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Show t i J SOUTH CACHE COURIER. HYRUM, UTAH Under cover of darkness seven sail-- i ors of the German commerce raiders1 Kronprinz Wilhelm and Prlhz Eitel Friedrich, interned at the Philadelphia navy yard, made an attempt to escape Monday night, all seven being captured. The Adamson law decision by the supreme court means the end of all OF A WEEKS MIS Xow St FRENCH ADVANCE ON AND BRITISH TAKE VILLAGES. QUEN-TI- FOUR-TEE- N IN is Explained by Germans as Strategy, Who Declare New Positions Are Stronger Than Ever. In Its Decision, However, the Court Rules That Employees of Public London. Both the British and Service Corporations May Not French armies in France have made Strike in Concert. further notable gains. Fourteen additional villages have Washington. By a vote of six to been entered by the British forces the Supreme court on March three, from Arras' southward to Ham and 19 the right' of congress to fipheld they have passed the general line of legislate along any lines designed to Nurlu, Velu meet a Canizy, When it upemergency, public and St. Leger. Beyond eight-hou- r held law for the Adamsan the British troops are withemployees. railway in twelve miles of St. Quentin. In its decision, however, the court On their part of the line, however, made the most radical advance in its the French have thrown cavalry to when it ruled that the emhistory within four' and a half miles of of ployees public service organizations and also have reoccupied con- have not the right to strike in considerable territory between the Somme cert. and the Aisne. , Paris reports that the That right, declared Chief Justice losses of the French troops have been White in enunciating what may yet be insignificant. Berlin says that in the retreat of characterized as revolutionary law the Germans they have rendered the and lead directly to public ownership field selected for the coming engage- - of public utilities, Is necessarily surment with the entente forces useless rendered when the men are engaged in public service. They are comparable to soldiers in the ranks, who, in the presence of enemies of their country, may not desert. The decision was not really necessary at this time, inasmuch as the railway strike situation had been adjusted in New York earlier in the Evacuation Rid of The 1 SIX TO THREE VER. DICT UPHOLD THE ADAMSON., LAW AS CONSTITUTIONAL. JUDGES Is the There no longer the ilightest feeling uhamed of your freckle need double Btreneth ' prescription othlne guaranteed to remove these homely iDnU Simply get an ounce of othtno Souhi. trength from your druggist, and anni. ? little of it night and and bould aoon aee that even morning the worst freekiU have begun to dleappear, while the liehS onea have vanlahed entirely. It is that more than one ounce la needed to clear the kla and gain a beauS plwly clear complexion. Be aura to aak for the double atreneti. sold under guarantee othlne, as thi money hack if It fails to remove freckle HELD VALID BY RECORD OF THE IMPORTANT strikes in industries or utilities engaged in interstate service, in the HAPPENINGS IN ITEM opinion of Frank Hagerman, special IZED FORM government attorney in the case. An autopsy performed on the body of a young woman found dead .In? a Home and Foreign News Gathered New York hotel, who had registered as Florence Gray of Boston, disFrom All Quarters of the World, closed that Bhe was murdered by and Prepared for Busy Men ' FRECKLES TWoGet GERMAHS STILL The most successful employer Is the one who recognizes fidelity on the paj roll. strangulation. United States Senator Albert B. Cummins of Iowa was removed to a INTERMOUNTAIN. ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, Intention of impeaching the testi- hospital in New York after he had DOESNT HURT A BIT! mony of Mayor D. D. Merrill of collapsed during a speech he was makEverett, Wash., was announced by the ing at the Republican' club. WASHINGTON. defense in the trial at Seattle of No foolishness! Lift your corns Thomas H. Tracy, charged with the The president has authorized the and off with fingers calluses of murder of Deputy Sheriff Jefferson expenditure the $115,000,00(1 emerglike It's magic! to fund Beard at Everett, November 5 last, ency provided by congress A movement has been started by speed up naval construction and pay Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or the Farmers union of south Idaho to for special additional warcraft, and the suspension of the eight-hou- r labor establish a number of large any kind of a com, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers If you warehouses for the storage of Yaw in plants engaged on navy work, The supreme court has sustained apply upon the corn a few 'drops of products. grain and other-farAdamson the law as constitutional and was Smith freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. Lawrence That John in enforceable cost one can get a small feature. The little every Fpr Newton 'Stella when Mrs. moving bottle of freezone at any drug store, Smith shot him the second time m&diate effect of the decision will be which will positively rid ones feet of basic was stated at her trial in Denver by td fi a Permanent eight-hou- r ln scales 0Q wage every com or callus without pain. C0Putldg John Bindle, a servant long in Mrs. railroads This simple drag dries the moment Smiths employ. SJie laughed after Is applied and does not even irrit Alberto former Membreno, presi said. tiring the second shot, he itate the surrounding skin while apdent of Honduras and now minister at ernrplcifnic plying it or afterwards. Washington was taken to a hospital 111 wib mastoiditis. fear-trThis announcement will Interest is It enthat the Western Pacific will gain glely die- of our readers. If your druggist many may with to Reno, Nev., in competition hasnt any freezone tell him to surely Francisco Villa obtained a large the Southern Pacific, by purchase of small bottle for you from his a of and get ammunition shipment arms, 105 miles of the wholesale drag house. adv. ooast stores west from ' the Military for railroad, negotiations Oregon of Mexico recently, with which he de Which are under way, Silent Music" for the Sick. Governor Alexander has signed the feated the Carranza forces In A system of silent music, Inand of General Francisco Murguia compensation act passed near firm In a hospital a stalled day. by Chicago Rosario, Durango, March 11, ac- by the Idaho legislature. By its terms Vandevan-te- at Ottawa, 111., is thus described in Justices and Day Pitney, to a report made by e state compensation insurance de- - cording dissented from the majority and Hospital Management (Chicago) : It ment agents to Washington, created is a under manager cabinet with held that the law was a wage increase consists of a spring-moto- r Tiic special senate session which law and no proper regulation of com- a turntable similar to the ordinary July 1. The compensation commission of three members appointed by the began March 5 adjourned sine die merce under the constitution. Justice phonograph without a horn. Attached 16 after confirming most of the governor is not created until Janu- - March McKenna, concurring with the major- to the cabinet is our special music 1400 nominations which failed at the ary 1, 1918. ity, held that it involved simply the transmitter, corresponding to the tone-arthe to last and session ratify failing DOMESTIC and reproducer on the ordinary fixing of hours of labor. $25,000 Columbian treaty, second and of the Graduation first Justice Pitney, for himself and Jus- phonograph. The transmitter is enerclasses at the naval academy has been lamationedesknaUnghAprilS26 aif a'day I Berlln war office, however, says all the tice Vandevanter, delivered a dissent- gized by the vibrations of the needle transmits ordered. The order means that 374 attacks here have been with- - ing opinion, in which he expressed traveling on the record, andover of l.fJOO, ttewUef a sysvibrations these electrical concurrence in the view held by Jusadditional naval officers will be inade 000 dire Rutheniani . or Ukranians the of tem wires shorthospital. meet to throughout the existing available Nothing new has come through con- tice Day that the Adamson law was The need of ood- clothing and shelter wiring terminates at outlet jacks age in naval personnel. The first the operations against tlhe unconstitutional, because congress, alcerning FOREIGN, of patients beds. The paalongside class comprises 172 men and the sec-- , in not in Asia Minor though confessedly Turks by the listens possession I to in can a house be furnished with a head the tient Replying question 202. ond class f the information necessary for inand Persia ep$ by i,he British in hie n commons to a cord and ping. Bonar Andrew attached Law, receiver 'Captain Jack Bonavita, nationally telligent and just treatment of the When sopotamia Inserted In the jack Is ellor said of the the the plug exchequer, animal trainer, died at Los An- between carriers controversy and Brit-anthe patient may of of the bed, the alongside daily average expenditure LOSS TO AMERICAN SHIPPING. geies as the result of a fractured jaw trainmen, arbitrarily Imposed upon hear the music the receiver to from 1, placing by all!1 government April lbl6, severe lacerations received in the carriers an enormous cost of an Is inrecorder ear. The 1917 31 the March would work out at Twenty-fou- r Ships Toll of German experimental increase in wages, with- against struggle with a polar bear. close held is receiver unless the audible Submarines. 600,000. out providing for any compensation E. A. Barr, a guard at the United one paand to the consequently ear, The from Purchase by Japan Twenty-fou- r American to be paid in case the investigation London. States penitentiary at Leavenworth, while entertainment receive tient was stabbed to death tugal of tbe Island of Macao is rePort' ships have been attacked by German should determine the impropriety of the may In an adjoining bed may patient !u ed the the and other submarines press, says Austrian Portuguese and the increase. by Oqo Manuel, a convict. 'Manuel sleep without disturbance. of Overseas News The Island the since Teutonic raiders agency. .commerce The officials. r to the installation of the eight-houconfessed, according Macao is on the west side of the en- - outbreak of the European war. day for trainmen will, it is asserted blaming his violent temper. Thing to Do. Of these eleven were destroyed by affect more than 400,000 An emergency appropriation of $1,-- 1 trance to the Canton river, seventy was arrested by the Incomrailway men boat My William P. directly. The new wage scale will ing tide. 000,000 for the defense of the com- miles southeast of 'Canton and thirty submarines and one, the of cruiser cost the railroads of the five west German miles converted Frye, Hongkong. by monwealth in the event of war was Then I suppose you baled her out country apChinese troops have occupied with- raider Prinz Eitel Friedrich. In addi- - proximately $50,000,000' annually. The passed by the Massachusetts legislaone American ship, the Cushing, back pay from out opposition the German conces- Truck Picks Up Load. ture on March 19. January 1 which "the tip on was German new A a motortruck for lumber transattacked men by and airship Hankow. The will receive will total in the The threatened railway strike has sions at Tientsin 1915. 28, April German over Dutch the literally straddles and picks portation taken have neighborhood of twelve or thirteen been averted for the time being, the load It carries. to official records the the up According million consulates. dollars. conference committee of railroad in Is were staff of life, but that lost Bread the American fifteen lives The court decision is regarded as a Alexandre Ribot, regarded as one of managers on Monday having .author-these man in making his attacks. a doesnt e justify great victory for the railway em-- , ized President Wilson mediators to the strongest men in France, has continuous a loaf, existence ployees in their fight for an eight-hou- r whatever arrangements were I pleted the formation of a new cabinet, MAY CONVENE CONGRESS. work day, and there will be no strike. German The submarines sinking by necessary with the railroad brotherUnder the agreement reached beof the American steamers City of President Being Urged to Call Extra tween hoods to call off the strike. the railroads and the men inSession at Once. Several houses were demolished and Memphis, Illinois and Vigilancia was volved, the men will get an eight-hou- r one person was killed in a windstorm announced Sunday. Fourteen men For two hours on day, and time and for overWashington. from Tuthe Vigilancia are missing, as Tuesday President Wilson discussed time work. This was the only point that swept the country between on which the men yielded. pelo and Verona, Miss., Saturday night. are some from the City of Memphis. They had international crisis with his in equity asking for an injunc-- The crew of the Illinois was landed 1!ie an heard urgent suggestions originally demanded a basis of time and for overtime. tion against officers in Pennsylvania safely.,, that the date for the extra session of of StockAllehanr The of the four railroad brotherhoods Nya Dagligt congress, fixed for April 16, be set War Activity Pledged. from putting into effect the general holm, as quoted in an Exchange Tele-- forward to consider further steps in London. The Russian provisional strike order were filed in the United graph dispatch froni that city, says in defense commerce of American in a manifesto announcgovernment EmStates district court at Philadelphia, a telegram from Haparanda that against German submarines. It is ing the successful overflow of the 17 by individual members of peror Nicholas is held a prisoner and derMood there was not a dissenting bureaucracy and the birth of a new Have You Ever that the empress has been sent to those organizations. Russia reiterates that the new governKiev, Reports of preparations for a dash ' ment will provide the army with Suspected d German The British troops have made to sea by eleven to carry on the everything necessary Ger extensive other Califoradvance, entering that the cause of various at Santa Rosalia, Lower war and that it will I observe nia, in the event of war between Ger- - man positions on a front of about mined upon-- the course to be pursued all alliances uniting faithfully Russia to the annoying ills might lie in i many and the United States, have been sixteen miles, according to the official other powers. the daily cup of teaorcoffee? Sulzer Wins Election. report from British headquarters in received at the state department. Juneau,' Alaska. The court has de Grand Duke Nicholas Rejected. Luis Terrazas, Jr., member of a France. A sure and easy way out The Frankfurter Zeitung publishes cided that Charles A. Sulzer, Demo- been to have one time at said London. Grand Duke Nicholas will family a of the coffee and tea troubles Vienna that Governor of former crat, and brother telegram stating bne of the richest in Mexico, dropped not afterall be commander in chief of sudden Charles was New returnof Sulzer william of Emperor Los at York, of the Russlan armieg dead in a store near his home is to shift to accoringto to Vienna last I elected delegate to congress from the Angeles, where he had resided since Austria from Budapest of Petrograd the correspondent his escape from the Chihuahua City week was due to the receipt of news' Times,1 the new government having of the revolution about outbreak the found it necessary, in order to checkpenitentiary. ln Russia. With hundreds of Americans in mate mischevious propaganda, to apGeneral Marguia lost approximately Scandinavian ports anxious to return point a generalissimo not connected with the Romanoff family. to their native land, the Norwegian 1,200 men In killed, wounded and miss according eteamship Kristianiaf jord, which ar- - luff at the battle of Rosario, Guardsmen to Be Sent Home. rived at New York on Thursday, washE1 a foreign refugee who arrived at mines, smelters and coal mines Paso from Chihuahua City. Theres no caffeine nor throughout the intermountain country Washington. War department ' offi- obliged to sail without booking pas- constituent Tbe Russian have to concert the taken in the of on assembly, for clas precaution, them, owing . in this . any sage Monday rescinded an order i anything harmful concerii felt by the owners over the says a Reuter dispaten from retro- with the federal government, to guard under which demobilization of many delightful, pure food-drin- k grad, will be convened at the winter heavily all rail 'lines, mines and build- - national guard units, home from the German submarine blockade. naPalace which has been proclaimed ing8 against any activities of any border, had been interrupted with the just die nourishing goodGovernor Whitman of New York has tional German poperty character spies. by which bill, apparent purpose of holding the troops ness of wheat signed the military training I III was sentenced to in readiness for any necessary duty'j extends the law enacted last year bo Luls Terrazas Mexico Evacuation Explained. executed at City on March in case of a nation-wid- e Postum has put thouas to compel all boys between 16 and railway strike. Luis his Berlin. The German the evacuation of 6, Terrazas, father, inday to receive of 19 age military , years sands of former tea and n os AnSeles evChinese Take German Concesaions. Bapaume, Roye, Noyon and Peronne structlon. Last years law applied Hr dle coffee drinkers on the munitions plant at Cologne Is but part of a great strategic un Peking. Chinese troops have occur enly to school boys, but the bill signed blew largelast to infor dertaking which promises to revolu pied without opposition the German UP week, according Road to wellville. Thursday includes working boys as Imation received from German sources I tionize warfare on the entire westerd I concessions at Tientsin and Hankow. I I There's Reason" Both houses of the Missouri legis- - by a newspaper at Holding, near the front and constitute one of the most The Dutch have taken over the Qei war. moves man decisive in the workmen hundred Several frontier. consulates, a law lature have passed abolishing lare sported to have perished. capital punishment Entree-en-Chause- e, Entree-en-Ohausse- , il i , I ji 1 t St-Que- ) i . ..i1 im-Moo- re teate .1 aoarhlsaMoced ' I y Nevada-California- com-Workme- tin r nt govern-partme- .in - 1 1 chan-know- d , fa t ! Por-Kansa- s, I I i ; r, 9 , li' u i , i ' i i 1 ! ! 1 corn-mak- I i I I one-eight- h I I cab-Bill- s 1 one-ha- lf 1 I I h : i war-boun- I an-shi- I ii l r, Instant Postum I - - I t t ; I 1 1 a |