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Show SOUTH CACHE COURIER HYRUM, UTAH Keep It Handy CZAR ABDICATES MONARCHY ENDS Milioukoff. household PERUNA to be eafe then Sony. Ifr tettermII a! dltirMalnS alehnatl jk At your dnuulit. raw A CO. Oimmbm. OUe W. L. OOUQLAS ' $8 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 $7 THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE" & $3Save Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoe dealers. The Best Known Shoes in the World. and the retail price is stamped on the botThe value is guaranteed and the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes.' The retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no more in San Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the L Douglas name W. tom of all shoes at the factory. price paid for them. twelve-year-ol- d t. not supply yon with the kind you want, take no other make. Write for interesting booklet explaining how to get shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price, by return mail, postage free. LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas V. if (T Uxr.i. name and the retail price stamped on the bottom. Boys' Shoes Best in the World $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 & President Douglas Shoe Co., 185 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. THOUSANDS HAVE KIDNEY TROUBLE AND DONT KNOW IT Week snd unheilthy kidneys cause so much sickness and suffering snd when A Trial Wiil Convince Anyone. Thousands of people have testified through neglect or other causes, kidney that the mild and immediate effect of trouble is permitted to continue, serious Swamp-Roo- t, the great kidney, liver results may be expected. remedy, is soon realized and that Your other organs may need attention stands it the highest for i remarkable but your kidneys should have attention first because their work is most important. results in the most distressing cases. Symptoms of Kidney Trouble. If you feel that your kidneys are the cause of your sickness or run down conSwamp-Roo- t is not recommended for dition commence taking Dr. Kilmers everything but if you suffer from Swimi 'Root, the great kidney, liverind troubles,, frequently passing bladder remedy, because if it proves to be water night and day, smarting or irritathe remedy' you need and your kidneys tion in passing, brick-dus- t or sediment, begin to improve theylwill help all the headache, backache, lame back, dizziother organs to health. ness, poor digestion, sleeplessness, nervousness, heart disturbance due to bad Prevalency of Kidney Disease. kidney trouble, skin eruptions from bad blood, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, Most people do not realize the alarmbloating, irritability, worn-ou- t feeling, increase and remarkable prevalency lack of ambition, may be loss of flesh ing or of kidney disease.1 While kidney dis- sallow complexion, kidney trouble in its orders are among the most common dis- worst form may be stealing upon you. eases that prevail, they are almost the Swamp-Roo- t Is Pleasant to Take. last recognized by patients, who usually If are already convinced that you content themselves with doctoring the Swamp-Roo- t is what you need, you can effects , while the original disease con- purchase the regular fifty-cen- t and size bottles at all drug stores. stantly undermines the system. and-bladde- r annoy-ing,bladd- one-doll- er ar . ! may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Roo- t ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,' Binghamton, N. Y. This gives you the by enclosing to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will also send youopportunity a book of valuable information, containing many of the thousands of grateful letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp-Roo- t to be just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Roo- t are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention this paper. NOTE-- .Ilnister of rublic Instruction Professor Manuiloff of Moscow university. Nicholas Gives Up Throne Both Minister of Wnr and Navy, ad in A. J. Guchkoff, foriscrij presiterim for Himself and the dent of the (luma. Czarevitch. "Minister of Agriculture M. lehln gareff, deputy from Petrograd. Minister of Finance M. Tereschten-ko- , deputy from Kiev. RUSSIA IS NOW A REPUBLIC Minister of Justice Deputy Keren-sk- i of Saratoff. Minister of Communications N. V. duma. Simultaneous Uprisings In Petrograd Nekrnsoff, vice president of the M. Godneff, Controller of Slate and Moscow Empress Placed Undeputy from Kazan. der Guard Emperor Heeds Control Is Complete. Demand to Quit Soldiers x That control by the new government Join Revolutionists and is complete is undoubted. Telegrams Two Statesmen Are from generals commanding at the variSlain. ous fronts have displayed nn astonishing unanimity of support of the new Tetrograd, March 19. Czar Nich- order. olas II has abdicated the throne of Sunday it broke forth in flame. Russia, both for himself and the the government orGrand czarevitch. dered the mounted patrols to fire on Duke Michael Alexandrovitch, his the people. The patrols refused, and brother, who had been decided upon u battle between the police and the originally to be regent, also has abdi- troops followed, regiment after regicated. ment the revolutionists, seizing This ends the dynasty of the Roman- and joining the heads of the secret throwing " offs. police into prison. Russia now is virtually a republic. For three days open battle raged in Monarchy Is Abolished. the streets of Petrograd. ' Strikes in The executive committee of the factories and on street cars were duma issued a manifesto stating that called in sympathy with the revoluthe government of Russia will be han- tion. dled for three months by a committee Wednesday the weeks nightmare of of twelve. For the time being, it is revolution ended more suddenly than stated, the monarchy has been abol- it had begun. Planks were pulled ished. Councils of nobility in fifteen from windows, doors were unbarred, provinces have indorsed the revolu- factories, stores and banks reopened. tionary government. 500 Slain in Revolt. Corrupt Ministry Ousted. The only evidence that a revolution The Russian ministry, charged with had been fought and won was the corruption and incompetence, has been ruins of a few public smoldering swept out of office. cost in life is unknown. The buildings. One minister, Alexander Protopopoff, is It believed, however, that it did not head of the interior department, is re500. exceed ported to have been killed, and the and sudden as was the Magical as the presiother ministers, as well from transition the old to the new, it dent of the imperial council, are unis believed here that its results will be der arrest. visible in the inalmost immediately is A new national cabinet announced, Russia of a more new stitution the by with Prince Lvoff as president of the efficient and prosecution of vigorous ofcouncil and premier, and the other fices held by the men who are close the war against Germany. The duma telegraphed the principal to the Russian people. at the front to use their influgenerals No Peace Movement. ence with Emperor Nicholas in sup. The duma joined hands in the revolt port of the dumas appeal for a popuwhich aimed at the reactionary con- lar government, says Reuters Petroduct of the war and the ineffective dis- grad correspondent. tribution oDfood. Its success means General Brussiloff, commander in a more aggressive part in the war and chief of the armies on the southwestis said to put an end to German hopes ern front, replied; for a separate peace with Russia. Your telegram received. I have The British and French ambassadors fulfilled my duty to my emperor and here already have established official my country. business relations with the new cabiGen. Nicholas V. Ruzsky, member of net and with the executive committee the supreme military council, replied: comnamed by the duma. It was this I have carried out your request. mittee that forced the czars abdicaM. Rodzianko, president of the tion. the sent duma, following telegram to Czar on Way From Front. Nicholas: Emperor London, March 19. A Reuter disIs becoming worse. The patch from Petrograd says that the Measuressituation must be taken immediately, to the is at arrive emperor expected for tomorrow it may be too late. The Tsarskoe-Selpalace and that several hour has arrived when the fate of the regiments with artillery are hastening country and of the dynasty is being to the same place. decided. The Grand Duke Nicholas is reportM. Chtchegiovitoff, president of the ed to have reached the Russian capiof empire, was arrested in his council tal. The dispatch says that he will home and temporarily held in the min probably take command of the troops. room of the duma. isterial information to received According The revolution, which evidently was here the Russian people have been prepared, broke out simulcarefully most distrustful during recent events of the personal influence of Empress taneously in Petrograd and Moscow. Alexandra. She was supposed to ex- The garrisons, which obeyed the inercise the greatest influence over Em- structions of the revolutionaries, immediately took possession of these peror Nicholas. , The Empress Alexandra, before her cities after comparatively little fightsmall amount of demarriage to the emperor of Russia in ing and equally of struction property. 1894, was the German Princess Alix of Hesse-Darsta dt. Petrograd Bridge Blown Up. A popular revolution has been sucIn Petrograd one bridge was blown cessful and the government of Russia up. Strict military rule prevails and rests temporarily with a the army has the situation so well In committee of the duma. hand that it is not expected adherents After three days of battle, in which of the late government will be able to the majority of the 30,000 troops in offer any serious resistance, even in Petrograd mutinied and supported the remote provinces. revolutionists, calm has returned. After receiving word of the revoluThe czars abdication was in com- tion, it is reported, Emperor Nicholas pliance with the urgent demand of the returned to the palace, where he arcommittee of the duma, which notified rived on Wednesday. him that upon his assent depended The following details of the revoluthe fate of the dynasty. tion have been given to the press from a source usually well informed on Troops Back the Duma. affairs: Russian Telegraphing from Petrograd Wedsoldiers refused to act against The nesday, Reuters correspondent says the crowd which started trouble when Kronstadt, the fortress and great naof the ukase issued by Emval station at the head of the Gulf of it heard Nicholas proroguing the duma. Finland, 20 miles west of Petrograd, peror committee which had the On Sunday has joined - the revolutionary movefood situation was to the discuss met ment. Two deputies, Pepelauff and into a provisional transformed partly Tasklne, on Instructions from the d government under the presidency of committee, proceeded to Kron- President Rodzianko of the duma and stadt, where the troops placed them- included representatives of the duma selves at the disposal of the duma. of the empire and of the council The Copenhagen Ekstrabladet reThe garrison agreed to ports that the Russian consul in Hapa-rand- municipality. support the provisional government. Sweden, says that former PreThe proclamation by the military mier Sturmer and Minister of the Inin Petrograd forbidding any governor terior Protopopoff were killed in Petro- street and declaring that assemblages grad. Both were charged with any disorders would be ruthlessly supsympathies. pressed made It apparent that affaire New Cabinet Announced. were than the dispatches alnew national cabinet is announced, lowed graver by the Russian censorsihlp would Prince Lvoff as president of the indicate. Panic-stricke- quality of W. L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more 1 than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart styles are the leaders in the Fashion Centres of America. factory at Brockton, Mass., They are made in a by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction ana supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the best shoes for the price that money can buy. Ask your shoe dealer (nr W. Douglas shoes. If he can- 'T'he SPECIAL the Russian people. The members of the new national cabinet are announced us follows: Premier, President of the Council and Minister of the Interior Prince Georges E. Lvoff, Foreign Minister Prof. Paul N. AFTER DIG REVOLT; Ward off attacks of grip colds and indigestion by timely medication with the thoroughly test-- i and reliable remedy of the Ameri-ca- n THE council and premier, and the other offices held by the men who are closo to Sfou HORSE SALE DISTEMPER know that when you sell or buy through the sales You you have about one chance in fifty to escape SALE STABLE DISTEMPER. SFOHNS is your true protection, your only safeguard, for as sure as you treat all your horses with it, you will soon be rid of the disease. It acts as a sure preventive, no matter how they are "exposed. 50 cents and $1 a bottle; $5 and $10 dozen bottles, at all good druggists, horse goods houses, or delivered by the manufacturers. SPOHAT MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Goshen, Ind., C. S. A. Lapse of Memory. Right! Lawyer Youll have to sign your Tommy Pa, what comes after a milmaiden name to this document, madam. lion? Mrs. Casey Shure weve been marMr. Gotrox The fortune hunter, my ried so long that Oive forgot it son. Phwat was it, Pat? Mr. Casey Begorra, 01 used t be The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative so attlntlve t yure cousin Kate, Oim Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without nervousness or ringing In the head. There forgettin mesilf phwlch one of yez Oi causing is only one Brouio Quinine. B. W. QBOVB'S married. signature it on eaeh box. She. Kept Her Word. And She Fell for It. So Edith married a farmer. And u I am not easily flattered, she said. she always said she would only marry Indeed not," he replied. It would & man of culture." be difficult to make you out to be more Well, she did a man of agriculbeautiful than you really are. ture. Died of Premature Old Age! (bt v. 11. piebci, u. D.) Bow many times we hear of co tively young persons passing awa they should have lived to be 7C f $ge. This fatal work is yf? attributed to the kidneys, as, wl kidneys degenerate, it causes toxication. The more injurious the Passing thru the kidneys, the those noble organs do anh the sooner they decay. degei To prevent premature old a e lighten the y onS oy drinking plenty 1 int!? rLi Von$ 411,1 occasiona An before meals can be obtained uric at almost any dru Anunc will overcome such condil rheumatism, dropsical swellings, Amities, scalding and burning uri lieepleaaneea due to oonstant ariarn if youre a or YOU GET STRONG, tired-o- ut "run-dow- n woman, with Dr Pierces Favor- ite Prescription. And, if you suffer from any "female complaint or disorder, you get well. For these two things to build up womens strength, and to cure womens ailments this is the best medicine to benefit or cure. The "Prescription" regulates and promotes all the natural functions, never conflicts with them, and is perfectly harmless in any condition of the female system. It brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and vigor. If you eat the right foods, and not much of them, the poisons In your tem can be kept down and thrown on taking a natural laxative, such as composed of juice of al and long sts as Dr. Piercea Pleat them i ... May-appl- e, sugar-coate- d, to-da- d ' - , o m ACT CASCARETS Vo sick headache, biliousness, bad taste or constipation by morning. box. Get a Are you keeping your bowels, liver, and stomach clean, pure and fresh with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with Salts, Cathartic Pills, Castor Oil or 10-ce- Purgative Waters? . Let Stop having a bowel wash-dayCascarets thoroughly cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour and fermenting food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. will make you A Cascaret feel great by morning. They work while you sleep never gripe, sicken, or cause any inconvenience, and cost only 10 cents a box from your store. Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then and never have Headache, Biliousness, Coated Tongue, Indigestion, Sour Stomach or to-nig- ht Adv. Constipation. Strong Proof. They must be engaged. Tlmts her fourth dance with him this eveShe ning. Thats no sign. Isnt it? You dont know how lie She she dances. THE 3 DS IN DODDS Mr. Robert W. Ferguson, Ilingham, I suffered from kid Mass,, writes: ney disorder for years. Had incessant backache and trouble. Nearly died from it at one time while in Vancouver, but overcame it by a persistent use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Finally I was completely cured. I occasionally use the remedy now in order to keep the kidI neys regulated. have the highest praise for Dodds. Bo sure to get DODDS," the name with the three Ds for deranged, disordered, diseased kidneys, just as Mr. Ferguson did. No similar named article will do. Adv. I see Their Status. they are suspending juries in England. Then they?" theyll be hung juries, wont Goekroasks ARE FILTHY Kill Them B y Using STEMS ElEOTEfO PISTE U. S. Government Buys It 25c and SOLD EVERYWHERE $1.00 Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS never fail. Purely vegetable act surely but gently on the liver. Stop dinner after distr- ess-cure indigestion,1 improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature self-appoint- QUICK LEO LOSSES SURELY PREVENTED by CUTTER'S BLACKLEG PILLS Low-price- d reliable fresh, preferredby western stock men. because 1 they protect where ether vacolnee tail. ym Write lor booklet and testimonials. ff 10-do Pint, $1.00 S pkg. Blacklag Pills, $4.00 Use any Injector, but Cutters!mplest and strongest. The superiority of Cutter products is due to over 1$ years of specializing in vaccines And serums Insist OH CUTTERS Order direct. Tb C uttar Laboratory, Only. II unobtainable Brkly, Cdlfsmla fGood Ffedicira promptly COLDS AND LA GRIPPE. t'fCCVC' Auk for , break-up-a-col- d TABLETS (MCCltd All druggists sell them. . 25c du-m- a, pro-Germ- 1A I QA V3 L. STONESopratPo LmfNd Oil) No more G Ache In Stomach, Back, Bide or Should era; L Dyspepsia. OoUo, ( Headache, Constipation, Piles, Cats Nervousness, Bines, Janadlce, Appendicitis. BM AnmmAfl fla latnM. r1 I at n m . SRSE. 1 ilMsaaBM70a., Dtp! W. N. W-- l, U, Salt Lake II I. Drartom City, No. M. , Chi 12U |