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Show T- - & '- - " a A N o . . . 5: Jt.. I ,. V" o q "' V Z o-- ry.rnj.) ( Vy A-- Cache Courier VOL. NO. 17 Hyrum Cache County, Utah, Friday, March 23, 1917. VIII. Rev. P.T. Bohback Answers Last Call Weiser Valley The Garden Spot of Idaho. communication The following Mr. Thos. Pearce was in Hy- giving information of the death of rum this week, haring just ar- Rev. Philip Bohback, explains itself: He Mr. Bohback was a former resident rived from Weiser, tIdaho. somehe was us that informs of Hyrum, and had many friends what surprised to find so much and acquaintances here, who will winter and snow in Cache valley, be pained to learn .of his death: having: had genuine spring wea-thSalt Lake City, Utah. Mar. 15, in that section of country he 1916. Speshul Notus This and That By Robert Petersen M. Aron Christiansen were seen main street on a big riding through load of hay. They looked like millionaires, and .acted like them to, both were chewing on stems of real lucerne. Recently, and Mr. Ed. Qhristensen er just came from. They had only about six inches of snow any time during the winter and the never registered thermometer much below zero. The country is beginning to take on the hue of green ana the farmers are busy getting ready for spring work. There is not much wind in the Weiser valley, and fruit and vegeWe tables grow in abundance. have al least two months more summer than here in Cache valley, and theres lots of good chances to locate on improved farms. Mr. Pearce has been in Salt Lake and has secured rates from Mr. Spencer over the O. S. L., and in company with a party of men from Hyrum and Wellsville will leave on Sunday afternoon for Weiser, Idaho, to look up some land propositions. Anyone wishing in formation in regard to the country or land, will do well to see Mr. Pearce, who will be more than pleased to give any information desired. Big Lecture And Program The following Program and Lecture will be given in the Second Ward Sunday evening March 25th, at 8 p. m: Piano Solo, Bethea Cutler. Lecture, H. Grant Ivans. Vocal Solo, 0. E. Petersen. Girls Chorus, Leta Nielsen and Co. Everybody invited. Oregon Short Line Excursions For Conference, Salt Lake City( April 3rd., to 8th., inclusive. Same rates as via any other route, with usual high standards of equipment and service. Ask Agents for rates and further details. Adv. Notice! At the regular meeting of the City Council to be held on April 2nd the Council will receive sealed bids to lease the following described City grounds, twenty acres (more or less) known as the Hyrum City .Park; also one street on 3rd west and 2nd north and one street on fourth west and second south. The City reserves the right to reject all bids. By order of the City Mayor, Henry Jensen. Mr. Frank Anderson Arco, Idaho, last Tuesday went to on land business. Mr. Robt. Baxter is in receipt of a Gov. Bamberger ac- letter from knowledging, and thanking Mr. Baxter for the receipt of recommendations recently adopted at a meeting of the County Taxpayers League, on the income tax question. Mrs, Amanda T. Anderson, Hyrum, Utah. Dear Friend: I have just returned within the past few days from Santa Cruz, California, where I was called by the sudden death of our mutual friend, the Rev. Philip T. Bohback, who passed into the Great Beyond the night of March 7th. For the information of Mr. numerous friends and in behalf of his sister whom 1 left in Santa Cruz, I am giving you below the newspaper account of this sad occurrence as it appeared in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, for March 8th: Death came very suddenly to Rev. Philip Bohback while sleeping Wednesday night; the discovery being made the following morning by his sister, Miss Sophia Bohback. For the past 14 years they have Wedneslived on Laurent Street. to be in deceased appeared day the good health and was working in his garden. Rev. Bohback was a retired Presbyterian minister and was a member of the local church. For a number of years he was a missionary for this denomination in Utah. He was born in Sweeden 75 years ago. He was a man of splendid Christian traits and beloved by all who knew him. His death comes as a great shock to the sister, because of his passing away being unexpected. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon, March IOth, at 3:00 oclock from the Presbyterian Church, and the body afterwards laid at rest in the family burial ground by the side of his beloved ' wife. Very sincerely yours. ' M. M. Saxton. nited, T ruthful, A rdent, U go-tor- n H onorable., Citizens in acrostic aud greatest asset. Utahs However the court may construe it, it does seem certain that a statute that finds a culprit insane turns the tables on, itself when it lets him go free. Boh-bac- Some air goen tu giv a Poverty Party in the furst Ward meten howse Mar. 28th, it bein nex Wednesday nite at ate p. m. in the evenin. everbuddy past 14 years of old is corjally asted tu cum. The cost uv gittin in is only 7 sence. Rewls & Regulashuns 1. biled shirts and standin up callers prohibited. 2. dockolet gounds forbidin. 3. anybudy fownd waren eten close is tu be find 3 tu 10 sence. 4. speshel progrum. 5. gran priz tu be giv tu the povertiest struck pursen. 6. veryeous apetizen refreshmunts will be past for a nikel a plate, included drinks. yours trooly, Mutual Comity. we things you can, and some things you cant do: .You can depigtail a Chinaman, but you cant dehorn a Mormon.- ' The lecture given by Prof. Casto of the A. C. U. last Sunday evening, was very largely attended. The lecturer gave a graphic description of the Mormon Pilgrim' age from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City, picturing in a vivid way the g scenes of starvation and privation, endured by the pioneers on their journey to the Rocky Mountains. The speaker had the subject well in hand, and from the appearance and the attention given the speaker, it seemed as though the audience could have, listened to the eloquent address for another hour. It was a real treat to all who heard the excellent talk. mob-violenc- heart-renderin- e, , Missionary Farewell Party REPORT - M&de to the Bank Commissioner The following program will be of the State of Utah, of the Con- rendered at the Second Ward dition of the Hyrum State Bank, Thursday, March 29th for the bene-- 1 fit of Elder Leland H. Andersen Located at Hyrum, in the County who will depart in the near future A Bibles chapter; a day, will of Cache, State of Utah, at the for the Northwestern States Missclose of business on the 8th day of keep the devil away. ion: March, 1917: Song, Choir. resources: Big ankle never won stout heart. Prayer, Loans and Dis- Song, Choir. 685.85 is counts dead. $160, Faith without salt Comic Reading, Furniture and 1.945.00 Fixtures Piano Duet. Drat! the snow. Real Estate 1.500.00 Vocal Solo. Due from NaA. and John Messrs. Will Wyatt Overture, Orchestra. tional Banks 7,251.43 Brown of Wellsville, were Hyrum Due from State Piano Solof business visitors this,week. Comic Song: Bks & Bankers 5,713.87 and Checks Missionary Talk. The Golden Hour Club met at Cash Items.. 2,879.32 ' Vocal Duet. , Eliason last Gold Coin 1.630.00 Piano Solo ' wva all mem- iSilver Coin 625.20 1.087.00 Responce, Missionary. bers present. The special guests Currency , Music, Orchestra. 728.96 were MrsCJ. V. Facer, the Misses Expense Accnt ' Revenue The stamps public is cordially invited. Lewis and Authrieth. I Total. 184,065.70 Mrs. James Brown was operated on at the hospital in Logan, last liabilities: Monday for a cataract on her eye. Capital Stock... Dr. Reynolds preformed the opera25,000.00 paid in 2,500.00 tion and she is getting along quite Surplus Fund... There will be a Farm Bureau Undivided in the City Hall next nicely.' Profits 1,575.09 Meeting Wednesday night at 8 p. m. Some Dont fail to attend the Band Individual 78,052.18 Deposits.... important matters pertaining to Dance Monday night, given by 130.00 Local affairs will be Checks Cashiers discused. All the Juniors of the South Cache 66,418.43 farmers are Savings Depts respectfuly invited. High School.. Go and see the Time Certifi.... Farm Bureau Officers. artistic decoration. Usual price of Deposit... 10,390.00 of Admission. Total 184,065.70 Mr. E. J. Wilson Jr. went to Salt A fine daughter arrived at the Lake City Monday on buisness home of Prin. H. R. Adams last State of Utah, . of Cache, All County March 20th. As previously announced, Mr. Tuesday morning returning Wednesday. Harry W. Oakes, being first duly Willard , R. Rose of Hyrum and concerned are doing well, and Mr. Miss Pearl Jensen daughter of sworn according to law, deposes and Miss Algie Barrett of Mendon, were Adams is still similing over the says that he is Cashier of the above Christian Jensen was operated on married in the Logan Temple last thought of having the pleasure of named bank; that the above and for appendicitis at her home last Mr. and Mrs. Rose giving his attention to a young lady. foregoing report contains a full, Tuesday by Drs. Merrill and ParkinWednesday. most popular young the are among H. Grant Ivans, son of Apostle true, and correct statement of the son of Logan. This case was a condition of the said bank at the people of their respective towns, Anthony Ivans, will lecture on close of business on the 8th day of serious one, but she is reported as and the Courier joins with their Japan, its people and customs, getting along as well as can be exMarch, 1917. a them in friends wishing many at the second ward Sunday evening Harry W. Oakes, Cashier. pected . ' joyas journey over lifes sea of March 25th. Elder Ivans has laborCorrect Attest: Mr. Peter Christiansen, who rematrimony. G. J. Christiansen, ' ed five years in the Japanese Misscently returned from an extended A. A. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Rose will spend ion and the lecture promises to be visit in California, informs us that Robert Baxter, their honeymoon visiting relatives of more than ordinary interest. Directors. he had a most pleasant and enjoyin Salt Lake and other Utah towns, March 16th the Friday evening Subscribed and sworn to before able time while sojouring in the and .will return to Hyrum about officers and teachers of the 1st me this 13th day of March, 1917. land of flowers and sunshine. He April 10, where they will make John W. Jensen, Ward Sunday School met at the left Hyrum with Mr. Soren Hansen their future home. i Notary Public. for Hollywood seal home of C. J. Clawsen and very just after burying commission expires on 1st day his wife. He was shortly afterpleasantly surprised Mr. Edwin of My 1918. Oct., Remember the Lecture on Japan wards joined by Mr. H-- F. Clawsen, who was recently released ) Napper State of Utah, at the 2nd Ward Sunday evening as of Ward the 1st and toSuperintendent Pocatella family i of, and Office of Bank Commissioner, by Elder H. Grant Ivans. Sunday School. The time was spent visited all of the most I, C. A. Glazier, Bank Commis- gether they Ward Conferences were held in in playing games and music. sioner of the State of Utah, do interesting places in and around all the three wards of Hyrum last Dainty refreshments were served. hereby certify that the foregoing is San Francisco. Mr. Christiansen Sunday afternoon, and judging A nice present was given tQ Bro. a full, true, and correct copy of the speaks in the highest terms of the from the reports given, all are in Clawsen to show the great esteem statement of the above named com- country and its beauties, and says filed in my office this 15th day a flourishing condition, and an im they had for him in his faithful and pany, was it a revelation to him. simply of March, 1917. prove in church activities, in general successful labors while holding that The C. A. Glazier, company returned by way of Bank Commissioner. Portland, Oregon to Pocatello. js apparent. position. To some of us, a square deal is not a square deal unless its squarely in our own favor. - 19-0- Farmers! Take Notice Wedding Bells Big Band Dance Monday Eve March 26, given by At Elite Hall. Sunday Lecture Real Treat Tickets 50c. Junrs of S. C. H. Hall Decorations Same as Last Friday Night. V All Invited. |