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Show iPoorcopys SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH Letter Attributed to the Savior. SAVE AND LEARN Young man, if you want to become a leader in the worlds affairs save a part Ilerald-Re-public- of the salary you now earn, keep your burn their your eyes on. the future and study business. Men who make good the midnight oil at home with books and plans. Put Your Savings in Our Care that you may have funds on hand to, grasp business opportunity when it so comes your way. Hyrum State Bank t AA 1 c t' f Glasses ? f Fitted V No. 20 There are more than ninety thousand kinds and combinations of spectacle lenses. Dont seyou think you assume some risk when lect a pair from a bargain counter? Such glasses give vision for a short time, bvt in addition you want u f Comfort and Perfect Balance of all the Eye Muscles. AT BARGAIN SALES YOU ARE EXPECTED to FIT YQUR EYES TO THE LENSES. t t I Fit the Lenses to Your Eyes. I am now in my new office rooms in the old I. building, over Dunbar and Hyde I have the most modern instruwhere Store, ments for a thorough and complete examination of your eyes. , Z. C. M. ' FRED. B. PARKINSON OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Reception Room with Drs. Ensign & Smith, Logan, Utah !p Just Arrived. Full Line of Boys and Mens Ball Band ' Rubber Boots. , Hyrum ( Clothing Co. an , 1 Have Your (From Box Elder News) The following may prove of interThis manuscript was est to you. on Monte Chrystal, Utah me found by eight years ago in an old faded newspaper. I have since had it recopied: (A Reader'from Mantua.) A letter purporting to have been written by Christ after the eruciflxt-io- n and deposited by him under a stone at the foot of the cross in being given wide circulation by the newspapers of the country. A Provo woman has clipped it from the Denver Post and asked the to reprint it. An injunction to have the letter published has frightened some into whose hands they have fallen, and like the old chain prayer, it threatens misfortune to those who deliberately withhold it from others. The belief that Christ really gave the letter to be spread broadcast has inspired many to aid in giving it publication. The story is that a little child turned the stone under which the letter was hidden and that the document was given to a convert to the 'Christian faith. This convert, kept it as a sacred momento of Christ and down thru generations in his family it wa3 until 1,000 years had passed. Misfortune attended the family always, according to the tale, and at last one of the members came to America, bringing the letter with him. Mrs. Fannie Whorton, of Marion, Ind., claims to know the history of the document frpm that time on. According to her, the owner of it went to Virginia, and after a series of misfortunes the last of the family passed out. A Mr3. Thompson, a neighbor of the family, took the letter, and had, it published in the Rome, (Ga.) Tribune of October 31, 1891. Mrs. Whorton cut it out and kept in her homg. She made ,no attempt to have it published until lately, and says that she was punished for her failure to give it publicity. Mrs. Rubin Crutchfield of Trezevant, Tenn., is another who sstys she suffered misfortune until she printed the letter. The document reads: Sabbath Observance. Whosoever work3 on the Sabbath shall be cursed. I command you to go to church and keep holy the Lords day without and manner of work. You shall not idle or misspend your time in bedecking yourselves in superfluities of costly apparel and vain dressing, for I have ordered it a day of rest. I will have that day kept Holy that your sins may be forgiven you. You will not break my commandments, hut observe and keep them, they being written by my hand and spoken from my mouth. You shall not only go to church yourselves, but also your man servant and maid servant. Observe my word and learn my commandments. You shall finish your work every Saturday at 6 oclock in the afternoon, at which hour the preparation for the .Sabbath begins. I would advise you to fast five Fridays in the year, beginning on Good Friday and continuing the Fridays following, in remembrance of the five bloody wounds I received for you and mankind. Blessing Promised. You shall love one another and cause them that are not baptised to come to church and receive the Holy Sacrament that is to say baptism and then the supper of the Lord, and be made a member thereof, and in so doing I will give you long life and many blessings, your land shall be replenished and bring forth abundance and I will comfort you in the greatest temptation, and surely he that doeth the contrary shall be curs- publisheth it to others shall be blessed by me, and if their sins be as many as the stars at night and if they truly believe, they shall 'be pardoned, and they that believe not this writshall ing and my commandments have my plague upon them, and they will be consumed with their children goods cattle and all other wordly enjoyments that I have given you. Do but once think of what I have suffered for you if you do it will be well for you in this world and in the world to come. Whoever shall have a copy of this letter and shall keep it in their house, nothing shall hurt them, neither pestilence, lightning or thund er, and if any woman be in birth and put her trust in me she shall be delivered her child. You shall bear no more news of me, except through the Holy Scriptures until the judgement day. All goodness and prosperity shall be in the house where a copy of this letter shall be found. fY tT Y Y v . ed. I will also send hardness of the heart on them,, and especially upon unpenilent believers. He that hath given to the poor shall find It profitable. Remember to keep .holy the Sabbath day for the seventh day I have taken ,as a resting day unto myself. And he that hath a copy of this letter written by my own hand and spoken by my own mouth, and keepeth it without publishing it to others, shall not prosper, but he that The Age of Sanitation This is the age of perfect sanitation, especially in the manufacture of foods. And no one is more particular about sanitation and cleanliness than c'areful Mrs. Housewife. She is daily growing more cautious about the foodstuffs she buys, and she makes it her important duly to learn, if possible, the various methods of manufacture practiced in the factories of everything she buys. e The food article that cannot her that its methods of pr duction are absolutely above reproach ean find no place in her home. Its .manufacturer has lost forever the careful woman as a fcn-vinc- Finished. customer. about sanitation and the pure food regulation that she has at last awakened to its full importance. She cannot be too cautious in her investigations of such food products as canned goods, Raking Powder, She has read so much . Women Tell Why They Love This Magazine etc. There is Powder Raking manufacturer, for instance, whose factory doors are always wide open to the careful housewife. If you could visit this plant, the largest and most sanitary in the i j j From Fashion to Fiction, it is Su- preme writes Mrs. J H., of New York. "Of alt the magazines I have ever taken er read, I like McOALL'S best, writes Mrs. V. s It has such helpful house 3 W., of California. hold suggestions, good, clean, bright stories, 3 The s and Is a very convenient size to handle. second copy I received saved me lar more than 3 enough to pay for a year's subscription, 1 cannot tel writes Mrs. A. J., of Texas. 3 all that it means to me, writes a South 2 1 have taftaa McOALLS subscriber. 3 MAGAZINE since I was married ami my 5 5 mother took it for years before and does now. 3 I go to It for every need. Every new dish I 2 s prepare, or help I learn, mv husband says: 3 'You must have gotten that trora MeCALLH g j and he is right. I could not do without it. A Recognised Fashion Authority for 45 Years 1 IF e' Magazine Any Other w More Subscribers I am in my 7h h year and si ill support- I like MrCALI8 the best and jf I have been dressmaking sin'e I was 24, cut. "From 5 writes Mrs. At. L. .1., of Connect 1 Its dressmaking lessons and ii hiniple and In- struetive patterns. I h." learned to dress my j Than 5 Fashion Ing myself. v.r!u Mrs. S? family neatly and tr-hl- v. Our fniply lias worked M., of Kentucky. for you every yeir but tuo s ure your maga s able started. wrt8 M ss 11., of Nebraska. ami neur use any other 3 "I am a dressmaker 3 patterns but Met1 NT 18. and I never have any trouble In glvng perfect satisfaction. The most reMrs. Tb, of Indiana s writes book on fadons. Your Fancy-Wor- k 1 liable a few dollars earned has (pi',n Department 3 for me, writes Airs. C., of Oregon. Si Months Trial Subscription , Only 25 Cents THE McCALL COMPANY 1 Add 705 McCall Hide;. Npw York City, N. Y. h I I I FREE! Sew! Sainplo H gj 3 1 s g I i , . Copy of To Women Who ''Hearty McOALL'S UACAINE nrnl on FUEJ request, Reference Pattern Catalogue" To Fancy Needleworkers! "Fancy- wilh new designs ami lessons In Work Look stamp. Embroidery Stitches, FREE for SHOO. 10 Given to any To Church Worker! Church I Ask for McOALL'S "Ohureh-Fund- Raising rinn." indorsed by 1000 churches. To Anents and Club - Raisers! Ask for McOALLS fine We "ROOK OF GIFTS" and mammoth $1800.00 OASH PRIZE OFFER. To Boys end Girls! Bicycles and hundreds Write for of other Prices GIVEN AWAY. McOALL'S "Grand Offer to Boys and Girls." 44R7 one world, where Calumet Baking Powder is made, you would be amazed at the wonderful cleanliness of everything and every employee. In this, the worlds most modern Baking Powder plant, every movej ment in Calumets manufacture is j 3 done No s by spotless machinery. s human hand ever touches the Bak3 ing Powder and it reaches you abs solutely pure. . F 1 3 3 s j 3 j . g GOOD POSITION Can be had by any ambitious young man ,or young lady in the field of railway A or commercial telegraphy. Since I the passage of the eight hour law s by congress, it has created a big g g s3 g s g demand for telegraph operators. Positions paying from $75 to $80 per month, with many chances for advancement. It will pay you to write Railway Telegraph Inst. of Portland, Oregon, for full particulars. Adv. Hyrum City Municipal Electric Plarit f Effective on publication of this notice the, following charge s for electric service will be made. Electric Washers, per month 25c Electric Irons, per month . . . . 25c Electric Vibrators, Heating Pads, Fans, Vacuum Clean. .. 25c ers, etc, per month .. Rates on Electric Cooking Utensils on application. Charges for lighting will be made on a basis of 50 watts for each light, and a further chasge of 5 cents will be made for each 10 watts in excess of 50 watts per lamp, excepting that the total wattage connected to any servicejnay be divided by 50 watts, and the number of lights obtained thereby will be charged for. Flat Rates for Electric Lighting on a basis of 50 watts per lamp. 1 $ .50 Light, per month 2 Lights, per month, . . . . $ .75 3 Lights, per month $1.00 For the fourth and each additional light 20c per month. Flat Rates for motor service $1.50 per month. Meter Rates for Electric Service: 7 cents per kilowatt hour. Light Service Power Service 3 cents per kilowatt her. A discount of 10 per cent will be' allowed on meter accounts only, if the bill is paid on or before the 10th, day of the month. , We are now able to install meters on short notice, the wholesale price of the meter to be advanced by the customer, but 25 per cent of the customers account will be refunded until the meter is paid for, when, it becomes the property of the City. All accounts are payable monthly, and if not paid on or before the 10th, day of the months following March, June, September, and December respectively, service will be discontinued until arrears have been paid. Mailing of quarterly Statements of Account from the City Treasurwill be considered sufficient notification. Office ers ELECTRIC LIGHTING COMMITTEE. of the HYRUM CITY COUNCIL Ry JOS. APPLEYARD, Superintendent, J . Subscribe. For The South Cache Couriei 9 |