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Show i I t ONLY PHILANTHROPIC. iEPOUS T Ss ihTW 1 FIRECRACKERS 3aj A'- - "TH5 GLORIOUS FOURTH. - vas if th'ejti wtfcpped st!, protest; iskod hinr.'r L tnepest of tKjh &$fWejrs in the WBBht .And said that he thought c' v iV V has-filledm- ipad day? X , Trouble Ahead. Ciitncey Phwat's all th' thrnbble In th' alley beyant? Hogan Some o' th' bys fed Caseys goat a dozen av these cannon crackers an now dhey's thrylu t git him t' ate a box of matches. , I do net wantto kill the vsd simflywant to see That for an ,nour or tva?he jrii aAppe blown aWayj frem me77 jfL That I may haveahance.to jbreatne a question soff fS ' and low This little Lads the brother of a girl, and I'm her beau! h m There is pe lisps no other industry to broad or Bit varied as farming. No vmnuf'ictnrer encounters so many elements and no factory Is eo delica'e or perishable or iiitput Its market so uncertain as that of the 'armer. One of the main advantages of farming under Irrigation is that the water Rttpply needed for the growth of crops which 1s one of the most, if not he nicst. uncertain factors in other farming, is very largely under the of the grower. This advantage, however, has hitherto scarcely been grasped by the T infers in the humid section, nnd fe realize thnt with a small outlay rn Irrigation plant ran be The doctors! 0 regarded aa humid, for when thin amount of rain le fairly well distributed throughout the year arable land ean usually be farmed. This measure of aridity divides the United States into two nearly equal parte, east and west, marked by a belt of emlarld country located near the ninety-nintmeridian. Although this division is based upon the moisture supply of the climate, it is not a true Index of the need of irrigation, aa many sections having an annual rainfall of more than 20 inches do not during the growing season receive a dependable precipitation sufficient for farming purposes. Rains must come at atich times and in such amounts as mill properly moisten the soil for the preparation of the seed bed and will furnish a reasonably constant supply of moisture to germinate the Redd and develop the plant until it reaches maturity. A check in this supply of soil moisture at any stage of the growth affects the quality and quantity of the yield and may greatly reduce the profits of the grower. The real teat of what is a humid section is therefore not the total annual rainfall, but the monthly, and. in the case of many IRRIGATE WITH TOMATO CANS plants, the weekly amount dttrinR the growing season. Viewed in this light. Easy and Effective Way to Start Irrigation becomes a national need Plant in Dry Weather la Dea western pracrather than scribed and Illustrated. ! f s I. i I I t e;y NS When Ixplainabou Con- Pasture land that Is Ic heavy sod does not let the water aoak la readily; therefore it is necessary to have the water running for a day or two in the same place. If cattle or horses are allowed ou the land while the water le running they will cut the sod up considerably, and by trampling and puddling" the ground will sometimes kill out some varieties of grass for one season. My practice is to have the pasture divided by a fence, writes J. A. Barkhoff of Cascade county, in the Breeders Gazette. Then one part can be pastured while the other soon as is irrigated. the As ground is dry on top one may turn the stock into it nnd irrigate the other part. The practice of keeping the stock off pert of the field at a time also gives the grass a chance to make a better start. On our clay-loahere, for a pasture that Is only to be used for a couple of years, we seed timothy, alalke clover, alfalfa and a sprinkling of perennial rye grass. Where a permanent pasture is wanted we use Austrian broma grass (Bromus inermis) with a sprinkThe ling of alalke and alfalfa. Brome grass has the advantage of being able to withstand close pasturing and much trampling. It also comes earlier in the spring than the olhera. Brome grass is difficult to eradicate when the pasture ia broken up for field crops. The pastures should never be grazed closely. The grass, and especially the clovers, should get high enough to allow a clipping to be made with the mower once during the season. tice. Their Busy Day. Who shouted tho impassioned orator. who among us has any cause to bo happier than his neighbor on this glorious day of the nation's birth? A man with his head bandaged and both hands in a sling, arose In the rear of the hall and exclaimed: y XvXXNv 'Cause Uncle Ed, he give me a quarter to do it with! But that is rto excuferiuiis." in auick renlv we said. enbugh;' The Boy Poor little gal! Shee so keered dat It would be positively In me not to awat her and take de firecrackers away from her! Mr. Prosy My boy, do you know why you are celebrating this grand Kfd Wa- !By MI IX) B. WILLIAMS. United States Department of Agriculture.) A climate having an annual rainfall of 20 Inches or more la generally Nearly All. One moment" hissed. the' purch&krMjto ouFYeady '- ear. o M ,t I'm not surprised thaTyoy re. 4i ' Y doing here, But this young imp has worried me fo halfayear orso And ithas come to this point that tHe kid or I must go! Hes mademy life a burdenhhe soul AnOther for tfwstuffSx Crope le Largely Under trol of Grower. Mrs. Xaybore Did your little brother come home from the Fourth ol July picnic all right? Little Lizzie Yesm all except his hair and fingers. who. jiever That IRRIGATION FOR THE PASTURE Where Land 4a Heavy Sod Water Should Bo Allowed to Run for Day or Two to Soak IL One ter Eupply Required for Growth of Gone Over tor the Enemy. The Pup Wow! Ill bet I never, never will bark an wag me tall when Independence Day la mentioned after this! thinglHlhe had fe7 ws acting Hkeman X One of Main Advantages Is First to Assert Mens Rights. Thomas Jefferson and his colleagues In the continental congress did not by any means invent liberty and equality. But they were the first legislative assembly to declare that all men are ea titled to equal rights. gening fof hWjipi? a We ioicThjm IS NEEDED Where Rainfall Is Less Than Inch in Fifteen Days. Not Qualified. The Ladles' committee on the celebration of the Fourth was discussing the proposed program of exercises. I think, suggested a dimpled blonde, that It would be awful nice to have some man with a good voice read the Declaration of Independence. At this Juncture a woman with a square Jaw and deepset eyes observed: It might be well, but I am opposed to having a married man read the document It does not do to allow them to encourage themselves too much. Mt- IRRIGATION The following ia an easy and effect way to start plants lu dry wcaiher: Sink an ordinary tomato can, with a hole inch from the totiom, in the ground so that the hole w'll be near tbe roots of the plant, says a vrlt-- ire f I s eon-tr- which will insure them Mr. Torpedo Well, you certainly Installed ' dote or partial crop failconi a against must celebrated! have Nf patriot. ures droughts. best That's the to world in the Mr. during Cracker tL see way cant Im Yes; X 'X you X X & fa js, show patriotism. Farming conditions, however, have completely busted? greatly changed in recent years. The soils in many localities no longer produce profitable yields without the application of artificial fertilizers; the ' value of farm lands has greatly inAN OBJECT LESSON. SOME STATISTICS. creased; farming methods are more If all tlm burnt fingers of today intensive; more valuable crops are People are careless, said the man aero oil one man. and he were to with the big firecracker in Ins hand, being grown; and consumers are de- er in the Popular Mechanics. Tamp manding a greater variety, a better the dirt around both plani and can, if they would exercise common si;i':e them with a hammer whilo driv-nqnallty. and a more constant supply of and fill the latter with water. Kocp a nail, the yell he would omit sense wo would hoar of less ureldents delicate farm products. Thus, the the can filled until tlie plant L; out of on would bo ho loud that It would the Fourth. farmer of today Is obliged to expend danger. v:il:en tbo oldest inhabitant of Saturn lie touched tlie lighted end of his a large amount of money to produce a "rom bis midday nup, and the sound rigur to the fuse, and resumed: would pass the nearest fixed star In crop, and if for any cause this crop There is no danger in the use of Irrigation Plant. Is a failure his losses are greater than i.ccunds from It left time who the Every grower ahould uim to control fireworks if those "orty handle them! in the past. The wheat grower of all cultural conditions aa far aa pos. :Lo earth. think of tho risk they arc running. I Kansas may produce a crop at an av- sible. This can often be done by inhave shot off firecrackers since I was slant. Ixuies erage cost of $10 per acre, while the stalling an irrigating If all the regrets over the money old enough to strike a match, and nevsouthern California from frost can be avoided sometlmsa of citrus grower even er a burned.' l got finger wasted In fireworks were to be Is obliged to spend $400 per acre in by corering plants wiih soil, straw or A sn.ile of recollection came upon in one plucu they would make an growing and marketing a crop of other mulches. Insects and diseases and lit dropped his hand idly s.ir of gloom so thick lhat the sun- his navel oranges. To insure the wheat may be avoided in various ways. It shine would not get through It for 111) to his side while lie said: crop against a possible drought might is true that losses are bound to ocI remember once when my T'ncle vars. not pay. while to insure the orange cur. but their frequency ran be greatThotn.'is came to our house on the crop is an absolute necessity, for if ly limited by the application of sciFourth. I was a fuuiII boy ut the time, If all ilio (legs to whose tails the pumping plants which raise water ence and the exercise of good Judgbut I recall distinctly that we hud an crorki-rwere tied today were placed old from the bed of the Santa Ana river ment cannon, mid I'ticle Thomas Inwould he sist toy for the orange orchards of Riverside, .:i single file the lending-du- g d upon telling us boys how to tire Cal , were to be shut down that region running through Bombay while the it. Well, sir. would in time revert to a desert. Allast dog would he la caking for a:i Whack! ll.mg! Wow! Now York. ir alley though thn annual precipitation in the Wi'hcui ;i oiogl.uig for hi haste, ritrns regions of Florida is 5 inches, tho man who had held i!in hreeracker while that at Riverside is only 10.74 If all the hot a.'r In the de r:.n to a iki'g store, leaving ids friend one should not conclude that inches, wer-.it would today upon tint pecessdy of beiug is not necessary in the forIrrigation l.!l a tiir.k eighty miles l:!p!i and a ref Hi. mer. rx there sre periods when less eu mih s w Ide. ni.d would bo Give cows of Balt. Keep t. than 1 inch of rain falls in .TO days, before them plenty i la .it ;i fiiy of at all times. ,r a e.t such times the application of a DID IT. nnd WHY HE It ia usually a question whcllier or iui'ig tho cumin:; winter. small amount of water may be follow- not it is advisable to feed grain to ed by as good result as at Riveron pasture. If r.ll l.o co'ulng roman rar."e-,-hside. The row usually is wide ;lT could l.c n.a.li ono into i: Under pvorngn conditions It is safe in the good dairy the face dished beil!d l,e N.ll lUDUgh to ivacli t!:.i to say a drought occurs whenever the tween forehead, the eyes, with u strong under end the bo.I.a shot fmo it precipitsilnn in any lldav period falls Jaw. silo tho .Viii.y Way and eoiil.l It has been the writers below Salt the butter enough to keep off the north pole tj Jupiter, obseravtion that crops will usually it. Belt increases only the hut little weight the-.'it would not Ir it even suffer if they do not receive consider- and too much big the of the spoils quality or .st far amount of the more this than long rt;oi.!;i rough rain, butter. ably lYtTige !c:.ll Loy. especially daring the spring and early Fence breakers are educated by poo summer months. loiter In the season fences hut having poor feed Inside the exnot be needed, this quantity may WILLIE SURVIVED. pasture and good feed Just outside is cepting for lave garden truck and some the best educator. fruits. liis w1 h Often the only difference between a '.lilt s in axui'S, tml. gentle cow and a kicker Is that the KII.I'I flnsii r. J.'iiS.' Is Cost of Raising Chicks. first had a little handling while a One eya lii.e'k Mini ti:,i:,l to the New York agri- heirer, und the other didn't. J'hi y i lit his Hhirt u'f of liim According . J'o ariift skin on liU cultural experiment station the cost Ubc the best grade of oil you cal, Fir l.o vim 8lmwii: YVlliin of food, per chick, to weigh one pound, buy for the separator. The difference liiii woulilu'l erirk. Wiiy on ground grain, Is three rents; on in cost Is little but the difference la whole grain, three and Unc'.e'ii In tiia satisfaction Is a great deal. .Minus lots of tl.'ln; In After rents. tests The men who suffer least during the repeated making Oh, we girl flag 'Tli'in.li and tlmcrr ini.!ng, this station says the ground dry season are the dairy farmers. The) feeding, Pplints upon his sl.ln; sever. love King Stranger My dear little boy, grain ration proved considerably more always hsve an income, for there is al They turned t lie Iiok upon him No matter In tine to rava hli eyn, trail of why do oit .tie those firecrackers to feet. profitalle than the whole grain ration ways some crop that can be fed profit her lie wum il.owinK Wlllln of that dog? with the growing chicks, and the same ably to the cows. tall the I Our Mm 1X11:1(011 woulJn't rise. girl Why flag was true of capnna or equal weight Little I!oy Aw, he's an Kngllsh masWherever you find a well kept fans tiff. from these rhlrks, and from others you will find the grain raised on It Is VutluT'M fe'dinir awful. She sits mottled in Mooning in dlutra; If equal weight and age fed alike be- fed to stock right on the place. Fur .iuyn IL Kirnply rulnod fore capnnUing. HE niers are fast iludlng out that the best KNEW IT. tousles. Hack t.ri aiiilis of her ilrosi: Btm aim loil her oollar. paying stock is dairy cows. floats old An and a cuil. flag gaily Watrh the cow that comes In freh enthused The patriotic crowd, being Best Feed for Hogs. For ahe whs Mhow lng Willie I In flutter In good pasture. It Is Just at this time by the exorcises began singing tho Corn is ho heBt feed there Is for Why bis plnwheeli wouldn't whirl. of the year that mnny cf the best ilanncr." Soon everybogs, but Its full value ran only he are spoiled nr pavtiy spoiled. Dont tiranda lieRoes on crutohes turn was te to tc turn," tear-dimmbody singing I is when In eulizi'd it used cniijunc-doWhen with rot at ull them always them a single hour. eyesi man one neglect who is as usual, lustily except collided a with Ha with other feeds. The turn the rows out when the maid Many of Homan candle bail. to word the the song flag sang every Hut what about you nr WlllleT first siamrs of grass come. Better wait end. For me Whan Raising Squabs. bury bim? until they can get a good bite. Whoa laiter it was learned that he was I Why, Wlllla rami tlirourh safely It costs a lion t six cents to ralBe a the cows do not get enough grass Our girl flag they Unsoathsd in lift or Umb. foreigner. iquab of five weeks of ago. will go hungry before eating dry feed. x1 g x Real Patriotism. i A good citizen is always t The Girl and the Flag g collrc-l-c.- fiit-e- , j j I s he" s Fi'iK-cla-- - ivt-ru- l colb-ru-- n'ii'-,i::- siiil'u-h-:.i ot I . ir.i-oi- , 1 , i:,-h- . 1m 1 I ;.l i liiu-li- CTiu-ki-i- s heres to the And nothing our the seven-tenth- s and the love can our wayward and our forever on her throne the shade, A crown on her curly And over her the a of loves carousals . I m!1h-er- Star-Bpangle- And slo-the- see and the but never shall exist but these and our forever ed A s n s I ,L it- ' ' 9mS hfr 1 |