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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER, HYRUM, UTAH South Cache C ourier State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH MEDICFRANK J. CHENEY. INE. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public (Seal) Halls Catarrh Medicine is taken internally and acts through the blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Props., Toledo, P ablished Every Friday at Hyrum Utah. ' J. A. WAHLEN. Publisher. FINALE OF LEGISLATURE Truebite Teeth When you want a set of teeth you want the best set obtainable and that .is what you get in the True- Utahs State Legislature finished its labors of two months, after having passed 142 laws, some of which will radically affect the common-wealtin its future.,. Prominence of tax ' increasing measures are apparent in the final work of the legislature, which provides for an occupation tax on mines and also for the raising of the regular levy to 5 mills, the O. All Druggists, 75c. allowed by the maximum Halls Family Plls for constipation. constitution. ( Advertisement! Some of the most radical laws passed by the senate and house in- nor for his approval or rejection clude such acts as the initiative will not all find their way to the and referendum, the public utilities session laws. commission bill, the one regulating Six new counties were created. campaign expenses and state antiThe State bureau of mines and trust law. was created and adds to Efforts of Governor Bamberger geology the University of Idaho one of its and conservative members of the most important departments as legislature, particularly in the state is one of the states greatest senate had much to do with taking mining industries. the ultra-radicprovisions from all Three different measures were these measures and preventing the passage of many useless radical passed to curb the I. W. W. menace which has caused serious industrial laws. One truth must have been forced disturbances and agitation which it home to the legislators, however, was claimed incited riots, conflicts judging from the measures for in- and great damage, forcing mills to creasing taxes that a state can not close down, causing difficulty in the spend more money without requir- harvesting of crops, etc. Many ing the taxpayers to pay more. fires of an unknown but suspicious The effect will be felt when the source were started, forcing up taxpayers foot the legislative bills insurance rates. A penitentiary next fall and winter and also in the penalty is added to these bills. A workmens cdmpensation .bill eai of 1918. Ogden Examiner. h bite. From point of view it is the Tooth Premin-ent.- is It colored right, and the tooth forms are perfect types of natural teeth. They make you look right, and they give you service. We produce them for less money than you are compelled to pay for the ordinary sets elsewhere. We absolutely refuse to admit that anyone can make,, a better finished plate or on that will fit better. If you need a set or if the old ones dont exactly suit you you to separate yourself from enough money to get a set. You will never makd a better investment. We have the best office in the North, equipped to the minute and are prepared to give you the up best service in every branch of the dentistry, at a great saving. ery Truebites - Single Plate, - $12.00 Full Set, - - 20.00 Painless Extractions 50c. ' IDAHO CONSERVATIVE The Fourteenth Idaho legislature, which adjourned Saturday' night, was confronted by 675 measures and passed approximately 200. The measures finally sent to the gover activity. V Crown and Bridge Work $5.00 per Tooth. All other x Service at Proportionate Prices. We will both be Bene fitted. Come and See Us. Drs. and ENSIGN SMITH al was passed. Practically- - no legislation was passed injurious to the business or industrial development of the state. The future is bright for mining, power and railroad development in Idaho as well as all other lines of t N. Main Street, Logan, Utah. 85 1 Will ' f t I ps Pay it For Veal; 13tc. For Hogs, 13c. $ iV For any Live Stock Good and Fat The Hight Market Price. Cheap and big can Balking Powders do not save yo j money. Calumet does its pure md fir superior to sour milk and soda. R. A. ns Eliason, Hyrum. 11 jL e , Dresses! Continued For One Week. ' , The Eastern Buyer for the Mose Lewis Department Store, who has been right in touch with every changing frill and fashion for Spring and Easter apparel, has just sent us one hundred Silk and Serge Dresses of the Latest Models, comprising the Newest and Prettiest in Style, Shades and Colors. ALL THE NEW BRAIDED AND BEADED EFFECTS. W c are so pleased with these Beautiful Dresses, and are so sure they will please you, that weve decided to place , s HUNDRED DRESSES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, The prices given below will convince you that your new Easter Dress Silks is right here waiting for a special your approval. price on these , I Taffetas Crepe De Chine Gabardines Georgetta Crepes Poplins - Spring Coats and Suits Arriving Daily REMEMBER FOR ONE WEEK ONLY LEWIS DEPT. STORE OPPOSITE TABERNACLE. 0 - - MAIN STREET, LOGAN. v |