150 00 TOIAU'.OO 00 T0TAU SO 00 PULLOVER CORRAL WEST NO PURCHASE t 99cbiJ T CiATSil) t 56" fBELTS 48$?3j -- ' TOWATER REVERSE lCATS "S $2T' ItiP s f Binaca' i M V 1 )mm 2ei Dental Floss Asperguih 95c Orange fcm cherry H vF66c dlnllli I t? I E- -ne77c rp fl . f, FAMOUS NAWE BRANDS 170 Count liii'ui'ite 77C 88c $499 IRDIAN n A, ClAffiS i J W4SJ 88 JSiSI If'AT" II i LAIES' 4 i JTVm A OOWN-FII- 1 SA GQ S SKOALS Colgate Toothpaste 7 m. Sl.ll fluorigartl Dental Rinse 10 07. 11.11 Curat! Bandages curodB 129 AND PATTERNS, '(4S0 SMART SAVERS Correctol 30 Count, tt IL5;J vrs 7ferrANDT00LEDlEATH" Q-ti- ps Alka-Seltz- er 25 Count LADIES WESTERN ATH tSUun;:d t6Count NECESSARY! w ' MEN'S 8 BOYS' LEATHER JStflBTS Binaca Spray 15B Utah-P- age lion acres of land in the dispute between the two tribes that has lasted since the 1880 s. The commission was charged with carrying out the relocation of some 5,000 Indians residing on lands partitioned to other tribes. "The House version authorizes the Commission to provide its own financial and administrative services, hire its own legal counsel, review budget requests, contracts, and grants, and to call on any other federal agencies for assistance in the relocation effort. It also saves the government about $40 million dollars of a $67 million dollar price tag by tightening the eligibility requirements for payment of relocation benefits to heads of households," he said. Marriott said one of the sticking points between the two versions has to do with "life estates." The House version authorizes the U.S. District Court to grant up to fifty life estates consisting of 25 acres (3 acres for a homesite and 25 acres for grazing) WASHINGTON, D C Congressman Dan Marriott has been appointed a member of the House-Sena- te Conference Committee for H.R. 5262. the Navajo-Hop-i Indian Relocation Act. A cosponsor of the bill and member of the House Interior Committee from which it originated, Marriott was The Cultural Office of the Associated Students of Utah Technical College at Provo and Orem will sponsor a Rape Awareness Week, November according to Brooke Hickman, Cultural Vice President. Each day of the week from 12 noon to 1 p.m., a different speaker will be featured in the auxiliary conference room located in the Sorensen Student Center on the Orem Campus. Utah Intercity Bus Service Has Declined In Last Decade two-pers- Provo, Rep. Dan Marriott Namecf To Committee sla,es On Rape Awareness Utah's hospitals are among the most in the sumer Price Index for the past eight country. months. Despite numerous attempts to The Carter bill would have imposed correct the President's misi- unrealistic ceilings on growth which nformation he continued to spread would have eventually cost jobs, and these fabrications." affected the quality of health care in Statistics recently published by the our state. This bill was nothing more American Hospital Association, for ex- than ample, show Utah hospital costs per directed at one segment of the admitted patient are 28 percent below economy by a President who promised the national average, and the average he would never ask for wage and price Utahn pays 32.9 percent less for his controls." health care than does the average "I'm happy to say Congressmen American. McKay and Marriott voted against the "In Utah where our hospitals have President's bill, but they did vote for a learned to economize a bill like the cost containment measure which pasPresident's would have been extremely sed and is fair. Utah hospitals will supunfair because the statistics show port this bill. A three-sessio- n workshop on emergency life saving procedures for victims of heart attack will be presented at Brigham Young University Nov. 28, 29 and Dec. 1. Dr. Keith J. Karren, coordinator of BYU's emergency medical technician program and director of the workshop, said many lives can be saved each year through prompt and correct emergency procedures. "I'm afraid that some of us have seen a brief demonstration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on television and figure it's all just a matter of thumping on the chest and blowing into the victim's mouth, but there is much more to it than that," he said. Tech 1978, THE 80s Efferdenu 40 m I09 m Colgate Instant Shave Pro Toothbu.ihci Free H 5vvvsvs'-'- -- r - ""- - ym MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S WESTERN CORDUROY DOWN SHIRTS VESTS BULKY-KNI- DOWN-FIL- T WESTERN FILL Men. L FASHION 4 Mil Noxema Skin Cream 601 20c off label 119 Regular Lemon VUIVA Polish Remover Herbal 100 Right Guard 3T 4oz Scented Silver 14"fl7" m f24"f28 CLOSED VAiUESTO39 A 24 95 VALUE V PEmiZEO Unscented Silver Powder Dry IARRELOUILTE0 SNAPS. COLLAR. SNAP 50 ROLL FRONT. QPSW VALUES TO SUDAYS CARDIGANS nut. PULL- OVERS. WESTERN MOTIFS. TWO FOU STYLES AND COLO'S to WW hV UNITED tl 50 ANO yPiiucs IPltoarinniacy 2C0 West Center-Prov- o Phone 373-72C- O QLI u WO. y' |