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Show Thursday. Commerce November 22. THE HERALD. 1979 What is happening in the stock markets and the business world Provo Itah-Pa- ge 19 ill Livestock' and Produce Price Reports Chicago Merc 807.42 ciM-(tn- i Jun Live Beef Cattle 140.000 lb; ceati per Ibi Ftb Apr 739u 7317 7267 208 7550 7475 7520 7420 8816 7650 7545 7590 7502 5139 130.000 Dei 7347 Live Hogi lb; centi per Ibl 4375 4260 4315 4330 2448 4610 4645 4605 386 Froieo Pork Bellies lb; ccdii per Ibi 16.000 :00 Feb 5407 5447 5427 5958 i672 5460 5505 5472 1648 t.785 5590 5637 5585 679 Mar May Feeder Cillle K 7220 7150 7175 7075 8424 Jan 4475 4525 4520 4203 4690 Ex- HiihLowCiotePrevSil D 4595 wheat Apr 4365 4270 4322 4292 1823 - the Chicago Mercantile change Wednesday 1.80 DOWN Feb CHICAGO UPI Closing range of meat futures traded on i Jan Mar 142,100 lb; ceati per Ibi 87lW 0670 8720 8670 408 8910 8820 8887 8730 S28 897:i 8865 8872 8847 440 Apr Mav 892 5 8852 8867 8820 248 CHICAGO (UPI-C- ash gram Wednesday: Vo ".heat 4 2 4 23 4N hard winter 2 134.N Corn Vj 2 yellow 2 67N Oats V) 2 extra heavv white 58 So beans o 1 vello Chicago t igh rate 6 54 4N Barlev malting 2 70-- 20 leed I lit-- 1 50 Basis i '.he difference between the cash price and price of the most current futures contract unchanged for wheat com and so Deans oats up 2 NNomina! 17 So Joliet Livestock soft red No JULIET III took Cattle mostly higher mixed steers mixed 67 a pi. trade active steers few instances 2 00 heifers 1 25-- 75 higher high choice and prime 69 50 choice 68 25 choice and prime heilers 50 200. trade active bar rows and gills 50 to 75 cents lbs 39 75 higher No 40 50 No lbs 39 75 o lbs 35 50Hiig 1 25 i delivered jr'.ons 68 70 Ijrge Lives- 00 2S-- idttie medium 900 I :n estimate extra l)ec 2nd h! Jan 1st h! 66 j 67 large 6.1 Hicvi.0 U'l 1 PI PORTLAND Ore Portland rash grain coast Jeluerv basis white wheat Hulk sell- ef ind butter is reported tn I MIX Wednesday Butter I S1U prices pjid to dvli.er-'$2 unchjriKeu stole :I Ui 7 i v ore 129 W 131 33 f.giis Prices pjid to delnen up 1 on medium, unaided ,i ing prices Mr N.n 2nd hi !Hs 1st hi I ec 2nd hi Ian 1st hi Prices to retailers No lec (,rjde White club Hard red winu 420 425 487 rd r 11 4 2 percent 12 percent li percent spring wheat ton oi 87 4 88 98 en! 5 percent 5 01 05 07 li percen' Ha; lei 105(1) 4 4 it pen i; 'A 2nd hi Isl hi rt PI Mies at 9 Portland Casti today white wheat 4 22 4 hi a in Jo 4 Harlev sies other on PORTLAND Butter and Eggs Port!and Livestock i 109 00 5 107 ids, Prices at Stock Market Closing iix i Si III. iI I Ii I I I I 11 0 Q 21 f: UP UNCNANOID DOWN 684 422 783 ISSUES TRADED: 1819 INDEX: 59.18 COMPOSITE 79 0.03 up VOLUME: 41,708,230 103 83 up 0.20 Stock Prices Local Drop Despite A Late Rally CdnPc 1 40b CatplTr 2 10 CBS 29 felines 3 20 43 Chessie Chrvslr 2 32 27 08 I 13 2 44 35 2 60 21 2.30 35 2.36 10 1.80 DavtnH 1 80 40 Dow Ch 1.60 29 DuPont 2 x39 ElPaso 1.48 20 Esmark 1.84 27 Ethyl 1.35 24 2 EvansP 1.60 21 ExCelO Exxon 4.40 56 1.90 34 other countries. Iranian Moslem students, demanding the return of deposed Shah Mohammed Reza Iahlavi, are threatening to kill 49 American hostages if President Carter orders military action. He has dispatched the aircraft carrier Kity Hawk to the Persian Gulf. The gulf is one of the major oil centers of the world and the turmoil there has raised concern about supplies to the West. whose chairman, On the Big Board, Robert E. Dewar, said he is taking an early retirement, was active following block trades of 226,600 shgres and 100;000 shares both at 23ft. in Bankamerica, which had a bank Islamabad, was active in trading that included a block of 258,300 shares at 24. General Motors was active and lower at one time. So were Ford and Chrysler. All three are having sales problems and Chrysler is on the brink of bankruptcy. Goldmining issues drew some attention as bullion prices surged on foreign exchanges. Dome Mines, Homestake Mining, Campbell Red Lake and ASA Ltd. were in the spotlight at one time. Sambo's Restaurants, which reported a $35 million quarterly loss Tuesday, was lower. On the Amex, Washington Post B stock was active in trading that included a block of 520,000 shares at 20. 8 4 DuqneL 1.80 14 Eastern Air 6 EKodk 2.40a 48 4.50 .53 12.00 5.25 .58 14.00 2.50 Crested Butte The State Department charged Ayatollah Ruhol-laKhomeini of Iran with lying by accusing the United States for the unrest. But it stopped short oi saying the ayatollah spread the Iranian crisis to the 4 DetEdis 1 60 12 Dialtl 2.20g 37 Disney .48g 37 Classic guard. up off 41 8 8 up off up 1 off off 4 up up 4 off off 8 off 8 off 14 up 4 4 off up off 2.75 10 75 10.25 1.25 1.50 Corn Dog Far West 8 up up 2 off dnUvn 1 20 49 up (in Elec 2 80 46 up (.en Foods 2 33 up 60a 50 up up 4 4 G T E ofl 1 20 24 Ga Pac up 4 GK Tec 1 30 22 up Gillette 1 72 25 up off 4 Goodnh 1 44 19 Goodvr 130 12 off Gt A4P lOd 7 off Grvhnd 1 04 14 8 off Gulf Oil 2 25 35 54 up Hollv Sugar 38 up 1 Hmstk 1.40a 35 Honywl 2 60 76 up Horizon Cp 6 28 2.36 Houstln up IC Inds I 84 24 Idaho P 2 40 20 8 off off IdealBa 1 60 20 IncoLtd 40a 18 up Ing Rnd 3 16 49 4 off 4 InlndStl 2 80 30 4 up IBM Cp 3 44 61 8 off IntHarv 2.50 36 up IntPapr 2.20 36 IntTT&T 2.40 25 up 8 JohnMv 1 92 23 8 up 12 8 24 1.40 off Kennctt Clayton Silver Mines Combined Metals. Inc. Comet Coalition Mines Comstock Tunnel Com. Tel Inc. Croff Oil Co Crown Point Cons. Mining Dragon Cons. Mining East Utah Mining Co Eureka Standard Cons. Falcon .10 .12 Hiko Bell High Country .25 .04 .30 .05 Excalibur int. Leisure January Manhatten .50 .75 .03 Exxcel Gold Chain Mining Great Western Mines 03 .04 1.62 1.25 West Minerals West Diamond .31 Paiute Pine Ridge .87 .06 1.00 Ruby Mining Stansburv Spearhead .50 1.10 6.75 Swing Bike Tuma U.S. Energy .04 .09 1.12 .60 1.25 7.25 .05 04 .45 .045 6.50 7.50 35 INTERMOUNTAI.N 1.00 27.50 26.50 Utah Equities Valtek .37 STOCK EXCHANGE Bristol Silver Mines .90 1.15 3.25 3.50 Justheim Petroleum Louisiana Pacific Res. Mammoth Mining Co. New Quincv Mining North Lilv Mining Park Citv Cons. Mines Park Premier Mining Petro-SilvInc. Prince Cons. Mining Rego South Standard Mining Standard Metals Corp. TelatranS Tintic Mineral Res. United Park City Mines 130 - MobilCorp 3 51 8 up Monsan 3 40 58 Mon Dk 1 80 18 MonPw 2 04 19 off MotorU 1 20 48 Mt Fuel 2 20 30 up MtStTel 2 32 23 4 off 1 62 21 up Nabisco off Natl Can .72 20 NLInds 140 2 62 075 25 4 00 65 55 40 60 .52 1 25 75 5 00 28 .31 37 5.874 43 6 00 30 3.75 07 4.00 1.25 1.40 45 .10 .28 26 065 .09 065 .09 .08 5.00 .11 5.50 1 65 1.70 13.62 14.12 25 .50 15 .18 2.62 2.50 Utah Cons. Mining Mil Uns. Oil Jb .23 2.37 Working Spouse Can Make Advancement Move Tough are a (UPI) company locations." businessman offered a transfer PITTSBURGH is A Chicago to Pittsburgh, but his wife can not get the same professional job she now has. The businessman, if he turns down the offer, loses a chance to advance. It's a decision a growing number of Americans may have to make some day. Changes in attitudes and economic necessities have brought about the new two spouses workAmerican family ing and pursuing career goals. Among 239 top industrial companies responding to a recent survey, a firm averaging 18,500 employees transferred 219 per year. "Within the past five years there has been a noticeable trend to both spouses working," said United States Steel Corp.'s vice president of personnel. Donald H. Hoffman. "Before, there either was no consideration or it was not apparent." The nation's largest steelmaker transfers 700 to 800 management employees each year. It employs 16,000 management personnel. Hoffman said U.S. Steel has no standard policy on how to handle transfers, but tries to look for recruits who are flexible. "They know when they come Bessemer, which manages $1.6 billion in assets for the 144 descendents of steel magnate Henry Phipps and other major clients, has been alert to European opportunities, Whitmore said, since it took advantage of the postwar recovery boom in the 1950s "with con- we worldwide with 136 employing Most employees offered transfers seize the opportunity, but certain reasons are accepted for rejection of the move, Hoffman said. "The working spouse is a legitimate reason." A U.S. Steel spokesman said although the second working spouse is a trend, "it is not a big problem yet. so there has been no specific tracking of numbers involved. And young people usually have their first job for four or five years, so maybe it is too early to tell," he said. In a large corporate town like Pittsburgh, headquarters for other large firms such as Aluminum Co. of America: Westinghouse Electric Corp. and Rockwell International Corp.. the transfer of employees spreads into other businesses. Realtors get involved in the transfer process, as the employees have to buy and sell houses. Wunderly Weston Agency Inc., which works with Pittsburgh area firms on relocating employees, sometimes sees problems. "One increase (in salary) doesn't make up for the loss of the other," says Patricia Younkins. siderable success." "There is a lot of anxious money in the world today," Whitmore said, ady flow of funds had ding that a developed. Bessemer, for example, is buying investments for American clients in the stronger overseas currency areas. At the same time it is acquiring U.S. real estate and stocks and two-wa- bonds where appropriate for foreigners, spreading the risk of possible political or economic developments in their countries." "The United States generally offers the safest and most liquid investment in the world and most sophisticated i investors would do well to have a substantial portion of their assets there." Whitmore said. "But while American business invests all over the world the American investor has largely, confined his inestments to stocks 'and bonds. He w il not invest in non-S. banks but Citibank gets 80 percent of its income from overseas and SO percent of private pension fund money is invested overseas. "Substantial individual and pension fund investors can no longer afford to make the decision in the future to invest 100 percent in the United States. They have to look around." Whitmore said Bessemer was doing a certain amount of Third World investing for those clients who wanted higher yields and were willing to take the higher risks in say, Mexico or 8 8 NoNatGas 8 1.80 36 .80 28 4 32 39 Pullmn Ralston 8 8 4 1 1 up 58 up off 8 up up up off 90 27 1 Textron 1 TimkenCo 4 15 Industrials Transport Utilities 65 Stocks 30 1 1.51. 24197 85. 104.06 57 287 54 . MUTUAL FUNDS BID ASK 7.57 8.17 Nickel, electrolytic cathodes f.o.b. Port Colborne. Ont., 13.00-$- 3 05 lb. Palladium. N Y. Am. Met Mkt. dealer 3150.00 1144.00 per troy ounce. Platinum, soft. 99.5 fine, .. per troy S497.00-501.0- 0 ounce. Steel. No. dealer-approx- heavy melt scrap Pittsburgh $96.00-97.0- 0 per ton (consumer buying price): Am. Mkt. Met. composite scrap price 192.50 per ton. - 1 Tin. N Y. Am. Met. Mkt. Holidav. Tin. N.Y.' m. Met. Mkt. Holiday I 98 8 Tungsten powder per cent minimum pure (13.90 per lb. U.S. Zinc, prime western. 0 c lb. Gold Prices NEW YORK (UPI) Foreign and Domestic gold prices dollars per Troy oz. Wednesday: London Morning fixing 396.80 up 9.05. Afternoon fixing 396.15 up 8 40. Paris (free mkt 414.55 up 5 59. Frankfurt Holiday. Zurich 396.S0 up 8 50. New York Handv and Harman 396.40 up 8.40. base price for Engelhard refining settling and unfabricat-egold 396.45 up 8 40 per troy ounce. Selling price fabricated gold 408.34 up 8.65 per troy up up 1 4 8 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 Son-in-la- 24 Words (Fr 26 Group of DOWN three 3 Copying 4 Obsession 5 Arabian territory 6 Forest 1 - 12 13 I 4 ment has awarded Terra-Tek- , Inc., of Salt Lake City two contracts totaling $534 945 for geothermal energy research in Idaho and Utah. received for consultation and research aimed at developing geothermal resources in the Salt Lake 9 llli 11H 16H 164 35 35H 10. 104 84 84 174 First Security 184 ASK 184 11. I P R aA A G I El T IPjOjryil L IT r o s s I .d Slo NLJB A I P CiOlDlE V I j r rj A -- ic" o pLrp jl ijiit E A S T E R NU E I ZlOlOiM ELJG JA S no jl es TP? o'nI KlNlO VvTnLJZ A. 0.-JL Ta N E Y!JL A.L DDT Td o l l T L E R I E P R Y " E TT R ammo" d r a tTJI" e i n.a JLJiJL A.5. ALL E G 0 R Y Ht E 7 IM 0 T Superlative suffix 8 Arabian coffee 9 Dark Disturbance 6 Nothing Nothing but German river Negotiate Makes female Nile queen, for short 29 Green blue color 31 Wild parties 33 Covered with ceramics 38 Sheet 40 Remove moisture 41 Glances 42 Speeds 43 Again 44 Thought 46 Being (Lat ) 47 Ages 48 Went by car 50 Greek letter 8 7 9 10 11 28 29 20 22 21 24 23 27 26 25 35 34 IT 37 36 39 TT 40 42 j W 2 31 30 45 43 144 47"48 46 50 51 their 52 "" 53 54 55 56 57 I (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN 12 194 1 14 184 194 104 114 224 234 Pop Shoppes Tosco Corporation Prud. Federal Zion s 1st Natl 19 18 84' 64 64 49 branches in the United States, which totaled 52,000 in 1968, have grown to more than 90,000 in number today. St. 15'. 51--. 16Va received $165945 for similar work in Idaho's Raft River area. Banks and 174 BID $369,000 City area. It also 18H 17'. 77" Pacts Awarded WASHINGTON (UPI) The Energy Depart- 354 18-- Amer. Resource Mgmt Geico NEW YORK (UPI) Handy and Harman Wednesday quoted silver at $16.30 per fine ounce up $0.20. Engelhard quoted a silver base price of $16.30 up $0.20 and a price for fabricated silver of $16,871 up $0,207. Two Geothermal 351-- OVER THE COUNTER warden 5 40' 30H Giant Yellowknife New Park Syntek Grand Central 23 24 25 26 27 28 mouse 30 Magazine official 32 Recently 34 Esteem 35 Russian 164 4034 Federal Reserve Frontier Airlines 19 Savor birthday peninsula Silver Prices Christ's 2 Meadow (abbr) 19 16 Brad Ragan Inc. Day Mines Downey Sav & Loan 17 1 18 STOCK EXCHANGE OPEN CLOSE 10 Film spool 11 Is (Sp ) ) 27 Communications agency 263J Answer to Previous Puzzle 37 Incision 39 Animal of the 16, Roman Additional cat family 40 Attending Deep mud 41 Coop Family 42 African nation member 45 More slender Love (Lat ) Indefinite per- 49 Make ill (2 son wds.) of 51 Park for wild Mohammed animals 52 Kind of Massachuhammer setts island Background 53 Shuck 54 Conclude of a play Biological div- 55 Booty isions 56 Fateful time for Caesar Auto club Old Testament 57 Compass book point 10 261 28H 26' a 26'i 27H 28 13H 13H Savin Bus. Mach Squibb U.S. Steel Utah Power & Lt AMERICAN 7 9i Northwest Energy Occidental Petro 36 Sooner than ACROSS ounce. Terra-Te- k I. Braniff Air Gen. Refractories General Tel 4 Elec Hercules Inc. Holiday Inns McDonalds Mtn. Fuel Supply Affiliated Fund Chemical Fund 8 .14 8 90 13.11 1433 Dreyfus 8 87 8 87 Fidelity Capital NEW YORK (UPI) Latest Fidelity Fund 16 36 16 36 metal market prices as quoted Fundamental Inv 7.06 7 72 8 03 8 78 Wednesday by the American Invest Co. of Amer Metal Market, authoritative M L. Capital 1548 16.13 metals publication: Mass. Inv. Growth 10.95 10.16 Aluminum 10.58 11.41 primary 99 5 per Mass. Inv. Trust 0 cent plus pure 50 lb. ingots New Perspective 668 7.30 c lb. Pioneer Fund 16.36 17.88 Antimony, domestic, refined in Putnam Investors 7.72 844 c lb. 11.57 12.64 alloy. 200.00-200.0-2 Putnam Growth Copper, electrolytic, delivered Windsor Fund 9.19 9.19 100.625-103.7U.S. 5 e lb. L A. Bond Debent 946 10.34 Lead common. U.S. primary M L. Basic Value 1069 11.14 0 U.S. c M L. Special Val lb.: 8.99 9 36 producers non primary (secondary) proM L. High Income 8 67 9.03 ducers 57.00 c lb. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Magnesium. 99.8 per cent, inOPEN CLOSE got 109.00 c lb. 374 36 Manganese. 99.9 per cent box- Albertsons American Stores 264 2614 ed regular 58.00 c lb. Avnet 21. 214 76 lb. Mercury. $330.00-1335.Boise Cascade 324 323 flask. 3380.00: 8 3 50 . h 14 up 80 24 80. 807 42 Prices producer 4ii - j fl off Inc 20 4 off S4 I m arbide 38 -- a (,ff n Klec I M 12 op I 8 I mX 'al I 3u 47 oil t n Pac 2 30 73 12 up 2 I nirovl Inc 3 3 4 I tHrnd lid 10 12 up t S Gvp 2 40 30 7 8 oil USSteel I 60 16 l td Tch 2 20 36 up l td Tel I 52 X18 5 8 oft I'pjohn 1 72 45 3 8 off I V Inds 181 27 off 50 29 up Walgrn Wa Wtr 2 08 19 5 8 WsBanc 1 64 30 1 4 up wl nion 1 40 22 up 1 Westh F.I 97 17 up 16 Stl Whlgl'itt White Motor S up Woolwh 1 60 26 Xerox 2 40 59 ZenithRad 1 9 off 4 ShellOil 2 40 52 34 off Smilhkl 1 44 58 up 4 SoCal E 2 72 25 off SouthCo I 54 11 up SoPacif 2 60 33 up Sprv Cp 1 56 46 up St Brnd I 48 23 up StdUCal 3 20 57 4 up Std Oillnd 3 84 up StoklvV 1 48 25 up 1 SunshnM 40 xl7 4 up 131 up 3 Teledyne 8k Telepromp 20 4 up 2 Tennco 2 40 38 8 Texaco 2 16 29 off 8 Texas Inst 2 89 TexPcL 45b 64 4 up off 80 39 1 18 H oil 8 ; F I 27 2 DOW JONES AVERAGES Wednesday November 21, 1979 1 up up 13 Tu tf off 14 , Market Quotes 4 8 up off 60 1 11 off Rathon 1 60 59 RCA Cp 1 60 21 4 Repu Steel 2 25 Rev Ind 4 20 63 RevnMt 2 20 29 8 up up up off 25 33 1 PuS Col 1 up off up up up up 8 up off PhilPet 1 40 49 Polaroid 1 23 PPGIndus 2 29 ProctGl 3 40 70 Metals 57 4 4 1.20 30 3 50 1 Phil Mo 20 60 85 Pfizer StHegisi'a Sears 1 28a 14 24 1'rnsam I :2 ;; Trans w ( p l i Tfii on I 77t. i 2 up 3 8 ofl 18 10 I J up I 4 Rovlll 5 5.1h 78 up 12 SafwSlr 2 60 34 7 8 off 18 StJMnrl 1 40 31 I 4 up 18 H.inson Cp 2 Koprrt p 90 up up 8 2 04 18 2 58 52 1 Robrtsn 8 NwstAirl 55 25 Pennzol PepsiCo 80 26 NorfkW 1.92 24 Northrp 23 3 PennPL NoStPw 2.28 22 up 13 37 065 1 Ntl Gyp 1 48 18 NtlSteel 2 60 27 NCR Cp 1.60 62 NiagMo 1 44 12 09 2 ofl 60 40 2 12 off 70 10 4 up 16 liijthriJM 20 24 Own CF Owen II 1 26 19 Pact, E 2 44 23 PacP I. 1 92 IB Pan Am Air 3 Pennev 1 76 25 4 20 44 NtlDistl 32 25 NwBcp illm Corp up up 1 36 18 up Leh Val Ind up 14 38 LiggGrp 2 up 2 Littonlnd lg 36 8 up Lockheed 26 up 4 LTVCorp 3k 7 LukenStl 96 12 4 MrthnO 1 60 51 up MarshF 1 24 18 8 off 14 4 .75 29 McDonD up 1 M G M .60 17 8 off MidSoU 1 52 13 (iATX Cp 2 38 Off 4 up 84 23 Kraft 3 Kroger .03 02 55 60 1 Mart K 3 4 U.S. Still Offers Safest Investments The Bessemer LONDON (UPI) Trust expects to invest some 120 million in European commodity markets on behalf of American and other clients before the end of the year, John D. Whitmore, president, said in an interview here. Whitmore, chiefeiecutive officer of the trust, which has its headquarters in Newark, N.J., was in Europe to study the continental investment situation and to consult with clients who are foreign nationals or resident abroad. He said Bessemer Investment in European projects so far this year had passed 110 million and experts had been sent to Amsterdam to investigate the diamond market. It appears he said that some 5 to 10 percent of Bessemer investment would be overseas this year although the bulk of its operations would remain in the United States. KeMcG FreptM 1 20 45 Frhauf 2 40 26 14 Chief Consolidated oft off 18 80 14 2 72 26 off off 37 I 4 KmghtRi 70 23 Kopprs 1 40 23 GnMot up .80 15 8 .88 21 54 BROWN SECURITIES - 8 60 8 F M C 40 24 up Kurd Motr 4 3o ? GenlPorl 19 CurtissW Dartlnd 8 up ContlGr 2 40 27 Cooperl 1.84 63 CPC Intl 3 55 CrownZ 2 1! 1 off Com AL .40 1 Cvclops 4 up up off up Conoco 1 90 47 Con Ed 2 44 23 ConsuP Firstone lOh 6 CitiesSv 3 60 85 CocaCol 1 96 32 Colgate Col Gas CmwEd Combat Fncl Fd I 40 29 up up off 1 off up 52 2 80 46 Over the Counter... Amtec Big Pinev Billings Energy NEW YORK (UPI) Prices were lower at the close of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday despite a late rally. Trading was active. The Dow Jones industrial average, down 11 points at the outset, was off 1.78 points to 807.42 shortly before the NYSE closed. It lost 6.05 points Tuesday. Declines led advances by a 7to-- 6 margin among the 1,868 issues crossing the composite ape at 4 p.m. EST. NYSE volume amounted to about 37,100,000 shares, compared with 35,010,000 traded Tuesday. At 11:49 a.m. EST, the 1979 turnover, with a month and two weeks to go, surpassed 1978's record 7.205 billion shares. Analysts said Wall Street was staggered by a firestorm of violence that raced from Iran to Pakistan to Saudi Arabia. At least one U.S. Marine was killed. Aso, Islamic gunmen seized the holy mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Incited by broadcasts that gave the impression the United States was responsible for the Mecca incident, a mob of thousands stormed the American embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing the Marine fire-bomb- M ednesda) i Closing Prices Bv lilted Press International AhbottLab 1 39 up 31 AdmMiU .20 4 M off 8 AlcanAI 2 40 37 up off AllegCp 1 08 25 off AlliedChm 2 46 Allis Ch 1 80 35 up Alcoa 2 80 49 6 up 8 AMAX 1 80 38 up 8 off 8 Amrda 1 40 42 1 AmAirln 40 9 off AmBrands S 63 off 4 Am Can 2 80 34 off 8 A Cvan 1.60 30 AMotort 30 6 8 off 1 1 ANtRes 3.20 43 8 off AmStnd 3 60 53 up AmTelTel 5 53 up 8 A M F 1 24 15 off ArtzonaPS 2 17 1 50 22 2 up 8 Armco ArmCk 1.10 16 ASARCO la 25 off AshlnOI 2 20 39 up 8 AtlRchf 2 .80 81 up 2 AvcoCp 1 20 26 8 off 8 Beckmn 32 28 2 up 4 BellHowl .96 18 8 up Bendix 2 84 38 off Beth Sti 1 60 20 8 up 8 Bobbie Brks 3 4 Boeing 1 40 44 up 1 Borden 1 82 24 off 8 BorgWr 2.30 34 up 8 34 8 1.44 Bns My up Brunswk .80 11 up 8 4 75 2.20 up 1 2 Burrgh 21 |