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Show 6 THE HERALD. Provo. Page l iah. Thursday. November 22, 1979 1 Free Have A u K Solid, Quality Construction - Compartat ' Vtth Wrapping! BiuuuwicK LTtno $1,000 For 4? JSfs Home o Pinball Machine From Scor- Solid-Stat- e ing 3-P- c, With $1 Display For Up To 4 Players! Visit with . . . Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus Sat. 11 to 2 p.m. Oversize Professional Quality Playfield With 61 Ways To Score Commercial Quality Ball Shooter With Pressure Gauge Lighted Upper Cabinet Face Sheet Shows 8-f- t. Rich Spanish Oak Finish . . . Complete With Balls, Triangle, 2 Cues and Chalk A superior quality table in every respect! In- Player, Ball in Play Men's Denim HFischor Pool Table Italian Slete-Cs- d stitutional Quality, 17-o- z. Gold Bed Cloth, Vinyl Deep-NDrop Pockets, Regulation top nan wun insaia Brass Sight System Solid Wood Base, weighs 690 lbs. Fret Delivery and Installation With 25 Miles The ultimate in home pinball fun is yours with this commercial size, and quality, Home Pinball Machine. Alive' offers the excitement of electronic music with the payability of the best at less than ha'f the price. coin operated arcade machines Heavy gauge steel legs with levelers to avoid 'tilting'. et ;,v -- $20, Wofun Model 44 Exercise Dike Designed For Constant Outdoor Use Virtually 30 'Super Sho Dutchor-Dloc- k Coats, Vests The most wanted silhouettes and pocket treatments in your choice of dark or light Denims. Sizes 27 to 38. AML 10 VW Off P Aetbn-Style- d f Vfcrm-Up- II V Reg. 46.00 AftM Reg. 60.00 09Q,9 6kV 100 Pen West and Frame! 12Mb. Tester 13V4-- n Ifi-rt- f: Star1 DarCcIl Outfit a variety of styles and Brushed 5 A lifetime investment for your family's fun and physical fitness. The World's Largest Selling Trampoline with a Guarantee on the Frame Double Mat. Compare, the Round Trampoline and exclusive is safer because it provides uniform bounce with a minimum pitching . . . works the jumper toward the center of the mat and provides a large jumping area. With the Round Trampoline you land on the mat not the frame! colors of Tan, Navy, Brown. 30 to 42. 1V 'Criss-Cros- Famous '300A' Spin Reel Garcia-Conolo- n r pearance. Excl- Spin Rod. Svca123 Back-Pac- k Outers Doots colors in plaids and solids. StOXL. usive Stove Sleeping Cag 3300 to46 Trail Lodge Tent Foam ( 2-H- Lining cn design for rigid stability. fat k . I V fTD i" i a Rip- - Nylon with Rainfly front. With Poles, Stakes. stop '4 Hen's, Yemen's 1.9-o- z. 2350 Reg. 31.95 Pc!:rcucrd With Thick Compact and lightweight, design that bums white self-cleani- gas. n jtH ne ' I I89.95 V" Reg. ,. I 1 4 T Reg. 39.98 In Sizes For All .22 Rif la The Family! Classic lever-actio- Coots 59 00 leather upper with padded collar. Genuine Vibram Lug Sole, men's N & M, women's 5V2-N & M. Heavy-dut- y, 3. 9, quality features bag designed for tapered for efficiency, A versatile, .9-o- 99 and finishing.- - 22 LR caliber. dependability, Rip-sto- p wide enough for comfort. 1 z. Nylon covered with roomy box hood. Rated to 20 F. foot, draw-cor- d Western Boots 11 and 9 to 12, Reg. 19.96 .22 n with all of Browning's Sale! Men's Water repellent Nylon uppers filled with Foam to surround your feet in warmth. Extremely lightweight, durable rubber sole . . . in an assortment of colors. New! Mart's Moon Boots In Izm 56, 4 499 78. 910, with 'Glass 7-- ft. Moon a ap- - Complete Or-batr- Dovn'n' in and Mitchell 300A Roel With Rod Deluxe set of interlocking discs in a combination With of weights up to 125-lb- s. telescoping chromed body bar, hand bars. Men's, Women's, Children's UoolD.irts 20 Reg. 42.95 s' side-to-si- XL. Pc!stcn with Wwm mm On Mat Epro good looks in Acrylic Knits and handlebar, Frame Pads Additional Guarantee Sensational Polyester tones of Blue or Brown. Sizes S to nanasome xr ear 26to$36 Tricot in iltimnf a Odometer and Speedometer. pounds. Durable Metal construction, adjustable seat el Pants Great gift idea for the jogger, tennis player and lounging. Choose from or member. Chromed, solid-steplaying rods, tempered playing surface. off family room with fun for every Cord Dross s Gives healthful exercise, tones muscles, helps you take A 5-Y- Lee Foosball Table yIOS Cabinet td) f S beautiful addition to your 16-In- ch Men's and Women's irrs. and discontinued styles in a terrific selection of models and colors. Jaymar I ti kJ n aw MM Maintenance Free! Reg. 29.50 to 144.50 , of our stores! Round Trampoline Jeans comfort Tables Payability and Features! ft0 TKa YTrth SeHing Grade Grade 1, 174.95 List With Gold Trigger, A Engraved Receiver, 194.95 List 1 A 15488 II A 19M 1, Special group Bushnell of handmade dress boots in quality 'All leather Court' Tennis Choos Scopes Save 95 $200.00 U)ibon . Hash Indoor- - Outdoor 'Americana' Basketball Shoe VTk2? benefits of exercise j and iogging with the ori Ventilated Reg. 28.95 Nylon fun of skating. Nylon and Sueded Leather uppers trimmed RedWhiteBlue, uppers. Children's Sizes 3V2-1- 1. A in g shock-absorbin- t 3 Woods, 95 Reg. 19.95 ( ) (p Men's 'Surpass', Reg.SOO.00 Golden Pro' Golf Balls Power and v K..., ; - vuj"' ".'l f 24.M r ' 111 - ' t: Professional ftecquotball Rscquot 'Cruiser' Skates Specially designed to combine the healthful 'Confidence' 'Courtmaster' TflnS - 38mm Wide- 154.95 List Bullet-Drop with Compensa- - , Angle 88 tor. 40mm with Bui- 139.95 List 4 AAaa let Drop Compensator, 71 -- 3398 I Oiv Custom 43.95 List 22 Variable with Bullet Drop Compensator, with mount wii You Durable canvas uppers with foam padded tongue. Terry lined with sure-gri- p sole for all court play. 4 to 1 1 sole. nif Is leather lining. Many styles and colors in sizes with 1290 S. Slate, Orcm performance with a modified Blue teardrop Anodized Aluminum frame, Guard. Bumper Vinyl Nylon-Strun- g. J Dride of the Pro Shops . . .famous Confidence golf clubs in set of 1 , 3 and 4 laminated woods in a rich mahogany 3 thru 9 Irons and Pitching finish Wedge. The Distance-plu- s ... .Him,.,, nf1iliillillll Christmas ChC;p!r.3 S!:aJrS ll'T TI f Hi'l Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. golf balls with tough, cut resistant covers. f "T" liWHHi finint:ii Saturday 10 to 6 Sunday 11a.m. to 5 p.m. MUM ISBallPak JO90 i r.. fa3 |