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Show i SOUTH CACHE COURIEJR, HYRUM, UTAH SOUTH CACHE Friday, March 23, . - Entered at the Portoffice COURIER ' 1917. Mutual Creamery Company Utah, a second class mail matter, under the Act of March 3 1879 Pioneer Development In many western statesour.time J. A. Wahlen, Publisher & Manager and money and pioneer work, with a cash market for the farmers dairy and poultry products, have made it possible to reach Local News the present splendid development, Some of our Indian war veter- whereby Vestern states have beans went to Salt Lake Friday come exporters instead of in' morning to put in their claims porters. for a pension. World Wide Market We reach local markets, also and Mrs. Josephine Johnson in any part of the Unitmarkets daughter Nina left for Rexburg, ed States and in all parts of the Idaho, Friday morning for a visit world, thus assuring the producwith relatives and friends. er good returns and the benefit a wide distribution of his The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. from The farmer produces products. Con. Lewis of the power plant in and we reach those that consume Blacksmith Fork canyon, is seriously and we bring in the dollars from ill through an attack of pneumonia. over the mountains. Mrs. John Baily and Mrs. Frank Maughan of Wellsville, were visitors this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rindskoff, the Clothier. Hy-ru- m ' Messrs, Horace Hall, Farlin and Glenn Allen, left for Salt Lake, last Monday morning, from which point they expected to go south on land business. Minters Superior Orchestra of Ogden fnrnished the music for the dance given at the Elite Hall last Saturday evening. The dance was well attended and was a social success in every respect. The little girl of P. W. Loft-houswas taken to the Budge likely that she will have o be operated on as soon as she gets a little stronger, as her present condition would not permit such. a share of stock in any corporation or firm, whether competitors or not, directly or indirectly engaged in the creamery and produce business in the West, in the United States or in the world; and no firm, individual or corporation, whether competitors or not, directly or indirectly engaged in the creamery and produce business in the West, in the United States or in the world, owns any shares of stock or holds any interest whatsoever in this company. Merchandise. . You need it now or will need it soon. We Still Handle MACHINE. Stockholders Latest Makes Plain and Cabinet Styles. Rubber Boots all Hights and Sizes er Shoes Wire Cement Dress Goods Laces Salt, Etc. Anticipate Your Needs and Buy Early. Every time we have to Reorder Goods, Prices are Higher. We Court Investigation of Prices and Qqality. TRY US. hs ALLEN BROS. W. W. Jensen, President. Carlyle Hall, Manager. This company does not own Jewelry Notions Nails Slippers' Hats Underwear six-tent- hs Competition the FREE SEWING Two hunderd and forty-thre- e farmers have taken stock in our of our company, and sixty-si- x stockholders. It is are employees the right and privilege of every farmers, with milk and cream to Our Profits to become a stock-holdsell, Our profit is fixed by our Articles of Incorporation, namely: with us: and sixty per cent, of three per cent on sales, if we can our capital stock is reserved for earn that much. Should we earn prodncers. more than three per cent on sales, Dividends Paid During 1916 this surplus earning is returned The total dividends distributed to our producer-stockholder- s, to stockholders during the year holding stock in the company at 1916 were eight per cent upon the rate of one share, par value the of stock outstandvalue par Ten Dollars, for every two cows We in addition to have ing. milked, in proportion to the these dividends to the farmpaid amount of milk, cream, eggs and ers above and referred producers poultry they sell us. This limits to two cent the total per upon our profits to approximately one value and of prodairy poultry cent per pound on butter, ducts to comsold them this of a cent per pound on of a cent pany. cheese, and nine-tentMUTUAL CREAMERY COMPANY per dozen on eggs. es hospital at Logan last Tuesday, to be operated oa for appendicitis. The little girl had been suffering for several days past, and upon examination last Monday it was found that the appendix had already broken. The child is in a serious condition, but at last reports was getting along as well as could be expected. They are now trying to drain the impurities from her system, and it is A Complete Line of SALT LALE CITY, UTAH at Hyrurn, Parkinson returned FOR SALE House and lot, good FOR SALE Parsnips Phone with visit a from few barn and outbuildings, also 5 acres Thurday days relatives and friends in :alt Lake of good beet land. Apply to Elmer your order to 133J. Hyrum. Adv. Mrs. W. C. Adv. City. L. baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Vlrs. 0. E. Petersen last Wednesday the 21st. All are getting along nicely, but Mr. Petersen has been heard to sing jjis Lulla-by- e on several occasions' since the happy event. When you need Clothing, Shoes, For Conference, Salt Lake City( Hats or Gents Furnishings call on to 8th., inclusive. Same Newbold. test and cheapest place April 3rd., rates as via any other route, with A'dv. in Cache Co. usual high standards of equipment Everybody' will skate at the Elite and service. Ask Agents for rates Hall next Wednesday evening. Ad. and further details. Adv. t A Eliason, Hyrum. Oregon Short Line Excursions llczzil C HATCHING EGGS! FROM Purebred S. C. White Legh orns Of High Producing Strain. $4.00 per 100. Eggs, 75c per 15. A limited number of Chicks for sale during April, May and June. H. P. Anderson, Hyrum. 4 CZ3 C Three Days ' i 8W i ueaay Monday Ve will endeavor to help you Reduce the High Cost of Living by giving you Bargains THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Play Safe Play Safe And secure your Rubber Boots before they are all sold. By wearing the latest style Shirts and Collars just arrived. Specials For Men Men's Heavy $5.00 values , Work Shoes NOW $3.95 MENS RUBBERS FOR And pick your Spring Hat out of a new stock. All the new ones all the time. 200 Boys Shoes sizes value, FOR 40c Mens $1.50 $1.15 95c Every Thursday. 25 w r Cwdh $2.50 Only two left, Boys $3.95 suits NOW $2 35 Only 5 small Boys Suits sizes 5 to 8$3.00 Values We still have about 6 Boys Corduroy Suits $6.00 values -- The Boot with a Guarantee. Pbone 9-- 13 NOW $1.50 Men's Ball Band' Rubber Boots $4.00 and $4.25. We deliver in Paradise And buy your spring suit fnJm us. We guarantee a fit. NOW $1.95 $2.00 Hats Ladies Hose, Bargains, 25c. values, 2 for 25 Play Safe Specials For Boys n Suspenders about pairs t , select from. Mens Play Safe - NOW $3.95 i Boys Ball Band Rubber. Boots $2.25 to $2.45. 1916 The Royal Tailor. Chicago Nnr York Suits Ordered now, will be bere for Easter. Hyrum Clothing Co. WATCH US GROW Phone We deliver in 28 J Wellsville every Friday. v DUG 1 |