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Show SOUTHERN SALT LAKE COUNTY ENTERPRISE MIDVALE. Wliut in the matter with Midvale that they are nut making a big howl for the 24tb. (let busy Midvale Commercial club, Midvale Business Men, Midvale City Council. Co to Sandy on the 4th. Help them and in return ask them to come to Midvale on the 24th. They'll do it sure. Duut lay down and quit. Keep smiling. We know things are quiet, and times are hard, but belter times are coming. Keep smiling. Your own town is what you make it. And if you would have a good lively town, you must push, ull and boost. Now is the time to get busy. Boost for your home town. Roost. If yc.t ever see a tall man. or he might lie short, it don't make any difference, walking or riding around, either way will da And all at once he sees you, and he comes up toyou, and says: Mr. can you tell me where 1 can buy u farm cheap? Just tell him that he is looking for Keinp. He might not know lliat Kemp sells laud ISM? i Once more we would suggest that the is'ople that live In this locality take some steps to have the reckless driving ol automobiles stopped. Some of ihese people that drive these machines seem to have very little regard for the lives of people who drive along State street in buggies. Several people have hud narrow from being thrown from their buggies recently on account of these drivers failing to stop their machines when they could plainly see that the horses were about to nin away with the occupants of the buggies. And because they do not give enough room on the road that people can drive by them in safety. Now it seems that there must be a way of having this thing stopped before some one Is injured or killed. As we have stated before, the majority of people that drive machines deserve a great deal of credit for the manner in which they handle them, and the regard they show to people on the road. These articles are not written for their benefit. But those that know that they are the law, when they disregarding reach thg' south limit of Suit Lake City are the ones that we would have "sit up and take notice." A bouse on Center street belonging to Mrs. Annie G. Cutler caught fire from the sparks of a passing engine last Sunday. The Midvale Fire department made a good run with the chemical engine and hose cart and soon had the fire under control, the roof was quite badly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hewitt and family paid Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kemp a farewell visit last Sunday. Mr. Hewitt and family expects to move to San Diego, Cali., in about a week, where he has accepted a position with the San Diego Tribune. Professor J. C. Hogensen of the extension division of the state agricultural college was at the Cannon farm, west of Midvale last week, where the e state has invested in a tract and is conducting a series of demonstrations on various forage crops. six-acr- "sure nough deer wwhlch had the temerity to wander from his mountain last nesses Into the town of Midvale Tuesday afternoon of last week, ended its Joyful days of freedom by A being captured alive. It Is now the property of Johnnie Gardner of West Jordan. Gardner caught the bold animal when It fled to the river, When first seeu it was calmly eating turnip ami other vegatables from the garden in the yaard of S. B. Silencer, Midvale Western, ugent of the Rio Graude not caring particularly io have his garden destroyed by his vegetarian visitor, Mr. Spencer called his dog and The alarm was the chase began. sounded and many tioys and dogs joined in the chase. The heer fled toward the river to escape Its pursuers, taking renres in true style. One high hedge fence was too much for the animal, however, uud it When lost a horn In going through. it arrived at the river it became by ihe cries of the pursuers and easily captured by the Gardner boy, who waa swimming in the river nearby. Gardner caught it with his hands while the animal was in the water. cross-countr- y win-fuse- d Boston, June 27. The United States Smelling company lias filed with the Massachusetts secretary of state n certificate of Its financial condition, dated April 30, as follows: Asssts. Real estate and property. .$38, 0C1441 9,386,748 Cash and debts receivable Total Liabilities. stock and scrip. Capital reserve Depreciation Funded debt Floating debt Profit and loss $47,448,189 .. .$41,871,700 244,743 4,000,000 1,3001,889 29,857 Total $47,448,180 The above figures relate to the ohldlng company and do not represent depreciation reserves and surplus cf the consolidation, which are $3,052,161 for depreciation and $3,148,870 for profit and loss surplus. You are invited to call at the ENComplaints are being made daily of the Midvale phone service. The Com- TERPRISE office No. 99 East Main mercial club should take up this mat- Si. and the Federal building Is just oh ter with the head office of the phone the it her corner. company in Suit Ioike City. 99 East Main St. Don't forget tbe The school census for the past uuniber. Call iu and leave your subENTERseven years was as follows: In 1905 scription to the COUNTY there were 3,729 children attending. PRISE and enjoy the reading of news You now have a In 1906, 3,738. In 19U7, 3,969.. In 19uS, while it Is news. In 1910, 4,565 real boosting taper in your communi4,114. Iu 1909, 4,311. and lu 1911, 4,631.. Of thiB number ty and should show your appreciation only oue little girl was deaf and dumb. of that fact by subscribing to it for oue year. Come in and leave your Miss Irene Goff of Midvale and name and address, if you ran't spare Charles Brown were married in Salt the dollar now. We will trust you. Lake last Thursday ami are living in YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Bingham Canyon. W. W. Wilson is announced for tbe The C. S. Smelter team and the of- office of county commissioner and lie fice men in Salt lake played a game will have a host of followers. ul ball on Saturday. Tbe smelter Isiya defeated the office hoys by a Sam Perry of State Road and Main score of 17 to 9. St. has lieaiitlfieil his Inline by the erection uf a neat nusleni fence with We get out and get the news and iron Rates. do not have to take ur steal any us some sneaky brazen faced Sarah Atm Pymui mother uf Henry liewspaiier men do. Parks or Granite died Saturday morning at her home in Sandy. Funeral Watch sneaks steal our news. was h'dd .Monday in the Sandy ward meeting house at. 12 oclock iiuoii. Mrs. Jack Burluse lmokkeeper at the Lehi Ppinin a as 72 years old and is surSugar factory celebrated with his wire vived by six children, four boys and their tin wedding at their home in two girls and a brother, Seth Pyniin, About 150 people were invited who lives in St. George. The funeral 38 of whom were from Midvale. Tbe was ia charge of ('. 11. Banka of Murpresents instead of tiu were Aluminum ray. Interment at South Cottonwood and Bllver. Among tbe Midvale guests cemetery. Mr. J. A. Alcorn and wife made up an The('anton-MurraCo. will renew automobile party with Mrs. Howard Phelps, Mrs. Drown, Clarissa Gof and operations at. the mine this nsuitb. Alma Goff. Supper was served the One of the healthiest bankrupt conMidvale guests at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Borlase and later a banquet cerns that has filed a petition in bankwas given all the guests at tbe Com- ruptcy before the United States dismercial club.. Speeches and games trict court fur some time is the mermade the evening pass all too pleas- cantile establishment of Lars Mon son of Sandy. Monson has $7,245.62 as antly and quickly. liabilities and his assessts amount to The M. El church of Midvale will $14,48. Only $110 is claimed exempt. uuite with the church at Murray in a Aleck Brandt a teamster hauling picnic at Liberty park on July 10th ore from Alta met with a painful acciand a happy time is anticipated . dent at Superior Slide on his trip FriHis wagon went into a "chuck A Free Trial Order of the ENTER- day. hole" and he was thrown in front of PRISE will be sent for three weeks to the horses, and between tbe wheels any one sending us their addresses. and embankment crushing his shoulder painfully. He is getting along A sister of James Liddle, tbe saloon under care of the physician. who was found dead Wednes- nicely y porter day afternoon at Midvale after a disappearance of a week, was found by Marshal R. W. Stokes. She Is Mrs, J. R. Rosie of Santa Rosa, Cal. She as found by means of a money order she sent to her brother to years ago when he was sick. Marshal Stokes turned the information over to the Taylor undertaking establishment, who are in communication with the relatives. Few people between Sandy and West Jordan are not readers to the best paper in the county the COUNTY ENTERPRISE. If you have a want ad or a Lost and Found ad. don't impose on the store-- ) keeper to post your poorly written ad but bring it to the ENTERPRISE, and pay 25 cents to have thousands of readera see It. PUBLISHER COUNTY ENTERPRISE: t , Enclosed find for payment for (RENEWAL OR NEW) sub $ script ion to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE. Name State Town 1 year, $1.0U; 2 years, $1.50 -- Au where in the ENTERPRISE is the In Southern Salt paper weekly leading Luke county and advertisers are to lie alive to that fact Watch us continue to GROW. The COUNTY Peter Pierson TIN AND METAL WORKER. Guttering, Roofing and Copper Work. Good Capitol Pharmacy ' Work Guaranteed. of All Kinds. Repairing N. E. cor. 1st North and State Street. Sandy, Utah. SANDY, UTAH. lu business for your Health. S. lT. it Emil Carlson Prescriptions our Specialty. BICYCLES and AUTOMOBILES o it General Repairing dune NYAL'S 100 REMEDIES, Good for All. All Good, Capitol Pharmacy, Agency I If you waul a good Automobile buy lie Michigan. I have the agency. 47 So. MURRAY, UTAH it We have the only Soda FounCall and let us tain in Sandy. serve you. 3 West Main Phone, C. H. BANKS Street. 248-- J. Electricity Supplies Many Hot Weather Comforts. State Street THE COUNTY LICENSED UNDERTAKER. EMBALMER. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Phone 144 347. M U R Mis. State 8treet, RAY, UTAH. if. Malews SPRING AND SUMMER JSflillinery In an opinion banded down by the 142 So. State Street, supreme court in the case of the state of Utah ex. rel T. J. Murdock against And other appliances are so MURRAY, UTAH. Orson Ryan and others ttie lower court is reversed and ordered to disconvenient and economical, miss the action. Are you getting the inost o: The case was the outcome of an at election held in Wasatch county comforts from life by using JOHN HAZELGREN, Prop. which a high school district was esSANDY MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. 8ANDY. them? tablished. Murdock alleged that the 140 So. State SL to no had MURRAY. district of the right people L. E. Laurltzen Salt Lake county City Council. UTAH LIGHT & RAILWAY CO. hold the election and establish a new 1 make that GOOD BREAD. agent of the Deseret News paid tbe City Hall, Center near Main' St. The supreme court COUNTY ENTERPRISE a schol district Pies and Pastry. Cakes, pleasant holds that Murdock's relief if he had visit. He was over A of line Candles, Cigars Groceries, H. W. BURK1NS11AW, looking up busl Mayor jp. G. FISHES, Local Agent, any, should have been to contest the ness matters for the News and look-eTobacco. and J. P. JENSEN, JR. Pioneer Ave. election at the time it was held. We serve Coffee and Cakes. somewhat dazed and surprised at H. W. CHARTER It has been rumored about town UTAH PHONE 311-R- . SANDY, the business activity in Sandy on JOS. P. JENSEN again that the Rio Grande railroad MMKSTAJatSiassaa-- . the Utah time Within short a Light hot summer day. The News has CARL LARSON may build their shops and roundhouse O. J. BATEMAN in Midvale. We sincerely hope that and Railway company will commence large circulation in this vicinity. A. R. GARDNER, Recorder ibis is not only a rumor this time. For the work of building a trasmission line MOIUKDA LUNDBERO, Treasurer It would be a great boost for Midvale from Salt Lake City to Bingham for Notice ye that some of the business IL WHITE, Justice of Peace and vicinity if such a thing should the purpoose of supplying tbe Ohio houuses are using the street and with electricity. W. S. DAVIS, Marshal Be a tailored man or woman and command more respect. I have a full number iu their advertisements? The happen. It would bring a great many Copper company two has The completed empany just line of PROVO MILLS WOOLENS at from $22.00 up for Mens Suite and railroad men into our city, which o COUNTY ENTERPRISE set the pace of one for the lien; proposed surveys $25.00 and up for Ladiee Suite, which I will make to your measure in tbe would mean that a large and now we may soon have all the MIDVALE. payroll latest fashion. Mens Own Material made up from $15.00 up; Ladies Own would be put into circulation each tfiese runs west from the Jordan river houses in Sandy numbered. Municipal Officers. Material made up in Suits $16.00 Jackets $11.00, Skirts $5.00. When order month In this locality. The railroad steam plant to Redwood road, Bouth Mayor, Joseph B. Wright. to Welby and then ing a Suit see me first. Orders left at COUNTY ENTERPRISE Office will boys as a rule draw large salaries, along that highway 8 Councilmen: C. C. Crapo & Sons Co. are at the west to Bingham, passing through be promptly attended to. I do alterations, repairing, cleaning and pressing and they are a class of people that John A. Aylett, 4 years. East Main St. of settlements Taylorsville, Graham, In the neatest manner. R. L. Booth, 2 years. keep the money moving after they get it. It Is to be hoped that the railroad South Jordan, Riverton and Welby, Oldham, Powell A Co are at 106 to R. E Phelps, 2 years. officials will decide that Midvale is the other survey follows the line of 112 EaHt Geo. A. Jenkins, 2 years. Main St.. the proper place for their shops and the Salt Lake rate to highway 50, and Wm. B. McGinnis, 2 years. 531-3- 2 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. CONSTITUTION BUILDING, that it will not only be a rumor but thetT'kouthwest to Bigham. C. H. Ferguson. Treasurer, 101 The postofrice is numbered at said that of Officers the company that we shall actually see them here. Recorder, E. A. Bateman. the present time it was not the inten- East Main street and the COUNTY PHONE. MURRAY 81 corner Marshal, Royal W. Stokes. Frank Kemp has been a little under tion of the company to furnish electri- ENTERPRISE the North West A. Colelough. Frank Night police, of Main and First East street will he the weather with a bad cold the last city at any of the settlements through Building Inspector, James Mills. 99 East Main or 1 N. First East. is the expert uud artistic work that adwill which but line the they pass week. City Physician, J. E. Robertson. we put upon our shirts, collars, cuffs, mitted that such a thing might be posRoad Supervisor and Pound Keeper, now COUNTY ENTERPRISE office fancy vests uud colored shirts, at reaWm. anil Helier Aylett are in Idaho sible In the future. W. Stokes. Royal sonable prices. You never cu,ld tell of on corner the North West open kioking over their Blieep herds. Shear- o-that your garments were dot new If for Main and Look street First East. The deer caught by Johnnie Gardner ing time is at hand. This means much 99 East Main and the postoffice on you didn't know they were your old NURSE, .BOND to the sheep man. This means much was taken from him on Monday by Lea us launder your next bun.ones. the other side of First East. pretty good price now. They are hav- Game Warden J. C.. Smith. c linen at the exiled dle best the to give Thoroughly trained e The deer was noticed a week ago ing their sheep sheared now, and ex' Confinements! cases of care in all The Marriott House L. L. Raddon, this evening eating vegetables in tbe poet a heavy clip. LAUNDRY STEAM MURRAY Iiooked. Call, Midvale, 31-garden of 8. B. Spencer, Midvale proprietor, is located on the southwest We call for anil deliver your launMiss Annie Steiner the stenographer agent for the Rio Grande, lkiyys and corner of Main and First West street, free of extra charge. Nix dry Kil West Main SL KEMP HAS FOR SALE. of the school board is away on her dogs took up the chase. Tlic deer disseveral fences, meeting summer vacation visiting friends in leaped 50 Acre Farm with 26 shares of Mrs. Rebecka Ryberg has taken the water valued at $2500. Tooele. She will return next week to aster In one high hedge, whre it lost IV Story a bora. It ran into the Jordan river, tore vacated by Reuben Alsop and brick house containing 8 rooms, panher duties at the office. where it was caught by the Gardner and keeps a good supply of canned try and closet. Windmill and pump; N. Thompson clerk of the school boy. Young Gardner is eighteen years goods, bread, cakes and crackers. She Stable, Granary and implements. serves ice cream, coffee and cakes, Price $200.00 per acre, Terms $2,000 district was in Bingham lust week on old. and cold lunches. school luisines. He visited the mines cash, balance at six per cent interest. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE is the N and was amazed at the great work See Kemp at State Road and MidTHREE WEEKS TRIAL ORDER Midvale for the clean & there. family paper Powell circles on Co. in Oldhuin, ware busy vale Junction. mining going it. families and very few are without selling goods last week the Tesult of Please send the COUNTY ENTERPRISE to my address for three . The school board have appointed the it pays to advergood advertlsl::.-:weekiT free of charge. If I do not sen il word to the contrary you may conRAG CARPET WEAVER. Mrs. Jsi. K. Brown the milliner her tise. census enumerators and work will be tinue sending it after the three wee ks. and I will send the years sub- a 1 have will go purchased the latest model gin July 15 and must lie completed by daughter Ruth and son Lewis at an early date. Henry G. Marr'.tt. the general of Rag Carpet loom and am prepared scription July 111. Reports will be printed ns to Helper on the 4th of July to visit blacksmith, Is doing a rushing bust-ne- s to make rag carpets from your own soon as clerk Thompson checks them old friends there. these days but is rcudy for more, rags. BeBt workmanship guaranteed Name up and compiles them. Nurse Bond announces in another as he can employ moro help if the at reasonable prices. Your work is The stock room of the school dis- column (hat she is open to book Jier orders come in too fast. Howry ia one solicited. Town ' usimeas men Anna Henderson trict is quite a big store of Itself and services in cases of accouchment, of Sandy's progressive Sandy, R. D. 3, Box 149. when school opens much business will severe diptheria cases and the like. and is an expert in his jirr or busiR. D. of Lovendahls. South ness. Road ate nurse. A She is a thorough trained bo transacted there. a M ry- patronize Horne Industry 114-11- CHAS. W. HUIIL, Tailor Our Long Suit FREE, u |