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Show SOUTHERN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE ''db ALTIKA 2.10! i. The celebrated standard bred stallion trotting Altuka 2.10 will make the season at H. M. Pearson's farm in Sandy. Here Is an opportunity for the horsemen to breed to one of the greatest trotting stallions in the world. is one of the best Overalls, and Dry Goods. Notions, Ribbons, tf dents ? $1.HU. Kale 75 c 23c TROTTING FRIEND. Mil 1 4WH444449 1 J The double headed Eagle steals our The COUNTY ENTERPRISE has the largest circulation of any county weekly in the State and is considered the best family newapaper. Storage Rate The Murray people are subscribing to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE as they consider It the best paper pub- m lished in the county. Three months only lb cents. trial subscription building formerly occupied by Consol-dateWagon ft Machine company and it Is being remodeled and prepared lor the insulation of the machinery Not sufficient acres of com has been planted to make a good run but enough to make up the years work will be imported from .Kansas this year. d COUNTY ENTERPRISE Ads BRING RESULTS See! See! Crapo Miss Leonore Watts entertained Miss Craig front Wyoming for a few days last week. Your credit is good with us. Send us your name and address ou s postal card and we will send you the COUNY ENTERPRISE and you can That'a all." pay when convenient. WE HAVE MANY BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. BOYS SHOES, Regular $2.00, Sale MENS SHOES, Regular $2.50, Sale LADIES SHOES, Regular $3.00, Sale $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 DRESS GOODS HALF PRICE. Dont Delay Calling for These Bragains. You Can Save Many Dollars by Purchasing THIS WEEK. Sandy Commercial (q. STATE ROAD AND WEST MAIN STREET. SANDY, UTAH. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Uankr, Mr. and Mrs. Bowden of Winder ward and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bateman of Sandy were guests of the Indian war veterans at Hooper on Tuesday of last week. ! i I ; ; sum The broom factory have leased the Mrs. A. A. Bird and daughter Helen visiting friends In California. They will spend the summer there. ; 9ia Main St, 8andy, Utah. Phone Midvale 148. JENSEN & KUHRE 'he are Closing Out Sale xDrff you XOittter. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE only t.hu a year in advance. 30h Murray City readers to COUNY ENTERPRISE this week on Goal will expire July 31st f 9U. y0ur Mrs. 1 lower the photographer has gained a reputation for making artistic pictures and people come to her studio from all parts of the county. She takes delight in her profession and studies to bring out the best effects in good picture muking. She is an artist of her profession. J. W. McHenry will represent Mur(ktmmer-riaray in the Trans-Mississip- Congress. pointed hint. Governor Spry Gives Big Values CRAPO SATISFIES l NEW INTEREST ADDED THIS WEEK A REPEATER SUMMER DRESS DRESSES Lingerie Dresses, princess style, trimmed with lace anti embroidery; colors, blue, white and pink. $8.00 values $2.98 $5.50 values $1.98 SHOES. GOODS. Marquisette, silk strips, 35c regular 55c, now Silk Foulard 55c, now 20c Filet silk stripe (iOc, 45c now Bordered lawn 25c nowlOc SKIRTS. 15 to 30 per cent off. RIBBONS. One third off. See counter. One Beauvais brilliant 35c now 17C Alice Blue silk GOc 40c now Arabian silk GOc now, 45c Dotted Swiss 17Vc now 10c 30c Tissue, Egyptian now 20c Scotch Plaids 30c: now 20c Voile GOc now 20c Dimity IVfca now. Lawn 35c now, . . ...i7yac .12c third off, ready to wear hats. PARASOLS. Joseph Doty of Murray has gono Into voluntary insolvency. Ills liabill ties are given hs 81,141.85 and assents as 8iuu. The best county paper ia the the COUNTY ENERPKISR, and the people appreciate the fact by subscribing for It and getting others to WAISTS. 10 Fresh from their boxes, full of comfort, style and beauty. Trices, Oe. to $4.00. , 0 i Cool per cent OFF. and refreshing, beautiful and dainty varieties to suit every taste. Feet that trudge along country lanes, feet that follow the plow, feet that twinkle over dancing floors, must all be fittingly and neatly shod. Our fine boot shop lias sturdy oxfords of comfortable cut in tan and gunmetal calf. And whether you choose the excellent shoes at $3.00 a pair; the fine handmade shoes at $5.00 or the styles at $3.50, $4.00 anti $4.50 you will find at Crapo s the very best shoe of its kind. SUITS. $15.00 now $7.50 $8.00 now $4.00 We are- - closing out mens and young mens suits at one Itnlf the regular price. UNDERWEAR. Keep cool, a pleasant Keep Kool unthought. derwear a happy realization. Buy it now for summer comfort. $1.00 CRAPO SATISFIES stihscrilie. The funeral of Mrs. Merlun Taylor who died June 21 was held in the First ward chape! lust week Bishop Michael Mauns officiating. Interment was In the City cemetery of Salt latke. CRAPO SATISFIES OF SPECIAL BARLAST WEEKS ANNOUNCEMENT GAINS MADE A HIT. SO EXTRAORDINARY AND UNUSUAL WERE THE VALUES OFFERED THAT MANY DOUBTED, THEN WONDERED, .THEN PARTLY CAME TO THE STORE, WERE CONVINCED, MADE PURCHASES, AND WENT AWAY SURE OF THE FACT THAT CRAPO GIVES THE BIGGEST BARGAINS FOR THE LEAST MONEY MILLINERY. ap- . . The special election upon the question of bonding the city for 8CO.OHO to operate a municipal power anil light plant will he held Thursday July 25. W4WWWWW4HH44 Everything in Our Dry Goods and Clothing department Must Go at Half Price. it- news. More than U00 employes of the Amercian smelti r at Murray will be affected by a sulary raise which took effect July 1. Every worker will receive from 15 to 40 cents a day InOffice of the COUNTY A full force Is now working. crease. PRISE 99 East Main St. Sandy, Utah. result of the two weeks' sale was very satisfactory. Midvale. PEARSON. .. Sandy, I 'I ah. k -- The Iris t heat her is the great attraction in the pin tire show business this week. The M. MURRAY. The rambler in his rambles hears a Ogden. Utah, October 18, 1897. W. W. Wilson, Sandy, Utah this week Hon. good many strange things, Dear Friend: Your of the tilth re (he story gues. ceived. I sincerely hope you will be That among the many things that successful lu your race. And how any make life worth living ou this old of the laboring men of your city can planet, la the fact that there are some refuse to give you hearty support Is people who can be absolutely relied a mystery to me, after the able aslst-anc- e upon to keep their word. rendered them by you during your term in the first session of the That life at its simplest is complex legislature. Had it not been fur the and difficult. able and manly assistance given me by you and Mr. Ferguson we would That it doesn't cost a cent to say a never have been able to have passed kind word or do a kind act. It is the eight hour hill. worth a million dollars and doesn't As to other measures, you were alcost a cent. ways on the right side, as the Journal files will show. That there is a world of difference The laboring men as a class make between Impertinent meddling and the mistake of not supporting their sympathy, encouragement, helpful- friends, too often men that they ness, cheerfulness, and true fellow- know are true, men that have been ship tried as you were tried and found true. We aa a class need all the friends we That Bernheiesls klddo's In the can gel, and when one like you is parade at Sandy will be quite an at- turned down we are told that labortraction. There will be 24 of them on ing men will not stick together, and It the flot. is too often true. We coulld have more friends in responsible positions That Miss Pearl Wilson made a if we The htayed together better. -to- Salt-- Lake on Friday to fiyleg-trip men will working surely carry you do some shopping. through with flying colors. Wishing you success, I am. That Mrs. W. W. Wilson of Sandy Sincerely your, will serve ice cream, cakes, candies, LEE A. CURTIS, fruits and soft drinks at the old Chairman Labor First Committee, Osterman comer on the 4th of July. Utah. of of State the Legislature N. B. The above letter was reThat IV. W. Wilson is out for county ceived during Mr. Wilson's randidury commissioner Bubject to the republl for Justice for Sandy. City can convention to be held in August. That he has a fine record as a public servitor and should win in the race. 139-- J, STALLION ALTOKA 2.10 !i to 112 EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. A WORKINGMANS For rail particulars . Oldham, Powell & (g ., THE RAMBLER. 1-- two or more mares. li. a 106 2.9 further phone Delivered free of Extra Chftge. OUR PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT. See Our Announcement Next Week ;; I Allerton a. Price This Week .'0 Out Hoys Blouse Waists, This week Fine Line of Mens Work and Dress Shills at Bargains This Week Only. Fancy ami Staple Oroeeries, Cutlery, Crockery ami Tinware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Drain and Feed. Good sons of the leading century sire and grnndsire 1911. If you desire breeding size, beauty and speed, breed to Terms: 20 the season, with a reduction for urisngsf SPECIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK. Ci'tila Sunitury Sum iiht Fnderwear, Dcgular Price j a . r C. C. CRAPO & SONS CO. 118-120-12- 2, EAST MAIN STREET, SANDY, UTAH. |