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Show 1 ' k The Iacadlng Cfounty "WcoHly INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS. All. No partiality shown to any parson or locality In Southern Salt Lake County. VOL. I A BUSINESS INVESTMENT. Advertlsa In tho County Enterprise and reach the leading people in every part of Southern Salt Lake County. I. Fair and Juat to outhern Salt Lalke SANDY, No. 12. UTAH, JULY 3, 1912. $1.00 A Fast, exciting fin! honest racing Is liminlMcd In Hip nniiieiimH events In which will lie entered mhiip of the bc:;i and fastest horses in region. fair1 In a liiiiiu-K cry thing im'.Im i iras:i:i!ili!i in I'jjS, Liven weather, mere will! ti.iil. l.irnmsii be close In l!f.,n-- penpie the I 'lull State Fair gales from s tember 2Hth to October lilli. The o. I tub slioitM help make a rec-ml at tcmlp. nee. Those in charge or the 1912 Fair YEAR IN ADVANCE. MURRAY. Tin' Sunday stake licit an n Friday. r.-- schools nr, Hug of UranRv at TVainlaiiwre r Mr. and Mrs. Alheri Shaw announce cngagi'iiicm of Hieir daughter the llazd to Hernia n l.ypki, tin marriage to take place in August. i 'c elll-ren- Jesse Wheeler entertained Hie religion class ofiicers at her home Tuesday of last week. Mrs. 1 are: - Officers. W W. WILSON. 'resident Jus. (1. McDonald, First Pudniusicr at Sandy. Robert It. it vino, Sec-mictllwns Ono of Hie must progn-.wiv- e 11. F. Itcdmun, XV. Wilton, who came ni Sandy in H. Horace Ensign, TreaSecretary to l lali will) Ills parents In Septem- surer Win. H. Rowe. ber 1S71, nail located in Salt UVe Supervisors. City. Seven years later bis parents R F. Redman, department A. He learned moved Jo Sandy. horses; ( ti. Adney, department IL but wlieu lie eame to Sandy ealtle: J. II. Seely, department C. lie obtained a job in the sampling sheep and swine; Hold. IL Irvine, deroom of the Domingo Smeller, bishop partment I). poultry; T. F. Thomas, Kiihre was elected justice of the imace deimrtment K. dairy products; T. F. l.ul did not quality, after nnirh per Thomas, department F. Aggrlcultural suasion Mr. Wilson waa induced to products, bees, etc.; ( A. Hicken-loopfeaeecpi the office and served faithfully. department (!. Horticulture He wax elected to the Slate Legislaand floriculture; Wm. It. Rowe, deture and fought 111 defense of the H. Agricultural- - machinery, partment eight-hou- r law. The constitutionality etc.; O. II. Hewlett, deimrtment I. of the law was attacked and Mr. Wilmanufactures; Wm. H. Rowe, departson was largely Instrumental in havment J. minerals; Mra Simon Bam8ANDY Cl'Y FIRE DEPARTMENT ing the decision of the supreme court A. Rob't. Larson, Chief berger, department K.. fine arts; of Its const itutionalllty. In 1892 Mr. Mra Emma A. Empey, deimrtment L. Wilson waa elected county commibe willing to appropriate $50.00 to plan. We have all the iiopiilur and Women's work; Mra Simon Bam- FIRE ENGItiEEHS CONVENTION. ssioner und served one term, but did their Suit M. expenses. help Lake, best Belling hooks. educational; defray not come out for another term. In berger,C. department The International Association of Ogden and other large cities of Utah ENTERPRISE. Wm. Winder, speed department. 1897 he was appointed postmaster of Fire Engineers will hold their con- will senuheir fire chiefs to this con99 Kant Main St.. vention at Denver, Colorado, on Sep- vention and Sandy, then a fourth class offlee, which COMPLIMENTS GALORE. ,'i hope Southern Salt he has raised to a third class office, tember 17 to 20. The Fire chiefs of Imke county wilt send a good repre-eentatloUNION. employing four rural carriers with Compliments with the price of a all cities will be in attendance and it one star route to Alla. Mr. Wilson years suliscrlpllon is reaching us will be an interesting and Instructive Midvale,' Bingham, Murray and The Union alumui association gave was elected Mayor of Sandy in 1907, every day. The people have needed convention. Papers will be read and Lundy should certainly be represented. its annual party Thursday evening In served one year and nine months but a clean newsy paper and now that topics discussed that will be valuable The Information obtained liy our fire the Union ward meeting house. Beof on decision account the ENTERof to any Are chief and the cities sending chiefs at this convention will mure resigned they have the COUNTY the postal authorities that no federal PRISE they are ef.ger to subscribe for their chiefs to this convention will be Hum repay for the expenses of Ilie sides the banquet, an appropriate program of songs, music, recitations and officer could hold two offices. While a genuine family and town boosting spendng money wisely. The toplci triii. orations was rendered. The banquet Mayor Mr. Wilson assisted in organis- paper. We appreciate the news Items discussed will .be fire prevention, o rooms were tastefully decorated with ing the Sandy fire department. He sent us. Send us news of your own Motor Apparatus versus Horse Dr "'JJtTERPRiSE CIRCULATING flowers and a full attendance of the was a member rf.. Alert Hose i com- affairs anil nelrfibors. Tho secrets of now Jr .tr, --prr uhHoclai',r actook Lake You of and revealed. Salt never Are for of pany a real City the sanctum are operation department, FOR BUSINESS tive interest In organizing the depart- need have no delicacy about giving us Denver has the reputation of having ment in Sandy, and was the first chair- news of your going and the functions one of the best Are systems la the TAYLORSVILLE. man. He was sent as a delegate to the to take place In your neighborhood. west. Every man in this department The Enterprise Circulating Library first State convention and was elected Your friends in other parts of the must attend a drill school and attain Is now ready to do business with all Miss Wilma Atwood, accomplished Trustee. He was president of the State county will be glad to read the items a certain degree of eAiciency before who desire to become members of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William AtMr. as you are to rend those furnished us be can become regularly appointed our library family. To readers of the wood, and Leonard Firemen's association In 1910-1Mackay of TaylorsWilson is a candidate for county com- by them. Each of our towns in ENTERPRISE we charge no enter-anc- e ville were married at the Halt Lake fireman. missioner this fall subject to endorseo Southern Salt Lake county should apfee or deposit. You pay 25 cents Temple Wednesday. They will reside ment of the Republican convention. The COUNTY ENTERPRISE is a propriate money to pay the expenses for Hie first book which you arc allow- at Taylorsville.' While Mr. Wilson waa county commi- live wire paper and the other fellow of their Are chiefs to this convention. ed to keep out one week and if ressioner he never missed a meeting and will have to hustle livelier than he The round trip fare to Denver will he turned within thut time you only pay A reception to about 150 guests was was instrumental in improving the knows how, to keep up with the pro- $22.50 and the convention will last 15 ceuts for reading each of the latest given at I lie homo of Mr. and Mrs. roads of this section as well as other cession. No fakism about the ENTER- four daya Now if the fire chiefs are novels. Hooks kept out over 7 days John (1. Rupp Ht Taylorsville Wednesparts of the county. Mr W. is a square PRISE, but a real live booster for willing to devote a week of their time will be charged for at a rental of three day evening when their son Benjamin dealer and if elected commissioner Southern Salt Lake county. for this trip the city councils should cents a day. Come In ami get our wns nia cried to Miss Nettie Irown. will give each locality a square ileal. He is liigliy respected in nll parta'nf Hie county and will pull a large vote here as well ms In' Salt ljikcTOily it ll V r, ' library" ! ohen o UTAH STATE FAIR. Fifty-si- x years ago the Utah State Fair was organized under the name of the Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Society, a pioneer society in a pioneer territory, by a few patriotic citizens of Utah who appreciated the good that could and would be accomplished by hucli un institution. The Rurvivlng members of the parent or ganization have witnessed the reallza tlon of their brightest anticipations. Each annual fair has been a succeed ing success, better than the last, with prospects for greater things In the future. On Monday, September .".Oih, the of these great events will oicn, and from present indications. II will lie Hie crowning success of nil. Agricultural methods In Utah arc Practices undergoing a revolution. in vogue for more than a half century are being cast aside and methods are taking their place, and to the end of ncqimiiiHiig the people with ihv proper procedure, ilie State Fair Is working this year. Especial attention Is being given Hie Ihlngs Hint will nuike or II the greulcst educational ns well ns entertaining even! nf the year. The people need instruction and are ilemundlng education, and tho State Fair will furnish il. Progress Is the watchword of the Fair maiuigcinent. There will lie boileriiiont unit Improvement Ht every point in every dollar! inent. Alive to the iieeeslly of linvlng the amusement features of the Fair In keeping with others. sKehil efforts have been initde to secure a line of Ions of such a charncler as not In dlspiensn the most fastidious nml ill the snme time nf such a nature as to pletiMo all classes. t MURRAY CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT Con. Gallagher, Chief. srrrr-Trttr,,'- .:-, The COUNTY ENTERPRISE Is now the LKAHINU in NEWSPAPER SiuiHieru Halt Lake comity. We lead in news. We lend in circulation and in tact everything that goes to make up n good clean, newsy fsiuily paier. Send your name fur a three weeks FREE trial subscription. Our address is 99 East Main St. Sandy Utah. P. O. Box 177. Don't forget to call on us when you are in Sandy everybody is welcome. You can help us with a news item and we may he able to serve you in some way. Make the office your resting place when in Sandy. Don't furget the street numblier Main and the Federal building just 99 East opposite. If you have any product of the farm, and handiwork or work of art to' exhibit bring it to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE exhibit room, and we will give it sjwice there and a mention In the paper. A three weeks trial subscription to the COUNTY ENTERPRISE free of charge will ho given any one sending In their names and address. o PARENTS CLASSES. Commencing with the first Simday the Parent classes of the Jordan Stfilur'w in dlitfnss, Summer TtCiitfro Seeking in July y der the folloing heads: Lesson 1. Sabbath- - Breaking. Lesson 2, Participation by parents In children's pleasures. Lesson 3. Public Amusements, lesson 4. Summer Employment for the young. o You can he an Important factor In the of your own town or community by assisting the COUNTY ENTERPRISE in the good work it Is accomplishing. Subscribe for it and help the good cause along. |