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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH gone he believed It the duty of every During this time, Rutledge and his man, whether young or old, to be ready comrades were out in the desert, UTWI to surrender his life, at an instant's searching for some signs of Winstons notice, for his country. But now as troops. The lnsurrectos had been In ovei hall a century, we have had the his eyes rested on the scene before completely fooled by the rangers, and 10, was acclden- - tunity to test all the makes to knowthetnl0r aged Jetly, Ralph him he wondered whether he was It was some time after Bob and his the Only the beat makes hav be, taiiy ghot by Clifford Cox, aged 14, at 10 right. One drop of the blood that had companions escaped before they real- Salt Lake, and is in a critical Condi- - ,eUineJ and offered to our curtomer., flowed In the veins of these American, ized the futility of their fire. At first We ell the ware, of the leading manufacturer, tion. . youths was worth more than a hun- the Mexicans believed they had wiped " vnd 8 d 0u' mode price make 1" The upholding of the constitution-dred Illiterate and degenerate Mexi- out the remainder of Rutledges men, of the Adamson act means $1,000-00cans, like Lopez and his band, that for their shots were not returned from to the railroad men of Salt Bake, had taken their lives. the mission. Finally one of their is said. It These men had given their lives to number was sent out to investigate. Cedar City, Iron county, reports cona band of bandits and thieves; miser- He approached the ruins under cover siderable he as of able cutthroats, who believed the building under way with the Mexican volley, and, world should support them without neared the spot he dropped on his much more in contemplation at the their having to work for it, and who hands and knees and crawled cautious- break of spring. NOVELIZED FROM THE More than 15,000 school children in to accomplish this by inciting a ly up. Slowly he raised his head sought SERIAL OF THE rebellion in the hopes that they would above the ruined walls. It was a des- Utah will be compelled to stop school SAME NAME. RELEASED BY finally obtain control of the govern- perate move, and he was taking a big between now and April 1 as the disment. Then the entire country of chance of having his head blown to tricts are short of funds.' THE UNIVERSAL FILM MANMexico would be in their hands to pieces. But, as he peered over the .Charles Nelson, aged 27 years, sin-- . UFACTURING COMPANY treat as they saw fit. top all was silent within, for, all that gle, was killed in a blast in the unIf the Mexicans were content to sit he saw was the bodies of the dead derground workings of the United undisturbed and permit Lopez and his rangers, and Rutledge was not among States mine at Bingham. SIXTEENTH EPISODE bandits to rob and kill that was some- them. Assessments of mines and railroads He hastily returned to his companthing which did not concern the United the state will be finished throughout States. But, when he crossed the ions and Informed them of the way by the state board of equalization durborder and trespassed on United States In which they had been baffled by the ing the first week of April. They were enraged and Soon after Major Winston was territory, killed American citizens and Americans. With the building of a new sugar order was the given immediately to robbed adand in burned their homes, placed in the improvised grave by his factory at Moroni, the town has been brave and loyal comrades, lie lapsed dition to assaulting American women, start in pursuit. After searching for given such an impetus that a buildInto unconsciousness, for he was it was time for the government at several hours fo Bob and his men ing boom is now reported in full weak and ill from the loss of blood. Washington to intervene. And, if they the lnsurrectos gave it up and returned blast. to join Lopez and his band. When he recovered some hours later did not, then there was something Plans for the university summer , all was dark and silent about him. He wrong with that government, someschool of 1917 are now well under way The morning of the fourth day1 slowly raised himself up and gazed where. and give promise of a schedule of found his the Major still staggering on, out of his shelter. There, spread out Believing he was acting for the best, which will attract a record-work oh the sand of Diablo Pass, were the the Major had taken his troops across body wrecked and his mind shattered. breaking attendance. bodies of his faithful fighters. the border. Later he had received in- His canteen was empty, and in the The North Sanpete National Fam to find water he fell on The Major was not a weak man, on structions from Washington to delay frantic efforts Loan association has ben organized at to his sands the and with began dig the contrary, he was considered one the invasion pending negotiations. He Mount hovPleasant, with the purpose of naked coyotes fingers. Slinking of the bravest men that ever shoul- had disobeyed the orders because he securing money at a low rate of in- ONE VIEW OF A PESSIMIST! dered a rifle, and it was his love of believed the debt that Pedro made the ered about, while overhead the buzzards circled. Finally terest to improve farm lands. fighting that had won him his epaulets. night of the Discovery outrage should from sheer unPhenor Nielson, a member of troop Somewhat Severe Description, But he stretched exhaustion His record in the Civil war, where he be paid In full, and the Major wanted Most People Will Agree That It conscious where he fell. There he lay, E, second squadron of Utah cavalry, fought under Sheridan, had won him to assist in collecting that debt Is Largely Truth. of carrion-huntinB. 21 Nielson son L. of years, aged against the distinction and the appointment of These men, whose bodies were now Impotent while fatal creatures received of which land and air, injuries gazed Ephraim, sergeant major, lie came from a fam- - scattered before him, some of them with A pessimist is a son of the man who his prostrate exercising a horse of his troop. at eyes hungry of was ever since he d torn and shattered and many disfig-olfighters, and, ily believe there was any such didnt form. Encouraged by the quietness ...With a total "snowfall of not more enough to understand the meaning I ured beyond recognition, had believed as electricity. thing of the word he loved to fight. When it their duty to demand payment from of the body, the coyotes carefully than five inches during the winter and Is an offspring of the man who He of drew nearer, out sun the green slips bringing the war broke out Lopez and his band, and, when he had At that moment a small group of grass now and then,. the Uintah basin was sure that the horseless carriage he was one of the first to go back into asked his company how many of them or four miles has proved ideal for the wintering of would never come, and a nephew of service, although he was actually re- stood ready to follow him, every one cavalry appeared three the man who was willing to bet that on of the the edge desert. Slow- cattle and sheep. away tired at the time. Fighting was his of his men had stepped up. men would never fly. and found the unly they Sheriff Peterson of Weber county very life, and though he had been A pessimist is a direct descendant True, they were young men, many consciousapproached form of the unfortunate ma- las't week published the sections of wounded many times, and his poor old 0f them, and they doubtless had wives, of the man who was sure that wireless with his canteen in his hand, the prohibition law relating to the body was fairly chipped with bullet mothers, sisters and sweethearts at jor was a fools dream and a telegraphy a which de-in small pool bringing of liquor into dry Utah, lay powerless marks, yet he considered it the great- home waiting for their return. Persubmarine merely the creation of a fiche wished to give everybody est honor any man could have, and the haps the world did have need for them of water. daring tion brain. writers One of the little party, which was sufficient warning so they would have greatest tribute he could pay his coun- in the handling of its affairs, but, The pessimists ancestry scoffed at his and surviving rangers, no excuse later. try and his flag. their country had needed them, too, Rutledge the telephone, the typesetting machine, to maddened the by thirst, plunged He had often said that a man had and, true Americans, all of them, they Members of the new state industrial the building, anesthetics and but two things to live for ; one was his had unflinchingly gone forward to edge of the pool to drink, but the cap- commission, which will tave control every forward step the optimists have over the administration of the work- taken for the betterment wife, and the other to fight for his avenge the wrongs that had been done tain stopped him. of human wadont that' touch' God, man, My Colonel Horton agreed with to American men, women and chilact mens the country. by passed fife. compensation the Major in thi's, for there was no dren on the border. Instead, they ter I shouted Bob. last legislature are Preston A. Thatch-If the pessimists of the past had I must, whispered the fellow In more courageous soldier than Libertys had given their lives. But, out there er, Logan; Harrison E. Jenkins and been right, men would still be living in father. The two veterans had been In Diablo Pass, In the stillness of the despair. caves and trying to get their meals Its a poisoned "spring declared W. M. Knerr, Salt Lake. boys together, and had grown up in night, surrounded by the dead, the Mawith clubs and flint arrows. And evi- A. William supergeneral Whitney, It will finish you. Cant each others friendship. They had en- jor made a solemn vow that the death Rutledge. intendent of transportation for the dently they died without publicly con- listed together, suffered military hard- of every one of his troopers would be you see its got him? and he mo- - Union Pacific and Oregon .Short Line fessing their mistakes,, for their pes- ships together, and, on more than one avenged. Lopez would pay for this tionedto the prostrate form of the railroads, has been appointed nV. as gen- simistic children continue to prophesy occasion, came very near dying togeth- days work, with his miserable life, Major. & the dismally that everything that is surely of eral Logan Ogden, manager BE (TO CONTINUED.) er. In the days that preceded the and, unless the inevitable hand of P. succeed to going to be cannot possibly come to Idaho company Railway Civil war they had hunted Indians in fate prevented him, the Major would D. Kline, resigned, it is announced. pass. They seem to be born with the the middle West. During the collect the debt and see to it that he FELT LIKE JOINING IN LAUGH habit and cannot get over it. Detroit laborer an Italian Nate Malizia, some days in New Mexico, when a was paid in full. whose legs were mangled by an Ore- Free Press. white man was in danger of being These thoughts and the dishearten- James J. Hill, in His First Dress Suit, gon iShort Line train at1 Salt Lake, seized and murdered by Indians, if he ing spectacle before him, together with Could Understand Why Colored What the Rabbit Costs Australia. died at a local hospital following amMan Chuckled. traversed the old Santa Fe highway his wounds and long period of fasting, The state of South Australia has, of the limbs. Malizia was ridputation alone, the Major and Colonel Horton seemed to unbalance the mind of the since 1891, erected 29,148 miles of and slipped had led the columns of troops which brave man. He managed to pull him For the trappings of society James ing his bicycle toofwork vermin switch a fences, enough to encircle the wheels under moving went in search of the terrible Apaches, self out of the pit dug for him by his J. Hill had little use, the Wall Street the globe and with the remnant build engine. and to them was given a great deal of men and staggered to one of the bod- Journal states. H6 abominated the It is estimated that about 4,000 a double line of fence along the souththe credit for routing these roving ies! He stooped and taking the can- stiffness and formality of social funcern border of the United States. When bands. teen from the poor fellow, quenched tions. An old friend, recalling Mr. teachers will receive money from the contracts now running are completed fund retirement through the During the years that had passed he his thirst. It refreshed him. But it Hills dislike for formal society, told of teachers will be much increased. mileage contriAll who withdrawal. teachers had seen, and taken part in, some of did not ease his puzzled and tired how upon one occasion when the Hill New South Wales has expended over the most important fighting in his brain. His wound pained him, and he family gave an evening reception at St. buted to the fund, whether they are $27,000,000 for rabbit extermination and at countrys history. He had known the was conscious of a peculiar feeling in Paul Mr. Hill was persuaded, only with in active service in the schools has within Its borders 98,000 miles of time' or will what he this not, paid tremendous joy which comes with vlo his head. Strange objects seemed to the utmost difficulty, to don a dress fence. One of West Australias fences they put into the fund. tory and the depression which accom- - appear before his gaze. They came suit. extends entirely across the continent. Fifteen Duroc brood sows were deFor the occasion an old colored man panies defeat. There had been battles quickly and departed as suddenly. MysOf late years the rabbit has been refrom which he and his company had terious visions seemed to haunt him, from the Great Northern offices was to livered to fifteen VineyArd hoys last iq part for his keep paying paying emerged without the loss of a single as he stood there helpless and alone. act at the door of the Hill residence. week under the auspices of the local board, as it were. He goes to swell man. On the other hand there had It must be a sickness. Perhaps it was He stood at his post, waiting the farm bureau for that section and the the total of food exports from the been times when he led only a few, the fever; ,He had seen thousands of guests, when Mr. Hill attired in his boys who were fortunate enough to commonwealth. the country Along discouraged and disheartened men soldiers afflicted with this dreadful dis- evening clothes came down stairs. The get one of the pigs will pay the shiproads rabbits seen be may hung on from the field; remnants of his com- ease; he had seen hundreds die with attendant, who had been with Mr. Hill pers, who are the Salt Lake stock-yardthe fences awaiting the passage of the $33 per head next fall. Just then, he would have wel- for years, when he saw his boss In pany. But, never, during all his years it. rabbit carts which convey them to the as a soldier, until now, had he suffered comed anything that would have re- the unaccustomed attire, chuckled Warning to loyal citizens of the United packing houses to be prepared for aloud. Mr. Hill caught the sound, States that in their loyalty and desire such an overwhelming defeat. For, lieved him from his pain. shipment as frozen meat and hides. men 200 made had that and looked up. The retainer turned In to save their country from the menace Practically all are the wonsome stood up he time there For pf exported (the Auhis little company, not a single dering in which direction to go. He dismay. Mr. Hill strode up to him, of a foreign foe they do not sacrifice stralian does not eat vermin), and one of them had survived the on knew the canyon ; for had he not led caught him by the shoulders, and said : the principles of democracy and libduring 1913 frozen rabbit and hare to slaught of these Mexicans, but his troops to this very spot? But, his What are you laughing at? erty, was sounded by Bishop Paul the value of 1,400,000 and skins to the Never had he been called memory slowly failed him, and, though himself. Deed, I wasnt, laughing, gasped Jones In his sermon at the First Meth- value of $3,000,000 were sent from upon to sendjn such a report as the hq racked his poor fevered brain he the servant. odist church at Salt Lake last Sunday. commonwealth ports. Yes you were, . admonished Mr. one he would have to give to Wash- was at a loss to know which way Policemen, firemen, mail carriers, to turn. Finally, dazed and delirious, Hill. You were laughing at me, and I New York City as a State. ington on the fight at Diablo Pass. employees and others who are city As he stared at the bodies of his he wandered aimlessly into the desert. dont blame you a darn bit. Col. J. B. Bellinger wants the city to ' free transportation on entitled troopers his mind seemed to become street railways of Salt Lake, and other 'Df New York elevated into a new state. dazed. He wondered whether It was The poor slave Pedro, who had been Open Copper Mine in City's Center. cities In Utah under the ordinances To that end he would have annexed to A copper mine is to be opened In all a reality or tjie result of his dragged to the torture chamber by adjacent slices of Connecticut and granting franchises to public service it wound. Perhaps he was still uncon-- 1 the Mexicans, had been tortured a! the very heart of the city of Hunting-toNew Jersey. In his opinion erection sersame receive the may corporations W. Ya. Thirty-fiv- e sclous and was looking on this ter-- 1 most to the point of death. One of years ago two vice under the of the city into a state would bring provisions of the new rible scene In his dreams. Weak and the guards pressed a button, which re- men employed to dig a well in what power to solve complicated problems, law. utilities public haggard, from long nights and days of leased one of the huge .blocks In the Vas then a brickyard struck a hard Beaver hides which have been con- such as transportation and food disexposure In the open accompanied by wall. They picked up his body and substance at a depth of 20 feet, which Should his idea be adopted and by the va- tribution. lack of food; his courage gone; his threw It through the aperture. It at first was thought to be gold, but fiscated by the state are new state Would possess the unique the being cared distinction of heart heavy ; he presented a picture of struck a large opening, and then slid which analysis showed to be a high rious game wardens being the only state in of the fish and game in office the for as he at 1ft was well abanThe a And, into of walls between the gazed down copper. pool deep misery. grade Union the an agricultural area without the blood of the youths great tears an underground chamber. It was the doned. Now a company has been or- commissioner until the state receives or farming population. came to his eyes, and he permitted room where Liberty was being held ganized by citizens to develop the a bid for them. In the vault of the fish and game department are seven them to roll down his burned cheeks. prisoner, and, Just as Pedros body mine. Crookedest Railroad In World. teen fine beaver hides which ' have would have given struck the water, she was about to At that instant he Californias Tamalpals runs the Up s been taken from hunters. Castor Oil for Cooking. his life to have been able to save scoop up some of the water to quench crookedest railroad in the world. Of That the convicts In the Utah state the them. . It seemed a travesty of war her terrible thirst. The Chinese have a method of deeight miles of track the longest As the dark object struck the wa priving castor oil of Its medicinal prison are thrifty Is indicated in the tangent is that he should be allowed to live and only 413 feet. In one notathey to die. They were young men, ter she drew back In terror. Then, as properties so that it may be used for report of the auditors, following a ble Instance the road makes five comcheck of the accounts of the prison. many of them ; men who were needed it rose to the surface, she was startled ordinary culinary purposes. plete loops and ties two complete There is a total amount of funds in bowknots by their mothers, their wives, their sis- as she recognized the slave. He was to attain an elevation of 90 Delicate Point' ters and their sweethearts. The too Injured to try to save himself, bank from the state prison of $2,627. feet. The end of the line Is about world needed them to assist In carry-- 1 and Liberty rushed to his aid and "How little the war In the East The total prisoners cash balance Is half a mile higher than the starting seems to be discussed. $2,351 on band and in bank. There Is point, and there Is not one particularly Ing on Its affairs, but, when a man dragged him out of the pool, and No wonder. Nobody knows how also $172 from the library fund in the his age, there is little left slsted him to his feet. But, the next -, Bteep grade in the entire system.'iank. (or him to do. jn the years that had Instant he fell In a heap on the ground. to pronounce the names In Wall Street Journal. STATE DOT IMSterling I A ROMANCE OF OLD MEXICO Q W-alt- y 1 0 HHVAN LOAN PHO-TOPLA- Y Court-Martiale- d. 1 ever-watchf- ul I I g I Spanish-America- Silver n I 1 20-sto- 1 ! I I I I s, ( n, over-anxiou- I es it |