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Show SOUTHERN 8ATL LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE SANDY. Southern Balt Lake OOUNTY ENTERPRISE. Published every Wednesday The double headed eagle steals our Sandy news. liy CO., UTAH BTATB PUBUOTTT Some people have no appreciation W. Dl S. Harrington. Man agar. the good work that a live of 99 East Main St. is doing for the community and paper UTAH P. O. Box 177 BANDY, them individually, and begrudge the Salt Lake Office, 17 Bagla Block. After awhile dollar for subscription. one we donate to years subIntend Subacrlptlon Rataa: peoindifferent few to the 1.00 scription Oaa year In advance 60 ple who are not subscribers. 6 months I months M. Bernheisel of the Capitol Pharmacy hus a well appointed ice cream parlor in his store and is prepared at all times, especially tomorrow, July 4th, to serve you with the best in summer drinks, Ice cream and caudles. Fur & brief resting spell and the enjoyment of cool refreshment you will be delighted with the service you will get at the Capitol Pharmacy No. 1 West Main Street corner of Center street where the cars stop. Free To Our Subscribers. 1Mdi ttlltB 11 a" Every subscriber to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE who will pay one years subscription $1.75 in advance may rend In the name of any child or their own name to whom we will deposit one dollar in the Utah State Building This will start a savings account which will lead to a fortune. St Loan Association Bank of Balt Lake. Tfie oujiTY By 8peclal eTePRise Arrangement with the Utah State Buildipg & Loap Association 40 Clyde Ruddon, son of Mr. and Mrs. one on the Sandy L L. Raddon, is a promising young Rural delivery routes are reading the violinist. Single copies, I cents. next of Suit Lake will furnish to all of its subscribers who will pay up one years subscription In advance for the ENTERPRISE and they are delighted bills. nickles and lifted the for be dimes, saving up sixty days one of these Home Banka to Entered as second class mall mat- with it. Sandy lias Some" musicians. ter, April 17, ISIS, at the post office ONE DOLLAR IN THE BANK 18 WORTH TWO IN are beThe Marriott House is an old land at Bandy, Utah, under the Act of Murray Rural delivery routes YOUR POCKET. ing supplied with the ENTERPRISE mnrk in Sandy and is now keit by L March I, 1879. The on Raddon the L European plan. Deposit one dollar with the dollar THE ENTERPRISE The COUNTY ENTERPRISE is the location hi 101, Mest Main Street, corSTRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. gives you in The Home Bank" anil yon will marvel at best paper in the county in every ner of South First West. how it will grow. sense of the word. Mr. L 1,. Raddon. of the Marriott The old adage, Eat, drink and lie The cut of a handsome nickle home safe, as shown House, 101 West Main Street conmerry, for tomorrow we die, was put here, will take all sizes of coin and paper money and The postal authorities do not per- ducts a neat and commodious Ice to the woods Tuesday evening, June mit can he conveniently carried to the BANK FOR DEPOSIT any advertisements to be posted cream iiarlor and will be prepared to 25, by the officers and teachers of the in the postuffiee except wlml relates of Sandy uud visitors FREE Sandy Sunday school. It was replaced to Uncle Sam's own busines. l)o not serve the people 4th of July celebration with all our lo Made to Help People Save. by: To Our Depositors Saving on the postmaster by asking impose reYou can no more build a bouse without the first dollar 'Feast, laugh and play For in this him to break the law by jiostlng your kinds of Hummer drinks, cool and freshing from his fountain. Ice cream, world of beauty we hope ever to stay. wants on than you can build a house without the first brick." the walls of the office. candies and fruit. There is plenty of in About fifty kuests participated room to sit and enjoy a cool refreshthe festival. The snowy tables were Any Man or Woman We are alwaya willing to publish with ing drink. He Invites his friends and decorated fragrant beautifully one who will of these Home Safes, make it an Intake or for the for public good anything the public to give him a call. rosea and the plates heaped high with to variable rule drop into ltsmne amount no mutter how charitable pnrisises free of charge. luscious berries and cream; the wings each small, day, will be astonished and delighted at the Mrs. Rebecka Ryberg has opened of the evening were laden with the close of the year at how much has liecn accumulated Every dime you Bpend with your ocsong and laughter of the merry crowd; home paper is helping you us well as the slore on West Main Street without being missed. cupied by Reuben Alsop where she dainty maidens with the community In which you live will serve you with delicious ice cheeks and sparkling eyes flitted to The COUNTY ENTERPRISE Is the and cream Bummer drinks, cold anticiand fro beneath the mlldlight HOME PAPER of every town, hamlet coffee and cakes, with lunches hot And mail to the CUT THI8 OUT. wiBh of the joyous party. or farm home in Southern Salt Lake pating every candies and canned goods. She will entitle will Indeed, it was such a merry making This coupon accompanied by ft 1,75 county and is deserving all the busi- be prepared to cater to all who give as one may often read about but sel- ness the Sender to One Years Subscription to the ENTERyou can give it. Help us and we her a call on the 4lh of July. lee dom enjoy, and made all hearts light- will PRISE and a deposit of ONE DOLLAR in the Savings be helpful to you. cold summer drinks will be served. er, the world brighter and scattered Department of the UTAH STATE BUILDING & LOAN sunshine o'er life's golden way. ASSOCIATION to the name of such person as he may and the The merchants of Sandy H. W. Charter and W. L Bateman designate. o Commercial club are helping to pay D. S. have been working arduously to get ENCOUNTY for the the that Name Senders boosting celeFIRST FIRE ENGINE. In successful for a Managing Editor shape things TERPRISE is giving this section. bration tomorrow. Address 177 The old hand drawn fire engine kept Every loyal citizen should help them O. at need at the Volunteer Firemen's hall In by buying everything they Name Childs field A. fine of Elvlin pohas a J. Canyon road Salt Lake will be used in your home stores. tatoes and they seem to be doing well. the firemen's parade tomorrow, July Ills strawberry has turned out well. We reserve the right to reject all The berries are Or send us word and a representative will call and ar range for the starting of your savings. 4th. It will be drawn by 20 veterans large and hardy. The who fought fire in Salt Lake before a objectionable advertisements. A. Campbell, city passenger agent regular department was formed there. advertisers in the COUNTY ENTERThe team will be commanded by yhlef PRISE are all reliable firms and you for the San Pedro line, was in town ICE CREAM AND CANDIES should give the preference of your Friday, conferring with Fire Chief A. George M. Ottlnger. Summer drinks of all kinds, coffee trade to the firms who are helping to Robt. Larson about an excxurslon to o cake cold lunches. Open until 11 and boostmaintain a live, newsy, honest Eureka in August to attend the fire JOUVENILE CORRESPONDENT. m. I keep an assortment of canned p. ENTERCOUNTY like the ing paper tournament. goods, cakes and fancy crackers. PRISE o Midvale, Utah June 24, 1912. Your patronage Is solicited. CHURCH NEW8. Dear Editor: Midvale should be REBEKA RYBERG, Jensen St Kuhre are offering cheap very proud of themeslves for having 14 Weet Main St summer rates on wise coal and the Sunday 8chool at 10 a. m. every such a good night watchman as they care stop. Where the ones In are winter their Bupply. Sunday in all the Wards. laying fcav Mej-rgh When ever Utah. Sandy, folas is The of Bishopric Sandy tramps come ttr 'hut vale in the mornIs of the Satisfies" lows: slogan Crapo ing Mr. F. A. Coldough will get them HENRY G. MARRIOTT WM. D. KUHRE, again In the evening. Saturday even- the Big Store. WM. W. WILSON, BLACKSMITH AND WAGONMAKER ing there were five tramps at the D. Mr. Brand was reported as being CHAS. C. CRAPO, 15 N. Firet West St. near West Main We have particular facilities for A R. O. railroad in Midvale. They L. O. much No are bones better Bridal Groups Clerk. Ward today. ROSENGREEN, machinery, tried to beat the passenger trains. Equipped with NOTHING Is miracle a it that rebut the broken, and rubberr tire But they did not beat it very far. wagon, carriage o is troublesome that we do willingly tons of ore had not crushed him. DELINQUENT NOTICE. plow work pairing, horaeshooelng, They first got on one passenger train m That Is why OUR Photographs are and rode on it for a few seconds and pipe threading, sawing, plow work so SUCCESSFUL. Sandy Irrigation Co., a corporation, lumber or lathe work. Horses clipped. all of a sudden the train stopped and Douglar Cushing of Pioneer Avenue place of business Sandy City, Give me a call. Satisfaction guaranthe conductor made them get off. ran out in front of Dr. J. Robertsons principal Utah. Notice There are delinquent teed. was hit. The doctor and automobile soon Then pretty another passenger the following described certifiH. G. MARRIOTT, train came and they tried to get on took him immediately to his office In upon on account of assessment No. . . cates 15 N. First West 8L Sandy, Utah. there, but it also had stopped and the Midvale and patched him up. The levied March 15th, 1912, the following At the little fellow did not suffer much. brakeman threw them off. several amounts set opposite the same time Mr. Colclough came and 16 So. State Street CHRISTENSON'S names of the respective stockholders: they ran away. They were quite a A sewing club has been formed and No. Cert. Name. Shares. Amt. distance when Mr. Colclough saw them will meet Wednesday evenings at the Bell Tel. 379 20 820.00 Janies Allermand MURRAY, Utah :9(i and called halt; but they did not stop homes of the members, who are Flor418 Enamel Brick & Conthen he took out his revolver and ence Larson, Ada Farrer, Ester Pier10 10.00 crete Co. cried halt; again and they all stopped. son, Eva Elvln, Alice Kuhre, Pearl Rear of Sanders Market, 7 420 Frank Hadley 7.C2 He took them to the Midvale jail and Cushing, Esther Swenson, and Clara "Go John G. Johnson 50 14 Midvale, Utah. We go to the Root of Eye Sight I do not know what became of them. Pierson. And in accordance with the law and Trouble and we accomplish great good. I do not think Midvale has ever had and Saturday. an order of the Board of Directors Open Wednesday Root The the first principle Is a a better night watchman than Mr. The clerks of Sandy are agitating a made the 15th be will for Sunday day of March 1912, so Appointments careful examination and correct diagColclough. 262i-Wendesdny afternoon closing of (he k many shares of each parcel of stock made, ('all Phone Ilyland nosis by latest methods. We thorstores during the hot weather. as sold will be be at may necessary Four years ago Mrs. Stuart asked oughly understand eye requirements public auction ut the City Hall Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Aylett for a hose and prescribe glaeces in accordance to The City Council will meet Friday on the i:,th day of July 1912, at 11 to water the lawn in front of her defects. Satisfaction guaranteed. the 5th. o'clock, a. m td pay the delinquent house. She has just got it and it cer- July assessment together with the cost of tainly must be a fine one for it took houses complain of the advertising and expense of sale. Business four years to get it made. The lawn FUNERAL DIRECTORS. insufficient service of the teleDAVID E GREENWOOD. was nearly dead for want of water. very LICENSED EMBALM ERS. UTAH. They are losing FRATERNAL HALL, MURRAY, Secretary. Now it is watered all the time and is phone company. time and money because of this miserUtah. City, Sandy We will be at Sandy every Wednesday. doing well. The hose is fifty feet MAIN ST. MIDVALE, UTAH able aervice. We suggest the Como long and can water front and back mercial club call a special meeting and M. M. TAYLOR, Manager. BICYCLE SALE. yards. take the matter up at once and investiOffice phone G. Res. phone 259-- J gate the cause and secure a proper 1 will have the next Fur weeks three Between and Wednesday night Open Day and Night. remedy for the evil at once. on sale $"0.00 High Grade Bicycles for Thursday morning the saloon west of the reduced price of $23.00. Good the depot was robbed of ninety-fivWhat has become of the Sandy tires and Newell coaster brakes, men dollars. The owner of the saloon who ANY BODY HERE SEEN And you will alwaya have something is Mr. Thomas Allen had gone for a Commercial club? Are they dead or and boys sizes. NO CHEAP JOHN afto spend as you go. fishing trip, just five days before this only sleeping? We suggest a proper fair. Call and investigate. Open a savings account with us burial If they are dead. If alive why where it will earn 4 per cent annually event happened. Bring me your old bicycle and let not come out these cool nights anil me make it nearly as good as new, or compounded in January and July, $1 will open an account. It will be four years on July 24 since get busy. A special meeting should let me trade you a new one for it. I iniHirt-anSANDY CITY BANK t sell a full line of Mrs. A. E. Bllnn wife of Mr. J. J. be railed at once to talk over bicycle supplies. ReW. W. matters. WILSON, President. Rllnn came to America from her pairing done well and at reasonable HEBER A. 8MITH, Vice-Pres- . or home in Germany. prices. Bicycca rented by the day A. R. GARDNER, Cashier. 128-The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Sanford, hour. Phone, Midvale Utah, Sandy City, W. & HOUR, Midvale is improving geratly a large who died Saturday last at Murray at sixty-eig91 N. Center St. next door lo Odd years, was held building is being erected by Mr. Soter the age of and the fine new theatre on Main Monday from the Sandy meeting Fellows Hall, Sandy, Utah. FARMS AND COUNTRY HOMES. o All kinds street while northward large houses house. The pallbearers were grandPhone 37 PHONE 50. Read a Few of Hie Bargains. are going up. Old frame houses are children of tile deceased. Potted Plants Bishop 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Wa- P. O. Box 336 COME TO MY FOUNTAIN being torn down and brick buildings Kuhre officiated. Speakers were Willter right, Farm Iluuae. Etc. $125.00 for an Acre. put up in their place. They are try- iam Stewart and Reuben Miller. All 8ummer Drinks 40 ACRES. First Class Canal Waing to get a street car through MidI have a large cool Ice Cream ParFLORIST DENTIST vale to Bingham, but there will be a We have intended giving you a good lor, where yon can sit and enjoy ter right, good house, barn, flowing AND FUNERAL FLOWERS CUT I set time think before for oflmplemenls, that our but lalsirs were in long years well, complete happens. paper KEELEY8 CELEBRATED ICE Office, MAIN STREET, DESIGNS. Yours sincerely. olher fields of (he newspaper game, horses, cattle, etc. $250 an Acre. CREAM In connection with Over Moving Picture Show, Greenhouses 10 ACRES, 5 In Wheat and 6 In and we did not gel down to it until 12 for which I have the exxcluslve agency. WILHELMINA BUNN. A-- l Store. $1,800. Water weeks ago. We have met with great I also sell Candles, Fruit and Sand- Barley. Right. MIDVALE, UTAH. o 214 East 2nd South St. success. FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. wiches. Give me a call. Latet Methods of Palnlese Dentistry. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Office! State St., one block south ol You can never keep a good news L. L. RADDON, CALL AND SEE ME. Leave orders with S. M. Taylor A Midvale Switch. Times are never Hard" In Sandy. liaper down. Honesty of purpose and At the Marriott House Co MIDVALE. Utah. 9 a.m. to 6 p. m. Office Hours: r. O. Address, MIDVALE, Tli ere Is always something doing. merit will tell every time. 101, West Main 8treet, Sandy, Utah. 1 IS month rose-kisse- Nearly every d COUNTY ENTERPRISE W. P. Harrington Box Sandy, Utah . -- Cl?e tribal Mrs- Picture Hower, Photographer llol 5-- 8 Bjorn Optical Company Save as You Earn e He Sells Land Walter W. P$ir)g Dp- 3. H. Bowi? |