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Show t I ' SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH iS HE FRUIT FDR SICK CHILD California Syrup of Figs cant harm tender stomach, liver and bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs that this is their Ideal laxative, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the. tender little stomach, liver and bowels without, griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a .teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative, and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When its little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stomach-ache- , diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remember, a good "inside cleaning should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the store for a bottle of California Syrup of Figs, which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-up- s printed on the bottle. Adv. 50-ce- nt Her Proof. Ive brought back those eggs you gave me this morning, said the new bride, as she began to take the articles in question from her basket. Theyre duck eggs. Duck eggs ! sneered the grocery maam. dont never sell no duck eggs. But I tested them, triumphed the I dropped theifi matrimonial novice. boss. Youre mistaken, Into water and they floated. Judge. GREENS AUGUST FLOWER Few persons can be sick who use Green's August Flower. It has been used for all ailments that are caused by a disordered stomach arid inactive liver, such as sick headache, constipation, sour stomach, nervous Indigestion, fermentation of food, palpitation of the heart from gases created in the stomach, pains in the stomach, and many other organic disturbances August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion, both in the, stomach and intestines, cleans and sweet ens the stomach and whole alimentary canal, and stimulates the liver to secrete the bile and impurities from the blood. Try it. Two doses will relieve you. Used for fifty years in every town and hamlet in the United States and in all civilized countries. Adv. 'f Advantages of Tireless Cooker Hot) to make a very satisfactory device at home at low cost Directions for its use VERY - satisfactory cooker may fire-les- s be made at relatively slight expense, according to specialists of the office of home economics of the department of agriculture. The outside of the cooker may be a tightly built wooden box, an old trunk, a small barrel, a large butter or lard firkin or tin, or a large galvanlzed-irobucket with g cover. In general, a conveniently sized box is perhaps most satisfactory, though the cookers entirely encased in metal have the advantage of being firev proof. If a box is to be used, Its size will depend on the size of the cooking kettle to be used In it and on whether there are to be one or two compartments. It must be large enough to allow for at least 4 inches of packing material all around the nest in which the cooking kettle is to be placed. For the sake of cleanliness and convenience the nest should be lined with metal and should be a trifle larger than the cooking utensil. If an extra source of heat, such as a hot brick or plate, is to be used, a metallic lining for the nest is imperative. For this purpose a galvanized iron or other metal bucket may be used or, better still, a tinsmith can make a lining of galvanized iron or zinc which can be provided with a rim to cover the packing material. In case no hot stone or plate is to be used in the cooker, the lining can be made of strong cardboard. t For the packing and insulating ma' terlal a variety of substances may be used. Asbestos and mineral wool are good and have the additional advantage that they do not burn. Ground cork (such as Is used in packing Ma- x n close-fittin- well-buil- t, The Speechless Wives. What are the wild waves saying? murmured the woman, as she stood on the silver lining of the mighty main. Nothing, Maria, replied the man hoarsely; they are like some people we know. ,They make a great deal of noise, but dont say anything. . x . home-economi- cs PERFECTIIEALTII : f er for the kettle, and the box should small kettle Into it, standing it on an lack about 4 Inches of being full. A inverted bowl or some other suitable What Came From Reading cushion or pad must be provided to support. This boiling water will take a Pinkham fill completely the space between the up and hold the heat better than air Several smaller dishes (It top of the packing aud the cover of would. the box after the hot kettles are put tightly covered) may be placed in the I thank yon for in place. This should be made of kettle surrounded by boiling water. Paterson, N. J. some heavy goods, such as denim, and Baking powder or other tins often (ire the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies as they have made me well stuffed with cotton, crumpled paper, found useful for this purpose. Anothand healthy. Someor excelsior. Ilay may be used, but er way is to place one food in a basin time ago I felt so will be found more or less odorous. which just fits into the top of a large had pains run down, The kettles used for cooking should kettle and to let some other material, back and side, in my be durable and free from seams or some vegetable perhaps, cook in the was very irregular, crevices, which are hard to clean. water in the bottom of the kettle. tired, nervous, had They should have perpendicular sides Two or more flat, shallow kettles such bad dreams, and the covers should be as flat as placed one on top of pie other so as to did not feel like eatpossible and provided with a deep rim fill the cooker, enable one to cook ing and bad short shutting well down into the kettle to small amounts of different foods sucbreath. I read your retain the steam. It is possible to buy cessfully. Such kettles, made espeadvertisement in kettles made especially for use in fire- cially for use in tireless cookers, may the newspapers and less cookers; these are provided with be purchased. decided to try a bottle of Lydia E.Pink-ham- o covers which can be clamped on tightTime Required for Cooking. Vegetable Compound. It worked The time which each kind of food from the first bottle, so I took a second ly. The size of the kettle should be determined by the quantity of food to should stay in the cooker depends and s third, also a bottle of Lydia E. be cooked. Small amounts of food both on the nature of the food and on Pinkham Blood Purifier, and now I am cannot be cooked satisfactorily in the temperature at which it remains ;just as well as any other woman. I large kettles, and it Is therefore an inside the cooker, and before recipes every woman, single or married, advantage to have a cooker with com- for use with the tireless cooker can be who is troubled with any of the aforepartments of two or more different prepared one must have some means said ailments, to try your wonderful sizes. Kettles holding about 6 quarts of knowing how temperatures are pre- Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier are of convenient size for general use. served in it. In experiments made in und I am sure they will help her to get Tinned-irokettles should not be used rid of her troubles as they did me. Mrs. Elsie J. Van der Sande, 36 No. in a fireless cooker, for, although York St, Paterson, N. J. cheap, they are very apt to rust from Enameled-war- e the confined moisture. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine iCo., (confidential) Lynn, Mass, if you kettles are satisfactory, especialneed special advice. ly if the covers are of the same material. Aluminum vessels may be pur- , 11 ,? i f t i 1 t ad-vi- se - n chased in shapes which make them especially well adapted for use in fireless cookers and, like enameled ware, they do not rust. How to Use the Fireless Cooker. Obviously the fireless cooker must be used with intelligence to obtain the best results. It is best suited to those foods which require boiling, steaming, or long, slow cooking in a moist heat. Foods cannot be.fried in it, pies cannot be baked successfully in the ordinary fireless cooker, nor can any cooking be done which requires a high, dry heat for browning. Meats, however, may be partially roasted In the oven and finished in the cooker, or may be begun in the cook.er and finished in the oven with much the same results as if they were roasted in the oven entirely. The classes of food best adapted to the cooker are cereals, soups, meats, vegetables, dried fruits, steamed breads, and puddings. When different foods are cooked together in the fireless cooker they must be such as require the same amount of cooking, since the cooker cannot be opened to take out food without allowing the escape of a large amount bf heat and making It necessary to reheat the contents. It would not do to put foods which need about one and hours to cook into the cooker with a piece of meat which would stay several hours. The size of the container used in cooking with the fireless cooker should be governed according to the amount of food to be cooked. Small quantities of food cannot be cooked satisfactorily in a large., kettle in the fireless cooker. If a large kettle must be used, better results will be obtained If some other material which holds heat fairly well is used to fill up the empty space. This may be accomplished In several ways. One Is to put the small quantity of food to be cooked Into a smaller, tightly closed kettle, fill the large kettle with boiling Water and put the one-ha- Longitudinal Section Through Fireless Cooker. CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION Showing details of construction: A, Outside container (wooden box, old trunk, material While You Sleep With Cuticura Soap etc.) B, Packing or insulating C. (crumpled paper, cinders, etc.). Metal In nest. and Ointment Trial Free. D, Cooking kettle. E, lining Soapstone plate, or other source of heat. F, Pad of excelsior for covering top. G, On retiring, gently smear the face Hinged cover of outside container. with Cuticura Ointment, wash off in laga grapes), hay, excelsior, Spanish five minutes with Cuticura Soap and moss, wool, and crumpled paper may hot water, and continue bathing a few also be used satisfactorily. Of the minutes with the Soap. The Influence inexpensive materials that can be obof this treatment on the pores extends tained easily, crumpled paper Is probthrough the night. ably the most satisfactory, since it is Free sample each by mall with Book clean and odorless and, if properly Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L, packed, will hold the heat better than Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. some of the others. To pack the container with paper, crush single sheets The Deaf Dancer. of newspaper between the hands. Pack Friend I suppose deafness , Is a layer at least 4 inches deep over source of annoyance to' you. the bottom of the outside container, Deaf Man Occasionally. Last night, It in or pounding it in with for Instance, I danced with a most tramping stick of wood. Stand the coni heavy charming young lady and I would give tainer for the cooking vessel, or the a good deal to know whether she com' lining for the nest in the center of pared my dancing to a zephyr or this layer and pack more crushed paheifer. New York Times. pers about it as solidly as possible. If other packing, such as excelsior, hay, or cork dust, is used, it should be packto Mothers Important Examine carefully every bottle .. ed in a similar way. Where an extra CASTORIA, that famous old remedy of is to be used, It is heat Bource for infants and children, and see that much safer to pack the tireless cooker Bears the with some material, Signature of such as asbestos or mineral wool. A In Use for Over 30 Years. cheap and easily obtained substitute Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria is the small cinders sifted from coal nshes, preferably those from soft coal, The Difference. which may be obtained at the boiler Mrs. Gay I have a knocker on the house of any mill. The cinders from outside of my door. ; hard coal burned In the kitchen range 'Mrs. Grouch Ill bet Its nothing will do, however. Experiments with compare with the knocker Ive got this material made by the Inside of mine. specialists of the department of agriculture showed that it is very nearly as Dr. Pierces Favorite satisfactory as crumpled paper as Prescription makes 5VOI5e?. s.tron? sick women well, no a packing material. If a fireproof Sold in tablets or liquid. Aav. packing material Is not used a heavy pad of asbestos paper should be put at Logical Result the bottom of the metal nest and a ( What a pretty girl she Is! sheet or two of asbestos paper should Yes, and lots of men are to trying placed between the' lining of the get the chance to ring her. best and the packing material. Whatever packing material is used, It In correcting an error some people Iboull cone to the top of the contain make two. WOMAN NOW IN lf New Conception of Cultivation. Cultivation a generation ago meant acquaintance with letters and fine arts, and some knowledge of at least iwo languages and literatures, and of history. The term cultivation is now Metal Lining for Nest for Fireless much more inclusive. It includes Cooker. elementary knowledge of the sciences, A, Rim to cover packing material; B, and it ranks high the subjects of hisContainer tor cooking kettle and hot stone. tory, government, and economics. 'Charles W. Eliot, in the Atlantic. the office of home economics a kettle was tilled with boiling water and put into the cooker, the packing ISIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, of which happened to be newspaper, The temperature of the water, which was 212 degrees F. when put into the BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR cooker, was found to be 172 degrees F. after four hours had elapsed and 155 degrees F. after eight hours had 'Make It Thick, Glossy, Wavy, Luxurelapsed. This shows the advisability iant and Remove Dandruff Real of the common custom of allowing food to remain undisturbed in the Surprise for You. cooker for at least six or eight hours, or In some cases overnight. If a soapYour hair becomes light, wavy, fluf-istone, hot brick, or other extra source abundant and appears as soft, lusof heat is used, less time will be retrous and beautiful as a young girls quired. Materials which are denser lifter a Danderine hair cleanse." Just In as water used than (sugar sirup moisten a cloth with a little this try and therefore dried fruit), cooking can be heated to a higher degree, will Danderine and carefully draw 'it hair, taking one small keep up the temperature longer when through atyour a time. This will cleanse strand cooker. Thus the Into the density put of and excessive oil the hair dirt dust, of the food material, as well as the amount and the length of time that and in just a few moments you have the apparatus retains the heat, must doubled the beauty of your hair. be taken into consideration in deterBesides beautifying the hair at once, mining how long different materials Danderine dissolves every particle of must be cooked in the cooker. dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigThe recipes for dishes to be pre- orates the scalp, forever stopping itchpared in the tireless cooker differ ing and falling hair. somewhat from those for foods cooked But what will please you most will in the ordinary way, chiefly in the be after a few weeks use when you amount of water or other liquids callwill actually see new hair fine and ed for. Less liquid should be put into at first yes but really new the food to be prepared in an ordi- downy hair growing all over the scalp. If nary fireless cooker, since there is no care for pretty, soft hair and lots you The chance for water to evaporate. of get a 25 cent bottle of it, surely cook must be guided largely by expeDanderine from any store Knowltons rience in deciding how long the food it. Adv. and Just try should be heated before being put Into the cooker and how long It should be With Her Eyes. allowed to remain there. They stood by the old well together. How shall we drink?! he said; there Is no bucket here. She lowered her eyes, when she raised them again they were full of water. Princeton Tiger. y, CHILD IS INJURED BY NAGGING This is the conclusion reached by a physical trainer after years spent In trying to restore abnormal bodies to normal condition. A child that Is nagged at never holds Itself well, he declares. Its deportment betrays its mental attitude, and to the trained eye instructor the of the physical-traininfound shoulders and apologetic air tell their own story In the case of a child whose pliyslque otherwise reveals no sign of constitutional weakness. The attitude of the body discloses, in a marvelous way, that of the mind; and many parents vould be astonished to learn that the bearing of their children reflects their home Influences In a very unflattering light. While lunching with a lady the other day, he says, I listened to a tale of distress about her little boys flat chest. Presently, the child came in from school, running excitedly to show his new jography book with colored pictures. Oh, yes, dear, but dont start with it now; go and wash your hands and get tidy. The childs enthusiastic little face fell, his flat little chest seemed flatter still, and he resignedly put away his book and left the room. There will be little chance for that childs chest until his mother learns to express her affection more positively in the form of - active and ready sympathy, not merely negatively, In the form of anxiety. The glow of enthusi- g ?! The man who publishes the fact that asm which was swelling the childs he takes himself seriously is inviting ! heart, literally as well as metaphoric- the derisive ally, was quenched by the chilly reception. The expanded chest, which accompanied the movement of enthusiasm, collapsed at once like a pricked Worn bubble. Give your children Every encouragement rather than criticism, sympathy rather Picture than reproof, and, while they are In Tells a the awkward age, do not add to their Story' by drawing attention to their faults. The Continent. ha-h- a Rest Those Lightweight Southerners. The average weight of men south of the Mason and Dixie line is from four to six pounds less than the average weight of men north of it, say United States marine corps recruiting officers operating In the south. These recruiting officers have asked that the minimum weight for recruits in the South be reduced from 124 to 120 pounds, stripped. The large, d Southerner" Is seldom seen, the recruiting officers aver, and while the men of the South are as sound and tit as the men of any other section, they are usually small boned and light in weight. The officers point out In their recommendation that some of the best hikers and fighters In the marine corps are the lean, wiry men from the raw-bone- Nerves Dont give up. When you feel all unstrung; when family cares seem too hard to bear, and backache, dizzy headaches, queer pains and irregular action of the kidneys and bladder may mystify you, remember that such troubles often come from weak kidneys and it may be that you only need Doan's Kidney Pills to make you well. When the kidneys are weak theres dsnger of dropsy, gravel and Brights disease. Don't delay. Start using Doan's now. DOANS' 50 at all Stores FoeteivMilbum Co. Props. BiiffaIN.Y RousH tn un1 VRasms- - : ! |