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Show Thursci.v, November Photos in the News: 22. 179. THE HERALD, i'rovo. News and happenings featured in photos from Herald sources flab-Pa- ge Ail A "ivi J hll ?ihnri rtfert' RIG"T ReEimenlation aPPears ""Hl 10 be the rule among LEADERS of the current rock revival are England's Fabulous Poodles WaVe." 'ns,S,S P(MMlles sinr-guitariDe Meur (left). "A lot of the Tony called that aren't particularly. It s iust people olavine son aPH,n " B ZCMI schoolchildren recently sighted marching along .UIU Y-- f SKOOWOW 6 Ecrly WOMEN'S FAMOUS LEATHER BOOTS Ia' H choose from Reg. $29-$6smooth and sueded leathers in dress, sport and service styles. High and low wedge heels in sizes several widths included. 5 0, FEMALE PHYSICIANS ARE numerous in the Soviet Union even at this Moscow e center. "Doctor" Lena Moskalenko puts on a concerned face as she examines her healthy "patient," Sveta Vandina. CHANTER IS ONE of those youngsters who hate to take a bath. Fortunately the 1 year-old orangutan had zookeeper Carol Feisler to comfort her when forced to bathe after getting into cake and finger paints during her birthday party at the St. Louis Zoo. day-car- -- HLz fen rw t'O' V i: ' "rii H; , "" gjJ I If JFTB" ft SOUVENIR'S WEDGE MOC 1 If 1, ' flLi.i il ' liMiiiwi-- ' Reg. 11.99 just imagine, a versatile shoe that has the kind of softness you'd expect to see at a higher price. That shoe is the Wedge Moc, the complement for pants or skirts, sizes medium width. , PERHAPS IT'S BECAISE their arms must be able to lift heavy packages. Or perhaps it's because their legs must be able to move quickly among the 15 million customers their store serves each vcar. At anv rate, clerks at Vladivostok s Gl'M department store begin every working day with group exercises. 0, MEN'S LEATHER CASUALS Reg. $36 special purchase of first quality casuals with leather uppers, crepe soles. Styles include two eyelet tie, tassle loafer and moccasin. Rust, camel, natural or black in sizes THAT WAS NO ordinary fan embracing Elton John during his recent U.S. tour. That was fellow singer Rita Coolidge, who was one of some 700 VIPs attending a Hollywood gala in John's honor. v THAT'S KP MOROCCAN-STYLE- . A cook in the Moroccan army bakes bread in an earthen oven to feed troops about to return home after seeing service in Zaire as part of an peacekeeping force. inter-Africa- n mm 2. 15D |